fix articles 223068, lama
Dalai Lama Met With Protest Over Religious Persecution (tags)
The Dalai Lama's public talk today was met with protest from the International Shugden Community. The demonstrators were protesting the religious persecution of Shugden worshippers, a practice which has been banned by the Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama Curt Schilling and Kosher Red Meat Hot Dogs (tags)
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Kidnapped Panchen Lama's Birthday (tags)
April 25th is the Birthday of a little boy kidnapped by the Chinese government...perhaps a nice birthday present for him would be your signature on this petition...
Dalai Lama orchestrated terror (tags)
Dalai Lama orchestrated terror
3/19 Lee Siu Hin: 5 Years of U.S. Invasion At Iraq/What's Going On In Tibet? (tags)
I still clearly remember on the evening of Tuesday March 18th, 2003 (Iraq time morning of March 19th)....
Save Tibet... Why? (Free DVD offer) (tags)
Op-ed text has appeared in several publications and Info on how to get a Free DVD if you will host a Tibetan screeing party
AP, Reuters violate Tibetan religion (tags)
Why are journalists helping Beijing, China against Tibetan Buddhism?
Tibetan completes documentary film on life in exile (tags)
Until now... the perspective on life in exile has been created by the Western eye
Exhibit by Tibetan photographers in exile (tags)
Tibetan Photo Project Exhibit opens Feb. 3 in L.A. The Tibetan Photo Project offers the first collection of photos taken by Tibetans living in exile, images of the Dalai Lama, informational texts and rare 1932 pictures of Tibet . Event is free to public. Click the story for details.
Tibetans gain voice with photo exhibits (tags)
Through their own photos, Tibetans are gaining a voice for their rights and culture. Exhibits scheduled.
Dali Lama says Iraq War is Justified (tags)
Dali Lama
Why we should save Tibet (tags)
The Tibetan culture has enriched the West. We need to return the favor
His Holly Rolly Pollyness... the most high and divine Dalai Lama Mamma Samma, met with his Excellency... the Great Leader of the Free World and Lord and Master of the Universe. The two leaders, who are touched by God's grace and wisdom... met at the White House Wednesday, September 10, 2003, and used big words to discuss world politics. The Great Leader offered his Holly Rolly Pollyness a six pack of Bud, but the divine one declined. However, he did accept a bag of Pork Rinds.
Dali Lama says Iraq War May Be Justified (tags)
The exiled Tibetan leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner said some wars, including the Korean War and World War II, helped "protect the rest of civilization, democracy."
The children of Planet Earth will be uniting their spirits all over the world by drawing and writing a prayer or petition to stop Invasion to Irak. And will be sending their certions to his Holines The Pope, Dalai Lama and mediacommunications.