fix articles 227258, confiscated
Who is Fueling the Overdoses in the US National Heroin Trade (tags)
This article contain news from a 2014 list of how much heroin was confiscated at US border stations. Nearly 800pounds were confiscated at the San Diego location. Other locations in El Paso US and Big Bend had emplotees confiscate up to 167% more thsan in 2013
Criminalizing Dissent in Israel (tags)
Israeli Police State Crimes (tags)
Arrest of man on Venice Blvd.
From: Bev Harris Subject: All Black Box Voting files confiscated, including personal info on activists Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 02:11:26 -0700 (PDT) Also Diebold Insiders have been dumping their stock. ????????
The Apartheid Wall is nearing completion on the West side of the West Bank - where its estimated to have confiscated around %10 of the most fertlie land. As well as cutting through or displacing - redefining - 30 towns or villages. This is ethnic cleansing on a massive speed and scale. Remember that when the media talks about a roadmap to peace.
Israeli army attacks Christian worshipers outside Church of the Nativity (tags)
Israeli occupation soldiers on Sunday pushed, beat and dragged to the ground Christian worshipers who were on their way to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.