fix articles 208197, corporate control
The Supposed "Omnipotence" of Politicians (tags)
The key to a new peace policy could lie in denouncing mechanisms of economic coercion that are not only states and politicians. As the warnings of Eisenhower and JFK teach us, politics is massively subject to the influences of economic power.
Media Arts Center Hosts "Radio Summer" August 29 (tags)
The Prometheus Radio Project, a nationwide organization working to broaden the range of community voices available on America's audio airwaves, scored a major victory in July when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) finally set up a licensing rule for thousands of new low-power FM (LPFM) radio stations, including some in urban areas previously ineligible for these grass-roots local stations. Now Prometheus is promoting a series of events called "Radio Summer" to organize people to obtain these licenses and get their stations on the air. The Media Arts Center of San Diego is hosting a "Radio Summer" event Monday, August 29, 6 to 8 p.m. at their office, 2921 El Cajon Boulevard (near 30th St.) in North Park, with a wide variety of other organizations in coalition. So if you're tired of the San Diego airwaves seeming to be the private preserve of the extreme Right, that's where you need to be next Monday!
Project Censored's Media Democracy Advocacy (tags)
Project Censored's holding the dominant media accountable.
SMC Revolutionary Student Collective to Hold Discussion About Free Software (tags)
On Tuesday, May 29. the Santa Monica College (SMC) Revolutionary Student Collective (RSC) will hold a discussion on Free Software in LA-136 at Santa Monica College between 11:15am and 12:35.
hand of corporate control (tags)
hand of corporate control Copyright 2000 Dang Ngo. Free for use by nonprofit, anti-corporate globalization organizations and for personal use. All other rights reserved.