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Ryan Zinke Is Charging Taxpayers For A Trophy Hunters' Council (tags)
Trophy hunters rarely hunt for meat but because they love to stalk terrorized animals, murder them, see them gutted, arrange for their stuffing by taxidermists and nail their heads to a wall.
27 Of Many Reasons To Impeach Trump's Ryan Zinke (tags)
Zinke has removed dozens of Native Americans from powerful positions, has massacred bear cubs, mustangs, endangered whales, opened the Atlantic coast to drilling, eviscerated fracking regulations
the crisis of the two-party system (tags)
The Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, along with former attorneys general, Republican as well as Democratic, have bitterly denounced Comey’s action.
Presidential Candidate Alexander Defends Public Workforce and the US Postal Service (tags)
The United States Postal Service is looking at turning back services and potentially laying off 80,000 workers due to a manufactured budget shortfall. This manufactured budget shortfall will also result in the closure of 250 mail processing centers and 3,700 post offices, mostly in poor and rural areas. The Socialist Party USA ticket of Stewart Alexander and Alex Mendoza say that this is part of a larger attack upon the working class for the benefit of the wealthiest 1%.
Obama's "War on Terror" (tags)
continuity, not change is assured
UDHR 31st Article/ 28th Bill of Rights Suggestion (tags)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, anti-corruption, anti-cultic, referendum, new people's branch of government. In spirit of green party facilitation/process, change, add, delete to improve.