fix articles 174707, cherry hill
Filipinos: LEST WE FORGET! (tags)
We seem to have forgotten that once upon a time, not too long ago, there was this family, the Marcoses, comprised of Ferdinand (now deceased), Imelda (still gallivanting and traipsing the light fantastic in Manila and occasionally, kung maka lusot, overseas), and 3 children, including Ferdinand "Bongbong" Jr who's now running, under Presidential candidate Manny Villar, in the SAME Senatorial slate as political activists (??) Liza Maza and Satur Ocampo.
America's War On Islam - The "Fort Dix Five" (tags)
targeting Muslims in America
Property taxes. No single campaign issue ignites such anger and confusion, especially among people living in the 6th District in Camden County, where they pay the highest school taxes in the state.
Comcast creating a digital apartheid (tags)
Comcast HSInternet is warning and terminating users that use their connections past a hidden bandwidth throughput limit. No numbers are given to help people reduce their habbits stating these are confidential.
Recent new proof kobe sbm is Ned Lyle (tags)
Photoessay on MOVE emergency in Philadelphia, by W. Imarisha and H. Bennett (tags)
This photo-essay has work from both Walidah Imarisha and Hans Bennett. Walidah writes about the current emergency here in Philadelphia with the MOVE organization. Hans provides photos both from the MOVE home last week and of the demonstration on Friday.
I am writing this early Tuesday morning (Sept.17) right after visiting the MOVE home on Kingsessing Ave. in West Philadelphia. I spoke with three MOVE members keeping watch at the front gate of their home while the rest of the family was inside trying to get some rest. The situation is very tense right now and MOVE must be on 24 hour watch. The windows of their house (facing the street) are boarded up in preparation for a police assault.