fix articles 183180, lake county
This is not the first state in which this is being done, and it will not be the last. Unless we speak up in mass numbers. This will not end in anway good for us. Either speak up, or be the problem.
“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sun. Mar. 4th in Lake County (tags)
“Animaniacs in Concert!” with Voice Artist Rob Paulsen, Sunday, March 4th, 2018 at the James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts at The College of Lake County
CBS, Ford, Las Vegas, Kawasaki, Randy Houser, Country Radio Sponsor Rodeo Brutality (tags)
It's time for CBS, Ford, Kawasaki, Randy Houser, Clear Channel, the city of Las Vegas etc. to end their profiteering from blood sports causing deaths and injurieds to human beings and animals.
Chicago Militarized for NATO (tags)
State Appellate Court overturns conviction in 1992 Lake County murder (tags)
The court upbraided police for how they obtained a confession from Rivera, saying veteran detectives used leading questions and likely fed Rivera information. The court also said detectives psychologically manipulated the fragile Rivera
Annabel Melongo: Victimized and Imprisoned (tags)
another political prisoner
May Day Checkpoints / Retenes del Día de Trabajo (30/apr-1/may/2010) (tags)
Como siempre cuando hay mobilizaciones de obreros y obreras, las fuerzas represivas del estado salen a suprimirlas. Les urgimos mucha precaución en lo que salen manejando, y aunque es necesario manifestar nuestro descontento, lo hay que hacer con cautela, siempre echando un ojo a las agencias del llamado "orden público."
As always when there are workers' mobilizations, the repressive forces of the state come out to supress them. We urge you caution as you drive, and although it is necessary to manifest our discontent, we must do it very carefully and always with an eye on so-called "law enforcement" agencies.
The Lawfare Project's Anti-Democratic Agenda (tags)
LP is a guardian of Washingto-Israeli power
Biotech lobby funds SB1056, revokes local regulation (tags)
California is home to many local ordinances against growing genetically modified organisms within county, town or regional districts. Recent Senate Bill 1056 is attempting to revoke local rights of food sovereignty in favor of state control.
In America’s Industrial Heartland Can’t Pay Won’t Pay Campaign takes Off (tags)
Anger at corporations and their politicians finds concrete expression in North West Indiana