fix articles 233986, love you
Local Marine, Anthony C. Melia, Killed in Iraq (tags)
U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Anthony C. Melia died Saturday while conducting combat operations in Anbar province in Iraq, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.
To Ángel's Baby in Heaven (tags)
My little brother Ángel, who's locked up in the Illinois correctional system, sent me this drawing and poem. It explains a very traumatic event in his life, and how his faith in God is helping him overcome his pain and straighten out his life. I will let Ángel's words speak for themselves.
I'm not sure if reprinting is allowed here but this seemed kinda important.
We love you, Tipper Gore (tags)
Don't you know you're wrong--you only make us want to hear it--you make it much more fun--that's why we love you TIPPER GORE!