fix articles 1922, speech Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : speech


Global Growth Remains Low Amidst Debt Concerns, War and Inflation, Says IMF (tags)

Press release.

In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff (tags)

Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The growing worldwide resistance will end all plans of the globalists.

Learning from MLK, the inconvenient Hero (tags)

We should not lose our sense of how the civil rights movement happened, because if we do, younger generations, along with ourselves, will lose a sense of how new opportunities were fought for, and won.

The Perpetrator-Victim Reversal (tags)

The West refuses to give the Red Army credit for Germany's liberation from fascism - instead, it diligently stokes the Cold War with Russia. France and West Germany were liberated by the landing of the Western Allies in Normandy - but all of Eastern Europe must have shaken off the yoke of Nazism all by itself.

Biden Asked To Drop Execution Promoting Garland (tags)

Judge Garland as a prosecutor sought the death penalty, denied GTMO prisoners their rights, shut down third party voting rights, upheld the DEA's draconian classification of pot, paved the way for the ruling that $ was speech in Citizens United, was unmerciful re prisoners' clemency

The misunderstood class warrior Martin Luther King (tags)

Today, 50 years after his assassination, Martin Luther King is more glorified than ever...The memory of the social revolutionary was politically instrumentalized, King was appropriated. Tto tell the story of the reconciled nation, the dissident had to be erased from memory.

IMF Chief Warns of Financial Disaster Driven by Inequality (tags)

IMF Head Kristalina Georgieva warns of a return of the Great Depression driven by inequality and financial sector instability in a speech delivered at the Peterson Institute of International Economics.

Fbi threatens Austin Indymedia (tags)

Fbi threatens all INDYMEDIA groups, or shuts them down.

Debt, Corruption and Tax Policies Impact Poverty, Says Vatican at United Nations (tags)

During United Nations Human Rights Council meetings last week, Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, the Geneva based Vatican representative stated, “We can no longer frame the debt crisis as an exclusively economic problem. It affects future generations, as well as the social conditions that allow the enjoyment of human rights of vast numbers of people entitled to the solidarity of the whole human family.”

The US Superpower is Dangerous (tags)

Wars and threats of war are violations of the UN Charter. The US is not afraid of threatening military force in Europe and at the border with Russia. We are not living in a new world since the election of the new president.

The Shortwave Report 09/22/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

New Google algorithm restricts access to left-wing, progressive web sites (tags)

In the three months since Google implemented the changes to its search engine, fewer people have accessed left-wing and anti-war news sites. This is political censorship and constitutes an attack on free speech.

(A-Radio) Azerbaijan: state repression and the anarchist's speech in court (tags)

In May of 2016, two of our comrades in Azerbaijan, Qiyas Ibrahimov and Bayram Mammadov, were arrested for spraypainting the monument of the former dictator Haydar Aliev. It was on the night before the so-called "Flower holiday", a day made up in conmemoration of Haydar, the father of the current President of Azerbaijan. Nonetheless, as the charges for spraypainting would not have been very high, more than 1 kilogram of heroin was planted in each of our comrades' homes. They were processed on different trials. Qiyas has already been sentenced to 10 years of prison, his friend Bayram Mammadov is still on trial. From Azerbaijani comrades we received the text of Qiyas' speech in front of the jury, him being interrupted regurlarly by the judge. In support of his case, we made an audio version of this speech and the judge's comments.

Dennis Mahon and Auntie Racist (tags)

All about free speech and the consequences thereof.

Anti-Zionism is a hateful ideology. It has no place at UC (tags)

Judea Pearl is Chancellor's professor at UCLA, specializing in artificial intelligence and human reasoning. He is the president of the Daniel Pearl Foundation, named after his son.

At UN, Archbishop Calls for Puerto Rico Negotiations (tags)

Puerto Rico Archbishop Calls for Negotiated Settlement to Island Debt Crisis. Catholic Leader Asks "Vulture" Funds to Stop Lobbying Congress.

Abridge FREEDOM OF SPEECH discreetly (tags)

Here is a summary of how Freedom of Speech is compromised by corrupt law enforcement.

Obama's Duplicitous Iran Nuclear Deal Speech (tags)


Saudi Blogger Imprisoned for Supporting Free Speech (tags)

police state

“Censoring Palestine” event at UC Berkeley (tags)

Report on UC Berkeley Event: Censoring Palestine at the University and Academic Freedom at the Crossroads, March, 6, 2015, Boalt Law School- “Censoring Palestine” Event at UC Berkeley claims denial of free speech from perch at prestigious taxpayer-funded venue

Mark Goldowitz, Director of Anti-SLAPP Project, to Fight My Free Speech Case (tags)

I am taking my free speech and animal rights case to the California Court of Appeal where First Amendment attorney Mark Goldowitz will argue the defamation lawsuit should be dismissed on First Amendment and related grounds.

Shots fired at free speech event in Denmark (tags)

Is free expression dead in Europe?

Sami Al-Arian: Deported, Free at Last (tags)

police state

Salaita Sues University of Illinois (tags)


Stop muzzling Free Speech on Campus (tags)

Stop Muzzling Free Speech on campus

Escalated War on Islam (tags)


Defiant Charlie Hebdo (tags)

police state

Statement on Repression of Anarchist and Socialist Activity in Long Beach, CA (tags)

This article was collaboratively written.

Sony and Hedbo (tags)

My apologies in advance for offending probably everyone.

UCLA slammed for double standards (tags)

Chancellor Gene Block has released a statement to the UCLA community regarding the ethics statement, and the intimidation of pro-Israel and Jewish students on campus

Propaganda alert: British Prime Minister to Holocaust survivors:“We will not let you down” (tags)

The real agenda behind British Prime Minister David Cameron's discourse on the Holocaust is the age-old U.S.-British-Israeli war plans against Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

Reactions to Obama's NSA Address (tags)



The unconstitutional Arizona harassment statute, a favorite tool of the police state of Arizona used to silence dissent, is challenged in the United States Supreme Court in Huminski v. City of Surprise, Arizona.

Jewish Voice for Peace supports hate speech (tags)

At the "Jewish Voice for Peace" anti-Israel site, they urge their fans to lobby to defeat Proposition 76:

Hierarchy, Censorship and Militarism in Occupy Wall Street Chat Room Portals (tags)

Occupy World News Network violates the principles of egalitarianism, free speech and non-violence.

Obama's Berlin Moment (tags)


Fending off university-attacking zombies (tags)

Last week, David Naylor, the president of the University of Toronto, made a speech to Empire Club of Canada members about what he describes as educational zombies — government and industry calls for more job-specific education at universities...

What the 1% Heard During Obama’s State of the Union Speech (tags)

When President Obama speaks, most Americans hear what he wants them to hear: lofty rhetoric and a “progressive” vision. But just below the surface the president has a subtly-delivered message for the 1%, whose ears prick up when their buzzwords are mentioned. Obama’s state of the union address was such a speech — a pro-corporate agenda packaged with chocolate covered rhetoric for the masses, easy to swallow, but deadly poisonous.

"Liberating Mali": The President of France hails the beginning of a long-term occupation (tags)

"Alongside the Malians and the Africans, we have liberated this town. Today Timbuktu. Tomorrow Kidal. And others are still to come. You have accomplished an exceptional mission." [France's President Francois Hollande, speech delivered to French troops in Timbuktu, 2 February 2013]

“Those who seek to destroy Israel”: Endless fear mongering by Prime Minister Netanyahu (tags)

Whilst simultaneously threatening Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Gaza with war and taking part in the ongoing destruction of Syria; the Israeli government still persists in playing the victim.

Western Media War on Syria (tags)


Berkeley's Free Speech Movement (tags)


What We Say (tags)

It's shocking to see the protests in North Africa and that are spreading throughout the region and the Middle East in response to the film that was made by a small group of people living here in America. There are films made every day in America that have all manner of messages. There are movies that have made fun of or directly insulted any number of religions. Christianity has without a doubt bore the brunt of these films with movies going to all kinds of lengths to make fun of both the religion and Jesus Christ. Judaism no doubt comes in second. Check the record. Agree with the content or not, we are used to having media in our midst that is offensive, if not to ourselves, then to somebody.

In Service to Power: A First Read of Michelle Obama's Speech (tags)

As the U.S. sinks further and further into economic decline, with 23 million people unemployed or underemployed and one report after another detailing the everyday sense of dread the average working class family faces with a declining standard of living, cuts to education and vital services for those most in need, the tightly controlled spectacle called the Democratic National Convention featured First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday, September 4th. The convention appeared little different than parties built on the personality cult of the Great Leader upon whom all aspirations are placed. There was little to distinguish the Democratic National Convention from the gross rubber stamp party congresses of the old Stalinist parties, with functionaries clapping in approval, on cue, for popular consumption.

San Diego City Attorney Drops Charges Against Marriage Activists (tags)

Six members of the Equality Nine, marriage equality activists arrested over two years ago for going to the San Diego County Clerk's office and demanding marriage licenses for same-sex couples, were vindicated August 24 when city attorney Jan Goldsmith filed a motion to dismiss all charges. Originally scheduled for April 30, the scheduled trial had already been delayed until September because the judge in the case found the prosecution had been discriminating against Queer potential jurors and dissolved the jury pool. The Equality Nine regard this as a victory for marriage equality and free speech.

Lynne Stewart Loses Appeal (tags)

police state

BTL:Obama Sends Mixed Messages in Speech on Future of Afghan War (tags)

Interview with Tom Hayden, former California legislator, activist and co-founder of Students for a Democratic Society, conducted by Scott Harris

Palestinian Rights Activism Endangered (tags)


Information Freedom from 2600 to 2012 (tags)

Need some assistance on outlining the developing movement for communication freedom.

Obama's Broken Resolutions and Occupy White House (tags)

Generalized security requires a social net, not lies and trillions to the banks. There has been a 30-year war in which the voice of business became louder. The financial sector must be shriveled. Private losses cannot become public losses. 14 million jobs can be created.

Targeting Free Expression (tags)


San Diegans Rally Against Citizens United Decision (tags)

Though the original location had to be changed when agents of the Department of Homeland Security blocked off the original one, San Diegans nonetheless held a rally January 20 against the Citizens United decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, which opened the floodgates for even more corporate influence over American politics and elections.

Occupy Activist Recalls Police Brutality, Medical Neglect (tags)

At the annual holiday fundraiser of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) December 9, activist and police brutality victim Michelle "Jersey" Deutsch recalled not only being Maced by police but being the victim of prejudicial treatment at the hospital once the doctors and nurses treating her learned that she was an Occupy San Diego activist who had been attacked by police at the occupation site.

