fix articles 232046, jorge noguera
The drumbeat of fear mongering propaganda continues: What are State and the Pentagon plan (tags)
"The AUC were a phenomenon that was changed by they looked for cultivation and smuggling zones, so this is what permeated the [border] zone, including today [the phenomenon] is still present in [Venezulean border state] Tachira with [paramilitary group] the Black Eagles." Venezuelan journalist Alberto Nolia, analysing the interview, said, "Its clear the Colombian government was completely involved in the conspiracy...Garcia has linked the government of Uribe with the paramilitaries and with drug smuggling."
Bush and Uribe v. Chavez and Correa (tags)
The latest made in USA regional mischief.
Colombia: Cae por paramilitar ex jefe de inteligencia de Uribe (tags)
Jorge Noguera, exdirector del Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad DAS, institución que depende directamente de la Presidencia de la República, aunque solamente fue detenido por concierto para delinquir, también ha sido acusado por fraude electoral y homicidio, además de conspirar contra altos funcionarios del gobierno bolivariano de Venezuela.