fix articles 21679, santa monica daily press
Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council (tags)
For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist. Now she is putting herself on the line and running for Santa Monica City Council to put the public back into public service!
The laws criminalizing homelessness may have a subterranean purpose.
The U.S. Patriot Act and other legislation authorizes a "culling of the herds."
Desperately Seeking DNA (tags)
This article explores the connection between genes, crime and adoption.
Santa Monica Counter-protest: Don’t Teach Your Children Hate (tags)
Mobilizing overnight, the Santa Monica Chicana/o Community Shuts Down the Minutemen.
The second in a series of articles concerning targetting of the homeless.
A personal story of an extermination under the Bush administration
Your Photograph Can Kill You (tags)
The third article in a series detailing extermination plans under the Bush administration
The Extermination of Dr. Amalie Phelan (tags)
The second in a series detailing extermination efforts under the Bush administration
Public Extermination Project (tags)
Following 911, a specific public works project became "classified." This project has lethal capabilities, on a scale that has devastating possibilities, for innocent civilians in the U.S.