fix articles 222135, indicate
Rasmussen Poll Indicates American Shift Toward Socialism (tags)
Perhaps the most significant aspect of this poll is the response from people under thirty. The statistics indicate that 66% of this demographic are actively questioning capitalism as a system.
FBP May Be Run Out of Imperial Valley (tags)
Early reports from leaders of the anti-minutemen forces in Calexico indicate Friends of the Border Patrol rousted.
Nearly 9,000 U.S. troops dead? A NATIONWIDE CALL FOR INFO FROM SURVIVORS. (tags)
Has the Bush administration drastically understated the U.S. military death count by redefining "death"? The following article suggests that it has, and it calls for a nationwide campaign to honor deceased service members by naming and counting them.
Cheney can't see 2 Americas and he has cleaned his glasses to make sure. I did not watch the presumed nauseating speech by the Vice Cowboy Dick Cheney but I already know what he was going to say. Besides, "He (Cheney) does not know what they know", (congress), "You do not know everything I know" (the public) and "we do not know what each other do" (Bush's cabinet).
John Kerry, who often flip flops, (considers the opinions and advice of others and his constituency) has selected a HVT, (high value target), John Edwards, as predicted, which should sure up the southern belle demographic as the main stream media slowly begin to switch sides. Bush also reminded President General Musharraf that he wants Osama, but he will settle for any HVT.
US public moving to the middle on the Middle East (tags)
There is a pronounced movement among the US public toward persuing a more balanced Middle East policy. For example, one half of those polled now indicate that they "sympathize with both Israelis and Palestinians equally."
Bush is losing support among Arab-Americans voters (tags)
Three quarters of the Arab-Americans polled want the President to apply balanced pressure to both Israelis and Palestinians, simultaneously ending settlements and stopping the bombings -- but less than one quarter believe Bush will be balanced.
Israeli Nationals, Rental Trucks And TNT (tags)
Two conspicuously under-reported incidents involving Israeli Nationals in the past two weeks.
Is Racism in the Closet at UPN 13 (tags)
Okay - maybe that title is sensationalistic, but a story about the American Patrol on UPN 13 seemed unusually favorable to the AP.