fix articles 222817, operation iraqi
end this war or we will
Finally.....there's proof that Saddam used biological weapons!!!
Operation: Iraqi Freedom? (tags)
America "the great" appears to have fallen, and it can't get up.
Arabs Sneer At US 'Iraqi Freedom' Label For War (tags)
Commentators in the region say the name Operation Iraqi Freedom, apparently meant to win over public opinion, has backfired to become grist for sarcasm and scorn as word of the wounded and the dead flows from Arab television channels.
(Move over 9-11 families) Meet the 'Fort Hood Families'! (tags)
A 'war blog' ... Make way '9-11 families' for the new rising stars, 'the Fort Hood Families'. As well as this new little propaganda toy of the extreme right wing, we are also being fed huge amounts of perjury and falsehoods during the war, just as we were in the lead up to the war, all intended to convince people that the war is something that its not. However the documents of the Extreme Right illustrate quite clearly that the war in Iraq should actually be renamed 'Operation Iraqi Oil'.