fix articles 224545, congressional task force
Archbishop and Evangelical Leader Tell Congress to Reduce Puerto Rico Child Poverty (tags)
Puerto Rico religious leaders are urging Congress to reduce child poverty on the island by granting equal access to US health care funding and child tax benefits.
House Rejects Puerto Rico Healthcare Amendment (tags)
The House Rules Committee rejected an amendment that would allocate Medicaid funding to Puerto Rico at an equal level to US states.
Puerto Rico Religious Leaders Ask Congress to Pass Debt Crisis Actions (tags)
"As religious leaders in Puerto Rico, we urge you to act on behalf of the 3.4 million American citizens living on the island," wrote two prominent ministers to Congress about policies to help the debt-troubled island.
Puerto Rico Governor Releases New Fiscal Plan (tags)
Puerto Rico's Governor Ricardo Rosselló released a new fiscal plan that seeks to balance the island's budget by 2019.
US and Puerto Rico Faith Groups Send Congress Recommendations on Island's Crisis (tags)
Religious leaders in Puerto Rico and Jubilee USA urged a new Congressional task force to reform US laws to promote economic growth in Puerto Rico.
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