fix articles 2235, nuclear weapons
Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war (tags)
In the face of the threat of nuclear war, I echo the appeals of the UN Secretary General, Pope Francis, and world leaders like President Lula: De-escalation, diplomatic intervention, and an end to this brutal war. The longer the fighting continues, the more lives are lost, the more our fragile climate is destroyed, and the greater the threat of total annihilation becomes for all of us.
Happy Anti-War Day! The weapons must be silent! (tags)
The DGB (the German alliance of unions) and its member unions, an important voice in the German peace movement, commemorate the barbaric consequences of war and fascism on September 1. Trade unionists fight for peace, democracy and freedom.
The Great Reboot and Investing in death (tags)
The WEF continues to propagate a highly hierarchized society in which the most powerful actors decide how society should develop - far removed from democratic processes. The US is now spending $100K per minute on new nuclear weapons!
Russia and China are no match for the United States’ Instruments of National Power. The Pale Blue Dot’s existence is at risk if nuclear weapons are employed by either one or both sides.
Manifesto against war, March 19, 2022 (tags)
It is therefore high time for the mobilization of a broad anti-militarist resistance that is integrated comprehensively and transnationally into the social struggles. This approach is by no means without chance, as the inclusion of the resistance against the Vietnam War showed.
Lockdown for the military! (tags)
Life can only be saved with a consistent policy of social justice, of cooperation instead of capitalist competition for profit and supremacy. Peace is the basis of sustainable politics. The world is too small, too vulnerable, nature too endangered for wars and military. Climate justice requires no to war &yes to disarmament.
The fight for nuclear disarmament and the fight against climate change belong together, Rhodes said. They are the great challenge to the young generation that is gaining authority in the world. To pass both, he said, is the chance to renew and preserve the world.
The "Security Conference" - A Fraudulent Labeling (tags)
We say: No more world war fantasies and war preparations. Peace instead of NATO - Human dignity instead of the military - Reason instead of Trump.
Atomic Bombs or Democracy (tags)
The atomic bomb reveals the totalitarian element latent to human existence. Our species is marked by the ability to impose the universal death penalty on itself.. War thinking devours most resources of the world and is resistant against experiential knowledge.
Gorbachev Fears Nuclear War (tags)
US Neocon Urges War on Iran (tags)
Israel Intends Blitzkrieg Against Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
Iran Nuclear Deal: The Real Battle Begins (tags)
Obama Supports Nuclear Proliferation, Opposes Disarmament (tags)
nuclear weapon
Saudi Arabia: Headed Toward Becoming Nuclear Armed and Dangerous? (tags)
Saudi Arabia
Israeli Defense Minister Threatens to Nuke Iran (tags)
Pentagon Document Confirms Israeli Nukes (tags)
Saudi Arabia
The Shortwave Report 05/01/15 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.
Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World (tags)
Iranian Nuclear Program Framework Deal Postmortems (tags)
Al Jazeera Spy Cables Reveal Netanyahu Lies about Iran's Nuclear Program (tags)
The Illusion of Peace in Ukraine (tags)
Putin v. Obama and Netanyahu on Iran's Nuclear Program (tags)
Russia bashing
Selling NATO's Killing Machine (tags)
Manufacturing Crisis Irresponsibly (tags)
Iranian Nuclear Roulette Continues (tags)
Fukushima Japan’s Nuclear Weapons Program Revealed by Akie Abe (tags)
This week Japan’s first lady Akie Abe revealed the existence of Fukushima Japan’s nuclear weapons program.
Anti-Iranian Israeli/Saudi Alliance (tags)
Maintaining Iran Sanctions (tags)
Iranian Nuclear Talks Continue (tags)
Netanyahu in Washington (tags)
US/Iranian Foreign Ministers Meet (tags)
AIPAC Promotes War on Iran (tags)
Obama's Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax (tags)
Permanent War: Longstanding US Policy (tags)
Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)
With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’] link:
Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)
“With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’]
Washington Opposes Peace (tags)
Another Anti-Iranian Hate Group (tags)
Drumbeat for War on Iran (tags)
Support Negotiations, Not War on Iran (tags)
There is no basis in law or common sense for the United States to launch a war against Iran. We must all tell elected officials: Not another war! America needs to come home and defend America!
Heightening Tensions for War on Iran (tags)
Pushing for War on Iran (tags)
Israel's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons (tags)
Fabricating Lies To Wage War On Iran (tags)
Turning Iran into a reliable pro-Western puppet state is a long-sought US goal. All options are considered, including war.
Scoundrels Assail Gunter Grass Truths (tags)
Imagining the Unthinkable (tags)
Washington Preparing for More War (tags)
New York Times Promoting War on Iran (tags)
Debunking the Spurious Iranian Nuclear Threat (tags)
Waging Covert War on Iran (tags)
Election 2012: Alexander-Mendoza Campaign Calls for Lifting Sanctions on Iran (tags)
“The sanctions don’t hurt the Iranian government, they strengthen it,” explains Stewart Alexander, “They hurt the working people of Iran.”
Fabricated IAEA Report on Iran Released (tags)
Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)
America's Imperial Arrogance (tags)
more hype than substance
To laugh right now.
America's Grand Strategy: Militarizing Space (tags)
America plan war from space
Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)
f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."
Israel's Open Secret: Nuclear Armed and Dangerous (tags)
Israel's nuclear arsenal threatens humanity
Obama's Brave Nuke World (tags)
smoke and mirrors, not policy change
Iran's Revolution vs. The Democrats (tags)
On Sunday in Iran, mass protests were drowned in blood by government authorities; at least ten reportedly have been killed with hundreds injured. The events have been given ample coverage in the U.S. media, with the intention of further demonizing Iran’s repressive government. Absent in the American media are the deeper implications of the protests, which, to anyone paying close attention, constitute a powerful revolutionary movement. This movement has grown exponentially in a very short period of time. Although only beginning in June over allegations of voter fraud, the movement is now endorsed by millions of combative Iranians, demanding “death to the dictator,” while they waive an Iranian flag that’s missing the Muslim insignia. Massive demonstrations in the streets and university campuses have directly confronted police repression and in some cases have overcome it. The New York Times describes a scene found only in instances of revolution:
Good and Bad Choices for Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement 2009-2010 (tags)
Two energy/environment phenomena are being widely discussed currently. These are global warming, and its mitigation, and the nuclear resurgence – the worldwide push to supply power with nuclear power plants. Careful study of these issues leads to the following conclusions: 1. Global warming is real and is causing harm. 2. Global warming is mostly due to heat production by human industry since the 1800s, from nuclear power and fossil fuels, better termed hydrocarbons, – coal, oil, natural gas. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 play a minor role even though they are widely claimed the cause. 3. Both nuclear and hydrocarbon-based power must be eliminated to solve the global warming problem. 4. Nuclear power advocates have commandeered the global warming/greenhouse gas formula to promote nuclear power, based upon two errors: exaggerating the role of CO2 on the one hand and incorrectly claiming that nuclear power plants do not produce CO2 on the other hand. 5. Nuclear power can not be separated from nuclear weapons, which are essential to the consistent drive for American military dominationof the world. This is the reason for nuclear power. Nuclear power does not make sense as a safe, efficient, or economical way to provide energy. 6. Solar and solar-derived (wind, wave) sources of power do not add heat to the environment and can be used to supply virtually unlimited electrical energy without causing global warming. If done properly they will open up new vistas of human freedom and cultural development. They also produce much less CO2 than either nukes or hydrocarbons.
BTL:To Stop Nuclear Proliferation, Washington Must Lead by Example (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Israel prepared to dismantle its nuclear weapons (tags)
As part of US/Iranian deal
US nuclear-powered carrier entry to Manila violates Philippine Constitution (tags)
US nuclear-powered carrier entry to Manila violates ASEAN Treaty The following manifestation was made by Rep. Walden Bello of the Party-list Akbayan! on the floor of the House of Representatives of the Philippines on August 13, 2009. It was prepared by Herbert Docena of Focus on the Global South.
Obama George W. Bush Wacks Helen Thomas! (tags)
In the debut of president Barrack Obama's first press conference da Prez in an attempt to honor the grand dame of the white house press corp. gave a slightly more dramatic calling on Helen's turn to ask her "question"
PRESS RELEASE: Atomic Bomb Survovors from Hiroshima, Japan Speak to UC Regents (tags)
Two survivors of the US atomic bombing from Hiroshima, Japan spoke yesterday to the University of California Board of Regents, who manage the nations two premiere nuclear weapons laboratories at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore. The survivors, known in Japanese as hibakusha, spoke at the UC Irvine campus during the Regent’s meeting public comment period to speak of their experiences surviving the atomic bomb, and of their friends and family members who did not survive the attack, with the officials in charge of the institution which created that bomb, and to implore the Regents to end management of the nuclear weapons labs, which continue to create new nuclear weapons.
No More U.S. Super Power Status (tags)
Russia has intercontinental ballistic missiles with war heads pointed at the United States and has the capability to strike every major city in America. Both Russia and China have larger standing armies and are building there war machines much faster then the U.S., which includes their navy and air force. The U.S. has few military options to respond to the aggression in Georgia by the Russians and can only fight back with diplomatic and economic retaliation, U.S. officials say
War with Iran On, Off or Undecided? (tags)
Strong crosscurrents both ways.
ISI General Ahmed with Tommy Franks BEFORE 911 (tags)
Reminder: Ahmed funded the murder of 3000+ in New York City on 911. September 11th, 2001.
Deconstructing the Anti-Iran Resolutions (tags)
A blockade IS an act of war under international law. Since both sides of the RepubliCrat Party are collaborating in this, it will take a lot more than marching in a circle with a sign in your hand to reclaim this country from them, and stop this disaster.
WE DEMAND all real American soldiers to WAR for open dialog on 911, Afghanistan, and the thefts of innocence in Iraq. George Norry is an enemy of Freedom in America by refusing the facts of America to allow US to decide for ourselves. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS are of persons who lie, cheat and steal our rights to be represented fairly.
God Damn the Corporate News American (tags)
I DEMAND a public debate with Americans on the FACT that George Walker Bush is a war criminal. Example to Humanity: the Iraq conflict has no cause. Period. Despite demon Bush repeatedly LYING that Saddam wouldn’t let the inspectors in.
Calling All UC Students & Alumni: Stop Nuclear Development at our University! (tags)
A new online campaign is up that utilizes the strategic power of students and alumni to demand a peaceful and sustainable University. Check it out to learn more about the issue, join up and network with others. Together we can send a powerful message to the University of California that tells them we will not be complicit with the nuclear weapons industry!
$500 a barrel
The Seven Energy-Related World Crises (tags)
The market is not total, absolute and self-healing but a tool helpful after we decide what kind of society we want. The state has a social nature and can't be only a power and security state or treasure chest for the super-rich and special interests.
Disturbing Stirrings - Ratcheting Up For War On Iran (tags)
Worrisome signs resurfacing.
Bob and Sarah Dylan and Paul McCartney on Saving the Environment (tags)
It’s all just common sense.
Violation of Human Rights in CA: Interview with UN International Attorney, Karen Parker (tags)
A raging human rights battle is brewing between the Department of Energy and the people of the greater San Francisco/San Jose area. Citizen activists and environmental rights groups are up in arms over the right of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to explode toxic and radioactive materials into California’s air.
Hold the Bush administration accountable - no more nukes! (tags)
We need to Implement the directives of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to end the Bush Doctrine of refurbishing our nuclear arsenal to support plans for wars of aggression around the world.
Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing Climax (tags)
Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing Climax
Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend "The Western Way of Life" (tags)
The Western media is involved in a diabolical disinformation campaign, the purpose of which is to persuade public opinion that the only way to "create a nuclear free World" is to use nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis, against countries which "threaten our Western Way of Life." We are a dangerous crossroads: military planners believe their own propaganda. The military manuals state that this new generation of nuclear weapons are "safe" for use in the battlefield. They are no longer a weapon of last resort. There are no impediments or political obstacles to their use.
California's Radiation Laboratory Near SF Creates Anxiety (tags)
UC employees are reportedly anxious and upset over having to play a secondary role at the Livermore Nuclear Laboratory. Yet how do we, the ones breathing in the Depleted Uranium and other radionuclides, feel about what's going on with radioactive materials blasted into our air?
With the NIE, President George W Bush was actually exposed as a liar. By fomenting war hysteria, he consciously made use of misinformation-as in the preparation of the Iraq war. When Bush threatened a `third world war,' he tried to blackmail the world.
Israel Prepares for Nuclear Strike on Iran (tags)
With no alternative but to fight fire with fire, the Israel Air Force is training for a tactical nuclear strike on Iranian nuclear production facilities.
Incompetence or Cover-Up? Air Force Report on the Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight (tags)
"It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." --Pentagon official
Israel seeks exemption from atomic rules (tags)
Israel is looking to a U.S.-India nuclear deal to expand its own ties to suppliers, quietly lobbying for an exemption to non-proliferation rules so it can legally import atomic material, according to documents made available Tuesday to The Associated Press.
Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak? (tags)
Who ordered the loading of Advanced Cruise missiles on to a B-52 in violation of Air Force regulations? The quick reaction of the Air Force and the issuing of a public statement describing the seriousness of the issue and the launch of an immediate investigation, suggests that whatever occurred, was outside the regular chain of military command. If the regular chain of command was violated, then we have to inquire as to whether the B-52 incident was part of a covert project whose classification level exceeded that held by officers in charge of nuclear weapons at Minot AFB.
The Roving Counter Demonstrator Strikes Again! (tags)
"This was his first visit to Highland Park, and he must have gotten wind that we were planning to observe Hiroshima and Nagasaki days as he brought signs supporting the use of nuclear weapons: one praised the Enola Gay for its involvement in nuking Japan, another thanked General Leslie R. Groves for overseeing the Manhattan Project."
Why does Obama hate Iran, support Israel?? (tags)
Both Democrats/Republicans appear eager for a U.S. military conflict with Iran, citing Iran's imaginary nuclear program as prime reason, while land in North America (Newe Sogobia, NV, NTS) remains a nuclear weapons testing site & nuclear waste dump under U.S. military occupation. Hypocrisy anyone??
The Nuclear Weapons Lab Bombing Range (tags)
Massive Radioactive Explosions are routinely conducted at Site 300
CUFI's Christian Zionists convene for Holy $$ War in DC (tags)
Right-wing Christian Zionist evangelicals of CUFI are fanning the flames of war with Iran, citing defense of Jews in Israel. CUFI depends on bribes to influence politicians and resettle Jews to Israel. However, Iranian Jews refuse cash offers in exchange for resettlement to Israel and remain a cohesive Jewish community in Iran.
Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.
