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New York Singer is 'Lost in a Dream' After Winning ,000 Prize! (tags)
New York Singer is 'Lost in a Dream' After Winning ,000 Prize Ha Phuong Foundation Helps Others Break Into Entertainment Industry
The Public Stoning of Martha Stewart: A Lifting of the Veil (tags)
Members of the mainstream press flew into Martha Stewart with more than their usual viciousness following her setting out as a political victim. Having nothing substantial to use against her, they have given negative connotations to her success, mocked the domestic skills upon which she has built her life’s work, twisted what she said and misquoted her, and made hateful remarks that could not have gotten past the editor in the days of ethical media practices. . . .
Some Important Points about Afghanistan (tags)
The direct result of the Najib coup was murder of 1,000's of people. When the Soviet forces occupied the country they used anti-personnel mines to limit opposition groups. Today over 1 million Afghani's live in refugee camps in Iran while nearly 2 million live in refugee camps in Pakistan. This demonstrates the value of national boundaries.