fix articles 17690, thomas Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : thomas


Women's Groups Unite to Discuss Misogyny of Judge Thomas J. Lo (tags)

Women's Groups, concerned about a loss of rights and lives for female litigants, call for monitoring of Judge Thomas J. Lo's cases

Hate and Misogyny From the Bench: JudgeThomas J. Lo (tags)

Orange County has a serious judicial problem in which the hatred of vulnerable women by a Superior Court Judge is endangering lives.

Judge Thomas J. Lo, A Stain on Newsom's Legacy (tags)

Judge appointed by Newsom turns out to be both racist and misogynist.

Fairer Taxes and Inheritance for all! (tags)

A few people own the majority of the wealth, the rest share what remains. Star economist Thomas Piketty wants to change this. He has developed reform proposals that distribute the wealth of our society more fairly and make our lives more democratic. The most important pillars of his reforms are economic co-determination, fairer taxes and a stronger welfare state.

Capial in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty) (tags)

Inequality is not an accident. It’s not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, big. He proposes a wealth tax of 2 percent.

Sanction the oligarchs, not the people! (tags)

It is time to develop a new kind of sanctions. They must be targeted specifically at the oligarchs who have become wealthy as a result of the regime. This would require the establishment of an international financial registry, a measure that will not please the Western wealthy.

Video: Thomas Frank: Rendezvous with Oblivion, 58 min (tags) offers us reading samples for 202K eBooks and dissertations. Happy reading and happy research!

Stopping The Supreme Court Pentocracy by S Shriver 30 Jun 2018 Who is guilty of contempt (tags)

Who is guilty of contempt for our Supreme Court? The entire world.

Reflections on Jerry Rubin (the Yippie) at Activist Support Circle (tags)

New information and insights about Jerry Rubin were discussed by his biographer Pat Thomas, whose book, "Did It! From YIPPIE to YUPPIE: Jerry Rubin, an American Revolutionary," comes out next month.

Thomas Piketty: Germany has never repaid its debts. It has no right to lecture Greece (tags)

Conservatives, especially in Germany, are about to destroy Europe and the European idea, all because of their shocking ignorance of history... Germany is really the single best example of a country that, throughout its history, has never repaid its external debt.

A Frenchman Admonishes Americans to Equality (tags)

With his book and the data, Thomas Piketty has shaken the self-understanding of American society.. In 2010 the richest one percent had around 20 percent of the total income. In the 1970s the share was under 10 percent.

Video: Left Forum on Thomas Paine 1 hr, 23 min (tags)

BookTV going back more than ten years is an incredible resource turning life into an open door. The future could be open and dynamic, sharing work and exchanging roles, as cloud workers and dream catchers!

Tax man's gloomy message: Thomas Piketty (tags)

“In 1900,” he said, “most people would have said a progressive income tax would never happen.” But it happened.

Capital in the 21st Century: Thomas Piketty (tags)

"There is no escaping the fact, however, that social science research on the distribution of wealth was for a long time based on a relatively limited set of firmly established facts together with a wide variety of purely theoretical speculations."

"Believing without Seeing" (tags)

“Faith is a gift. But faith is also sought and gained by struggling with doubt. For the disciples or the people who want to follow Jesus today, faith is based on the venture of entrusting oneself.” Margot Kassmann was a national Lutheran bishop in Germany.

The Kelly Thomas Protest In Fullerton (tags)

At 10am on Saturday, January 18, 2014, 150 protestors gathered around the Fullerton Police Department to influence further investigation on the death of Kelly Thomas.

Helen Thomas: Dead at 92 (tags)

Helen Thomas

Remembering Chris Dorner; American Hero Stood Against Police Brutality (tags)

So it seems like it's over for now. Sorry that we lost you, Chris Dorner. In my book you were a true hero

Blue Wall of Silence to Blame for Dorner's Rage (tags)

The Blue Wall of Silence covers up police abuses and terminates the careers of the few good cops who try to report brutality against citizens. Would Kelly Thomas be alive today if Chris Dorner was there in Fullerton to try and stop it when he was beaten to death by four Fullerton police officers?