Protest Giuliani's GOP Fundrai$er, Irvine, Sun., June 10! (tags)
Al-Qaida Plans Nuclear Attacks on 7 U.S. Cities
UC Hunger Strikers, Supporters Confront UC Regents On Nuclear Weapons, 13 Arrested (tags)
More than 100 people, including 40 on the 9th day of a fast to protest the University of California's ties to the US nuclear weapons complex, delivered their demand for UC nuclear weapons lab severance directly to the UC Board of Regents at their meeting at UC San Francisco on May 17th. After several of the protesters vocally and persistently confronted the Regents on refusing to consider the demand, Regent Norman Pattiz ordered the dozen or so UC Police officers on hand to clear the room, moments after telling them to "go out and have some lunch."
UC Hunger Strike Against Weapons Labs Passes 1-Week Mark (tags)
A hunger strike initiated by 44 UC students, several alumni and a professor has passed its 1-week mark. The hunger strikers are demanding that the UC Board of Regents withdraw from their contracts to operate Los Alamos and Livermore National Laboratories based on, “the grounds that the Reliable Replacement Warhead program and Los Alamos Labs’ ongoing preparations to conduct plutonium pit manufacturing both clearly violate Article VI of the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.” The hunger strikers have put their bodies on the line in a time of enormous flux for US nuclear weapons policy. Their target, the UC, has been identified by them as a site of strategic importance in the wider campaign against new nuclear weapons.
University of California Students Establish Nuclear Weapons Lab Oversight Committee (tags)
An Official Student Government Body, the Committee’s Mission is to Provide More Democratic and Open Supervision of UC’s Nuclear Weapons Labs and Ensure US Compliance With NPT Treaty Obligation of Disarmament
Israel, U.S. hold large-scale Nuke Terror Drill March 21st (tags)
JERUSALEM: Israel and the U.S. are conducting a large-scale missile defense exercise aimed at combining their systems, American and Israeli officials said Sunday, as both countries warn that Iran could obtain nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. The operation, code-named "Juniper Cobra," is taking place in the Negev desert in southern Israel with thousands of American and Israeli troops. Both sides described the timing as routine, denying a direct connection to the Iran threat.
GW Bush regime's war on Iran, fuel Shia/Sunni conflict (tags)
Article details the GW Bush regime's role in escalating tensions between Shia and Sunni factions in Iraq, the end result being a US military invasion of Iran..
Six Lies You Shouldn't Believe About Iran (tags)
"I'm an American who used to live in New York City. All my life, when I heard about warships, it was US warships going places far away. I never even imagined hostile warships sailing toward New York. Now I'm in Tehran, and aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis is heading our way. And as it sails, people are discussing Israel and/or the US bombing Iran as if my family and 69 million other people weren't even here. I'm getting scared."
Cold Warriors Shift Ground on Nuclear Weapons (tags)
The truth that if we are to have a human future the US must lead the way in abolishing nuclear weapons has been frequently ridiculed and violently opposed. This truth may now be entering the stage of being self-evident.
Inside Cheney's nightmare (tags)
for the most honest man he knows
American Congress: Failed Institution (tags)
Democrats have failed the American people (and civilised world) by allowing the lunatic U.S. President to re-introduce nuclear warfare in an already unstable world. Two extremely disturbing indications from Bush’s ‘new strategy’ spell madness in the clearest possible terms but the Democrats have made it clear, they will adopt the role of spectator, satisfying themselves with an ‘I told you so’ attitude AFTER the calamitous event. The non-interventionist attitude of the Democrats confirms INCOMPETENCE as a malaise that extends throughout the entire body of government in the USA. Any government that would plunge the world into a future holocaust earns for itself the status of nuclear target – where does it end? The only two nations likely to utilise nuclear weapons today are Israel and the United States, as has clearly been indicated by Bush and his echo, Condoleezza Rice, in their recent address:
Israel's Extremists Plotting Nuclear Strike (tags)
Israel leaks it’s plan to nuke Iran (tags)
A report in yesterday’s London-based Sunday Times revealed that the Israeli military has been training to use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran’s uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and other nuclear facilities. Based on several Israeli military sources, the article said two air force squadrons were involved, with the preparations being overseen by air force commander Major General Eliezer Shkedi. Israeli officials were quick to disparage the report. Foreign ministry spokesman Mark Regev “formally denied” the claim and restated the official stance that Israeli was committed to a diplomatic solution and supported last month’s UN Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran. Top government and military figures have repeatedly warned, however, that Israel would not allow Tehran to develop nuclear weapons.
STOP GW Bush Regime's Nuclear Weapons Bombplex!! (tags)
This winter solstice we face another impending nuclear weapons manufacture proposal by GW Bush regime..
STOP Bush Regime's Nuclear Weapons Bombplex!! (tags)
This winter solstice we face another impending nuclear weapons manufacture proposal by GW Bush regime..
STOP GW Bush Regime's Nuclear Weapons Bombplex!! (tags)
This winter solstice we face another impending nuclear weapons manufacture proposal by GW Bush regime..
because of his admission that Israel has nuclear weapons
in Gulf of Mexico
Congress controlled by outside terrorists
Students arrested for blocking UC nuclear labs (tags)
Six UC students and three community members were forcefully dragged from the UC Regents board meeting on Thursday by police after they informed the Regents that they would not allow the board to convene its DOE lab oversight committee, the Regents’ body in charge of UC’s nuclear weapons research, design, and manufacturing labs in Los Alamos, New Mexico and Livermore, California.