Occupy the Rose Parade (tags)

PASADENA (CA) - Occupy joined this year's New Year celebrations by marching at the end of the Rose Parade. As Rose Parade spectators dispersed, the Occupy movement held a rally outside Pasadena City Hall with speakers.

Christian Wulff's Opening Speech (tags)

Christian Wulff, president of Germany, spoke at an economics conference in Lindau, Germany on August 24, 2011. The mild-mannered president deplored the violations of the coming generation. Angela Merkel also speaks with passion against the banks.

BTL:Human Rights Group Decries Israel's Imprisonment of 20 Percent of Total Palestinian Po (tags)

Excerpt of speech, recorded and produced by Melinda Tuhus

Constitutionally Protected Symbolic Speech (tags)

class war

Election 2012- Stewart Alexander Calls for an End to Attacks on Occupy Movement (tags)

Presidential Candidate Alexander says “Remember well who is behind these assaults on you; these are the men and women who are bought and sold like commodities by corporations. These are not just Republican officials, but also the Democratic Party that are assaulting your rights to free speech. Your calls for social and economic justice do not sit well with their owners. When the Democrats try to sweet talk you into believing they support the 99%: forget their words and remember their actions.”

Police Attacks on Occupy Wall St. Camps Encourage Violence By Stifling Free Speech (tags)

The recent police attacks on Occupy Wall Street camps throughout the nation show that the authoritarian system is getting scared and engaging in counterproductive strategy by forcing peaceful protesters underground. By removing the rights to free speech, this encourages violence and sabotage as the only free speech public platform is now being denied by an authoritarian regime that fears the truth more than anything.

British tabloid: Shocking revelation on the 10th anniversary of the war on Afghanistan (tags)

The real shocking issue is the persistent denial of the genocide of the Afghan people.

UK Prime Minister Cameron: We must not be afraid to use military force against tyrants (tags)

In complete denial of the genocides perpetrated by ten years of Anglo-American-led wars across the globe, Mr Cameron and Mr Obama would still have us believe that their aim is ?to spread peace, prosperity, democracy?.

The American Jobs Act (tags)

What is the purpose of the American Jobs Act?

The Irvine 11 (tags)

state terror

Rally Kicks Off San Diego Pride Events (tags)

San Diego's Queer (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Pride events kicked off Friday, July 15 at a rally on the pride festival site in Balboa Park. The featured speakers were New Age author and credentialed minister Marianne Williamson, who talked about marriage equality as a straight supporter who has performed same-sex weddings, and Daniel Hernandez, the young, openly Gay aide to Congressmember Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) who saved her life when she was shot at an outdoor rally in January. But the most powerful speaker was former San Diego Democratic Club president Larry Baza, who powerfully expressed the history of the Queer rights movement and the challenges it faces in the future.

Protest the Copyright Cartels - Use Bittorrent (tags)

A recent cable leaked by Wikileaks shows that the US government has been manipulating New Zealand's legislature... on behalf of the copyright cartel.

Targeting Professor Terri Ginsberg's Academic and Speech Freedoms (tags)


Netanyahu Spurns Peace (tags)


Mixed Reactions to Obama's Middle East Speech (tags)


Obama's Middle East Hypocrisy (tags)


Tunisia: Talking About A Revolution (tags)

Lina Ben Mhenni … is a Tunisian assistant lecturer in linguistics at Tunis University and a blogger. Lina is mainly blogging about freedom of speech, human rights (especially women’s rights and students’ rights), social problems, and organ donation awareness. She likes photography, reading, writing, watching movies. Lina is also an athlete but within a special team: The Tunisian National Organ Transplant Team.

Right-wing Democrat takes California governor’s office, demands “sacrifice (tags)

The inauguration speech of right-wing Democrat Jerry Brown, in which he callously boasted of the harshness of his austerity budget and demanded “sacrifice,” amounted to a declaration of war by the new governor of California against the state's working population.

Calls from Joe Lieberman help force Amazon and EveryDNS to dump Wikileaks (tags)

The war against Wikileaks is gaining momentum. We must defend Wikileaks, Julian Assange and free speech. I read now that Paypal has joined the offensive. Perhaps we should all close our paypal accounts.

The KPFA/KPFK/Pacifica NPR Evening News (tags)

One segment on the Tuesday broadcast demonstrates the ongoing disconnect between the news staff and some station staffers and the political and economic reality that Obama has brought us and make many ask why contribute to a second NPR.

Openly Gay Fort Worth City Councilmember Headlines Queer Democrats' Freedom Awards (tags)

As a boy, openly Gay Fort Worth City Councilmember Joel Burns was bullied by schoolmates and driven to thoughts of suicide. One of his friends, a boy from Oklahoma, actually did kill himself. As an elected official, Burns spoke October 12 in the Fort Worth City Council chambers and talked about his past in a speech that was heard 'round the world through YouTube and the power of the Internet. On November 13 Burns came to San Diego as the keynote speaker for the 35th Annual Freedom Awards of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club and talked about teen suicide and the need for renewed commitment on the part of Queer Democrats and progressives to elect officials whose actions will make Queer teens safer.

FREE SPEECH: a circus of unintended consequences (tags)

A story about a racial confrontation in a small town.

U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ben Bernanke Should Resign (tags)

U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander says, “Bernanke’s speech and response to the U.S. economic crisis has revealed that Chairman Bernanke has failed in his responsibility to the nation and should resign. While providing future guarantees to Wall Street, Bernanke’s message only provided optimistic illusions for the tens of millions of working people that are struggling nationwide.”

Don't let darkness fall (tags)

"The corporate giants Google and Verizon have a plan to destroy freedom. Yes free speech is now at risk like never before. For the latest on this visit today (08/10/2010). Yes, the plan is to create a corporate "fast lane" and a "kiddy path" for the rest of us."

High Court Injustice (tags)

Court destroying our rights and welfare

Video: Rachel Corrie's Speech, When She Was 10 Years Old. (tags)

Another child's dream crushed by Israel.


Local activists stage a cage sit in and fake liberation for the UN recognized event, World Week for Animals in Labs 2010.

University of Ottawa Activist Student Persecutions: The Case of Marc Kelly (tags)

accelerating fascism at University of Ottawa

The American military/industrial complex [Gen Petraeus] says (tags)

Israel’s insults to the US are becoming tiresome and a danger to the US..

Animal Holocaust Denier, Author Lierre Keith Pied at Conference (tags)

"We Didn't Do It, But We Dug it."- Animal Holocaust Denier, Author Lierre Keith Pied at Conference
Speech of anti-vegan antagonist shut down by masked pie throwers in San Francisco

The Screw "Cuss Free Week" Protest (tags)

A protest of California's "Cuss Free Week" will take place at the corner of Fair Oaks Ave. and Mission St. in South Pasadena on Saturday, March 13th at 4:30pm

March 4th: Santa Barbara and UCSB stormed by large student-worker movement (tags)

The growing student-worker movement in Santa Barbara and Goleta flexes its muscle.

Freedom of Speech at Universities (tags)

Events this week in both the USA and the UK have once again shown the double standard for free speech at universities

KPFK/KPFA/Pacifica/Free Speech Radio News Send their Middle Finger to Senior Citizens (tags)

The Pacifica/KPFA/KPFK/Free Speech Radio News report talking up "progressive" efforts to enact Obamacare, Monday, January, 25, 2010, has brought to a boil long simmering discontent and disgust with the contempt and disregard of the network and programmers for issues of senior citizens.

Ahmadinejad speech at UN 2009/Not anti-semitic, but just criticism on Israel (tags)

Not only the Western walkout at the UN 2009 Ahmadinejad speech is a part of a repeating show, consciously the Western countries make no distinction between Ahmadinejad's just criticism on Israel and his alleged ''anti-semitism'' Since the Western countries are directly and indirectly supporting the Israeli occupation, it is a shame and disgrace, that they walkout at this very speech, which brings into light the Israeli war-crimes and the Western implicite consent.


n a press statement sent to the Alliance-Philippines today, reacting to Senator Lacson’s privilege speech, Atty. Arnedo S. Valera, Executive Director of the US based Migrant Heritage Commission said that “ Senator Lacson’s privilege speech is a confession of the legal and moral bankruptcy of our political system. But it does not exclude him from any responsibility of the crimes.” The statement futher said: "Lacson is in possession of vital information of specific crimes committed by individuals cited in his “expose” and Valera said that further investigation by the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee and other special bodies should be done, so that appropriate criminal charges can be filed. “What we will continue to hear from Sen. Lacson’s privilege speech is the affirmation of the litany of institutional corruptions committed by powerful actors in the civilian and the military establishments involving the highest echelon of leadership during the regimes of both former President Estrada and the incumbent President Arroyo,” Valera said.

Obama's Empty Labor Day Speech (tags)

President Obama is a friend of the working people…one day a year. The rest of the year he is rewarding banks with bailouts and war contractors with more war. On Labor Day, workers were offered nothing of substance, just kind words. Obama began his speech by spending an excessive amount of time exaggerating the leadership abilities of both AFL-CIO officials and Ohio’s Democratic representatives. The motive was simple: the “partnership” between organized labor and the Democratic Party is central to the languishing existence of the two-party system, while helping to keep the labor movement in an equal state of decline and decay.

Free Speech is a Right - Not a Lottery Prize! (tags)

FREE SPEECH IS A RIGHT NOT A LOTTERY PRIZE! Venice Beach Boardwalk Coalition (VBBC) challenges City of Los Angeles Permit/Lottery on Venice Boardwalk

Honduras: Anti-Chavez ‘free speech’ warriors linked to coup (tags)

"This is because, for the IAPA, there was no coup. Its July 14 statement said the democratically elected Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was simply “stood down” — not kidnapped and dumped in a different country by balaclava-clad soldiers. And if anyone can recognise a dictatorship, it is the IAPA. After all, as it points out, the IAPA has been fighting off dictatorships “for a long time” — in the form of the Chavez administration. Ironically, the only time in Venezuela that a TV channel was taken off air, constitutional rights suspended, and journalists arrested and assaulted since Chavez’s 1998 election was during the two days when he was removed from power in a short-lived coup in April 2002. "

Obama Snubs Africa, Then African Americans (tags)

Many people believed that after Bush had left the White House, rampant arrogance combined with stunning hypocrisy had also gone. Events have proven otherwise. A recent speech delivered in Africa — and one later directed specifically at African Americans — carried with them all the baggage of the Bush years, to the extent that one could safely claim that absolutely nothing had changed. And although Obama is able to give a more compassionate and intelligent speech than was possible with Bush, the essence of their policies is identical. Both Africans and African Americans can expect no help from the U.S. government in addressing their serious and specific grievances, themselves the result of past and current U.S. government policy. Instead, both were given the same solution: if you want help, help yourselves, “no excuses.”

