fix articles 234234, can win
Greens congratulate Caroline Lucas, UK's first Green in Parliament, on victory (tags)
"The election of the first Green to the British House of Commons is cause for celebration among Greens in the US and for everyone who wants to see a new direction in politics and an end to the stranglehold of the pro-war pro-corporate old parties," said Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party's 2008 nominee for President of the United States and former member of the US House of Representatives from Georgia. "If Greens can win a seat in the UK, we can win one or more seats in Congress
The Political Situation and the Independent Left (tags)
Presentation by Stewart Alexander to PFP National Organizing Conference San Francisco, California August 1, 2009
Bush says we can win war in Iraq (tags)
Damn right we can win the war in Iraq!!! Just like we won the war in Vietnam! It's called win/win. We win by taking our troops out and cutting our loses to under 3,000 dead. They win by defeating the most powerful empire and police state in the history of world the USA! Just like the Viet Cong did!
CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekend edition (tags)
US Mainstream Media goes into propaganda overdrive....GOP hate crimes against blacks in 2004 election revealed by BBC and Greg Palast....