Stopping the New Arms Race: Nov 16 @ UCLA (tags)
Because the University of California manages the nation's two nuclear weapons research and design laboratories it stands at the center of an unfolding political and ecological crisis of unprecedented proportions. The Coalition to Demilitarize the UC* calls upon students, staff, faculty, and community members to attend the UC Regents’ meeting in Los Angeles on November 16 to demand the Regents to divest the university’s good name and intellectual resources from the new arms race.
Forced Injections By USA Government, Call for Assassinations and How (tags)
Below is a post calling for the stoppage of the practice of forced injections on compliant Americans, and the execution of those who violate the order by the American People.
Freed from International Law: Book Review (tags)
With deep conviction of self-righteousness, the United States demands observance of international law from other countries but dems it irrelevant for itself.. Being an intellectual is a calling for everyone. (Noam Chomsky)
Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? (tags)
Will the US launch "Mini-nukes" against Iran in Retaliation for Tehran's "Non-compliance"?
To cover the Bush sex and corruption scandals
The Israel Lobby Sells Wars: The Strategic Trap of Military Confrontation: Action Alert (tags)
It is now widely confirmed that one of the major reasons we chose to put a priority on toppling Saddam Hussein was due to the lobbying efforts for Israel within the Congress and the Bush Administration. The commitment of almost the entire military force of the United States to a senseless campaign in Mesopotamia, the ancient land between two rivers, has led to unexpected consequences that will be with us for decades. One of those is the possible military confrontation with Iran, which would again ignore the limits of American power and the potential for disastrous effects for our friends in the Middle East, including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Nuclear Holocaust and The Politics of Radiation (tags)
This event featured three speakers: Doug Rokke, a Vietnam and Gulf War I Veteran and the Army's expert on depleted uranium; Leuren Moret, a whistle-blower from Livermore National Laboratory, expert lecturer on the health effects of depleted uranium; and Veteran Staff Sergeant Dennis Kyne who served as an Army medic during Gulf War I. Because they speak out about depleted uranium (DU), all three of these people are constantly harassed by the US government and its agents. Both Rokke and Kyne are in extremely serious medical condition because of their exposure to depleted uranium and other toxicants that the military tells our valiant warriors are safe. You may listen to all three lectures on by clicking on the appropriate link below. Rokke's and Moret's have been transcribed. If you have time, please help us by transcribing Dennis Kyne's lecture and we will post it.
Think Outside the Bomb - Santa Barbara Conference (tags)
TOTB Conference From October 20-22, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation will team up with various partner NGOs to host the second "Think Outside the Bomb" national conference at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The conference will bring together high school students, college students, recent college alumni, and young non-profit professionals from throughout the western United States for a series of participatory discussion panels, workshops, and skills trainings on building a nuclear-free world.
San Francisco Bay View Newspaper Under Attack - By Leuren Moret (tags)
San Francisco Bay View newspaper - the Best Black Newspaper in the US! [They print the truth when no one else will.]
Diabetes and Depleted Uranium (tags)
Italian Embassy Refuses Visa
Pentagon report on China highlights danger of nuclear war (tags)
One sinister aspect of the US Defence Department’s 2006 report on the Chinese military released last month is its discussion of nuclear policy. Overall, the document entitled “Annual Report to Congress: Military Power of the People’s Republic of China” marked a more aggressive US military stance toward China than in previous years. It identified the Chinese regime as a military rival and highlighted its growing defence spending, particularly its investment in advanced military technology (see: “Pentagon report targets China as a military threat”). For the first time since its publication began in 2001, the annual report tried to suggest that China is a growing nuclear threat to the US. In the context of the Bush administration’s doctrine of “pre-emptive war”, the shift indicates that the Bush administration and Pentagon are themselves preparing for nuclear war.
Leuren Moret Describes Vicious Attacks on Whistleblowers (tags)
June 15, 2006 by Leuren Moret To the Berkeley City Council and City Manager:
Ongoing threat of radioactive depleted uranium (tags)
The nuclear threat of depleted uranium continues to plague US soldiers and Iraqi civilians experiencing illness and/or death from exposure to radioactive DU..
The violent actions of the West ultimately gave birth to more suicide assassins, not peace.. In 1953, the US overthrew the iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh in a military coup because he insisted on nationalizing Iranian oil. Decades of the Shah dictatorship followed
Should Noam Chomsky Reset His Compass? (tags)
Noam Chomsky was interviewed for the 2005 book, “Imperial Ambitions.” In it, he addressed the Iraqi War, but he failed to take on the hawkish Neocons. Chomsky said the war was about the “control of oil.” He also ignored the influential Israeli Lobby’s role in agitating for the conflict. In the introduction, a colleague said that he “misses nothing.” Question: How can that be true, if Chomsky missed the six ton elephant in the room - the Israeli Lobby?
Mini-nukes and there consequences
Mini-nukes and their consequences.
A little perspective, please (tags)
Forget the Middle East: North America Harbors the World's Most Dangerous Terrorists
BTL:Use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Iran Would Kill Hundreds of Thousands (tags)
Interview with Dr. Kurt Gottfried, chairman of the Union of Concerned Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
The latest offering from the Bush administration is a nuclear attack on Iran; after only a few years in power this insane administration is ready to wage nuclear warfare! If this is not cause for alarm then resign yourselves to your fate (lemmings).
The president and his crazed gang of warmongers have put America gravely at risk by threatening first use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear power.
Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback (tags)
"The Bush administration will never allow the Iranian government to open an oil exchange (bourse) that trades petroleum in euros. If that were to happen, hundreds of billions of dollars would come flooding back to the United States crushing the greenback and destroying the economy. This is why Bush and Co. are planning to lead the nation to war against Iran. It is straightforward defense of the current global system and the continuing dominance of the reserve currency....."
Christian Zionists support nuclear militarization of Israel (tags)
On the third year anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death by Israeli Defense Forces, author attempts to expose right-wing Christians as a financial/political source of Zionist Israel's apartheid and military oppression of Palestinians. Also examines the role Christian fundamentalists play in the escalation of environmental destruction..
Europe Failed Temporarily in Iran (tags)
Iran will need at least 3 to 5 years for producing highly enriched uranium for its first bombs and much longer to produce the necessary centrifuges. Whoevrer threatens with a preventive attack should not be surprised about proliferation.
America and Iran: At the Brink of the Abyss (tags)
Attacking Iran with nuclear weapons, no matter how small, is evil. once the American public becomes fully aware that military action will include nuclear weapons, public support will quickly disappear. A great catastrophe will have been averted.
Calls for Dialogue in the Iran Crisis (tags)
Renunciation on force and non-aggression guarantees are crucial for de-activating the crisis along with convening a UN mediation commission. All military options must be excluded.
Giving Iran the `Iraq Treatment' (tags)
People have fallen for the Bush propaganda but still do not support the long-planned aggressive invasion of the State. Nearly 7 of 10 of those surveyed say theya re concerned that the US will move prematurely to use force
Dubious Evidence against Iran (tags)
Albright assumed that US government circles launched the flasified report in the New York Times to exert political pressure.. Washington knew the information was untrue, the nuclear weapons expert said.
No First Strike with Nuclear Weapons! (tags)
Those states tghat now possess nuclear weapons are obligated to destroy them. Those states without nuclear weapons may not strive to amass them.
UN to consider sanctions on Israel. (tags)
Israel has a shed load of Nuclear Bombs.
The Most Dangerous Double Standard in the Middle East (tags)
Iran and Israel: Ambiguous Nuclear Weapons At present, there is only one country in the Middle East with "secret" and ambiguous stockpiles of nuclear weapons. (full references and links at bottom)
A People's History of UC Weapons Lab Management (tags)
Over the past several decades students and faculty of the University of California, often in tandem with nuclear disarmament NGOs in California and New Mexico, have conducted a series of campaigns to end the UC's involvement in nuclear weapons research, design, testing, and production at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore laboratories. These campaigns represent an important contribution to the global nuclear abolition movement, which historian Lawrence Wittner has described as "the largest, most dynamic international citizens' movement of modern times."
US Military, President Out of Control (tags)
- Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950 What Does "Mildly Radioactive" Mean, Anyway?
We need another "DAISY GIRL" advertisement to STOP BUSH (tags)
President Bush's Pentagon is now calling for the use of nuclear weapons to attack terrorists. What could be done with a few bullets the Bush administration wants to use nuclear weapons which could kill millions of innocent human beings.
Can the Empire Do Everything? (tags)
"The problem is that the US supported the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. A paragraph imposes the obligation of negotiations on ending the nuclear arms race.. An empire doesn't seem worried about justice and law.."
Bush Policy: Making the World Safe...for Nukes (tags)
By invading countries unilaterally, and by threatening countries without nukes while negotiating with, or even having friendly relations with those that have them, the Bush administration is courting nuclear disaster. -----------------
Hiroshima and Nagasaki--Symbolic Bombs, Authentic Deaths (tags)
by greenleft It was not necessary to drop atomic bombs. That is a 60 year old lie--we did it to prevent millions of American casualties--LIES for more than half a century.
Seal Beach Anti-Nuke Rally: A National Day of Action! 8/6/05 (tags)
Fluoride, uranium X, cancer in workers (tags)
Fluoride and uranium based nuclear weapons manufacture in the 1950's exposed many North American citizens of African descent to radiation and fluoride exposure..
May Day Versus Loyalty Day (tags)
May Day versus McCarthy era like "Loyalty Day" opened a UN Conference against Nuclear Weapons that seemed doomed by ambiguities and lack of reportage from its very start… including vagueUS intentions towards peace contrasted by recent trends and “nuclearised” weapons that support pre emptive strikes. Meanwhile, Israel still vague about possessing nuclear weapons adds to its crimes against humanity in the Occupied Territories by dumping its waste on someone else’s homeland.
manufacturing armageddon (tags)
Student Statement Opposing UC-Bechtel Bid (tags)
The Regents of the University of California have announced a partnership with the Bechtel Corporation in their bid to manage the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The students of the UC oppose this partnership and the UC’s continued involvement in the design and production of nuclear weaponry.
