fix articles 17951, all this Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : all this

all this

Robot Evolution (tags)

Up-to-date inview of latest Robot development show cases from LEONARDO to World Robot Conference 2021 inclusive Youtube video links...

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 8 (tags)

anne frank never wrote 99.9% of the diary credited to her

Information Consumption The Price of Hypocrisy (tags)

"Even the best laws will not lead to a safer internet. We need a sharper picture of the information apocalypse that awaits us in a world where personal data is traded to avert the catastrophy. "

How Do We Pay for All This? by Steven Keen (tags)

The level of debt is the disease. The wage-productivity gap is the cause and the financial crisis is the symptom. ( Hyman Minsky spoke of "euphoric expectations" leading to debt-induced recession.


The working people must fight the new capitalist Wall Street scheme to rip off even more of their tax money and bail out Wall Street further with U.S. government purchase of preferred stocks without voting rights of failed Wall Street banks.

Wishful Thinking and Deadly Self-Deception (tags)

A response to “Change We Can Believe In. An Open Letter to Barack Obama,” August 18 issue of The Nation magazine, online at

Open Letter to the Rulers in Germany (tags)

We were almost convinced we really had the same interests as your corporations, banks and politicians. We almost believed that all our desires could become reality in capitalism.

Screwing up by the Numbers (tags)

This War was a Deliberate screw up. Everything done wrong to provoke a strategy of terror. A new level of provocation deigned to create the new snakes of terrorism the enemy so badly needed at the fall of the Soviet Union and its co option, to provide the new excuse for military/ police spending.

Here's The Video (tags)

I had to keep re-trying and recovering "lost download" to get this file showing Silverstein on PBS openly admitting WTC 7 was intentionally demolished and did not collapse from fire as we've all been lied to all this time.

Don't Get Mad, Get Even! Interview with a Vegan (tags)

Long story short, I tracked down the Vegan guru herself - Anai Rhoads. What would a Vegan say about all this mad cow insanity? Check it out for yourself...

Nov20 National Day of Student/Youth ACTION (tags)


Nov20 National Day of Student/youth Action (tags)


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