fix articles 21578, ilo
Filipino workers say "Never Again" (tags)
Workers belonging to the Coalition Against Contractualization (KONTRA) today marched to Mendiola to mark the anniversary of the signing of Proclamation 1081 that imposed Martial Law 37 years ago and to reaffirm their vows to never again let the country slip into darkness.
Letter to the Philippine President on widespread violations of human, democratic, workers' (tags)
The Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) hereby raises to your office as Chief Executive of the land our concerns about the reports that at the International Labor Organization Conference Committee on Standards meeting held in Geneva, the Philippine representative rejected said committee's recommendation for the ILO to send a high-level mission to the Philippines to look into the case of involuntarily disappeared and murdered trade union activists and leaders.
Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution (tags)
Legitimating prostitution as "work" does not empower the women in prostitution.