We, the Students: UC Students Rise Up to Oppose UC-Bechtel! (tags)
Dozens of students from across the UC system will converge at the UC Regents meeting at UC San Francisco Laurel Heights to speak out in opposition to the UC's join bid with Bechtel for management of the nation's nuclear weapons labs. After meeting at 9 a.m. outside of the Laurel Heights building, the students will command the floor during the Regents' public comment period at 10 a.m. At roughly 11:20, we will conduct a rally outside the conference building. Please join us in opposing the nuclearization and corporatization of the UC! Contact to carpool from SoCal to the Regents meeting.
BTL:War is not the Answer to Nuclear Weapons Proliferation (tags)
Interview with John Burroughs, executive director of the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Nuclear weapons and humans cannot coexist: A Japanese survivor speaks out (tags)
When 60 years ago the United States became the first (and since then the only) country to use atomic weapons by dropping them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Those at the hypercenter, or ground zero, were the “lucky” ones — they were instantly vaporized. Others died, but not instantly, living their last moments in pain and misery. Their flesh melting off, many perished while looking for water to ease their suffering.
40,000 march to abolish nuclear weapons (tags)
NEW YORK — On May 1, the eve of a world meeting at the United Nations to review the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), tens of thousands of people from around the globe marched through the streets here under the slogan “No nukes! No wars!”
NEW YORK — The worldwide movement to end nuclear weapons, energized and united with the antiwar movement, is converging here for a month of actions. Kicking it off is a May 1 mass “No Nukes! No Wars!” march. On May 2, the United Nations opens a review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which aims to curb and eventually eliminate these weapons of mass destruction.
Each Step a Prayer For A Nuclear Free Future. (tags)
Fort Lee, NJ - On Saturday, April 30, 2005, an international group of people will arrive in Fort Lee NJ. They will be met by the Mayor of Hiroshima, Tadatoshi Akiba, and Hiroshima bomb survivors.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.
Depleted uranium in Iraq stolen from under Dineh land (tags)
Depleted uranium used in Iraq by US military results in babies born deformed and also cancer. The source of the uranium is from native lands, also causing cancer in indigenous people living there..
“Israel would be a much safer place to live if it would give up warfare and weapons and become civil-ized, if it would give up expansion and land grabbing and become decent and humane, if it would care about the ‘other’ and not only about more and more land, if it would stop being an occupier fretting over ‘demography’ and become a democracy caring about justice, liberty, and bread for all. “
Takakura Nobuko created this painting based upon what he saw in Hiroshima. Despite the hellish devastation all around him, this one thing stuck in Mr. Takakura's memory. In his own words: "A Man who died apparently on the spot lies there with one hand pointing to the sky. Blue flames rise from his fingers, and liquid the color of Indian Ink drips down." Mr. Takakura was 18 when he witnessed this haunting reality in 1945. To visit an entire gallery of artworks created by Hibakusha (Atom Bomb Survivors), please visit:
2nd Annual Nuclear Free Future Run (tags)
We run and walk to bring focus not only on the horror of nuclear weapons but the damage caused to the Earth by the production not only of these weapons but also by the use of nuclear energy.
The US nuclear option and the "War on Terrorism" (tags)
the Bush Administration has embarked upon a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.
Dennis Kucinich wants war (tags)
Vanunu is being unjustly held by the Israeli government because of his opposition to Israel's nuclear weapons. Right wing Zionists beat him while in prison in hopes to make his stay longer.
International Citizens’ Inquiry Into 9/11 - Toronto, Canada - 2004 (tags)
An extensive international public inquiry into the events of Sept. 11, 2001, will be held in Toronto, Canada between May 30 and June 20 this year.
Nations of Periphery Have a Right to Weapons of Mass Destruction!!! (tags)
March 8th Editorial of the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: with Bizarro News Clips (tags)
Ashcroft persecutes liberals; dollar may melt down, Congress lets Bush reignite nuclear arms race, Bizarro news clips, etc.
Lame pretexts left wingers, KPFK, Edward Said / Chomsky and Cockburn types and their fascist buddies use to justify attacking US policy and the US military. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's not forget the NY Times Dowd and Friedman, the Times two apologists for Muslim terrorism.
LA Times: Officials Confirm Israeli Nuke Launching Subs (tags)
The story contains the first official confirmation from both American and Israeli officials that Israel can launch nuclear weapons from its submarines. The ultimate guarantee of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The acronym MAD also makes for a most appropriate word to describe the human condition.
Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)
Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow
Perle Urges Bush To Initiate Nuclear Holocaust In N. Korea (tags)
Richard Perle, formerly code named "MEGA" and the former Pentagon official and an architect of the Bush administration's strategy to topple Saddam Hussein, said President Bush should consider bombing North Korea's nuclear production facilities if diplomatic efforts fail to convince Pyongyang to disarm.
