fix articles 234727, on march Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : on march

on march

Compassionate Genocide (tags)

The issue is not whether and how Israel lets trucks with the much-needed supplies into Gaza; it is the nearly two-decade-long siege of the Strip, worsened by the most recent devastation. Both literally and figuratively, humanitarianism does not ameliorate the situation on the ground. On the contrary, humanitarian discourse strives to make the intolerable barely tolerable.

John Pilger warns of a new fascism (tags)

Democracy is now fictitious. There is the all-powerful business elite that has merged with the state and its claims to "identity". US admirals are paid thousands of dollars a day by Australian taxpayers for "advice". Across the West, our political imaginations have been soothed by PR and distracted from the machinations of corrupt politicians who can be had extremely cheaply.

Climate strike: How elites have been fighting Generation Alarm for five years (tags)

Some activists are later sentenced to pay millions in damages, others have to spend months in prison for their civil disobedience. In the Bild newspaper, RWE boss Rolf Martin Schmitz calls them "eco-terrorists." But neither heat, nor summer drought, nor coal protests led the politicians to ask questions about the climate.

Loss of reality and bellicism (tags)

Ukraine is "worn out" here while it is supposed to fight a proxy war "until the last Ukrainian" and is equipped for this with weapons, ammunition, financial means, etc.... None of this is even remotely realistic.

Covert wars in the shadow of international law (tags)

In the years between the end of the Cold War in 1991 and 2022, the United States has carried out at least 251 military interventions in almost every country on earth. Going back to 1789, there were a total of 469. In all of these interventions, the United States formally declared war 11 times.

Nord Stream 1 and 2 (tags)

As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.

Why the US Bank Crisis is Not Over (tags)

There must always be a financial crash at some point. That is because interest-bearing debt grows exponentially, but the economy follows an S-curve and then turns down. And when the economy turns down... the magnitude of financial claims on the economy exceeds the ability to pay.

Myths of the Crisis and Enemy Images in the Media (tags)

The Ukrainian ambassador was quoted in the FAZ as saying: "All Russians are now our enemies". This rhetoric is classic enemy image cultivation... This homogenization is so pre-Enlightenment and always wrong.

The real Zelensky (tags)

A possible oil and gas embargo against Russia, for example, will bring the social question to the fore and bring many people to the streets. More and more voices, it is hoped, will then rise up against war and the militarization of our lives.

Open letter and Breaking the logic of violence (tags)

The delivery of large quantities of heavy weapons, could make Germany itself a party to the war. A Russian counterattack could then trigger the mutual assistance clause under the NATO treaty and thus the immediate danger of a world war. Zelensky's outlawing of parties is dictatorial.

Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)

The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.

Waging war or building bridges (tags)

"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.

Lay down your arms! (tags)

There are successful examples of non-violent, civil resistance in history. This spares human lives and, when things go well, achieves its goals at least as well as acts of war could. Ukrainian pacifists are trying to show a way out of the spiral of escalation.

Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)

Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.

Germany Axis Alert Puzzle (tags)

Since Sig Sauer was spotted in India more information about the Axis appear in Internet which analyses who were involved inside SS at 2nd World War. I just quoted some "random" rare puzzle pieces to inform...

No Health Emergency (tags)

All of a sudden, what has always been a taboo subject is being discussed in public: the question of whether the political leaders and their scientific advisors have overdramatized the threat posed by the virus and whether the lockdown strategy has overshot the mark.

Stolen childhood and The language of violence (tags)

To make the hospitals fit for the "pandemic of the century", the government did nothing... The population will suffer in every respect - with one lockdown after another, inadequate health care, increasing impoverishment and lack of prospects, and presumably with endless depression.

The language of violence and The clinic lie (tags)

"Newspeak" is what George Orwell called a language invented specifically by the Party to control the masses. Today, we are further along. The new language, invented specifically to enforce the Corona measures, seems harmless. Almost unobtrusively, the untruth creeps into our brains through frequent repetition.

Journalism reeks of betrayal of democracy (tags)

A "new normality" has taken root in our society. A climate of fear and severe, permanent encroachments on fundamental rights are shaping politics and social life. From the beginning of the pandemic, the media and politics have created a reality that almost treats the principles of democracy with contempt.

New corona measures. We need "Sweden light," instead of "lockdown light" (tags)

COVID-19 is currently responsible for 1,2% of deaths in Sweden, but probably gets 99% of the attention. We need to maintain some perspective. Sebastian Rushworth, MD

Europe needs an effective guarantee of youth solidarity (tags)

The Youth Guarantee could create an entry-level job market in the public or non-profit sector - in other words, jobs that serve the common good. It is the austerity policy in the wake of the financial and economic crisis that has delayed the socio- and ecological transformation.

Super Tuesday and Standing up to Racists (tags)

Sanders said you can't beat Trump with yesterday's recipes and figures. That would be Biden's strategy to evoke the nostalgia of the Obama years. It would work for a lot of black people and some of the "urban" upper class. In fact, however, these forces have already lost.

[GREECE] About the “Self-organized libertarian assembly Paliacate Zapatista” (tags)

[GREECE] “Self-organized libertarian assembly Paliacate Zapatista”: Neither self-organized, nor libertarian, nor assembly

Extrdition Now and Then (tags)

The looming extradition of Julian Assange reminds us of a similar case in San Francisco 25 years ago.

Fukushima 8 Ywars On (tags)

8 years after Fukushima, the disaster and the coverup continue.

The Judicial Dictatorship in Israel, is not Democracy (tags)

Judicial Dictatorship Distorts Democracy in Israel. Israel Needs Judicial Reform Now!

Insane Company Wants To Send Nuke Plant Waste To New Mexico (tags)

A radioactive waste company, Holtec, wants to send all the nation's high level radwaste, stuff like plutonium, from shut down nuclear plants, to New Mexico.

Israeli leaders should be prosecuted for war crimes (tags)

Israeli leaders order soldiers to kill unarmed civilians who were protesting their lack of rights

Fbi crimes and cover-up by local authorities (tags)

Fbi deletes this report everywhere I publish it.

Nation's Worst Meltdown Was In LA (tags)

July 1959: The nation's worst nuclear meltdown happened 20 miles from downtown LA.

Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)

The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?

Nuke Shutdown News 3/17 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our March 2017 report:

Puerto Rico Religious Leaders Ask Congress to Pass Debt Crisis Actions (tags)

"‎As religious leaders in Puerto Rico, we urge you to act on behalf of the 3.4 million American citizens living on the island," wrote two prominent ministers to Congress about ‎policies to help the debt-troubled island.

January 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

The January update is up. First up is a call out from Copinh for actions in March, one year on from Bertha's murder, but also, her birth month, and Copinh's birth month. And there's been a report coming out from Global Witness on Honduras, the state reacted furiously to this. And in lawmaking, Honduran state wants to make it law that cops and soldiers kill people in Honduras - it happens but they want to make it law. And, a gunfiring violent eviction against another farmers occupation. Another journalist killed. Melon workers fight for their rights. 17 year old killed by soldier. Read more on the blog.

Fukushima + 5: The Disaster Continues (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry, in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future. Here is this month's issue.

28 Reasons To Defeat Jeb Bush's Presidential Ambitions (tags)

Jeb Bush: 11 of 28 reasons to vote against yet another Bush 1. cocreator of 2 wars and promoter of 3 current wars 2. wants Guantanamo kept open 3. thief of the 2000 presidential election through acts of treason 4. executioner of 21 5. advocate of fracking, offshore drilling, the Keystone Pipeline 6. has offshore private equity firm 7. advocate of waterboarding 8. George Bush's presidential advisers are now Jeb's 9. supporter of eminent domain to seize private land for oil 10.supporter of the Patriot Act and NSA mass surveillance 11.a history of privatization

Obama's Duplicitous Remarks Welcoming Pope Francis (tags)


Atomic Bombs or Democracy (tags)

The atomic bomb reveals the totalitarian element latent to human existence. Our species is marked by the ability to impose the universal death penalty on itself.. War thinking devours most resources of the world and is resistant against experiential knowledge.

More Illegal US Sanctions on Russia (tags)


Netanyahu and AIPAC Vow to Undermine Iran Nuclear Agreement (tags)


Israel and Its Lobby Aim to Sabotage an Iranian Nuclear Deal (tags)


Israel Spied on Hotels Used for Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.

Saudi-Led Invasion of Yemen Begins (tags)


Obama's Dirty War on Yemen (tags)


British Foreign Secretary Matches Kerry's Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies (tags)


New York Times Editors Endorse Murdering Millions of Iranians (tags)


Israel Uses Lethal Force Against Palestinian Children (tags)


Israel Joins Obama's War on Yemen (tags)


Phony US Support for Ending Palestime's Occupation (tags)


Kiev's Ongoing Dirty War o Donbass (tags)


America at War, Again (tags)


Putin and Assad Address Western Imperialism (tags)


US-Created Violence and Chaos in Yemen (tags)


Israel Wants Iran Nuclear Deal Blocked (tags)


The Clinton Crime Family (tags)


Fascist US House Members Declare War on Russia (tags)


Fight Back! News Activism (tags)


Defrocked US General Blames Iran for US Crimes in Iraq (tags)


Poroshenko: Declaring Peace, Waging War (tags)


US Provocations on Russia's Borders (tags)


Biden Congratulates Poroshenko for Violating Minsk (tags)


Kiev Rejects Minsk Mandated Donbass Self-Rule (tags)