Greek government attaks indymedia! (tags)

Indymedia is ours and it will be alive as much as we need it to change the world

Bush's 4th of July Visit to Oklahoma (tags)

Former President Bush is coming to Woodward, Oklahoma to celebrate July 4th. This Oklahoma farmer, rancher and father who lost his son in Iraq has something to say about his visit.

ADL Hate Laws Hate Freedom of Speech (tags)

The Anti-Defamation League (as its contrarian euphemism for an organization that does little, if anything, to fight defamation against Arabs and Muslims by rabid Islamo-phobes in the U.S. like Jewish-American Michael Savage) is “again” proposing another anti-free-speech bill disguised as the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act” HR 1966, which makes it a thought crime to “intimidate” and “harass” anyone over the Internet or on the airwaves.

Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists sponsoring Holocaust denier (tags)

Free speech has become hate speech in this Berkeley church, with Gilad Atzmon on the calendar

Internet Threatened by Censorship, Secret Surveillance, and Cybersecurity Laws (tags)

Internet and personal freedoms threatened

ANSWEr trashes cities then cries "first amendment" (tags)

ANSWER's been trashing the urban environemnt for years- now they are upset that they are getting fined.

Free Speech TV Gags Independent National Newscast (tags)

INN or International News Net seventh year as a premiere source of high-quality, in-depth daily reporting on world affairs was forced to quit through a pattern of discriminatory revenue and scheduling practices at Free Speech TV. ...hundreds of journalists will have one place less to tell their vital stories.

Western diplomats walk out of Ahmadinejad speech/Hypocrisy and violations of human rights (tags)

Not only the Western boycott of Durban II and the attitude on the Ahmadinejad speech lacks a fundamental respect for fundamental human rights, it is also hypocritical seeing in the light of her implicite support for the Israeli regime of occupation, letting get Israel away with human rights violations and war-crimes


Excuse me, but is this REALLY "free speech"?

Portland's Town Hall Meeting on the Economic Crisis (tags)

On January 31st, Portland Oregon held an important — perhaps historic — mass meeting in response to the economic crisis. Dozens of unions and other progressive organizations were able to attract over 800 people to hear an analysis of the crisis itself, proposed solutions, and a variety of workshops which included everything from labor rights, trade and immigration, and a "green economy." It is believed that this was the first such event in the country.

Orwellian Alert! British Crackdown Threatens Us All (tags)

“Free speech cannot be defended by silence”

Activists Stand Against UCLA Primate Vivisection (tags)

Los Angeles: September 21st, 2008 The most recent UCLA demos against those who imprison, cut up, assault and kill non-human primates for a living was, on the one hand rather frustrating, yet on the other, EXTREMELY satisfying. The frustrating part was having the police constantly violate activists' civil rights to seek redress of their grievances by legally picketing on public side walks and chanting political speech to educate neighbors, as they exposed the selfish greed and self-promotion of UCLA primate killers.

"John McCain has voted with George Bush 90 percent of the time." (tags)

This charge, a centerpiece of Obama's acceptance speech last night, was quite probably true. But it was also a stunning piece of hypocrisy coming from the Democratic nominee who has himself voted for almost every single George Bush war funding bill since becoming a U.S. senator.

DNC Rally, Stop the War (tags)

Denver, Colorado, August 25--Yesterday one thousand people showed up on the steps of the Capitol in Downtown Denver for the rally and the march calling for the end of the occupation in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan spoke first for 10 minutes asking the people to help her to displace Mrs. Pelosi from the head of congress.

Veteran Journalist Robert Scheer Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Veteran progressive journalist Robert Scheer spoke in San Diego July 26 and 28 to promote his new book "The Pornography of Power," an exposé of the military-industrial complex and its continuing power to shape American economic and foreign policy and saddle us not only with weapons we don't need but also the irresistible temptation to use them.

KPFK and Free Speech Radio News Censor Obama's Breach of Promise to Filibuster FILSA Bill (tags)

Daily listeners relying on the kpfk 6 p.m. evening news would not known that Obama's vote for Bush FILSA legislation breached a primary campaign promise to filibuster it.

If Israel Attacks Iran.... (tags)

"Friday's New York Times is reporting that multiple U.S. officials have stated that the Israeli military carried out what seemed to be a 'rehearsal' for a strike directed at Iran's nuclear facilities."
– The Raw Story

KPFK Pacifica Cause Crisis at Free Speech Radio News with Funding Cuts (tags)

The Pacifica Foundation, owner of Los Angeles radio station KPFK, cut Free Speech Radio News funding by $13,500 a month, effective immediately. FSRN faces possible closure.

Satur Ocampo details UN report on HRVs in Canada speech (tags)

Philippine Rep. Satur C. Ocampo (Party List, Bayan Muna), Deputy Minority Leader in the House of Representatives of the Philippines, appealed to the Canadian government to urge the Philippine Government to seriously consider the recommendations of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the spate of extrajudicial killings that have been going on at an alarming rate in the Philippines over the past six years. In a speech delivered to the Filipino community at the Carr Hall of St. Michaels College of the University of Toronto, Ocampo spoke about the report submitted by Prof. Philip Alston to the United Nations on November 28, 2007.


Yesterday, April 9, 2008, thirteen (13) City Council members voted to amend LAMC 42.15 that regulates Venice Boardwalk. Noticeably missing from the text of the new ordinance were the words "FREE SPEECH ZONE". What does that mean to US?

Anti-Semitism in Los Angeles (tags)

Daphna Ziman's devastating personal experience of anti-Semitism at a recent event at which she was being honored.

Daily Bruin: AFSCME Workers Demand Rights (tags)

The ongoing struggle to get raises for UCLA service workers continues.

New Santa Monica Law Would Make it Illegal for Homeless To Speak in City Downtown (tags)

City Seeks Vague Anti-Homeless Law as Pretext to Drive Homeless from its Downtown

Ludacris was forced to talk about our protest! (tags)

Last night, in the rain, we stood outside of the Ludacris concert in protest. Our information flier read, "We believe strongly in the right to free speech; we're not trying to shut down the concert. But we also believe in activism and education as a means to bring about a more just and egalitarian society."

The Antithesis of Ethics (tags)

On the day when hundreds of intellectuals coming from every continent are meeting in Havana to take part in an International Conference for World Equilibrium on the date of José Marti’s birth, on that same day, by some strange quirk, the President of the United States spoke...

Bush is History!!!! (tags)

Lets celebrate! Its the last State of the Union speech Bush will give!

Democrats shift further to the right (tags)

Six weeks after he denounced the American media and US politicians for undermining the war effort in Iraq and called for an all-out mobilization of American power to win victory, the former US commander in Baghdad, retired Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, delivered the official Democratic Party response to President George W. Bush’s weekly Saturday radio address. The selection of Sanchez to make the broadcast November 24 is a calculated decision by the Democratic Party leadership to adopt a standpoint on the war in Iraq that criticizes the Bush administration largely from the right, rather than the left. The Democrats have rebuffed the desires of the vast majority of the American people, including those whose votes placed the Democrats in control of Congress a year ago, who want an end to the war as quickly as possible. Sanchez commanded US forces in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004, the period immediately following the US invasion. He is indelibly linked to two episodes in the bloody record of American oppression in Iraq: the murderous onslaught on the city of Fallujah, then one of the strongholds of Iraqi resistance to the occupation, and the abuse of captured Iraqis in the American military prison at Abu Ghraib.

Indymedia interferes with KPFK and Censors speech (tags)

This post was taken down by Indymedia - why? Isn't this a free speech forum.

CUBA responds to Bush (tags)

REPLYING to three spurious initiatives for Cuba proposed by George Bush in Washington on October 24, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque set out 12 points “covering what the U.S. president should propose as aid” to the island.

Bush at the UN: a war criminal lectures the world on “human rights” (tags)

George W. Bush delivered his next to the last annual address to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday. Taking the same podium that he used five years ago to condemn the world body to “irrelevance” if it failed to rubber stamp his plans for a war of aggression against Iraq, Bush cast his regime in Washington as the world’s greatest champion of human rights and its most generous and selfless benefactor.

ROd Feree Speech Trial Compilation (tags)

It is impossible that twelve intelligent jurors could find Rod guilty on all three conditions: The judge told the jurors that they must find that when Coronado spoke to a Hillcrest audience four years ago, he not only meant to 1. teach them step-by-step how to commit arson, 2. he intended them to go and commit federal crimes of violence 3. that arson was “imminent” and “likely” to occur because of Coronado’s words.

Report from Rod Coronado trial (tags)

After spending the court day on Monday with jury selection, the 12 person (plus one alternate) was seated Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, and opening statements were made by both prosecution and defense attorneys before Tuesday’s noon lunch break. The jury is mostly white in this conservative town with a large military population, with one African American and 4 Latino, and a seven/five gender split, with two more women than men.

Prominent Environmental Leader Goes To Trial in Free Speech Case (tags)

Rodney Coronado, well-known environmental, animal rights and Native American activist is facing charges brought by government prosecutors related to a public speech

We in the 911 Truth Movement (tags)

Free Speech don't mean squat if no one at the top has to listen.

Frank Moore's Presidential Campaign Speech Last Night (tags)

Last night, 2008 Presidential candidate Frank Moore delivered a campaign speech to an enthusiastic crowd of seniors, staffers and youth at the Claremont House retirement community in Oakland, CA. The text of his speech follows. Moore’s campaign has gained increasing popularity and media attention over the summer. He is considered one of the most interesting alternative candidates for President, and was just interviewed by London's The Independent for this very reason.

National call for action in Missoula MT (tags)

My name is Jim Squatter. I'm a medical marijuana advocate who has been active in the San Francisco Bay Area for decades. Recently, I came to Missoula MT, to carry on the struggle here.

Obama calls for US attack on Pakistan in warmongering address (tags)

In a transparent effort to bolster his reputation for toughness on national security issues and outflank his main rivals on the right for the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois delivered a bellicose speech August 1 at a Washington think tank. Speaking to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Obama called for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan, threatened unilateral attacks against Pakistan and pledged to strengthen the US military and intelligence apparatus.

GMA comes up short again on June 12 rites, say militants (tags)

The umbrella group Bagong Alyansang Makabayan on Tuesday called President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s Independence Day speech as “another pitch for an Enchanted Kingdom while totally missing out on the point of the celebration.” “National unity has been a battle cry of this administration. There can be no national unity and reconciliation with a government that is focused on perpetuating itself in power. This government stands against everything that the independence movement stood for more than 100 years ago,” said Bayan secretary general Renato M. Reyes, Jr.

Disabled Conscientious Objector Vet Goes Before Judge Over Freedom of Speech (tags)

The Coils were reading when they noticed through a glass window a room in which two military recruiters with a stack of forms were trying to recruit a young man who Tim thought could not have been more than 17 or 18 years old.

The War on Free Expression (tags)

The struggle to save our First Amendment rights


Speech delivered by Leah Obias of the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) - NY/NJ at the historic March on the Pentagon on March 17, 2007 in Washington DC

How Barack Obama learned to love Israel (tags)

Only if enough people know what Obama and his competitors stand for, and organize to compel them to pay attention to their concerns can there be any hope of altering the disastrous course of US policy in the Middle East.

Organizing against police suppression of political activities (tags)

Jim DeMaegt was visited by the Secret Service at his apartment building on January 3 of this year at about 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.

Are You the Terrorist Next Door? The AETA and the Green Scare (tags)

Congress recently passed legislation called the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), which can be used to prosecute civil disobedience and speech as “domestic terrorism” when an animal-related business loses profits and property. The Act also protects corporations that pollute and destroy the environment.

"WIPED OFF THE MAP" - The Rumor of the Century (tags)

Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications. According to legend, Iran's President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, to quote the misquote, "Israel must be wiped off the map". Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as the following article will prove.

SURGE FOR PEACE! - San Fernando Valley (tags)

[ And now, a message from the President of the United States: "After mah special speech on surging Eye-Rak, in which i'll be talkin bout my big plans fer VICTORY in that there country, which will include sending - oh, around twenty thousand more of yer kids to protect our oil fields - i hope you all will be inspired enough ta stay home and watch some good 'ol Merican telivision, or maybe go shoppin ta support my war effert. Just be sure NOT ta excersize yer right ta free speech - you wernt using that 'ol thing anyway - by going to tha Thursday Night SURGE FOR PEACE Vigil in the San Fernando Valley hosted by all them thar peace-niks. Jus go along with mah war plans, and everythin will be jus fine 'n dandy. Anyway, that's what Jesus done whispered in mah ear tha other night." ]

GM CEO Gets Pissy at Protestors at LA Auto Show (tags)

Rainforest Action Network and Global Exchange recently challenged Detroit's automakers to stop talking "green" by committing to real environmental standards. Video is 44 seconds...

No Fear of Neo-Fascist AETA!! (tags)

Following the passing of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), animal rights activists pledge to maintain resistance against animal rights abusers!!

Federal Lawsuit Filed for Venice Free Speech Zone - Again - City Must Study Contitution (tags)

Federal Lawsuit Filed October 16, 2006 by president of National Lawyer's Guild of Los Angeles.

Full Statement of Columbia Students Who Occupied the Stage (tags)

October 6, 2006

Protest at Columbia University against Gilchrist (tags)

Full statement of those who occupied the stage at Columbia University at a event with Jim Gilchrist on Oct. 4th.

Gilchrist Attacked at Columbia; Violence Erupts, Loud Shouts and Fists Thrown in Anger (tags)

Gilchrist such down by angry crowd at Columbia University, reports right-wing World Net Daily. Ends in celebration and gleeful chants of 'Asian, Black, Brown and White, we smashed the Minutemen tonight!'"

Minutemen suffer defeat at Columbia University (tags)

A major demonstration last night resulted in a serious setback for the Minutemen organization, when Jim Gilchrist's speech was disrupted and the event shut down by militant demonstrators.

MSN Censors Writer After Emailing Juaneno Unity article (tags)

Not long after emailing friends and family an article I wrote on Juaneno Unity, my MSN email account was closed for 5 or 6 days.

Bush and Islam (tags)

The wide gap between U.S. President George W. Bush's words and deeds vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims doomed to failure his speech at the United nations on September 19, which could neither appease Muslims nor pacify the ever growing Islamophobia.

A belligerent Bush addresses the UN (tags)

In a speech to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday, US President George W. Bush delivered a remarkably belligerent warning to the peoples of the Middle East that Washington intends to continue and even widen its campaign of military aggression.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld speeches: A new drumbeat for war (tags)

In a coordinated series of speeches this week, the top officials of the Bush administration have begun a public campaign to smear and intimidate opponents of the war in Iraq while laying the political groundwork for dragging the American people into a new and even more terrible war—this time against Iran.

Terrorist Gang Stalking In America By Americans (tags)

Terrorist Gang Stalking is a tool employed by fascists who seek to quash freedom of speech along many other Constitutional rights. Please join us in the fight to expose and stop this insidious crime.

LA City Council flushs First Amendment down the toilet (tags)

Ratcheting up restraints on public comment, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved new rules of ''decorum'' designed to squelch offensive and disruptive behavior at council meetings, ranging from foul language and racial slurs to singing, whistling, foot-stamping and other boisterous conduct.

Medea Benjamin Disrupts Iraqi PM Speech (tags)

Medea broke into a chant saying: "Iraqis want the troops to leave, bring them home now! Listen to the Iraqis!"

It rebounds speech of Fidel Castro in diverse latitudes (tags)

International press means credited in Cuba and others of the world grant wide diffusion to the President's speech Fidel Castro in Bayamo, while from diverse latitudes it is known of the celebration by the Day of the National Rebelliousness in Cuba, occasion of new actions of solidarity with the Island.



Lebanon's Al Manar TV Attacked (tags)

Attacks on free speech continue with increasing brazenness

Flag-protection amendment fails by 1 vote (tags)

A proposed constitutional amendment to allow Congress to prohibit desecration of the flag fell a single vote short of approval by the Senate on Tuesday

June 11, 2006 - Food Not Bombs Activist Arrested in Venice, CA (tags)

Venice/Santa Monica Food Not Bombs member arrested on Venice Beach Boardwalk following a series of on-going harassments, tickets, and police threats to arrest volunteers.

Gorbachev Calls Cheney a "Durak" (fool, idiot) (tags)

It was Friday evening, May 19, 2006. My spouse (Carol DePrisco) and I were dining at Barron - the house restaurant of St. Petersburg's recently refurbished Petro Palace Hotel (located on Malaya Morskaya street, just one block east of St. Issac's Cathedral and two blocks west of bustling Nevsky Prospect). We were dining with a retired professor of English from St. Petersburg State University. At the very outset of our conversation, the professor inquired: "You are not a Republican, are you?" I assured her I wasn't, thus breaking the ice for a very pleasant and engaging conversation during dinner and afterward in our spacious hotel suite.


The ACLA was so called convicted on threat statutes; also ordered to pay a HUGE civil award.) (This was the anti-abortion case-thing....



ACLU files suit against Costa Mesa (tags)

REPOST...The suit was filed by the ACLU of Southern California on behalf of Benito Acosta, a 24-year-old Costa Mesa resident and Orange Coast College student who also uses the name Coyotl Tezcatlipoca. It claims city officials violated Acosta's rights to free speech, equal protection and due process by silencing him and by using force to restrain him, eject him from the council meeting, and arrest him.

Former Animal Liberation Front Warrior Rodney Coronado Indicted for Making Speech (tags)

Communiqu from the NAALPO


Rumor has it that this summer has officially been declared the "SUMMER OF FREE SPEECH" on Venice Beach. Why? Perhaps because the L.A. City Council's new LAMC 42.15 ordinance pushes the envelope on 1st Amendment vile-ations perpetrated by themselves with the help of the City Attorney's office.

Villaraigosa interrupted during speach (tags)

Protestors interrupted a speech this morning from Mayor Villaraigoso, challenging him to take action to save the South Central Farm.

Valley Congressional Candidate replies to State of Union (tags)

Byron De Lear, Green Party candidate for Congress in the Valley's 28th District, is featured in Green video rebuttals to Bush's State of the Union speech.

Green Video rebuttals to State of Union speech (tags)

Byron De Lear, Green Party candidate for Congress in the Valley's 28th District, is featured in Green video rebuttals to Bush's State of the Union speech.

1/31 6 PM -10 PM: Los Angeles State of Union Speech After Party!!! (tags)

(almost) everyone is invited to the state of the Union Speech After-Party with food, drinks, games and intelligent conversations.

Al Gore speech on Threats to Constitution by actions by the Executive Branch (tags)

On January 16, 2006, Al Gore spoke for about an hour at Constitution Hall (Washington, DC) as part an event on Martin Luther King Day. See the link to an MP3 file of the audio of the speech. There are links to additional speech's by Al Gore at the link

Is Finland going to be part of Russia? (tags)

How about Texas selecting Tarja, who told on his speech "It would be a blessing for Finland to join Soviet Union in a peaceful manner. At the same time we would be able to get rid of capitalist yoke, since capitalism will die anyway in the next 20 years. Finland together with Soviet Union cold be forerunner towards a communist society".

CM Mayor Puts Choke-hold On First Amendment During Immigration Crackdown (tags)

Mayor Allan Mansoor of Costa Mesa lets lets Minuteman followers have there say, but cuts off immigrant rights activists.

Protest Costa Mesa City Council 1/17 (tags)

see above

Speech to the War-Weary Nation (tags)

Bush conceded in his speech hat America's words cannot be trusted when he admitted mistakes in the justification of war.. The US itself created the terror problem that it pretends to combat.

Green Party’s Kevin Zeese Has New Approach (tags)

On Dec. 14, 2005, the Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in MD, Kevin Zeese, ripped into President Bush calling his Annapolis speech, “filled with lies!” He also demanded the U.S. get out of Iraq and admit it’s a “failed policy.” He labeled the Military-Industrial Complex, the “greatest threat to our country.” Zeese also wants a “Single Payer” health care system, a “share the wealth” economy and a fair and balanced Middle East policy.

Terrorism comes to Duke (tags)

The ISM at Duke: The Saga Continues

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/30/05) (tags)

FEMA to stop paying hotel bills for 50,000 evacuees.

Transgender Day of Remembrance: Text of one of the Speeches (tags)

This is the text from the speech that Alexander Yoo, Board President of Genderqueer Revolution, gave at the event.

