fix articles 234001, from l.
Live video From L.A. Marchas! (tags)
Live video From L.A. Marchas!
From L.A.’s Guantanamo for the Homeless--Two Skid Row Stories (tags)
In the face of recent news reports that homeless numbers are now increasing downtown, two first-hand accounts of abuses of homeless people on L.A.'s Skid Row --and this as LAPD continues business' unprecidented eight-month attack on L.A's downtown blacks.
Emergency Peacemaker Vigil for a Cease Fire in the Mid-East (tags)
Emergency Peacemaker Vigil for a Cease Fire in the Mid-East!
Extremism and Terrorism - Caltech Lecture, Sat 2nd March (tags)
The Skeptics society have organized this lecture, might be worth a visit.
From L.A.: call to action against Bush brownshirts! (tags)
A week ago Saturday, at the Westwood (L.A.) Federal Building, FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP BY PRO-BUSH THUGS. YES, THE CHILDREN WERE BEATEN UP TOO. I was just told this by an eyewitness.