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Lista de Retenes / Checkpoint list for 11-13/feb/2011 (tags)
El fin de semana pasado fue el Super Bowl y hubo muchísimos arrestos e incautaciones de automóviles de personas que no estaban ebrias, pero a las que el sistema no les permite manejar legalmente. Pero la represión no descansa, sea la excusa un día de festividades o no. Por eso aquí les tenemos una lista corta de los retenes para este fin de semana. Recuerden que como la represión del gobierno no descansa así también la resistencia nunca debe descansar; no olviden renunciar los retenes que vean o si escuchan por algún medio que va haber un retén hagan su aportación a esta lista.
Last weekend was Super Bowl weekend and there were many arrests and car confiscations of people that where not drunk, but people that the system won’t let drive legally. Nevertheless, repression does not stop, whether a it's holiday weekend or not. Therefore here is a short list of checkpoints for this weekend. Remember that just like repression does not rest, WE the resistance should also stay vigilant; don’t forget to denounce the checkpoints that you eye witness or if you hear about a checkpoint, share the information comrades!
Retenes este fin de semana / Checkpoints this weekend (4-5/jun/2010) (tags)
Raza, una cosa que pueden hacer para enterarse de los retenes es leer a diario su periódico local, sobre todo si tiene la posibilidad de leer el diario publicado en inglés, ya que muchas veces las agencias del llamado "orden público" sólo avisan a ellos, y muchas veces ni siquiera les avisa a ellos. Otra táctica es buscar en los sitios de internet de sus departamentos locales de policía al igual que los sitios del alguacil de su condado. Muchas veces tienen una página dedicada a boletines de prensa, o a veces se anuncian en la parte de "asuntos públicos." Lamentablemente, éstos también suelen proporcionar información únicamente en inglés.
Fellow workers, one thing you can do to find out about the checkpoints is to read your local paper daily, especially if you can read the one published in English, since often law enforcement agencies only make advisories to English-language press, and often not even them. Another tactic is to check the websites of your local police departments and county sheriff. Often they will have a page just for press releases, or sometimes they are listed under "public affairs." Unfortunately, these sites also tend to provide information only in English.
Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (14-15/may/2010) (tags)
¡Que siga la resistencia! Boicot a Arizona!
Keep up the resistance! Boycott Arizona!
Checkpoints this weeked / Retenes este fin de semana (25-27/feb/2010) (tags)
Por fin la cuestión de los retenes ha salido a la luz, debido a una investigación llevado a cabo en la Universidad de California y publicado a través del New York Times y PBS, entre otros.
At last, the issue of the checkpoints has come to light, thanks to an investigation done at UC Berkeley and published in the New York Times and PBS, among others.
Fair Housing and Homeownership Rights (tags)
The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles is now conducting presentations on fair housing and home ownership rights.
10:15 am LAPD conducting evacuation drill of close to 400 homes near Griffith Park. (tags)
10:15 am LAPD conducting evacuation drill of close to 400 homes near Griffith Park.
Undetermined number of heavily armed New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas attacked an Army detachment in Barangay Camanza, Asuncion, Davao del Norte, sketchy reports reaching the area command and operation center of the Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMincom) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said on Sunday.
18 year old Marine from Pasadena Killed in iraq (tags)
Lance Cpl. Sergio H. Escobar, 18, of Pasadena, Calif., died Oct. 9 from an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.
More Evidence of U.S. Military Buildup (tags)
The U.S. military has really been busy around here lately, moving equipment and conducting exercises.