fix articles 2312, because i
NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST (11.02.08) (tags)
"There is one agenda, and whoever holds the [president's] chair will continue the other's job."
Int'l Womyn's Day Celebrated (tags)
Quotes from thoughtful womyn, to help us remember who we all are and what we do....
Weekend of Resistance: New Website - (tags)
A new website has been launched to help kick off the Weekend of Resistance against the Green Scare. Resist the Green Scare!
Letters from Redeploying Soldiers (tags)
Stopping the Minute Men! (tags)
I am hoping someone can let us know in the Bay Area what are the plans to organize against the Minute Men coming to California? Are there websites? Are there planned actions?
Anyone who has studied the history of the Nazis would be hard pressed to differentiate between a Nazi and a Neoconservative.
The World Can Force the U.S. Out of Iraq! (tags)
LONDON - Britain will send another 400 troops to Iraq ahead of elections there, Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon said Monday. and: A U.S. Soldier Speaks of the Atrocities He Witnessed Scott Fleming 10 Jan 2005 22:08 GMT People in my unit used to break bottles over Iraqi civilians' heads.
an open letter to a president (tags)
it has to happen somewhere it has to happen soon what better place than here? what better time than NOW. RAGE
can anyone help please
After several years teaching high school, I've heard all the excuses. I didn't get my homework done because my computer crashed, because my project partner didn't do their part, because I feel sick, because I left it on the bus, because I had a dance recital, because I was abducted by aliens and viciously probed.
A Note on Troll Tactics (tags)
The function of most of the Trolls who infest this site is to disrupt, spread, and test disinformation lines to see how easy, or difficult, they are to defuse.
Abuse of Indiemedia board (tags)
Unfortunately someone has been abusing this board and posting false statements in my name.
Anarchists and the definition of Middle Class liberal (tags)
It seems whenever Anarchists are critiqued they begin with rants of you are nothing but Middle class liberal scum.
scapegoats are easy. the truth is hard. (tags)
contrary to what many greens and dems will tell you, there's no one reason gore couldn't/didn't win. scapegoats are easy. the truth is hard. there's a constellation of reasons king george is now leading (and i use that term loosely) the country. and it's going to take a constellation of solutions to get him out.
Reflections on The Green Party Event at the Knitting Factory (tags)
"what galled me was this bashing and whining and bitching and moaning the greens were doing about democrats baiting them and slamming doors in their faces during neighborhood walk-abouts. that's bad behavior from anyone and the greens are right to be pissed about it. but, that's exactly what they were doing at the benefit -- bashing me and, figuratively any way, slamming the door in my face." CAN WE LEARN?
¡NO MAS! NO MORE! STOP THE DIRTY WAR! In Colombia, paramilitary butchers, operating in collusion with the US/Canada government-and corporate-backed Colombian Army and National Police, selectively murder and massacre unarmed civilians with impunity. See URL's below for more info.