fix articles 185743, grassroots empowerment
Help the Bus Riders Keep Fares Low (tags)
The BRU is protesting the proposed MTA fare hikes. We're in the middle of a war for oil, and they want to cut back, discourage, and raise fares. The working class economy sucks, and they want to suck the money from our purses. How about they do the right thing, and get rid of the SUV subsidy? Protest!
Part 1- May 1st. Caravan for Justice (tags)
Los Angeles- Hundreds of immigrants and immigrants rights advocates canvassed the city of Los Angeles on May Day, otherwise known as International Workers Day, a day in celebration of working class struggles all across the world.
May 1st. Caravan for Justice (tags)
Los Angeles- May 1,2004 Hundreds of immigrants and immigrants rights advocates canvassed the city of Los Angeles on May Day, otherwise known as International Workers Day, a day in celebration of working class struggles all across the world.