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Forum on Venezuela in LA May 8, A Resounding Success (tags)
- Last Sunday, Mother?s Day, the Los Angeles forum about Venezuela?s Bolivarian Revolution, featuring attorney and author Eva Golinger and a panel of Venezuela experts was a success. The forum that was held at the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in Wislhire featured speaker was and Eva Golinger is a foreign policy advisor to the Venezuelan government, led by President Hugo Chavez.
Prensa paraguaya niega derecho a Réplica al escritor Luis Agüero Wagner (tags)
La prensa mediática que apoyó -aceitada por los dólares de las ONGs derechistas y fundaciones anexas a la embajada norteamericana- la candidatura del obispo Fernando Lugo, tras lanzar dardos contra el escritor Luis Agüero Wagner le niega derecho a réplica.
BTL:Bush Administration Efforts to Oust Venezuelan President Was Context for... (tags)
...Pat Robertson's Call to Assassinate Hugo Chavez ~ Interview with Eva Golinger, Venezuelan-American attorney and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris