fix articles 194024, james corbett
A terribly powerful family (tags)
The unbelievable to outrageous story of the Bush clan not only illustrates the neo-feudalistic beliefs and networks we are dealing with in the ruling caste, it also proves that the power structures often referred to as the "Deep State" are real behind the façade of official government...
Learned Helplessness and Father of the Third Wave (tags)
Researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be induced to effectively lock themselves in their own mental prison ... and it wasn't long before intelligence agencies began to use this research for their own purposes.
"Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot (tags)
At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.
Media lies while Syrians die: Media disinformation and the Syrian war (tags)
Months after the events took place, Pulitzer prize winning journalists and others are finally reporting about the lies and manipulations of the US government regarding the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria. Far from shining a light on the true situation in the country, however, these reports continue to avoid the underlying causes and explanations for what is happening in Syria, and the forces that are behind it. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Syrian war coverage of the mainstream media is not its underlying bias—that was always to be expected—but how remarkably ineffective that coverage has been in convincing the public of the need for military intervention in the country. After nearly three years of relentless propaganda attempting to convince the public of the virtue of the terrorist insurgency and the incomparable evil of Assad, the seemingly inevitable march toward war in the wake of the Ghouta chemical weapons attack faltered after public opinion overwhelmingly came down on the side of non-interventionist policies. Perhaps reading public sentiment, many mainstream outlets even took to pointing out the media bias on the war and trying to retroactively position themselves against military intervention. This has to be credited to a remarkable, global, grassroots phenomenon of independent citizen media breaking through the layers of propaganda to provide true, cogent analysis of the situation on the ground in Syria.
Meet Noam Chomsky, academic gatekeeper (video) (tags)
Is Noam Chomsky an anarcho-syndicalist or proponent of the Federal Reserve? A fearless political crusader or defender of the Warren Commission JFK orthodoxy? A tireless campaigner for justice or someone who doesn’t care who did 9/11? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine some of the subjects that Chomsky would prefer you didn’t think about.
regime change
Stupid USA: Federal Judge Attacks Teacher's Right to Criticize "Creationism" Gar (tags)
As this backward country declines at a snowballing pace, the decay spreads like wildfire. We now have allegedly educated people, federal judges, supporting fascist high school students' lawsuits against teachers who were secretly recorded correctly attacking "creationism," better known as contempt for evolution, under the stupid theory that it attacked religion, which should be attacked as it is superstition