fix articles 195515, psychic
Become a Solidarity Person (tags)
The majority of the world's population doesn't want to know anything about globalized neoliberal capitalism anymore. Many millions are dying in the consequences. The political institutions are extorted by financial elites and their media aids. The interests of big owners of capital dominate.
Where is Haleigh Cummings? Psychic Rita Claims She Watched Kidnapping (tags)
Psychic Rita Estelle claims on her website that she “watched [the] kidnapping” of Haleigh Cummings.
All God's Children Are Psychic (tags)
all psychic matters have been repressed viciously and deemed "evil" or "sinful" by those who sought to maintain control over their "brothers." Such persecution led to secrecy
Neoliberal Rule as Trauma (tags)
With the absolutizing of profit maximization, the neoliberal elites ruthlessly dehumanize workers by reducing them to a cost factor to be lowered.
Collective unity
Beneficial rays
Annan, Mandela, Saud and Garland Prophesied Iraq Perfectly Beforehand (tags)
These people predicted Iraq perfectly in 2002 and they were all ignored.
Irrationalism and Ideology in Risk Capitalism (tags)
Reductionist worldviews promise "order" in the mixed-up social consciousness.. Psycho-analysis has coined the term "regression" for this process of escapism..Psychic regres-sion involves withdrawal to a state of original immediacy, an earlier less complex stage.
Psychic Systems and Economic Growth (tags)
We psychic systems are robots that first become people by understanding how the systems function. The system is not optimal when potential is squandered. Mass unem-ployment is a mega-squandering. The system is the tyrant.
White House Psychic Hotline (tags)
White House Psychic Hotline
Wellstone’s Death and Activist Clairvoyance from Peace Spiritual Practice. (tags)
'Yes, says Paul From Then and Now' article, supporting links, and a question 'Did Jesus die for us to model accepting such martyrdom deaths or to teach us to prevent all such martyrdom deaths, independent of whether Jesus was a man or God?'