fix articles 227880, small businesses
Tax Extenders Cost Billions (tags)
The GE Loophole isn't just unfair to small businesses; it's a burden to us all. If the loophole is renewed, it will cost $62 billion over the next decade. That's money we won't have to fix roads, build schools, or find medical cures—the kinds of investments that strengthen our communities...
Legislative Alert: Legislation Attempts to Impose New Internet Sales Tax (tags)
On Tuesday, the Senate agreed to begin debating a small business tax bill (S.2237) that some say could boost job creation. Unfortunately, Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) have expressed plans to offer an Internet Sales Tax amendment. This amendment would make it much harder for entrepreneurial small business retailers to use the Internet to serve consumers across America, and raise the prices consumers would face when they shop from small businesses online.
Lessons learned from Occupy L.A.
Lt. Governor Candidate Is Pro Small Business (tags)
California and America must focus on protecting small businesses; at stake are jobs and $100’s billions in earnings for millions of American families. Stewart Alexander wants to provide California small businesses State financial assistance ranging from $50 to $500 thousand, and marketing assistance from State, local governments and private organizations.
Kerry isn't as ignorant on economic matters as he sounds.... (tags)
With Wallmart Rejected???? (tags)
The best thing to ever happen to a city is to have Wall Mart rejected.