fix articles 20326, eric lachica
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV) and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal- HR 6897 confident that S-1315 still has a chance of passing. “1315 is alive and well,” stressed Eric Lachica, executive director of the American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. “ The house version of SB 1315 still can pass,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “ If the democrats will do their job, they can pass it. We do not want the Filner’s quitclaim bill. Let our voices be heard loud and clear.”
It’s been 18 years running and with less than a week left, the house version of SB 1315 still hangs in a balance. The democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi have not authorized the bill to be discussed or voted on the floor since April. House veterans affairs committee chairman Bob Filner, running for re-election in California’s heavily ethnic southern San Diego district, has offered a compromise bill that would provide a one-time, lump-sum payment of $15,000 for US-based Filipino veterans and $9,000 for those in the Philippines. JFAV and ACFV and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal, confident that S-1315 still has a chance. “The way we see it,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “The Democrats are not doing their job. We voted them into office to pass this bill. But now, they are not moving and making the same empty promises.”
Last night, at the Philippine Consulate Community Hall, our lobbyist. ACFV's Eric Lachica reported about the state of the equity bill which has been stalled in the lower house of US Congress since May 2008. He reported that the Democratic Party was not able to get a majority-the target 290 votes to pass the equity bill. Many backed out on what they have promised support to the bill. Out of the 236 democrat congresspersons, we have only 180 votes and 39 republican votes. We are short of 40 votes to pass a simple majority. Thus, we need a LAST PUSH TO PASS THE EQUITY BILL IN THE LOWER HOUSE BY SEPTEMBER 25. Or else we will be back to square one!
It's make-or-break for Pinoy vets' bill (tags)
World War II veteran Guillermo Rumingan had a teleconference with other veterans and their supporters and plotted what could be the last chapter of a historic run to push the Filipino Veterans’ Equity Bill. From Hawaii to California to Washington State to Virginia, they weighed their options that seemed to thin with each passing hour. After a triumphant 96-1 Senate vote to pass S-1315, which contained provisions for Filipino veterans’ equity, the bill is now stalled in the House of Representatives. Although the 110th Congress is scheduled to hold sessions until the last week of September, veterans activists are looking at the week beginning August 4 as the last window to realize an over 60-year-old dream. If nothing happens by then, all the historic gains achieved this year will come to naught. They had an appointment with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week, but she was not available and only one of her staff members faced the veterans led by Eric Lachica, executive director of the Virginia-based American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. "She wanted 290 sure votes for S-1315," Rumingan told ABS-CBN’s Balitang America.
Ester Soriano. Community Activist Laid to Rest (tags)
Filipina-American activist Ester Soriano was laid to rest last Saturday. April 19, 2008 at Inglewood Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, California Ester, who passed away last April 3, 2008, three day short of her 62nd birthday. was one of the founders of the National Committee for the Restoration of Civil Liberties in the Philippines (NCRCLP) in San Francisco in 1972. On the very weekend that martial law was declared by dictator Marcos in Philippines. A SERVICE OF CELEBRATION was held at the First AME Church of Los Angeles at 2270 South Harvard Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90018 at 10:00 AM last Saturday, April 19, 2008. Thousands of people from all walks of life, professions and races attended the service.
Fil-Vets ask candidates for bill support (tags)
Statements of support from the presidential candidates are being requested from Filipino American veterans and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, Inc. (ACFV) before Feb. 18 to help pass their benefits bills and garner more community allies for the Bataan Day commemoration rallies being planned across the U.S. “We are asking the presidential candidates to release their statements of support for our cause clearly before February 18, the day of the Rescission Act of 1946,” said Eric Lachica, Executive Director of the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, Inc. in an exclusive interview with BALITA. “We have been, and will continue to the rounds here in Washington D.C. to get the candidates’ commitment.”
The Filipino Veterans Equity Act (tags)
The Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2007 has gone through its shares of ups and downs this year. If passed, an estimated 7,000 Filipino American veterans living in the US and 12,000 Filipino veterans in the Philippines, who both fought during WWII, would restore US Veterans status and be eligible for Veterans Affairs (VA) disability pension benefits.
No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)
On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added.