Bidding for the Bomb Lab: UC and LANL (tags)
Expect the University of California to bid for the contract to manage the Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab.
Shows, Music, Articles about Hiroshima
Excerpts from Oct 02 Nat'l Intelligence Estimate on Iraqi WMDs (tags)
he following article contains excerpts from the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate that the Bush administration war criminals claim justifies their bloody mass murder of the Iraqi people in the recent War in Iraq.
'We are above the law': interview with richard butler: (tags)
It's this - this administration has a view of the special character of the United States, the singular and exclusive character that is new. I've talked to them about it and they make this plain. They say "We are the sole super power, we're therefore the exceptional country, we're outside of international law. Others have to obey the law and obey the rules, but we don't."
A Diplomat's Undiplomatic Truth: They Lied (tags)
They may have finally found the smoking gun that nails the culprit responsible for the Iraq war. Unfortunately, the incriminating evidence wasn't left in one of Saddam Hussein's palaces but rather in Vice President Dick Cheney's office.
Bush Faced Dwindling Data on Iraq Nuclear Bid (tags)
A review of speeches and reports, plus interviews with present and former administration officials and intelligence analysts, suggests that between Oct. 7, when President Bush made a speech laying out the case for military action against Hussein, and Jan. 28, when he gave his State of the Union address, almost all the other evidence had either been undercut or disproved by U.N. inspectors in Iraq.
SOS2003 Speak Out At STRATCOM, August 1-3, Omaha, NE (tags)
The Bush administration wants to develop and deploy new nuclear weapons. Come to Omaha NE August 1-3, 2003 to speak out against this madness.
The University of California is complicit in the design and development of weapons of mass destruction. UCLA professors are doing research for the warfare state.
The Mirage of Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)
"I was always telling the truth. Iraq does not have chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. Time will bear me out, " says Amer Al Saadi......
Israel Forges Papers To Frame Iraq (tags)
The FBI is investigating recent Israeli Mossad attempts to forge documents framing Iraq for acquisition of nuclear materials.
Rice's Former Prof Says Bush Admin Deliberately Deceives (tags)
DENVER, CO -- Average citizens will now be able to gauge whether or not Iraq actually poses a threat to them and their families, thanks to a new report ( issued today by one of National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice's former professors at the University of Denver (DU).
Bush lies, lies, lies about WMD (tags)
Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake U.N. Nuclear Inspector Says Documents on Purchases Were Forged By Joby Warrick Washington Post Staff Writer
Mr Bush Plans Bigger And Better Massive Weapons Of Mass Destruction For The U.S. (tags)
"...It's very serious," said Stephen Schwartz, the publisher of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, who added that it opened the US to charges of hypocrisy when it is demanding the disarmament of Iraq and North Korea. "How can we possibly go to the international community or to these countries and say 'How dare you develop these weapons', when it's exactly what we're doing?" Mr Schwartz said.
An idea for nonviolent protest
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT (tags)
This neither-confirm-nor-deny posture has evolved since the late 1960s, primarily as an Israeli hedge against the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
The Insanity of Nuclear Weapons (tags)
At a time when the Bush administration is threatening the entire world with the use of nuclear weapons, we should remember what they did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Anti-War activist Berrigan dies (tags)
Anti-war activist Philip Berrigan dies
Perry Anderson: Pre-emptive Surrender (tags)
A critique of Perry Anderson's "Force and Consent"
BTL:Bush Reaction to North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program Contrasts Sharply with... (tags)
...War Drive Against Iraq. Interview with David Wright,of the Union of Concerned Scientists by Scott Harris.
Reporter's Notebook -- Making sense of US foreign policy
BTL: U.S. War Against Baghdad Could Result in Use of Nuclear Weapons (tags)
Interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility conducted by Melinda Tuhus
some thoughts of the hudson institute
Nuclear Weapons: Abolish or Perish (tags)
"We could take a strike, survive and then hit back. Pakistan would be finished." George Fernandes, Defense Minister of India.
Congressman says "NUKE 'EM!" (tags)
"They did it once, and they'll do it again... they'll shower us all in their deadly rain."
Thousands protest in Japan against Nuclear Weapons!
1973: How General Ariel Sharon Brought The World To The Brink of Nuclear War (tags)
In 1973, General Ariel Sharon brought the world closer to nuclear war than it has come since the nuclear holocaust in Nagasaki, Japan. In order to stop the Soviet Red Army from intervening as Sharon commanded the massacre of The Egyptian Third Army in The Sinai, The American Nuclear Arsenal was moved to DEFCON 3.
The theme of Monday's protest (8/13/2000), was "Human Need not Corporate Greed." An enormous crowd gathered at Pershing Square for a march to Staples Center. No fewer than 10,000 protestors participated in the mass demonstration, and many issues were addressed.
Los Alamos - The Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)
Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.
Los Alamos, New Mexico - Cradle of Nuclear Weapons (tags)
Anniversary protest of the bombing of Nagasaki/Hiroshima calls for a shutdown of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico.