fix articles 21731, community colleges
California Community Colleges Reject BDS (tags)
Divestment from Israel is roundly defeated by the California Community College General Assembly
Fullerton College Walks Out (tags)
A group of Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) to demand a special election on tax extensions that would help close a $25 billion dollar state budget deficit.
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) militantly support the state wide-day of action to defend education against drastic budget cuts and attacks against the people. The AJLPP expresses that the California-wide mass action has turned into a nationwide action with other states following the way the people of California are rising up agains the imposition of the corporate lords and greedy bureaucrats like Arnold.
College Students March on State Capitol to Protest Budget Cuts (tags)
Students and educators from public colleges all over the state converged on Sacramento on March 16, 2009 to demand that California fully fund higher education and not raise tuition. Many had meetings with legislators. While protests were entirely peaceful, one student was arrested by police for no apparent reason.
Alexander: California Budget Needs More for Education, Less for Prisons (tags)
On March 16, 2009, thousands of students will gather in Sacramento at the Capitol Building for a march and rally to protest the budget cuts to education and cuts to community colleges. Stewart Alexander is encouraging students to join the march and rally to keep the community colleges open. For more information regarding the time, location and date for the Mass Community College March/Rally in Sacramento, call (415) 585-2121.
Liberation News Voting Recommendations (tags)
Every four years the American people are subjected to the farce of bourgeois democracy, a “democracy” where only the candidates chosen by the very wealthy have any chance of being elected. That season of nicely dressed pathological liars and false hopes is now upon us. Since the corporate media of the United States has long ago abandoned any semblance of reporting on anything of substance about candidates such as voting records and actual political views, it is up to the journalists of the left press and Indy-media to do so.
April 15th Mass Student March Against Racist Legislation ! (tags)
Mass Student March Against Racist Legislation - For Full Immigrant Rights Saturday April 15th 2006 @ 10 AM Olympic & Broadway to City Hall
Un referéndum para revocar el Presidente Hugo Chávez y varios políticos antichavistas será convocado para el mes de agosto. La presión ejercida por los EEUU para derrocar a Presidente Chávez y apropiarse del petróleo del pueblo venezolano es mas fuerte que nunca. Exigimos que los medios de comunicación informen que esta ocurriendo en Venezuela, en lugar de actuar como empleados del no electo y odiado gobierno de Bush.
A referendum to recall President Chavez as well as a number of anti-chavista elected officials is being called for August. US pressure to overthrow President Chavez and get its hands on the oil of the venezuelan people is greater than ever. We demand that the media report what is happening in Venezuela rather than act as employees of the hated and unelected Bush administration.
Community College Students Fight Back (tags)
3,000 community college students on March 28 had a rally and march in downtown LA to stop cutbacks in their colleges
Stop Cutbacks in Education (tags)
Rally Friday, Stop Cutbacks in Community Colleges in California; March 28, 11 am - 1 pm; Pershing Square, 532 South Olive, L.A.