fix articles 22818, date Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : date


March 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

In March 2019, one journalist who has been critical of local mayors and MPs was assassinated, other journalists have been threatened and one was captured. Territory defenders have been shot at with gunfire, or have soldiers attempt to destroy their home. This and other news from this month here.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 40 (tags)

the anne frank swindle

Wikileaks Publication of Email To Hilllary Clinton About Libyan Gold and Oil (tags)

Wikileaks published an email sent by Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton in which he indicated 143 tons of gold (as well as oil and opposition to a socialist government known for Qaddafi's charity) as reasons to bomb Libya.

KPFK NEEDS ALL VOTES - now please (tags)

The deadline is Jan 4th - coming soon - or KPFK gets stuck with Old-Past-Due board-members -- those who have let the station Down this perilous financial loss path to now... VOTE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE

Update on WHAT IS HAPPENING AT KPFK and what can be done & elections (tags)

This is a repost of a message to a list, then forwarded to the LAAMN list, and now here.

KPFK RADIO is essential to Pacifica, who also umbrellas KPFA that may be falling away (tags)

KPFK is the prime radio station of 5 in Pacifica. KPFA in Berkeley seems to be acting illegally or secretly to separate OUT and away from Pacifica with 1 faction hiding their moves. This is here a repost to inform those who want KPFK in LA to continue and not fall prey to tactics used at it's sister station. Beware non-transparent games even within 'non-profit' corporations owned by stakeholders [ funders, pledge $ givers].this could be a warning of what may also be gamed with KPFKs existence. Learn more and share it too.


See my intelligence report indicating that the USA'S intel judges see quite the rogues, thugs, murderers and reprobates.

How do you make money on failing companies? (tags)

This article is a question to the people who understand capitalism. I'll start with an explanation of what I know; you can elaborate in comments.

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge 3 Photosets/ Photoset 3 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 2 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 1 of 3

3rd Radical Mycology Convergence Callout! (tags)

The Radical Mycology Convergence is a unique gathering of mycologists, mushroom enthusiasts, and Earth stewards coming together to share skills and information on the numerous benefits of the fungal kingdom for humans and the planet. The RMC is a multiple-day long event consisting of workshops, presentations, and various projects using fungi and other organisms to remediate & restore damaged environments.

Chavez Inauguration Postponed (tags)



Works in Narrative, Animated, and Documentary Short, regardless of the original production format, and the date when it was completed, are considered. Submissions should be not longer than 30 minutes.

Arizona Invites More Gabby Giffords Style Murder/Violence (tags)

Arizona and Sheriff Arpaio are actively protecting a friend of the Sheriff who has threatened to 'wipe out' a family in AZ and to 'kill' an AZ woman.

July 4th, 1776 Was Deeply Symbolic Choice to USA's Masonic Founders (tags)

Key founders of the USA expertly and redundantly encoded hidden symbolic messages throughout our national symbols, including the purposeful choice of July 4th, 1776 for the absolutely stunning details this very unique date encapsulates.

Troy Davis Execution Date Expected Anytime --An interview with Laura Moye of Amnesty Intl. (tags)

Laura Moye is director of the Amnesty International USA Death Penalty Abolition Campaign. Moye talks about Troy Davis, an African American on death row for over 19 years. Following a recent US Supreme Court ruling, his execution date is expected to be scheduled any day now. We must act to stop it!

More on Haiti's Raging Cholera, Electoral Fraud and Deportations (tags)

exploiting Haiti


On Wednesday, The Honorable Judge Manuel Real adjourned Alex's bail appeal hearing and ordered that the proceedings be continued Monday, August 17th, 2009

CHICAGO, NEW YORK, HOUSTON -- 2009 Top 9/11-2B Targets -- (tags)

On the Recent FACLA elections, May 31, 2009 (tags)

In one day, the FACLA elections brought FACLA from the modern age (US style) to the dark ages (Philippine Style). To compare, in November 16, elections FACLA paid $ 7,000 for a computerized elections and the elections was done within hours and elections results known to the public. In the May 31 court ordered elections. The elections were done Philippine style. With board tabulations and poll clerks with watchers coming from just one party. The Party that won the elections by a landslide- the Ideal Party.

2012 Revisited by Ralph Miller (tags)

Ralph Miller has worked with people from all over the world in an experiential journey which he calls Heart of the Initiate as a way for people to remember their "authentic selves

Los Angeles Activists Attend International Gathering (tags)

From January 31 to February 8, 2009, KPFK Reporter Margaret Prescod and local activists from the Global Women's Strike and Women of Color in the Global Women's Strike will be meeting in London with women from Bolivia, Canada, China, Greece, Guyana, Haiti, India, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Palestine, Peru, Scotland, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, US, Venezuela, and Wales for an International Gathering of the Global Women's Strike and the International Women Count Network. See current schedule of events below. See current schedule of speakers below. To interview one of the speakers, contact womensstrike8m (at) server101 (dot) com.

