fix articles 209816, white house website
We Need 32 More Signatures for "End the DRONES" petition! (tags)
Please help us out, we need 32 more signatures for "End the DRONES" petition at the White House "We the People" website. There is a real concern that the staff at "We the People" is with-holding confirmation emails and subverting the petition process because the White House is embarrassed at how many children have been killed by Drone Strikes ordered by President Barack Obama.
Help! We Need 53 More Petition Signatures Right Now! (tags)
Help! The White House website requires that you have 150 signatures before your petition can go "Public" on the White House website, and we need 53 more signatures! Please hurry and help us out! End Drone Strikes Killing Children was written by Rosemarie Jackowski of Bennington, Vermont, USA. She is a 75 year old war protester.
VisionTV: On the morning of 9/11, what did Bush know and when did he know it? (tags)
Next Week -- The Final Segment in the Six Part Series: "Moral and spiritual challenges that arise amidst fear and denial in a propagandized society".