fix articles 190013, dublin
Real IRA Leader Alan Ryan Killed by Drug Dealer(s) (tags)
The murder of Real IRA leader Alan Ryan by Dublin's drug cartel is a tragedy as Alan stood up for the oppressed and demanded a community tax from the drug gangs. The drug cartels should pay for the damage that they cause in the community and Alan Ryan realized this. From my perspective Alan Ryan is the true martyr in the "war on drugs" who was killed for standing up to bully drug gangs. God bless Alan Ryan for his courage against evil!!
Irish women tunnels in to stop Construction of M3 Motorway near Hill of Tara (tags)
A Female Protester has sealed herself into a tunnel under a hill upon which the Rath Lugh National Monument is positioned to stop construction of the M3 Motorway near the Hill of Tara. 100 protesters have now joined the protest at Rath Lugh.
Last day of the Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future (tags)
After 86 days on the road since leaving Dublin on May 13th the Footprints for Peace group on their "Towards a Nuclear Free Future" peace walk will stop at Downing Street.
Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future (tags)
Four participants in an 86-day walk from Dublin to London for a nuclear-free future have been arrested today at AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) Aldermaston in Berkshire. They were protesting against the ongoing expansion at the facility.
Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future (tags)
The first of many international walkers have arrived in England to begin an 86 day Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future from Dublin to London starting on the 12th of May 2007.
The Dublin Port Tunnel Scam (tags)
The €1 billion euro Dublin Port Project, directed by Halliburton subsidiary KBR, has been plagued with construction problems, and from this viewpoint alone looks like becoming another financial black hole to the benefit of a military contractor. But there is more to the story: back in 1990, when there was a chance to move Dublin Port, thus providing room for much-needed expansion and removing Port traffic from the city streets, the State chose instead to leave the Port where is was and instead build the Port Tunnel. Earlier this year, the Progressive Democrats, partner in the Irish government, revived the plan to move the Port, when the tunnel was almost complete. This article examines why.
Pitstop Trial Begins: Ireland Protests Against US war planes in Shannon (tags)
(Dublin, Ireland Oct 24th). The trial began today in Dublin of five activists who took non-violent direct action against a US warplane illegally present on Irish soil two years ago. The Pitstop Ploughshares request solidarity from other anti-war activists in their fight against the Irish state.
Sherman was transferred on Friday.
Americans protest outside US embassy in Dublin (tags)
American Patriots are protesting against the war all over the world. Some gathered in Dublin outside the US embassay to make clear their opposition to this ILLEGAL war.
CITIES IN PROTEST (actualized) (tags)
more than 140 Cities all over the world march against the brutal breaking of laws and human rights by the italian police after the g8 meeting in genova