fix articles 20801, focused
Sukkot: Wave Your Jewish Jedi LightSaber Joyfully (tags)
Jews and Jedi Warriors, Same Culture?
UN Summit Reaches Debt, Tax and Trade Agreements (tags)
Member countries of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) renewed a mandate for the UN agency on economic issues. The agreement will guide UNCTAD's work for the next four years.
G20 Focuses on Paris Attacks and Economic Stability (tags)
G20 Calls on Congress to Pass IMF Voting Reform
Retenes del fin de semana / Weekend checkpoints (11-12/ene/2013) (tags)
Favor de reportar los retenes a su local organización de base. Si quieren recibir un email con esta lista, diríjase al correo electrónico
Please report checkpoints to your local grassroots organization. If you would like to receive an email with this list, please address email to
GMA comes up short again on June 12 rites, say militants (tags)
The umbrella group Bagong Alyansang Makabayan on Tuesday called President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s Independence Day speech as “another pitch for an Enchanted Kingdom while totally missing out on the point of the celebration.” “National unity has been a battle cry of this administration. There can be no national unity and reconciliation with a government that is focused on perpetuating itself in power. This government stands against everything that the independence movement stood for more than 100 years ago,” said Bayan secretary general Renato M. Reyes, Jr.
Texas Testing Border Cams (tags)
The State of Texas has launched a website with 12 webcams focused on the U.S. - Mexico border.
Nader -- Restarting the Anti-War Movement (tags)
author: RALPH NADER Political movements require momentum, they need to consistently build and aggregate. When they take a lengthy break from organizing and stop the momentum it is difficult to re-start.
You Can Choose The Constitution or You Can Choose the Flag and the President (tags)
As Americans begin to celebrate the 4th of July it is important in my opinion to discuss what exactly is patriotism.