America's Right-Wing Reinterprets the Crisis (tags)

A state is not a hardware store. It must contract debts in crisis times. Four years after the collapse of the US economy, the republicans send a former investment banker into the race who stands for a policy that got us into the real messThe right-wing was very successful in changing the discourse.

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas Disbarred (tags)

Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas Disbarred

Thomas Friedman Wants to Take Away the Weekend (tags)

The labor movement brought you the weekend. Thomas Friedman wants to take it away.

How do you spell perjury - "I don't recall" - Sheriff Joe Arpaio testifies (tags)

How do you spell perjury - "I don't recall" - But cops don't consider lying under oath to be perjury, to them it's testilying. It's something you do to jail your enemies.

4408 East Nisbet, Phoenix, Arizona (tags)

Andrew Thomas, Maricopa County Attorney, 4408 East Nisbet, Phoenix, Arizona

Andrew Thomas going down in flames (tags)

Will former Maricopa Count Attorney Andrew Thomas get his law license revoked for his crimes against the citizens of Maricopa County? Hope so!!!!!

Police killing of Kelly Thomas rattles Fullerton (tags)

Thomas was a 37-year-old schizophrenic homeless man who died in a hospital after a violent July 5 run-in with Fullerton police next to the Fullerton Transportation Center. Police officers confronted Thomas after a call about an individual breaking into cars in downtown Fullerton. According to witness accounts, six officers used force against Thomas resulting in what appears to be a brutal beating at the hands of law enforcement. Thomas was taken off life support five days after the encounter. According to his family, Thomas battled with schizophrenia and he voluntarily drifted the streets of Fullerton and nearby cities. In the weeks following his tragic death, a community unites for justice.

BTL:Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' Conduct Provokes Calls for Ethics Probe (tags)

Interview with Drew Courtney, director of communications, conducted by Scott Harris

We didn't plan on killing him, just beating the shit out of him! Honest! (tags)

Hmmm ... Will Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas also say these guys had no intention of murdering the alleged child molester they beat to death? Like he said the Fullerton pigs had no intention of murdering Kelly Thomas?

Fullerton Police Chief, D.A. Cover Up Kelly Thomas Death from Police Beating (tags)

The death of homeless man Kelly Thomas at the hands of Fullerton police following a severe beating remains "uncertain", according to the Orange County coroner. When a human is beaten into a coma by a gang of cops and then dies only a few days later in the hospital, we can only "guess" at what happened (DUH!). However, it appears that the Orange County D.A. investigator Stan Berry is close friends with Fullerton police Chief Sellers, this could explain the "uncertainty" coming from the OC coroner and the D.A's failure to contact eyewitnesses present when Kelly Thomas was beaten by Fullerton police.


In Brazil we never asked what the USA have to teach to our country. The answer would be just ANYTHING.

Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Backing Efforts Demanding Impeachment of Clarence Thomas (tags)

U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander is calling on the U.S. Senate to begin impeachment hearing to determine the worthiness of Clarence Thomas to continue as a member of the high court. As a U.S. Presidential Candidate, Alexander says he remains an advocate of term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court (a one 12 year term).”

Windsor v Maid of the Mist (10-A690) in the US Supreme Court – Opined as “Shell Game Fraud (tags)

"Maybe Justice Thomas indeed denied your application, may not... maybe there is a valid record of the denial, certified by Justice Thomas, may there is none... what form the records of the US Supreme Court are in, the People are not permitted to know...."

Relections on "Obama's Economic View Is Rejected on World Stage"--NYT 11/12/10 (tags)

G20 nations reject US plans for world economy.

Digital Physics reality Series (tags)

As quantum theory has slowly emerged new theories of everything (TOE) have come to the forefront. Digital Physics is one such theory which supposedly undercuts M-theory with Occam's Razor.

