fix articles 19046, wonderful life
"It's a Wonderful Life": Jurors Protect a Family-Business From a "Potter" Type Nemesis (tags)
A Downtown Los Angeles Courtroom Becomes "Bedford Falls" for a Day as Milt and Edies Burbank Neighborhood Dry Cleaners Overcomes "The Power of Money" and Retains Adequate Parking for Its Legions of Loyal Customers
George Baliey, It's a Wonderful Segregated Life (tags)
Just thinking about residential segregation in South Gate circa 1920, and the ideology of It's a Wonderful Life.
Banks get Bailout,Public gets Credit Card Usury!!! (tags)
"If you're able to charge 30 percent or, in a payday lender case, 200 or 300 percent, you don't care so much if the loan-in fact, you actually want the loan not to be repaid. You want people to go into debt. You want to accumulate this interest. ..........................................................................
What They're Really Saying in the Debates (tags)
A brief analysis of the televised debates between vice-presidential candidates Sarah Palin and Joseph Biden October 2 and presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain October 7. The post also includes a transcript of the answers Palin and Biden gave to the question on the legal rights of same-sex couples, including whether they should have marriage equality.
Is Cygnet's "The Receptionist" Subversive? (tags)
Cygnet Theatre's "The Receptionist," playing on the company's Rolando stage in San Diego until August 31, disguises itself as an innocuous sex comedy — but as the play progresses author Adam Bock slips in potentially subversive material. See this play and monitor it for yourself.
Osama Bin Laden Renamed Muqtada al-Sadr by America (tags)
Here is the inside story of what’s really going on with Iraq and Iran straight from the horse in the Godfather’s mouth.