fix articles 19232, wilson center
Brazil wants true justice for Lula! (tags)
Lula's trial must be annulled, Sergio Moro must be removed from the magistracy, dangerous element he is, and Wilson Center’s staff must recycle their behavior patterns! Humanity is tired of this mud! We all know that much more and much better is possible!
The Selling of the Woodrow Wilson Center (tags)
The DC-based Woodrow Wilson Center, established by Congress, has sold out to corporate America and political interests. Its president, former Congressman Lee H. Hamilton, has questionable corporate links.
Wilson Center Desecrates Namesake’s Legacy, Violates Congressional Mandate (tags)
Woodrow Wilson, the 28th American president, is looking down in horror at what the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is doing in his name.
Obama calls for US attack on Pakistan in warmongering address (tags)
In a transparent effort to bolster his reputation for toughness on national security issues and outflank his main rivals on the right for the 2008 Democratic Party presidential nomination, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois delivered a bellicose speech August 1 at a Washington think tank. Speaking to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Obama called for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan, threatened unilateral attacks against Pakistan and pledged to strengthen the US military and intelligence apparatus.