fix articles 213351, you guys
Pomona Youth Rally for Immigrant Rights (tags)
Friday, January 28, 2011
POMONA, California - A youthful group of about fifty gathered in downtown Pomona to march, rally, and otherwise lift their voices about the need for immigration reform, social justice, and popular participation in decisionmaking processes. The march was organized and executed exclusively by the youth, who, while accepting the solidarity of more established movement activists, were also taking very seriously their responsibility to lead the movement.
If you're going to insult people, why not just go back to kindergarden?
Your State Fucking Sucks, Dude! (tags)
Your State Fucking Sucks, Dude!
Sheep Dog and One Eyed Man (tags)
You guys are the best
This Campaign is not to Destroy or hate the ISO (tags)
please understand