US Envoy Meets Aquino , Vows To Cooperate with new RP leader (tags)

The United States has virtually acknowledged Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino as the country’s new President after its top envoy to Manila met with the presidential frontrunner yesterday. During the meeting, US Ambassador Harry Thomas conveyed to Aquino Washington’s satisfaction over the generally smooth conduct of the Philippines’ first-ever automated polls last May 10 where the Liberal Party candidate emerged as the apparent winner in the presidential race.

Bankruptcy of the Last Utopia (tags)

The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-realization. The economy should serve humankind; humanity should not serve bankers, SUVs and sports stadiums. The same Chinese letter represents crisis & opportunity.Will future be more human?

Celebrate Constitution Day On The 221st Anniversary Of The US Constitution (tags)

Tell her you still love her after all these years. Who? The Constitution! Join us 17 September 7PM in Los Feliz

State of Talk Radio in America (tags)

You can not find a single soldier on Earth to publicly support George W. Bush without immediately being recognized a traitor, a liar, an enemy of freedom for Democracy.

Working people relying on stimulus checks, coins and lotto (tags)

The platforms of the Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party outline fundamental approaches that will promote economic policy that will benefit working people. Both socialist parties are rejecting the economic strategies of the Democrats, Republicans, and their candidates; advancing U.S. imperialism and waging war is not the answer for our economy that is now in economic free fall.

New Year Sermon (tags)

God waits in the tomorrow. The orientation in Jesus Christ goes beyond all the technical achievements of our time. The navigation system is trust. Thomas only receives an answer because he questions. If Jesus is the way, no one is alone on this way.

Recall Sheriff Joe Arpaio & Andrew Thomas (tags)

Want to recall the worlds meanist Sheriff, which is Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his amigo Nazi County Attorney Andrew Thomas? Here is the contact informatin to find where to sign a petition.

Recall Sheriff Joe (tags)

An effort has begun to remove Maricopa County's two top law-enforcement officials: Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County Attorney Andrew Thomas.

Lies from Andrew Thomas (tags)

Listen to the lies Andrew Thomas feeds the media in this press conference about the Republic putting his address on the web in the New Times incident.

Local Soldier, Staff. Sgt. Thomas M. McFall, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A former Glendora resident and Army soldier was killed on Memorial Day in Baghdad, military officials said Wednesday.

Helen Thomas Compares Bush’s White House to Watergate (tags)

White House reporter, Helen Thomas, gave a talk at McDaniel College, in Westminister, MD, on April 12, 2007. She labeled President George W. Bush Jr. as a very “isolated” individual, and said today’s White House reminded her of “Watergate,” with the “circling the wagons” and “siege” mentality, She denounced the Iraqi War as “illegal, immoral and unconscionable, “and asked: “Why do Americans tolerate such a dumbing down of our country?”

How Not to Interview Donald Rumsfeld (tags)

Cal Thomas is a Right Wing hack, who has shilled for the bloodbath that is the Iraqi War. On Dec. 7, 2006, he interviewed Donald Rumsfeld, the outgoing Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon. “BaWa Walters, herself, couldn’t have done a worst job of puffery. No questions were asked by Thomas about U.S. or Iraqi casualties, WMD, or the fact that Rumsfeld has been charged with war crimes. Thomas’ shameless spiel mocks the idea of a Free Press.

Human smuggling verdict tossed (tags)

At last a judge that knows it is impossible to conspire with yourself!!!!

Convict them and then fry them the next day!!! (tags)

The good side of this is it will prove the cops never make mistakes, and prosecutors never make mistakes. Hell if Andrew Thomas had his way Ray Krone would have been executed and never had a chance to make the cops look bad when his DNA didn't match the DNA of the murderer.

Environment-Hating-Congresspeople's List (tags)

This is from the League of Conservation Voters. It shows the percentage of votes "for" the environment of members of the US House of Representatives that are morally bankrupt and do what the corporations want them to do in return for the campaign contributions they were given.

