fix articles 234505, all these Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : all these

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Dr. Steve Best on "The Left, Capitalism, and Animal Rights" (tags)

This is an excerpt of Jon Hoch interviewing Dr. Steven Best on April 29, 2010. To hear the entire interview, please see:

Help! The "special interests" are attacking me! (tags)

Will all you please help me? I'm being attacked by all these "special interests" who think the state should pay for their services. The nerve of them. Do these "special interests" really think that California is their personal piggy bank? My billionaire friends don't want to pay higher taxes to pay for these "special interests"! They worked hard to earn their billions of dollars. They deserve tax relief to buy more yachts, mansions, and fancy cars. All these "special interests" will do is squander all of their money. Help me take back Sacramento from these "special interests" so the billionaires who put me where I am today won't have to pay more taxes so the state can spend, spend, spend!

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