fix articles 198411, counter intelligence program
Cop Watch LA Statement on May Day, 2007 (tags)
Collective statement from Cop Watch Los Angeles. Check out for info regarding a press conference at the Youth Justice Coalition office on Monday, May 7th.
From COINTELPRO to the Patriot Act: The long battle for justice and civil liberties (tags)
Jailed Black Panther calls for amnesty
Possible solutions for Ju-jitsuing War and Alienation (tags)
intellectual self-defense; informal resistance consciousness and pros/cons of formal organization; the meta game; wizards of Is; An explanation for Perpetual War; a new imagination; liberation of our desire and an obstacle; Continue war, or understand and implement liberatory desires? spirit liberation and psychological ju-jitsu; 'crazy' people; a personal example: jumping into my fear; another example: 'Good Peasant, Bad Peasant'; the problem of institutionalized fear.
John Trudell and an artist discuss the perpetual war mentality (tags)
Everybody is trying to find a way out from the mess they're in and they're using dark age intellectualizations and remaining confined in these concepts that have been imposed upon us from day one. Our spirits, the part of us that gifted us excellent medicine to deal with our lives here, has been systematically mined by a severely alienated perpetual war mentality. Join Trudell and i in a kind of conversation that you are invited to participate in.
A damning history of anti-drug laws in North America,
Bringing the ADC Back to the Democratic Mainstream (tags)
A statement calling for the reinstatement of Michael Shehadeh, prominent civil rights activist, who was relieved of his role as Western Regional Director.