With Lieberman's Loss, the Lobby Takes a Second Hit (tags)

When Joe Lieberman lost the Democratic primary in Connecticut, a prime loser was the Lobby. Like the Israeli army in Lebanon, the Israel Lobby in Connecticut was exposed as a paper tiger. Joe Lieberman is AIPAC's boy; when he speaks at the yearly AIPAC convention in Washington, he elicits wild cheers, standing ovations, shouts of "Go, Joe, Go." Only the considerably less sanctimonious Dick Cheney does as well with that crowd. If the Lobby is on your side, you are supposed to win elections, and if it is not, down you go. But that did not happen in Connecticut despite the full exertion of the Lobby. In the final days of the campaign 1.5 million dollars poured into Lieberman's coffers, and virtually the entire Dem establishment was ordered into the fray on his side. Lieberman's opponent, Ned Lamont, had his name dragged through every mud puddle in Connecticut and of course was accused of being an anti-Semite. But that was all to no avail; Lamont won and Lieberman lost. A lot of politicians must now wonder whether the Lobby can deliver victories reliably any longer.

Immigrant conspiracy case tossed (tags)

Its nice to see Sheriff Joe and Maricopa County Nazi Andrew Thomas get slapped by the courts!

CIAs INDICTED (Romano, Castelli, Russomondo, De Sousa), also top Italy Spies (tags)

[JULY 5, 2006] Italy has just indicted three CIA officers and a U.S. Air Force officer on charges that they participated in the illegal 2003 rendition, or torture/kidnap, of a Muslim cleric in Milan. They are:

Tim Leary Reanimation Event (tags)

Tim Leary "Reanimation" Event Planned


Date: MARCH 24TH Title of Event: Shawn Thomas and Friends 'CHANGED' REVISITED DateMARCH 24TH Time7:30PM Location 8714 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069 Contact: REV. KEITH Phone: 310 854 9110 INFO c/o "Aaron's Rainbow Project" (ARP) and is proud to announce Shawn Thomas in concert. He will be performing songs off his well-known recording "Everything I Am" as well as his newest, recently released CD entitled "Changed". "Everything I Am" was released in the fall of 2003 and has peaked online Top40 and Top20 charts for over 12 months, including the number one singles, "The Beat of the Lord" and "Starting Over Again". Shawn's newest CD, "Changed", features the driving title track and an upbeat cover of Amy Grant's "What About the Love". Awarded "Best Independent Songwriter" by the Spring 2004 Indie Awards and labeled as "groovin'"..."wholesome"...and "inspirational" by Pride Christian Music, Shawn continues to develop his music career in a new direction of Spirituality and ministry. "I actually resisted writing Contemporary Christian type music in the past because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to still perform the style of music that I enjoy." That style of music, as featured on "Everything I Am" and "Changed", includes a wide variety from traditional ballads, to praise music, to pop/rock, to club-dance, to country. ...Shawn Thomas emerges not only as a competent performer and singer, but as a dynamic and versatile entertainer and presenter. His intention is to share the message of practicing the principles of Love and Grace in order to build unity, understanding, and acceptance. "Everything I Am" and "Changed" are available for sale on popular internet sites including,, and and is distributed by Aaron's Rainbow Project and Shawn Thomas Studios, North Little Rock, AR.

Alito Confirmation: A Straussian Neocon Fait Accompli (tags)

if I was a betting man, I'd say this is precisely what will happen: another nine eleven, possibly one of a larger magnitude, will put the finishing touches on the murder of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

BTL:Progressive Groups Fear Radical Right Supreme Court Shift if Alito Confirmed (tags)

Interview with Marjorie Cohn, professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Forcefully Remove All Skull And Bines People From US Govt (tags)

skull and bones has been a recruitment club for foreign powers since its inception...their allegience is to their club, and the foreign banks...praise satan and his servant jesus christ....

Protest Thomas J Donner, SMC President, at his Office for Supporting Military Recruiters (tags)

Thomas J Donner, SMC president, has not responded to his students who have written him and gone to the board of trustees demanding military recruiters be banned from the campus. As a response, we are having a protest in front of his office tomorrow.

Veterans and military familes say: 'Bring troops home now - and care for them' (tags)

ST. LOUIS - “Those in the armed services right now can speak the truth about Iraq because we've been there, we've seen with our own eyes the disaster we've created in Iraq. And we can tell you that the only way to cope with this disaster is to bring the troops home now - and care for them when they return!”