No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)
The two Filipino World War II Veterans equity bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, H.R. 760 and S. 1315, no longer have the possibly of being passed in 2007. But S. 671, the family reunification bill that has about 20,000 immediate priority visas at stake for the sons, daughters and grandchildren of these veterans still has a shot of being approved this year. On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added
No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)
The two Filipino World War II Veterans equity bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, H.R. 760 and S. 1315, no longer have the possibly of being passed in 2007. But S. 671, the family reunification bill that has about 20,000 immediate priority visas at stake for the sons, daughters and grandchildren of these veterans still has a shot of being approved this year. On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added
A Lesson in Community Empowerment: (tags)
Last November 11,2007, more than eight hundred youth together with the Filipino World War II Veterans marched through the streets of Historic Filipinotown to protest the 61 years of injustice and inequities. The 7th Annual Veterans Day march-parade was held by the Justice For Filipino Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of students,youth and veterans groups. The parade was held for the eight straight year and is sponsored by the Office of Councilmember Eric Garcetti.
Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, will join the 5th Historic Filipino Town Festival on August 4 and 5. Energized by recent victories JFAV veterans leaders led by Commanders Franco Arcebal,Peping Baclig, Jack Vergara and Nick Gadia will support the 5th year of commemorative activities on the designation by the city as Historic Filipinotown. The August 4-5 activities will be capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 300 runners and walkers will participate on the event.
JFAV Pursue Lobbying for Equity Bills,Filipino Vets Win Commitments on Capitol Hill (tags)
Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV )Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, energized by recent victories and their lobbyist Washington based the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans recently visited Capitol Hill (July 26-27) and thanked their Senators, House members and legislative staff for the progress on their equity pension and family bills. On Thursday evening, the ACFV leaders with JFAV veterans leaders led by Commanders Franco Arcebal,Peping Baclig and Nick Gadia commemorated the the 66th anniversary of the 1941 Military Order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt drafting Philippine Commonwealth soldiers into U.S. armed service.
Pinoy war vets win pension battle in US Senate (tags)
The US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs voted on Wednesday to give monthly pensions of up to $375 for Filipino World War II veterans and their widows for their service to Uncle Sam more than 60 years ago. “Today marks a special and historic occasion in our long-standing quest for justice and equity for our brave and courageous veterans,” said Philippine Ambassador to Washington Willy Gaa after the committee, at a mark-up hearing, approved an omnibus benefits bill providing for a special set of benefits for men and women who have fought under the US flag. The measure provides a monthly pension of $300 for Filipino veterans who are single, $375 for married veterans and $200 for widows.
Fil-Am Vets Ask VA Sec Nicholson to Resign: Group rallies in front of VA Clinic in LA (tags)
About 20 Filipino World War II veterans and their supporters rallied in front of the Veterans Affairs (VA) outpatient clinic in Los Angeles on May 8 to ask for the resignation of Secretary of Veterans Affairs R. James Nicholson. The protest occurred after last week’s Associated Press report that said Nicholson paid bonuses of up to $33,000 to senior federal workers amidst a $1 billion shortfall in the VA budget.
VA Secretary Jim Nicholson, Resign Now! Hundreds of Filipino World War II veterans, youth and students and their community supporters led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ACFV in several U.S. cities rallied at the VA offices in Seattle, San Francisco ( May 7), Los Angeles ( May 8) and San Diego ( May 9) and called on Veterans Affair Secretary Jim Nicholson to resign. The Veterans decision to ask for Nicholson resignation was made last May 6, during a nationwide teleconference held in Arlington Virginia on the 65 year anniversary of the fall of Corregidor Day. Key ACFV and JFAV leaders decided on a unanimous vote to call for Nicholson resignation.
Filipino World War II veterans, youth and students and their community supporters led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ACFV in four major U.S. cities held mass actions and rallied at the VA offices in Seattle, San Francisco ( May 7), Los Angeles ( May 8) and San Diego ( May 9) and called on Veterans Affair Secretary Jim Nicholson to resign. Last May 6, during a nationwide teleconference held in Arlington Virginia on the 65 year anniversary of the fall of Corregidor Day. Key ACFV and JFAV leaders decided on a unanimous vote to call for Nicholson resignation.
With the slogan" “”Full Rights for All immigrants, Justice for Veterans, Now” more than 2,000 people participated last Saturday’s PCORE/JFAV Annual Veterans Day Parade and Community Health Fair in Historic Filipinotown , Los Angeles. The event started will the unveiling of the Filipino World War II Memorial Monument at the Lake Street Park. The memorial monument is a tribute of the City of Los Angeles to honor the contribution of Filipino Word War II veterans during the Second World War.