fix articles 212489, said we
Iran to Get Upgraded Russian S-300 Missiles (tags)
Soldiering is for others (tags)
And who is to do it? Certainly not the neoconservatives. They use such terms as moral clarity and the need to project our power — but it is to be done with someone else’s body. A conversation I had with a budding neocon reveals their version of moral clarity. Who was included when he said ‘we’. He looked at me as if I were a bit dense and said, ‘We, the United States.’ ‘Does that mean you?’ I asked. ‘No,’ he replied, ‘the guys in the army.'
Protesters vindicated over Iraq quagmire, Bush found to be a lying sack of... (tags)
Even the right wingers are beginning to face up to the fact (as the protesters warned) we got honest to goodness quagmire's going in Iraq and Afghanistan...remember Afghanistan all you patriots out there well were bogged down there still!
Golden Gate Bridge Demo - Police attacked us (tags)
Police attacked us