Response to Help Screaming (Twice) (tags)

They had me scared that someone was going to hurt me, or kill me. I understand the connection now to 9-11 and it is not good. So they kept me in the view of satellite until it was time to do this. In otherwords I have a right to privacy and I don't want to have satellite on my brain or do anything else. Thank You Thomas Matthew Houser Born: 08/15/78

Response to Help Screaming (Twice) (tags)

They had me scared that someone was going to hurt me, or kill me. I understand the connection now to 9-11 and it is not good. So they kept me in the view of satellite until it was time to do this. In otherwords I have a right to privacy and I don't want to have satellite on my brain or do anything else. Thank You Thomas Matthew Houser Born: 08/15/78


Bands and Musicians Wanted (tags)

THE THOMAS PAINE PROJECT believes that an Independent Music Community is an essential part of a free society and TPP actively supports that community by encouraging venues to feature underground bands and musicians.

Dead Soldier's Father Protests Against War (tags)

Reginald Keys, the father of British soldier Lance Corporal Thomas Richard Keys, 20, who was killed in Iraq, appears to threaten to hang himself. REUTERS/Gerry Penny

45 Translated Articles to Celebrate the De-Selection (tags)

45 new translated articles are available at Marcos and the Zapatistas speak of one world where many worlds fit, a world where everyone has a place. Hearts of stone can become hearts of flesh!


TJ's way is so far removed from the drooling gnats of the skull and bones society that America can now safely be called a well as Christianity too...

Revealed! Why Rice Agreed to Testify (tags)

Zelikow warned the White House Counsel that Rice should yestified in public, because an incriminating photo would ' all over Washington in 24 hours' exposing Bush's stonewalling tactics.

Interview on Labor in Occupied Iraq (tags)

Seven Oaks’ Charles Demers recently sat down with Mr. Bacon at the Canadian Autoworkers hall in New Westminster.

Review of Mike Palecek's novel "The Truth" (tags)

Sheila Conroy is with International Progressive Publications Network. Palecek is an Iowa author, former peace prisoner, Iowa congressional candidate, small town reporter.

Political appeals to bigotry grow (tags)

Conservative columnist Cal Thomas recently questioned Howard Dean's faith because his wife is Jewish. Marrying her, Thomas opined, was "strange at best, considering the two faiths take a distinctly different view of Jesus."

Hey, They're Taking Slash-and-Burn to Extremes! (tags)

Republican leaders are deploying scorched-earth tactics, as if they ruled the nation 80-20, not 51-49, because cooperating with Democrats would cost even more votes from the conservatives.

Former RPD officer commends Cincinnetti police for killing Nathanial Jones (tags)

The man who once joked about Tyisha Miller's tragic death pens a letter asking that officers be commended for killing Nathanial Jones in Cincinnetti

Rush Took as Many as 30 Pills a Day (tags)

Rush's fans were sympathetic when he announced his sudden deafness--the result of some kind autoimmune illness. But Suspicion has now turned to his drug habit: repeated large doses of hydrocodone (brand name Vicodin) can cause severe hearing impairment.

My First Day at UCLA, USSR (tags)

MIT professor Noam Chomsky (a rabidly anti-American leftist) had more books at the UCLA Store than did Aristotle, John Locke, Adam Smith, Frederic Bastiat, Thomas Malthus, John Stuart Mill, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden ... if not for the fading scent of liberty, I might as well have been at the University of Havana.

Stop The FTAA: Important Consulta Aug 29-31st in Pittsburgh (tags)

Information on a pivotal consulta to plan for the protests in Miami. The Miami summit will take place Nov. 20-21st assuming the tens of thousands of protesters from across the hemisphere dont shut it down.

GOP slammed for ‘police state tactics’ (tags)

WASHINGTON – An angry melee July 17 in which Ways and Means Chair Bill Thomas (R-Calif.) called out the Capitol police to evict Democratic House members from a congressional meeting room is part of a ruthless Republican “power grab,” warn lawmakers, labor, and other grassroots advocates.