In the Commission of History and God (tags)

Somehow this does not add up, that there is now a fateful battle between the forces of good and evil in which there can only be one final victory. Bush's fear-mongering is a false unity threatening the planet with weapons firms profiting while the poor are abandoned. thepoor

Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 2 (tags)

Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.

Peace Walk with Thich Nhat Hanh - Part 1 (tags)

Buddhist monks and nuns, progressive left and religious peace organizations and other seekers after knowledge met yesterday in MacArthur Park for a meditation with Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh that was intended to create a peaceful state that will eventually translate into an end to war.

UN cannot be reformed: Chavez tells people of US to fight for socialism (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Police forcibly break up Cindy Sheehan rally (tags)

The New York City Police Department forcibly broke up this afternoon's rally for Cindy Sheehan, moving in as Cindy was speaking at about 3 p.m. in Union Square.

Bush's Blue Light Special (tags)

Things are not as they appear when the president speaks—not the backdrop, and not the promises he makes. In this land of Oz, where’s Toto when we need him?

W's political capital nosedived in Katrina speech (tags)

Boy George claimed political capital (with a mere 2% margin even after the disputed 2004 election) & vowed to use it. But after his debacle of a 'speech' on his handling of Katrina, W should commit suicide.

CodePink Activists Confront Rumsfeld at Speech (tags)

CodePink Activists Confront Rumsfeld at Speech

War of BIG words: Anti-War activist attacked (tags)

Anti-war activist Ford Greene faces opposition from right-wing extremists

The prime-time smearing of Sami Al-Arian (tags)

zion and their media have been after the guns and freedom of speech here...they already have all the politicans, and control of the currency and judicial system...the Al-Arian freedomn of speech case is a test to see how well Americans be distracted with false flag terror and extravagant demolitions on TV....blubber the blood sponge is just a fatboy pig hungry for somebody elses glory..

1ST AMENDMENT VIOLATIONS ON VENICE BOARDWALK (final updated & corrected version) (tags)

Complaints Filed with L. A. City Ethics Commission Venice activists Re: City Council's Free Speech Violations on Venice Boardwalk.

Goodbye Philippine President Gloria Arroyo (tags)

8 July 2005 AKBAYAN Party today said that the speech made by the President last night announcing that she will not resign and will push instead for major constitutional reforms indicates that "house is already burning." Akbayan also called the speech of the President, which called for the resignation of all Cabinet members, as a feeble pitch to preempt the expected withdrawal of support from key Cabinet officials.


“Press Conference, Venice Beach-Style, on July 8 to Announce Federal Lawsuit Filed for Venice Free Speech Zone”

Civil Rights Documentary UnBound after 2 YRS of Suppression (tags)

LIBERTY BOUND, shunned even by organizations like and Democracy Now!, has finally found the distrubution it deserves on Free Speech TV! (Dish Network 9415) Thursday, July 7th - (EST) 2am, 9am, 1:30pm, 4:30pm, 9pm

Banner-Bearing Protester at Convention Is Acquitted (tags)

A Manhattan jury rejected all charges last night against a California woman who was arrested at the Republican National Convention, when she unfurled a banner criticizing President Bush during his acceptance speech.

1st Amendemtn Violations on Venice Boardwalk (tags)

A Complaint Filed with the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission on Wednsday, June 15, 2005 re: Cindy Miscikowski's Breaches

Call in to the City of BP (tags)

Call the city. urge them to repeal the permit to protest law.

Schwarzenegger faces boos, turned backs at Santa Monica College (tags)

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger took the stage Tuesday at Santa Monica College's Corsair Stadium, which was filled with a maximum capacity crowd, and faced boos, chants, turned backs and signs of protest to his policies on education funding.

Video from SMC Commencement (tags)

SANTA MONCIA - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 The governor of California was basically booed off stage during a commencement address to graduating students at Santa Monica College today. Boos, and chants continued non-stop through out the gov’s speech.


CONTROVERSIAL VENICE BEACH “FREE EXPRESSION” LOTTERY REVIEW - On Wednesday, June 15 L.A. City Recreation & Parks Commissioners will get a chance to look back (in anger?) at the past 90 days of botched management by Cindy Miscikowski's office, Venice Recreation & Parks, the City Attorney's Office, and LAPD beach patrol

Axis of Justice and Rubidoux High School’s “30 Hour Famine” (tags)

The Article is a report back from Saturday's Fast for Famine in Riverside CA

Governor of California to give commencement speech at Santa Monica College (tags)

Governor of California to give commencement speech at Santa Monica College. After months of protest and pleas from both students and faculty not to schedule the governator. The president and the board of trustees of SMC have gone ahead despite the objections.

How Cults Work: Block Free Speech whilst waving the UN flag (tags)

Anyone who uses a computer will be painfully familiar with EULAs [End User Licence Agreements]- those nasty non negotiable clauses beloved of Software giants like Microsoft, that we have to accept before installing anything new on our machines. Now EULAs are being used by cults to get people to sign away their rights to free speech.

Free Speech Protest (tags)

UPDATE on "Protesters on Venice Boardwalk" (03/14/05)

Brigadier shocks and awes: there is no war on terrorism (tags)

OOPS! Looks like the cat is out of the bag. This is a military source confirming what many of our thinking readers already know. Related: VIDEO: THE POWER OF NIGHTMARES Explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organized terrorist network is an illusion.

Things are going from bad to worse? - It has gotten worse, folks! (tags)

The neo-cons are aware that Americans are un-informed (by corporate design) and domicile (courtesy of ESPN). Americans will not leave the couch and a good game on TV to stand out on the street to protest anything nowadays. So the onslaught continues. Congress is making haste at taking away rights that have been built up through decades of struggle.


Two Venice Beach activists ticketed by LAPD for being in 'designated area' in Free Speech Zone on Venice Boardwalk Sunday, March 13, 2005. The 'designated area' is part of L.A. City's attempt to regulate the Free Speech Zone by use of a lottery system that is being boycotted by a group of artist-activists in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.

In Oscar Texas, One More Acceptance Speech to Go? (tags)

One native of Terrell, Texas gave the acceptance speech of a lifetime at Sunday night's Oscar ceremony. Will Brenda Denson-Prince get her chance, too? A judge has been named to hear her appeal for a seat on the Kaufman County Commissioners Court.

Patriots and Parrots: Imprisoning Tongues in America (tags)

It can be dangerous to engage in free speech. This year alone, 242 journalists, in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, have been tossed into jail for their words, and one has been killed.

Empire and Social Insecurity: Battle Plans of This White House (tags)

It was hard to sit still and watch his smug bully’s face during the February 2 State of the Union speech. It was infuriating to watch the standing ovations of the surrounding Congress, or hear the fawning patter of the news media.

In official traditions, the President tells Congress each year how the "Union" (meaning the United States) is doing. In reality, the State of the Union speech is a "bully pulpit" where presidents build public support for their next actions.

George W. Bush didn’t dare breathe a word of truth about the real "State of the Union." Bush couldn’t mention how most of the planet thinks he is a bloody cowboy who wants to rule like a new Roman emperor. He didn’t mention how the invasion of Iraq has turned into a brutal counterinsurgency. He didn’t discuss how bitterly the U.S. "homeland" is divided between "two Americas"—half of which hates the sight of him.

Work Less Party replies to the Throne Speech (tags)

Alarm Clocks Kill Dreams.

Chavez: Capitalism must be transcended (tags)

Hands Off VenezuelaCampaign


The Religious Left offers a provocative alternative and, or so we pray, eventually a forum of live talk for those who don’t think they have a prayer because they aren’t “christians.” Please find bbb (Length 5:09 Type MP3) a copy of the opening segment of a first show, to give you an idea of what we mean.

The Crusade for God and Global Conquest (tags)

“America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof.”

George W. Bush, second inaugural speech

“You think you know...but you have no idea...just what Bush has in store world...our future!”

Opening lines of the RCP’s statement
"The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought from Here Forward!"

George W. Bush swaggered to the podium of his inauguration and said he would put before "every ruler and every nation" a choice over whether to embrace his vision of "freedom." (Kinda like how the Godfather makes you an "offer you can’t refuse.")


Many people in the KPFA listener community in the San Francisco Bay Area have asked me, Joseph Anderson, for a copy of my UC Berkeley "Daily Californian" newspaper guest column on Pacifica Radio's KPFA character Larry Bensky. At the time of its original publication, I knew nothing about Bensky other than how he came across on the air. I guess it is time for a confirming retrospective. Bensky hasn't changed a bit. This was written during the Pacifica Radio crisis of 1999, when Bensky was fired (thanks to *me*, now it can be told!). I immediately notified and talked to Mary Berry, then, about his insubordination and symbolically offered to let her have Bensky in exchange for Pacifica Radio back. But, it was still nice to have someone Black shut *Bensky* up!

A small victory (tags)

Code Pink trumps CHP

A MOM'S FYI: George W. Bush....Buzzing for Your Vote!! (tags)


Gay McCarthyism - ''Feel the (Heterophobic) Hate'' (tags)

[To Paul Krugman]: While Googling around the web recently, I stumbled across your Sept. 3 Op-Ed piece on the Republican convention, “Feel the Hate.” I’m not interested in getting into a discussion of what was said about Senator Kerry. But I would like to talk about why Sheri Dew should not have been included in the list of speakers you accused of hate speech. More importantly, I’d like to use this as a case study of the McCarthyesque tactics employed by the gay press.

Ralph Nader Speech now on-line (tags)

His speech at Creighton Univ. is now available full text, on-line

Vancouver IMC ; we are calling it quits! (tags)

Vancouver IMC goes dark

Bush's Convention Speech, Edited for Clarity (tags)

Attend! National Corporate Radio, a scathing parody of npr, brings you excerpts of Bush's speech at the RNC. We carefully edited this speech to more closely reflect our Great Leader's true intentions. Enjoy!

Bush’s Acceptance Speech: True Lies and Terror , Terror, Terror (tags)

Bush offered up no surprises in his acceptance speech at the RNC, continued to pretend the invasion of Iraq was part of a War on Terror, and promised us more right-wing judges, more international military adventures, and a new attack on the foundation of Social Security.

