fix articles 225656, san diego chargers
Blood Sport Of Football Correlated To War, Domestic Violence, Player Deaths, Paralysis (tags)
Football: a blood sport in which the players are collateral damage for the owners, the advertisers, the networks, the alcohol industry, the ticket buyers and the tv audience.
The San Diego Mayoral Candidates That Didn't Bark (tags)
When A Better San Diego, a coalition made up largely of labor unions and their affiliates, sponsored a debate among the four leading candidates for Mayor of San Diego in next year's election, only two showed up. The no-shows were City Councilmember Carl DeMaio, whose whole campaign is based on targeting city workers as the source of San Diego's economic woes, and District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis, both Republicans. A third Republican, Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher, and Democratic Congressmember Bob Filner attended and differed on city workers' pensions, outsourcing city jobs to private companies and many other issues.