Pete Stark Kicks Butt as GOP Use Police as Storm Troopers to Quell Democrat Dissent (tags)

Today, the Democrats, pushed over the limit by the GOP and led by the outrageously outspoken Pete Stark, finallyy found their voices! They stood up and called the Bush government what it is: A POLICE STATE...and they said it on record.

The Price They Paid (tags)

Have you ever wondered what happened to the Men who signed the Declaration of Independence? What price they paid to secure the "Blessings of Liberty"?

Gaza, the land of the sad oranges (tags)

Silvia Cattori is an independent journalist. she lives in Switzerland To those who went martyred for the land of the sad oranges… And those who have not been martyred yet…


Squeak, squeak...

Talkin' 'Bout My Generation (tags)

After 9/11, I also dared to hope, as did Tim Robbins, that some great good might come from the horrors of that day. I imagined that our leaders finally might begin to listen rather than pontificate; that my generation might finally be roused from its apathetic, avaricious condition and remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive. "And then came the speech."

War and Education (tags)

Thomas Jefferson, in framing the Constitution, felt that in order for our Republic to function effectively and protect our freedoms, it was essential that we educate every citizen so that they could question those in power.

New Chairman of 9/11 Commission (tags)

Now you would think that being a business partner of the brother in law and alleged financier of "Enemy No. 1" would be considered a bona fide "conflict of interest", particularly when your mandate --as part of the 9/11 Commission's work-- is to investigate "Enemy No. 1".

Political Prisoner in need of your help (tags)


Unprecedented-the documentary (tags)

If you didn't make it to the DGA in Hollywood tonight to see "Unprecedented" you were spared from feeling your blood boil once again over the "coup d'etat" by George W. Bush and friends. Its a great film and should not be missed by anyone who truly cares about democracy in this country.

a little REBELLION NOW and then is a GOOD THING (tags)

In honor of U.S. Independence Day,here are America's founding documents, important writings from the past, and modern assessments of the state of liberty. For those of you within the United States, we wish you a happy Fourth of July. For those outside the U.S., we hope that you'll join us for a celebration of freedom.

Medea Benjamin Tonight at Youth Summit for Peace and Justice - (tags)

Come to the youth Summit for Peace and Justice at Calremont .... Harvey Mudd

Rights in The Real World By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN (NY Times) (tags)

Date: December 2, 2001 Rights in The Real World By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Attorney General John Ashcroft is not completely crazy in his impulse to adopt unprecedented, draconian measures and military courts to deal with suspected terrorists. Source: The New York Times Section: Opinion

Speaker of the House Calls for a vote on delayed Fast-Track (tags)

Interesting stuff below. It seems that the pro-trade forces are jockeying for a better position, rather than actually pushing for a vote on Fast Track. Apparently, a lot of pressure is set to come down on Harlem's Rep. Charles Rangel.

Officer Acquitted in Ohio Shooting (tags)

AP/David Kohl Cincinnati police officer Stephen Roach leaves the courtroom with his wife, Erin, after court was adjourned for the day Friday, Sept. 21 in Cincinnati.

Thomas Paine (tags)

Thomas Paine quote

Release Su Thomas and publixtheater (tags)

Susanna Thomas, arrested in Italy on conspiracy charges, is an IMC and GSF activist, and a nonviolent Quaker. Take action to demand her

Clarence Thomas Coming to San Bernardino? (tags)

There is a rumor that Clarence Thomas, one of the "Felonious Five", responsible for installing George W. Bush to power in the Bush Family Coup of 2,000 by stopping the ballot re-count in Florida just when it appeared Al Gore would move ahead, may be appearing at California State University in San Bernardino this fall or early next year. If his appearance is confirmed, we must organize a massive "Unwelcoming committee" demanding he and the other four step down or face impeachment!

NEFAC Solidarity Statement With Protesters In Cincinnati (tags)

NEFAC Statement of solidarity with protesters in Cincinnati

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