USA admits to brain entrainment (tags)

see the admission by usa of its brain entrainment program

KPFK is suppose to have a Community Advisory Board, but does it ? (tags)

Open Letter to KPFK's Community Advisory Committee [CAB] -and to the station's staff about lack of station's oversight of it's duties to inform all interested KPFK members about this required committee:

San Diego Community Leader Accused of Breaking Law (tags)

Popular San Diego community activist Leo Wilson is being accused of practicing law without a license, involving a heated controversy over the balloting on by-laws revisions for the Hillcrest Business Association (HBA).

KPFK needs to update and keep website relevant & current (tags)

KPFK website is outdated, except for what the promotions the station wants to profit from. But information about it's doing is vacant and ancient .

Direct Action to Stop the war March 19th arrests (tags)

From March 19th Direct Action to Stop the War Rally (DASW) Arrestees still in custody: 5 Keep up the solidarity for these folks!!! Legal information from your friendly legal working group...

3/11 "Buffalo" Market - (A Date Code Decode) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence officer, offers a compelling case to prove that the recent record profits on Wall Street happened according to a schedule, or a "date code," as he calls it.

Kurds in the US organize nation-wide demonstrations (tags)

This week, several Kurdish communities across the United States are expected to demonstrate in several cities in opposition to the Turkish government's approval for the invasion of Iraqi Kurdistan. The youth of the Kurdish-American communities in each city have coordinated with one another to launch demonstrations on the same dates in order to express a unified opposition to the recent developments in Turkey and the Turkish government's decision to invade Iraqi Kurdistan. Event in LA area is following: Los Angeles, California Date: Friday November 2nd, 2007 Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm Where: Turkish Consulate 6300 Wilshire BLVD Los Angeles CA Contact: Raving Barwari 619 318 0544

Nazi-SOS in LYNWOOD this Sun. Sept 30 '07 11am (tags)

Date: Sunday, September 30th Time: 11am to 2pm Location: Plaza Mexico - specifically the La Huasteca Restaurant Address: 3150 E. Imperial Hwy, Lynwood, CA 90262

Staging the Portland Nuke (A Comedy of Terrors) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet military intelligence writer, has written his most detailed article to date on the highly suspicious Portland Nuke exercise, Noble Resolve. He names the names of the key players in the operation, and of the military and media figures who have joined the growing outcry about what may turn out to be a false flag version of the White Houses much- predicted terror nuke.

SEE Italy's Proof for Trial of CIA 26 (cr card/phone No.s, IDs) in Imam abduction ... (tags)

This is about blowing the CIA wide open -- with all their dirty tricks and secrets revealed. (Talk about lowlifes getting their comeuppance.)

Funds Needed for Eric McDavid (tags)

After more than a year of pretrial incarceration and the associated legal costs, Eric McDavid is preparing to go to trial and needs to raise funds to mount the best defense possible.

RED ALERT: CHICAGO 9/11 (tags)

Are we due for the much-discussed "next 9/11" in Chicago, on or around 9/11, 2006? A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer, the commander of the cyber-intelligence group, Ghost Troop, writes a powerful letter of warning to the US Army Inspector General and other US VIP's, warning that the next set up event is ready to be staged in Chicago between 9/7 and 9/11, 2006 -- and the newspapers are telling all about it in advance.

Internal affairs says its ok to threaten people with arrest to make them talk (tags)

Officer Doran ... by telling you, he would arrest you for not giving information regarding your date of birth, [did not commit a] civil rights violation.

It rebounds speech of Fidel Castro in diverse latitudes (tags)

International press means credited in Cuba and others of the world grant wide diffusion to the President's speech Fidel Castro in Bayamo, while from diverse latitudes it is known of the celebration by the Day of the National Rebelliousness in Cuba, occasion of new actions of solidarity with the Island.

Don't these cops have any real criminals to hunt down????? (tags)

Woman arrested after calling 911 asking for 'cute' deputy

Abril 10 - Protesta HR4437 (tags)

Two places to go:

A Day Without an Immigrant! (tags)

April 10th - This is not a Dressed Rehearsal!

South Central Farmers Court Date: Monday March 20th, 8:30 am (tags)

South Central Farmers Court Date: Monday March 20th, 8:30 am Los Angeles Superior Court downtown at 111 North Hill Street

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM - Stay of evictions to continue while courts hears appeals. (tags)

Someone Accessed 40 Palm Beach County Voting Machines Nov 2004 (tags)

The internal logs of at least 40 Sequoia touch-screen voting machines reveal that votes were time and date-stamped as cast two weeks before the election, sometimes in the middle of the night.

SOS to Return to Baldwin Park (tags)

Save Our State is planning to return to Baldwin Park for a third anti-immigrant demonstration. They are in the planning stages right now and are discussing which date would work best.

BP Arrests/Hearings Update (tags)

Hearing date changed. The hearing has been moved to July 27, 2005. That is one month from yesterday.

