fix articles 196508, genevieve marcus
Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council (tags)
For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist. Now she is putting herself on the line and running for Santa Monica City Council to put the public back into public service!
Donna Warren and John Wenger are not recommended by Independents and Grassroots Greens (tags)
An Open Letter from a group of long-time Green Party members and other independent community activists who are running for KPFK's Local Station Board Election exposing anomalies about the candidacies of Donna Warren and John Wenger.
M24, Rally at Gov. LA office- clemency for Pamela Martinez (tags)
Los Angeles Greens join Assemblymember Goldberg and others asking Gov. Schwarzenegger to pardon Pamela Martinez. Attorney General Bill Lockyer has spent 2 million of taxpayers dollars to order her back to prison to serve an additional 65 days for that same, non-violent petty theft. If she is forced to fulfill his order, she will lose her hard-won job and home.