fix articles 22478, cedillo
Senator Gilbert Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) issued the following statement on the United States Senate unanimous vote to proceed with a floor debate on S. 1315, the Veterans Benefits Enhancement Act. Among other actions the bill would restore U.S. Veterans status and eligibility for Veterans Affairs (VA) disability pension benefits to Filipino Veterans serving in WW II. A final vote is expected today:
Vetonator Strikes Again! (tags)
California’s governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has vetoed SB 160 sponsored by Sen. Gil Cedillo
Hundreds arrested at immigrant rights march (tags)
Hundreds arrested including Assemblyman Paul Kortez (D-West Hollywood), and State Senator Gilbert Cedillo (D-Los Angeles).
Community College Students Fight Back (tags)
3,000 community college students on March 28 had a rally and march in downtown LA to stop cutbacks in their colleges