Breaking: Code Pink Founder Protests in front of Bush, RNC? (tags)

Venice Beach Code Pink co-founder reported by NYC Indy Media newsire to be one of protesters removed from the floor of the RNC during Bush's speech tonite. Bewlow is NYCIMC text:

Who's the "girlie man," Arnold? (tags)

Ugly ironies in Arnold's theatrics

Vetting free speech not such a swift idea (tags)

Some of Kerry's biggest fans are in the press (tags)

Bush at Mount Rushmore: The Shrine of Hypocrisy (tags)

Teddy Roosevelt deserves a special mention because of his racist attitude towards Indians and others. As Roosevelt wrote in his book "The Winning of the West", "American and Indian“ .... wrote, "it is of incalculable importance that America, Australia, and Siberia should pass out of the hands of their red, black, and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the heritage of the dominant races of the world."

Will lie for VOTES (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff. Democrats or Republicans? I don't give a shit! U.S. foreign policy remains the same.




Welcome to Camp Gitmo Free Speech Zone!

Did Ronald Reagan 'torture' blacks? (tags)

Viewing Chairman Avakian's speech in the heart of the barrio (tags)

On May 1st, in a restaurant in the Pico-Union section of Los Angeles, a group of a dozen Latino proletarians and others gathered to watch the video clip of the historic speech by Chairman Avakian, "Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About."

Help Support Free Speech TV! (tags)

DirecTV Should Carry Free Speech TV Online Petition Most Americans rely on TV for their news. Yet TV is not always the most reliable source for news. Free Speech TV is a publicly supported independent, non-profit, and non-commercial channel. On Free Speech TV you will find films and shows providing perspectives that are under-represented or ignored by the mainstream media. You can help decide what we get to watch.

Free speech in Chicago? (tags)

Choicago teachers assert 1rst amendment rights

BTL:Filmmaker Ken Burns Condemns Bush Policies on War and Civil Liberties (tags)

Speech excerpt by Ken Burns, filmmaker and historian, produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Bush Iraq speech ‘defends the indefensible’ (tags)

Longtime Philadelphia labor activist Jim Moran had little use for George W. Bush’s May 24 Iraq policy speech. “It didn’t score any points with me,” Moran said.

Bush trips over Abu Ghraib pronunciation (tags)

CARLISLE, Pa., May 24 (Reuters) - Two rehearsals for his prime-time speech on Monday were not enough to keep U.S. President George W. Bush from mangling the name of the Abu Ghraib prison that brought shame to the U.S. mission in Iraq. During the half-hour televised address, Bush mispronounced Abu Ghraib each of the three times he mentioned it while announcing U.S. plans to tear down the infamous jail and replace it with a new facility.

Mayday in S. Korea (tags)

Workers, students and migrants demonstrated for a world without exploitation and oppression.

Inventing the news (tags)

Another of thousands of examples of the mass media 'inventing news' to fit their agenda. With most people accepting what they hear on TV as fact it is little wonder myth can gain universal acceptance.

Behind the Smoke and Mirrors (tags)

So what did you get from Bush's speech, we are all going to die, yeah I got that too.


Hate Speech Websites May Not Rely on First Amendment To Deceive Readers On March 27, 2004, the WIPO-authorized National Arbitration Forum (NAF) issued a ruling in favor of The Prem Rawat Foundation (“TPRF”) against Jeffery Leason, a hate speech website operator from Pleasanton and San Diego who wrongfully registered the Internet domain name for the purpose of confusing and misleading Internet readers looking for legitimate information about The Prem Rawat Foundation. Leason is a notorious member of a small but vocal hate group obsessively dedicated to harassing Prem Rawat, his students, and entities involved in the dissemination of Rawat’s message of peace.

Pro-Israel Lobby vs Free Speech (tags)

CFL ALERT: Oppose H.R. 3077

Why? (tags)

Why do people who call themselves liberals get sad when a racist is killed.

Democratic frontrunner declares he will be stronger "war president" than Bush (tags)

What makes Kerry’s contribution so valuable, in the eyes of the ruling elite, is that his campaign will deprive the American people of any significant choice on the most basic issue, war and peace. There will be no fundamental change in US foreign policy if Kerry wins the election.

A Transman Meets Dennis Kucinich (tags)

Here is an article I wrote about what happened when I met Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Please vote for Dennis for President tomorrow, Super Tuesday!

No Negotiation on Free Speech (tags)

"Free Speech Zones" are for the coopted and for sheep. Do not obey!

outFarpress presents "Reining In The Patriot Act" with ACLU Lawyer (tags)

A 59 minute speech by Judith Volkart of the N CA ACLU. An update on what is known and being done to "rein in" the Patriot Act. 2 files- broadcast and slow modem. Free to rebroadcast upon notification.

Americans respond to State of the Union: What about jobs? (tags)

George W. Bush delivered the 2004 State of the Union speech to Congress and the American people on Jan. 20, and afterwards many people asked: What Union and world was he talking about?

Talking Points -- The Speech (tags)

The speech was characterized by serious omissions, denials, and lies.

Police Violence AT WTO Protests Costs Seattle Taxpayers $250,000 (tags)

In a time when Seattle is in deep need of money for its schools, etc., we are paying $250,000, and rightly so, to protesters who were grotesquely violated at the WTO protests in 1999. And Seattle did not learn from that riot, as it produced two more...

Hate Speech, Anything Jews hate to Hear (tags)

Is this ture or is it true.... I know its true

911 a picture of truth in Action (tags)

This is truth in Action!

G8 2004 Savannah/ Activists pressure pays off (tags)

Political thaw in Savannah: Officials get behind planned G8 Summit Actions

Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)

So this is America???

DEC 16th Diebold gets TRASHED by CA SoState (tags)

Voting Systems Panel - Dec 16 - Diebold gets thrashed" This meeting was amazing, to say the least. You want to talk about vindication of the "hysteria" over Diebold? Well, this was it! Last month the State of California ordered Diebold to cooperate with, and to pay for an audit of their installed hardware/firmware/software versions statewide. Today partial results of that audit were released, and it was a doozie...

Scott Ritter Speech Cancelled at Studio City School (tags)

Whose Police? Our Police! (tags)

"Whose fucking police? Our fucking police!" chant Philly ACT UP. “The people who chant this will never be creative. The people, bad slogans, will always be defeated.” New twists on tired slogans, new tactics such as coming as protesting the protest...for fun!

Bush Makes Protesters 'Disappear' (tags)

Futher demonstrating their contempt for the Constitution and right of the people to express their opinions. Sieg Heil Mein Fuhrer. NOT!

Speech by Sameena Faheen, Director of American Muslim Voice (tags)

Speech by Sameena Faheen, Director of American Muslim VoiceSameena Faheem, executive director of American Muslim Voice, speaks on the fate of Arabs and Muslims under the Patriot Act and INS registration. 55 minutes. 2 files, broadcast and slow modem. Use this link- Free to rebroadcast upon notification.

Yes, Bush lied (tags)

Even the pro-Republican World Net Daily now Admits that Bush LIED. Impeach the Liar. There is nothing in the Constitution which authorizes the pResident to lie to start a War.

Freedom of Religion, Press, Speech, Assembly, Petition (tags)

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Robert Fisk speech exposes lies behind Iraq War (tags)

Robert Fisk speech exposes lies behind Iraq War

Paul Robeson honored with postage stamp (tags)

CHICAGO – Bowing to a six-year grassroots campaign, the U.S. Postal Service has announced that it will issue a stamp commemorating the life of Paul Robeson. The announcement is being greeted with joy in the ranks of those who fought for its issuance.

Hannity Forum Moderators Exhort Hate Speech (tags)

Recently, when debating fanatical conservatives on the Sean Hannity Discussion Forum, I was informed by the moderators that gay-bashing is certainly acceptable behaviour on their website.

BTL:Excerpts of Sept. 27 speech in New York City by Cuba's foreign minister... (tags)

...Felipe Perez-Roque. Produced by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

Maoist Debate: Free Speech under Socialism (tags)

The following exchange was taken from the website over the question of Freedom of speech after revolution.

Yes, Bush lied (tags)

The CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the other U.S. spy agencies unanimously agreed that Baghdad:  had not sponsored past terrorist attacks against America,  was not operating in concert with al-Qaida,  and was not a terrorist threat to America.  "We have no specific intelligence information that Saddam's regime has directed attacks against U.S. territory," the report stated. 

The president lays an egg at the U.N. (tags)

The Dimwit in Chief fails again to convince anyone with any intelligence that he is not a congenital liar.

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders - Satire (tags)

Look, in my speech this past Sunday, I used the word "democracy" about 11 times when talking about Iraq. It's democracy Florida-style, I suppose. Except we're not fixing the vote this time we aren't letting these people vote at all. "Iraqis aren't prepared for democracy." That's what Dick Cheney and Saddam Hussein told me.

Bustamante Uses the "N" Word!? (tags)

Lt Gov. Cruz Bustamante used the "n" word at a fund raiser last year. Worth remembering now.

Free Speech Zones? (tags)

As Bush spreads lies throughout the land, dissenters are corralled into “Free Speech Zones” –- is this America?

Anarchism and the trash can.... (tags)

Nice banner, nice trashcan.....

THURSDAY: Free Speech Activists to Protest New FCC Rules Effective 9/4 (tags)

On Thursday, September 4 ‐ the day that controversial new FCC media ownership rules go into effect ‐ free speech advocates and media consumers will protest at media outlets in half a dozen cities, including Los Angeles. They hope to encourage Congress, which is considering legislation to overturn the FCC decision, and counter the new pro-consolidation advertising campaign that was launched this week by CBS, NBC and Fox television.

'Dream' words misused, Minorities still abused (tags)

King's son lamented the deliberate twisting of his father famous speech -- renews nationwide effort to address inequality including a suspicious hanging in Florida

"Free Speech Zones" contradiction in terms (tags)

Lirot says that "Free Speech Zones" are a contradiction in terms. The unelected fascist baby killer can't decide to move anti-fascism protests out of sight while allowing pro-fascism ralleys.

CMU Professor's Web Site Causing Controversy (tags)

Controversy is brewing over a Web site at a local university. Some people say the site promotes terrorism because it includes instructions for building a bomb.

Commencement Address by Neil Boortz (A Fake!) (tags)

This is pure dynamite. The guy rocks! Love to have been there to watch the faculty while he gave this speech - B.A. TOO BAD IT NEVER HAPPENED!!!! LIKE Neil himself say.... WARNING!   Do not believe anything you hear on my show, or anything you read on the Internet unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true -- or you have actually taken the time to verify the information with another source.  That's called "doing your homework."

Bravo's new show, pros and cons (tags)

Hail the Prada-Worshipping Queer or God Bless The Gay?