Adolf Hitler To Visit Canada (tags)

"All over people changing their votes Along with their overcoats If Adolf Hitler flew in today They'd send a limousine anyway"

Bush’s Iraq Policy a Shambles, But Can Kerry Challenge It? (tags)

The fighting in Najaf exposes the fraud of the June 30 “sovereignty” handover, and represents a complete failure of Bush’s Iraq strategy, but Kerry can’t bring himself to condemn the whole thing as the colossal disaster that it is.

Most Britons Say U.K. Troops Must Leave Iraq By June 30 (tags)

Most people interviewed, or 55 percent, said British troops should withdraw by June 30, the planned date for the transfer of Iraq's sovereignty to an interim government, with 16 percent supporting an immediate withdrawal

225 UGSOA Members are Voting to Stop Dues Payments to UGSOA (tags)


Sumare (Brazil) prepares a bank holiday in honour of Zumbi dos Palmares (tags)

The event is the initiative of councellor Alan Cardeque (PT).



Reserves wanting to leave Mideast (tags)

Soldiers say most of their work involves civilian contractor Kellogg Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, Halliburton Corp. The company has contracts to haul fuel, and 319th members are riding along as armed escorts. "The main reason we're still here is to support Brown and Root," said Sgt. 1st Class David Uthe, 45, of Augusta.


An open letter to United for Peace and Justice, Northeast Ohio Antiwar Coalition, A.N.S.W.E.R., Win Without War, US Labor Against War, Not In Our Name, National Student and Youth Peace Coalition and all other antiwar organizations.

Transphobia (tags)

I can't believe the amount of transphobia I read on this site.

FINDING KOBEHQ (sequel to finding nemo) (tags)

help us find out who is behind kobehq

Big Brother isn't Coming; He's here. (tags)

And so it was with every recorded fact, great or small. Everything faded away into a shadow-world in which, finally, even the date of the year had become uncertain."   --Excerpted from the book, 1984, by George Orwell

List of Iraq Reconstruction Contracts (tags)

Included is the Company name, Award amount based on maximum cap figure, Agency awarding the contract, date of the Request for Proposal, the Award date and the Nature of the work to be undertaken. If any pre-planning was known, its indicated. References are available at bpost.

Peace Vigil at Mar Vista Park in Mar Vista, JOIN US (tags)

PLEASE JOIN US AND BRING YOUR CANDLE START DATE: Friday, April 4, 2003 START TIME: 5:00 PM Duration: 2 Hours Location: Mar Vista Park in Mar Vista, at Palms & Mclaughlin

Understanding Neocon-Speak (tags)

“Humanitarian Aid”  Millions of dollars and tons of stuff Iraqis might get someday if they will just relax and let us liberate them without a struggle.  Sounds like the temporary remorse after date rape, but without the date.



Matt Lamont's (aka Rampage) Next Court Date (tags)

see below

No counsel? No bail? no questions? (tags)

This is about a couple thrown in jail without anyone to defend them. This is about the United States of America and the war on drugs. This is about a war on their people.

Matthew Lamont's Court Date MOVED! (tags)


To Michael: An apology of sorts (tags)

Correcting a mistated fact from a previous article.

SHOCKING REVELATIONS: US Government, Not Terrorists, Picked 9-11 Date (tags)

From the start, the Bush Administration has insisted that anything like the 'planes-as-weapons' scenario of 9-11 was 'unthinkable' before 9-11. That's a HUGE LIE!! On Sept. 11, 2001 they had a brand new counter-terror emergency response plan in place at the Pentagon for exactly that scenario, and had a counter-terror 'wargame' set to begin on exactly that scenario that very morning in the nation's capitol.

us govt not hijackers 'chose' the date of 9-11 attacks (tags)

by barbara honneger

DATE CHANGE 4 Hip Hop Benefit Concert in Long Beach! (tags)


Medical Crisis in Palestine (tags)

The outstanding Palestine Red Crescent Society, a medical organization, has been providing very informative hourly and daily updates on the crisis in Palestine, where they are literally operating under fire. Their website with the latest up date as of 4/5/02 at 8 p.m. is:


We are heartened by the large volume of positive responses to the announcement issued by the A.N.S.W.E.R. steering committee (February 27) that the coalition was shifting the date of its demonstration to Saturday, April 20. The change to April 20 was in turn a response to a large number of requests asking for a united date for anti-war forces to converge this spring in Washington DC. The A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition has been and continues to be in communication with other groups organizing on the weekend of April 19-22 for a variety of activities.

TIMELINE (IN C) (tags)

a brief history compiled from merriam-websters online dictionary

Now.....Who Wants To Date A Millionaire? (tags)

Millionaire Mates - Rich & Famous Matchmaking..... Now a woman can seriously meet her "Prince Charming" through Millionaire Mates an exclusive dating club for Millionaires seeking their soul mate. Millionaire members include 2 Royal Prince's, a Duke and several celebrities!

June is Peliter Awareness Month (tags)

June is Leonard Peltier Awareness Month - lobby for the release of this political prisoner.

Court Order to the Seattle IMC (tags)


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