Snubbing Russia, Reinventing History (tags)


Washington Declares Political and Economic War on Russia (tags)


Washington and Kiev Want War, not Peace (tags)


Irresponsible Putin Rumors (tags)


Does Obama Plan Cuba-Style Blockade on Venezuela? (tags)


America v. Humanity (tags)


Palestinians Suffer Horrifically Ahead of Israeli Elections (tags)


Hyping a Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


Washington and Kiev Willfully Sabotaging Minsk Agreement (tags)


Netanyahu and Herzog Promise Business As Usual for Palestinians (tags)


Fascism: Humanity's Scourge (tags)


Ukraine on the Boil: Washington Prepares for Greater War (tags)


Fascist Republican Senators Threaten Iran (tags)


Choice for Palestinians in Israeli Elections: None (tags)


Obama's Neocon Infested Administration (tags)


Hawkish US Senator Charged with Corruption (tags)


Washington Prepares for Ground War in Syria (tags)


Je Sus Chavez! (tags)


The Great American Lying Machne (tags)


Israeli Women Wage Peace (tags)


Nulan Lied to Congress about Phantom Russian Hoards in Ukraine (tags)


Netanyahu Postmortems (tags)


Poroshenko Prepares for More War (tags)


Netanyahu's Ugly Israel (tags)


Grand Theft Netanyahu? (tags)


Al Jazeera Spy Cables Reveal Netanyahu Lies about Iran's Nuclear Program (tags)


Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum (tags)


Expect Dirty Business as Usual Following Saudi King's Death (tags)

Saudi Arabia

Internal Israeli Wars (tags)


Whitewashing Kiev Mass Murder (tags)


Libya in Free Fall (tags)


Ukraine's President in Ottawa and Washingto (tags)


Obama Heading for War on Syria? (tags)


Hunger Striking for Liberation and Justice (tags)


Ukraine's New President (tags)


Political Prisoner Nabeel Rajab Freed (tags)

police state

George Soros' Predatory Worldview (tags)


Blackwater Killers in Ukraine (tags)


More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia (tags)


Kiev-Style Democracy (tags)


Reoccupation of the Hambach Forest in Germany (tags)

Struggle against megalomaniac energy provider RWE and the biggest human-made hole of europe.

What’s Up With the Beach Curfew? (tags)

Recent rumblings about the illegal Venice Beach and Ocean Front Walk closure.

Profile of a World Class Diplomat (tags)


Unacceptable State-Sponsored Murder (tags)


Koch Brothers-Style Free Society (tags)

class war

Ukraine on the Brink (tags)


Obama Heads for War in Ukraine (tags)


Report Back: 4th Annual Hahamongna Walkabout (tags)

The past, present, and (uncertain) future of Hahamongna, site of an ancient village and home of diverse flora and fauna.

Escalating War on Syria (tags)


NATO and Turkey’s genocidal war on Syria (tags)

Cem Ertür’s account of the crimes committed by Turkey and NATO in the ongoing war against Syria is laid out in meticulous detail and supported by a rich and credible bibliography. Much of this important information is from his reading of original reports published in the Turkish language which English readers would never otherwise hear. This report provides a convincing, up-to-date indictment of the governments of Turkey, other NATO countries and Israel for their savage, furtive war against the Syrian people and government. Cem’s spotlight illuminates a cross-border stage, exposing those hiding in the shadows of the media’s deceptive and confusing language.

Eastern Ukrainian Resistance (tags)


Kiev Sniper Shootings: Lies v. Truth (tags)


Duplicitous Mideast Peace Talks (tags)


The Russians Aren't Coming (tags)


One-Sided Human Rights Council Vote on Syria (tags)


Planned Turkish False Flag Exposed (tags)


Debunking Western Propaganda (tags)


The Struggle for Ukraine's Soul Continues (tags)


Israeli Crimes Go Unpunished (tags)


Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians (tags)

Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again, like its Ottoman forbear, targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation.

New York Times Editors Front for Power (tags)


Obama's Ruthless Egyptian Friends (tags)


Tymoshenko Caught in the Act (tags)


The Russians Are Coming (tags)


Crimean Reunification Day (tags)


Cold-Blooded Israeli Murder (tags)


Cheerleading Potential Disaster (tags)


Anti-Russian Media Wars (tags)


Media Prostitutes Defend the Indefensible (tags)


Sanctions Wars (tags)


Crimean False Flag Attack? (tags)


Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Putin Signs Crimean Reunification Treaty (tags)


Pre and Post-Crimean Independence Treaty Propaganda (tags)


Crimeans Choose Russia (tags)


Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages (tags)


Crimeans Vote on Joining Russia (tags)


Washington's Dirty War on Venezuela (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia Rages (tags)