Anarchists and their Endless Contradictions (tags)

Radicals - And Why I'll Never Understand Them

Bush Lies (amsellem) (tags)

cartoon © 2003 by charles amsellem. activists may reproduce for non profit use only. all other rights reserved

Irag- History will forgive us or Mr.Bush's Poodle Barks again (tags)

Irag-Bush and Blair

Officials Say Forgeries on Iraqi Efforts Reached State Dept. Before Speech (tags)

The administration, facing increased criticism over the claims it made about Iraq's attempts to buy uranium, had said until now that it did not have the documents before the State of the Union speech.

Democrat Eyes Potential Grounds for Bush Impeachment (tags)

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bob Graham said on Thursday there were grounds to impeach President Bush if he was found to have led America to war under false pretenses.

CIA got report after Bush address (tags)

The CIA did not receive the now-discredited documents that were a key source of the Bush administration's claim that Iraq sought uranium in Africa until after President Bush's State of the Union address, U.S. officials say.

Bush Faced Dwindling Data on Iraq Nuclear Bid (tags)

A review of speeches and reports, plus interviews with present and former administration officials and intelligence analysts, suggests that between Oct. 7, when President Bush made a speech laying out the case for military action against Hussein, and Jan. 28, when he gave his State of the Union address, almost all the other evidence had either been undercut or disproved by U.N. inspectors in Iraq.

A Firm Basis for Impeachment (tags)

(2003-07-15) Does the president not read? Does his national security staff, led by Condoleezza Rice, keep him in the dark about the most pressing issues of the day? Or is this administration blatantly lying to the American people to secure its ideological ends?

CIA Got Uranium Mention Cut in Oct. (tags)

July 13 — CIA Director George J. Tenet successfully intervened with White House officials to have a reference to Iraq seeking uranium from Niger removed from a presidential speech last October, three months before a less specific reference to the same intelligence appeared in the State of the Union address, according to senior administration officials.

CIA Got Uranium Reference Cut in Oct. Why Bush Cited It In Jan. Is Unclear (tags)

CIA Director George J. Tenet successfully intervened with White House officials to have a reference to Iraq seeking uranium from Niger removed from a presidential speech last October, three months before a less specific reference to the same intelligence appeared in the State of the Union address, according to senior administration officials.

war (tags)

repost from Portland. Nice to have a gang like these swine in arms on your team.

Santa Cruz Police Violate Free Speech With Two More Arrests! (tags)

Steve Argue and Matt Hartogh were arrested on Sunday July 6th for distributing literature on Pacific Avenue.

Voice Cloning - Software Recreates Voices Of Living & Dead (tags)

AT&T Labs will start selling speech software that it says is so good at reproducing the sounds, inflections and intonations of a human voice that it can re-create voices and even bring the voices of long-dead celebrities back to life.

ari fleischer on free speech. (tags)

the mouth of the shite house had a few words of wisdom and warning regarding free speech.

Rage. Mistrust. Hatred. Fear. Uncle Sam's enemies within (tags)

A few things have happened recently that show just how powerful -- and, perhaps, unstoppable -- is the march of the right-wing machine in the US. This month the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a right-wing think tank umbilically tied to the Bush administration, declared open warfare on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) deemed too left-wing and set up an organisation called NGOWatch to monitor these liberal pressure groups.

Dennis Kucinich - Take Back America Speech (tags)

Take Back America speech, on WMD and more // 1.3megs, 5.5 minutes // Washington DC, June, 2003

Tulsa Pro-Peace Bicycle Driver Arrested On False Charges (tags)

Free Speech Ain't Free

Come Hear Leftists Moan (tags)

Hear the liberals piss and whine and moan and whimper and cry...

FOX-TV So Rabidly Pro-Bush They Should Be On The Campaign Payroll (tags)

Watching Fox News is like watching an electronic adolescent that has appointed itself the strident, belligerent defender of the Bush administration and its foreign policy.

Free Speech TV Needs Your Help! (tags)

Tell Direct TV to carry Free Speech TV. Working with activists and artists, Free Speech TV uses television to cultivate an informed and active citizenry in order to advance progressive social change. Most Americans get their news from TV. Help decide what we get to watch.

Next: A Working Demonstration (tags)

Looking ahead to future protests. A protest by nature represents what a group is against rahter than what a group is for. A working demonstration is the reverse: it represents what a group is for. It creates a forum for positive action.



Indeymedia loses clout (tags)

Free speech is one thing, hate speech is another.

Old Article By KOBE: KOBE Headquarters Fights anti-American Dissident/Terrorist groups on (tags)

Read fascist tripe from the words of the leader of KOBE. It's a hoot. Follow the link to the right wing self-publishing site and add comments... Could be fun.

Do We Really Have Free Speech? (tags)

The following is a transcript of a speech given by 13-year-old Charlotte Aldebron in Augusta, Maine on April 19, 2003.

Dixie Chickens, Hackers & Co. (tags)

Adventures in free speech.

Sly As A Fox In The Box (tags)

"But Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon represent something altogether different in this battle over the issues of this war, this administration and Constitutionally-protected free speech. With them comes the true battleground and everyone should take notice. Neither of them are given to excess hyperbole or ad homonym attacks against those who differ with them politically ... What has transpired recently has not quite sunk in for most Americans. This isn't a left vs. right issue, though the right (and yes, indeed, many leftists) want it to be in order to further polarize the citizenry."

Today Show Goes Dark On Tim Robbins (tags)

A conversation about free speech. An anchor asking reasonable questions. A guest responding in equally reasonable tones. No attempt to close out the discussion - to say "Well thank you Tim". This was not a filibuster. Robbins was not hogging the spotlight. Someone in the control room simply decided that it was time to pull the plug.


Fidel Castro Rewards Free Speech with Prison Terms

Kucinich to Propose Dept. of Peace (tags)

A report on Dennis J. Kucinich's speech at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church on April 5th, 2003.

William Mandel, American Dissident (tags)

"If you think that I am going to cooperate with this collection of Judases, of men who sit there in violation of the United States Constitution, if you think I will cooperate with you in any manner whatsoever, you are insane!" From William Mandel’s 1960 testimony before HUAC



Support PCC Students (tags)

STUDENTS at all campuses: DEFEND OUR FREE SPEECH RIGHTS! Join the PCC community rally Noon, Thursday March 27 in the Quad, Pasadena City College.

Thank you, Mr. Bush (tags)

From the Folha de Sao Paolo newspaper

Shame on You, Mr. Moore! Shame on You! (tags)

It should not be good enough for anyone who wants to create an antiwar movement that could actually stop a war.

Michael Moore's speech (tags)

Desperately seeking Moore's speech!

Who is going to crush the Kurds? (tags)

After just listening to the Bush speech on Monday evening, and his appeal to Iraqi Republican Guard units to give up without a fight, I am led to ask the question, 'Who is going to crush the Kurds of Iraq' after Saddam is gone from the scene, and the answer would appear to be the Republican Guard, if they should be turned by the Americans.

Spying, Lying, Coercion and Bribery (tags)

The dirty tricks that the United States has been using to influence public opinion and obtain a vote for war in the United Nations


Washington Cleric Slams Bush “Christianity” as “Triumphalism” singling out for attack the code hymn/references, phrases, and End/time constructs used by the President, for example in his State of the Union speech.

SAG, IATSE condemn blacklisting (tags)

Screen Actors Guild Releases Statement Regarding Free Speech IATSE Joins SAG in Condemning Any Hint of Blacklisting

More words of truth from Dubya regarding the War on Terra (tags)

A 2.5meg RealVideo file with excerpts from a speech given by Cowboy George. Approx. 3.5 minutes.

Speech: Habibi Ali, antiwar activist (tags)

mp3 speech of habibi Ali, Philadelphia speaker, at Philly peace action 2/15: City Hall, Philadelphia PA


A good job of clearly demonstrating the lies put forth by Bush to stage his Master's War of Conquest.

VOTE NOW! to defend actor /activist David Clennon (tags)

Please take 10 seconds to support our friend David Clennon, one of the most committed, progressive actors in Hollywood. Wherever people are protesting for labor rights, civil rights, peace or justice, there you'll find Dave Clennon. He stuck his neck out the other night onHannity's talk show, and now some apparently want him fired from his CBS series.

GWB's speeches (tags)

The president's base shares with him the conviction that nothing--nothing--is more important than the war on terrorism. Conservatives always think the first job of government is to look to our national security, keep defenses strong, ensure public safety. So Mr. Bush's base is willing to give him a lot of room to maneuver to get what he needs on security and safety.




Where they have no military (tags)

In Costa Rica where they abolished the military over 1/2 century ago, Ticos(short for Costarricenses) "chill out" after Dubya's state of the Union speech.

Bush policies blasted At Home (tags)

George W. Bush attempted to win backing for his agenda of tax cuts for the rich and war on Iraq in his Jan. 28 State of the Union Speech. But mayors, governors, members of Congress and leaders of mass organizations sharply rejected his policies.

Tomorrow...Tommorrow... (tags)

A very wryly humorous perspective on the Deserter In Chief's State of the Union.

Bush's state of the union speech-The die is cast (tags)

War Speech

Anaheim police lose battle to squash free speech (tags)

Civil liberties are won only when masses of people organize with one another to vigorously assert and defend their rights.

King George and the Administration of Fear-VIDEO (tags)

Check out my Bush speech recontextualized-VIDEO.

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. Speeches (MP3 here) (tags)

Hard Knock Radio Broadcast Jan. 15, 2002 // MP3 file, about 55 minutes // big file 22.3 megs, but it's high quality, 56bit stereo


During a press conference at the Bush home in Crawford, Texas this morning without warning President Bush's pants caught on fire.

Scott Ritter on US / Iraq: Dec. 3, 2002 (MP3 and streaming audio) (tags)

Scott Ritter speech: Broadband and lowband mp3 files for download and streaming; 2 hours.

BREAKING NEWS: Venezuelan People Surround TV Stations (tags)

December 10, 2002, 2 a.m. ET Please Distribute Widely BREAKING NEWS Dear Colleagues, Alex Main reports from Caracas that masses of Venezuelans have peacefully surrounded all the commercial TV stations in the country to protest the dishonest simulating efforts by these media giants to provoke a coup d'etat:

The Loud Little Handful (tags)

If words can break the frozen soul (Kafka), these words of Mark Twain on the war momentum qualify. On the eve of WW1, Jeanette Rankin warned: "You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake".

Free Speech Under Attack by Pro-Israel Lobby (tags)

Free Speech Under Attack at Berkeley Law Foundation

Ten Disgusting Things about Corporations (tags)

Fast fact sheet about how corporations ruin our lives

Analysis of Oct. 7 Bush Speech (tags)

Bush's simplistic arguments deconstructed.

Open Letter To Committee to Protect Journalists (tags)

I write to inform you of specific acts and immediate threats against journalists in Venezuela, and to ask you 12 questions, as a journalist, about your organization's previous statements regarding press freedom issues in that country. I hope that your organization will take immediate action to defend these journalists at risk, and that you will offer full and honest answers to the 12 questions.

The BUSHARON Global War - by Dr. Lev Grinberg (tags)

Dr. Lev Grinberg is a political analyst, senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University, Israel, says, President George Bush's speech intensified the plight of the peace supporters in Israel, and in the entire Middle East.

Bush the Marty by Sam Bahour and Dr. Michael Dahan (tags)

Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-American businessman living in the besieged Palestinian City of Al-Bireh in the West Bank and can be reached at

June 24: Updates from Palestine (tags)

1) Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs and Jews’ Reactions to Bush’s Speech (Palestine Chronicle) 2) Israeli Helicopter Missiles Kill Six Palestinians, Wound 13 in Rafah (Palestine Chronicle)

Castro puts little Bush in his place (tags)

HOLGUIN, Cuba (AP) -- In a blistering speech before hundreds of thousands of people in a drenching rain Saturday, President Fidel Castro said the democracy President Bush wants to see in Cuba would be a corrupt and unfair system that ignores the poor.

DirecTV Subscribers, UNITE! (I want my FSTV) (tags)

If you are a DirecTV subscriber, read on: (Chance to support Free Speech TV)

Robert Fisk Talk in Los Angeles (4/13) (tags)

Recording of Robert Fisk speaking out against the Israeli occupation of Palestine at Beyond Baroque in Los Angeles.

Free Speech Radio News - on KPFK 90.7 FM (tags)

Tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM radio listeners throughout Southern California will be able to tune to 90.7 FM to hear Free Speech Radio News


Don't allow "Wolves in Sheep's clothing" to define the life and actions of Dr. Martin Luther King. The "I have a Dream" speech (1963)is King's weakest... yet it's the only one you'll hear quoted on radio and television. King's "Beyond Vietnam" speech of 1967 reveals the true MLK, the man we should all embrace as a revolutionary leader for all times.

Billionaires at the Galleria (tags)

Mall security showed up, but everything remained pretty calm. Maybe the threat of antiterrorism laws are on the activist's mind. Photo by Mike Snow.

Police Intimidation and Arrests at Peaceful Protest in Long Beach (tags)

frist hand account of protest held in long beach, december 22

Police Intimadation and Arrests at Peaceful Protest in Long Beach (tags)

First hand account of events occuring at an anit-war demonstration in Long Beach.

Freedom of Speech does not pertain to Long Beach (tags)

On saturday the 22nd activists decided to demonstrate against the war in Long Beach, 2 people were arrested for "trespassing" on "private" property. The peaceful demonstration became more heated as over 25 police officers and helicopter surrounded the area.

New radical magazine (tags)

Now online.Dedicated to non-sectarian political-cultural theory, analysis, reporting, and entertainment.

Free Speech Rally Today at KPFK (tags)

Verna Avery Brown and Lyn Gerry will be featured Speakers at Today's Demo at KPFK. Amy Goodman may speak as well. Join Free Speech Activists Today, Saturday, November 3 from noon to 3 PM at our beloved station.

Robert Jensen - Against Dissent: on Free Speech, Democracy, and the War (tags)

With a little help from E. V. Debs, Robert Jensen brilliantly defends Free Speech and Democracy (which he contrasts to contemporary American political practices) -- from a University of Texas teach-in on war and civil liberties on November 1, 2001

CA Appeals Court Rules DeCSS Legal (tags)

A California Appeals Court overturns a lower trial courts DeCSS injunction, ruling it a violation of First Amendment

An Interlude: Copy Protection (tags)

An article that's not about the war! Relax and enjoy.

At USC, Protesters Oppose Albright, Sanctions, and War (tags)

Around 100 demonstrators called for an end to both the sanctions against Iraq, and the bombing of Afghanistan, at a rally at the University of Southern California (USC) outside of an auditorium where former Secretary of State Madeleine Albight gave a speech on foreign relations.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair's Speech (tags)

British Prime Minister Tony Blair's speech confirming British participation.

Bush's Speech Announcing Attacks on Afghanistan. (tags)

Bush's speech announcing military attacks on Afghanistan.

Muammar Qadhafi Gives Wide Ranging Speech (tags)

Muammar Qadhafi has given a wide ranging speech on terrorism, colonialism and world peace.

Pacifica National Program Director Resigns (tags)

Late Saturday night Pacifica's National Progam Director Steve Yasko announced his resignation on an electronic message board that has been widely used by free speech advocates.

Support Free Speech lawsuit vs. DC Police (tags)

Join the Free Speech Lawsuit!!! The International Action Center is making a unique request to people to fill out an affidavit in support of the legal challenge to the "wall."

The Press Release That The OC Weekly Butchered (tags)

Of Course a commie paper like the OC Weekly who has been known to bad mouth white people since it's conception wouldn't print our side of the story only bits and pieces of it!!

Free Speech Radio Activists Protest the National Assoc. of Home Builders (tags)

2 photos: San Francisco, CA - On July 25th a small group of KPFA free speech radio activists held a demonstration against the National Association of Home Builders.

ALERT! Free Speech On-line Threatened (tags)

The corporations are so afraid of the Internet, last bastion of free speech in the era of their neo-fascist "New World Order", they are determined to take it away from us. See"Taming the Wild, Wild Web" L.A. Times 7/26/01.

Company Linked To Bush Seeks Gag On Guardian (tags)

"Barrick is shopping around the world for libel courts which will hear its case and silence human rights workers and reporters. It is using the vicious British libel laws to gag freedom of speech."

The History of Free Speech in San Diego, or Can't Jail the Spirit! (tags)

In 1912, the IWW (the Wobblies) were brutally suppressed in a struggle to maintain a freespeech area in downtown San Diego.

Free Hip Hop Single For Mumia Hits 1500 Downloads (tags)

Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and MOVE member, is on Pennsylvania's death row after a sham trial. Tens of thousands of activists, concerned citizens and progressive groups around the world have mobilized to stop his murder by the state. One such group is Groove Embassy Records, which is offering the single "Freedom of Speech" by hip hop duo Buddha Mind as one more tool in the fight to raise awareness of Mumia's case.

Buddha Mind Continues Hip Hop Battle For Mumia (tags)

Mumia Abu-Jamal, journalist and MOVE member, is on Pennsylvania's death row after a sham trial. Tens of thousands of activists, concerned citizens and progressive groups around the world have mobilized to stop his murder by the state. One such group is Groove Embassy Records, which is offering the single "Freedom of Speech" by hip hop duo Buddha Mind as one more tool in the fight to raise awareness of Mumia's case.

New Single For Mumia Hits 800 Downloads With Help Of World's IndyMedia Centers (tags)

More than 800 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.

Milestone Reached In Musical Battle For Mumia As New Single Passes 500 Downloads (tags)

More than 500 people have downloaded "Freedom of Speech," the new hip hop single by Buddha Mind, released on Groove Embassy Records ( The single, inspired by the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, is out on CD for US$5 and in MP3 format for free. All proceeds from sales of the CD single will go to the ICFFMAJ's organizing fund for Mumia.

Pacifica Listeners Earn Victory (tags)

Los Angeles, CA~ A day after 100 demonstrators picketed in front of KPFK, L.A. organizers claimed a victory for listener-sponsored radio, because controversial new bylaw changes were not taken up for consideration by the Pacifica National Board.

Protester flies Free Speech flag at Pacifica protest (tags)

Pacifica protester flies Free Speech flag in front of Century City law firm Epstein, Becker and Green.

LA Pacifica Supporters Demonstrate at Epstein Becker & Green (tags)

FREE PACIFICA! Citizens Support Free Speech while Epstein Becker and Green Attorney Prepares for Hostile Takeover with New By-law Proposal


Wondering Whether To Keep Mailing In Your Hard-Earned Money To Pacifica This Year? STOP! During Tuesday January 31,2001's Democracy Now!, Award Winning Journalist And Co-Host Juan Gonzalez Resigned On-Air. Juan's Statement Calls For Listeners And Supporters Of Pacifica Free Speech Radio, And Of Democracy Now! To Stop Funding The Small Tiny Minded Ruinous Clique Of Anti-Free Speech, Anti-Labor, Pro-Corporate, Anti-Democracy Jackboot Liberals Now Controlling The Pacifica Foundation Board, And Their Pathetic Minions And Puppets At Local Stations, And Instead To Join In And Support The Lawsuits To Remove Them Now.

COUP WATCH: John Ashcroft's speech at Bob Jones University -- From Red Rock Eat (tags)

When the Constitution was written, religious conservatives opposed it because, as everyone perfectly well understood, it did not create a Christian nation. Their arguments sound more or less identical to the arguments that their descendants make today, as for example in John Ashcroft's speech at Bob Jones University, enclosed.

"on the wrong side of a world revolution" (tags)

On April 4, 1967, a year to the day before he was shot, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "Beyond Vietnam" speech at Riverside Church in New York City. Here is an excerpt. Follow the link to read the whole speech.


Join In Solidarity And Against Violation Of Free Speech In Seattle For International Day Of Solidarity Against Corporate Globalization


"Billionaires for co-optation" is a new grass-roots organization devoted to co-optation of opposition and perpetuation of capitalism.

O22 LA (tags)

The police produced -- at best -- a chilling effect on the First; at worst they wiped their ass with it



Clinton's speech to the Democratic convention (tags)

In his speech Monday night to the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, Bill Clinton displayed his most distinctive political asset—his talent for sounding “left” while advancing right-wing policies. As reflected in the enthusiastic response from the delegates on the convention floor, he was very much in his element.

Censored by IMC/Free Speech TV (tags)

On Monday, August, 14, during the IMC/Free Speech TV satellite meeting, my husband, Willie Franco, and I were told that Silencing Dissent, a segment that we put together for the Monday night show, was deemed too controversial to be aired.

Anyone video or audio record this? (tags)

Freedom of Speech and Assembly (tags)

Protestors of the WTO in Seattle sued the city, the mayor, and the Police Departement and won. It's the first right secured by the Constitution, for the right reason.

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