White House Crime Boss Powwow (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza - Again (tags)


Meet Obama's New Ukrainian Friends (tags)


NYT Editors Wage War on Truth (tags)


Dueling East/West Agendas (tags)


Crimea Declares Independence (tags)


Yatsenyuk Comes to Washington (tags)


US Private Military Contractors in Ukraine? (tags)


Heightened US/Russian Tensions (tags)


Big Lies Drown Out Truth (tags)


Israel Denies 45,000 Palestinians Water (tags)


Putin v. Obama: Geopolitical Opposites (tags)


Talking Peace While Waging War (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia (tags)


Evidence Shows Kiev Putschists Recruited Euromaidan Snipers (tags)


Crisis in Ukraine (tags)


Media Scoundrels on the Wrong Side of History (tags)


"Fair Harvard" Lacks Fairness (tags)


Scoundrel Media War on Russia (tags)


The Damn Fool in the White House (tags)


Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Mobilize for War (tags)


Obama Warns Russia (tags)


Turmoil in Ukraine (tags)


Reid Derails Fast Track (tags)


Western Manipulated Violence in Ukraine (tags)


Rafik Hariri Murder Trial (tags)


DEA framed Ramsey Muniz (tags)

Legal assistant and activist Ramsey Muniz was framed by the Drug Enforcement Agency

Nostradamus Fukushima Prophecy (tags)

Nostradamus Fukushima Prophecy

Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28 (tags)

Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28

Pope Francis Fukushima Anti Nuclear Pro Environment Tirade (tags)

Pope Francis Fukushima Anti Nuclear Pro Environment Tirade

Rigging Foreign Exchange Markets (tags)


9 Animal And Tree Rights Poems By Shel Silverstein (tags)

The deep meaning inside Shel Silverstein's poems

Sabotaging Rapprochement with Iran (tags)


America and Israel: Police States Writ Large (tags)

police state

Targeting Press Freedom in Palestine (tags)


No Deal in Geneva (tags)


Israeli Settlements are War Crimes (tags)


Georgia's Saakashvili (tags)

police state

Obamacare Sticker Shock (tags)


Israeli Persecution of Human Rights Lawyer Anas Barghouti (tags)


War on Terror Advocate to Head Homeland Security (tags)

police state

Nestle: Global Water Predator (tags)


Violence, Instability, Torture and Deaths in Libya (tags)


Lavrov: Insurgents Have Chemical Weapons (tags)


Occupation Harshness Belies Dead on Arrival Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)


Syria Gas Attack: Assad Wrongfully Blamed (tags)


Texan Hank Skinner Needs Anonymous As much As Troy Davis Needed Anonymous ! (tags)

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's biased misdirected anger is costing the State of Texas & Uncle Sam tens of million$ in various legal issues other than his hatred towards a likely innocent man named Hank Skinner..

Obama Making More Enemies Than Friends (tags)


Obama Plans One of History's Great Crimes (tags)


NYPD Stop and Frisk Ruled Unconstitutional (tags)

police state

What's Next in Egypt? (tags)


Another Israeli War Criminal of the Year Award (tags)

police state

The Chemical Weapons Hoax (tags)


Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)

It doesn't surprise. On June 8, Haaretz headlined "What was the Israeli involvement in collecting US communications intel for NSA?" More on that below.

Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)

police state

Anti-Government Protests Rock Turkey (tags)


Stop and Frisk: NYPD Racial Profiling (tags)


Andy P. Hart: Suicide or Murder? (tags)

police state

US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


America's Addiction: Waging War on Humanity (tags)


Terrorists "R" Us (tags)

police state

Targeting Iran (tags)


Hagel in Israel (tags)


Gold Drops Most in 30 Years (tags)


Chavismo Wins (tags)


Attacking Venezuela's Democratic Process (tags)


Mistreating Palestinian Children (tags)


Deplorable Bahraini Human Rights Violations (tags)

police state

Thatcherism (tags)

class war

New York Times Supports Targeted Killings (tags)


More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Institutionalized Barbarism (tags)


Public Banking: What Better Time Than Now (tags)

public banking

Israeli Murder by Neglect (tags)


Guantanamo Hunger Strike Spreads (tags)


Playing the Venezuelan Anti-Semitism Card (tags)


Monsanto Protection Act (tags)


Monsanto Protection Act (tags)


Commemorating Land Day (tags)


Cyprus Postmortems: Part II (tags)

class war

NYT Editors Ignore GMO Health Dangers (tags)


Honduran Police State Repression (tags)

police state

New BRICS Development Bank Announced (tags)


Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


Cyprus Postmortems (tags)

class war

Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


Obama Spurns Palestinian Rights (tags)


What Follows Turkish/Israeli Reconciliation (tags)


Cyprus Update (tags)


Shameless NYT Defense of Obamacare (tags)


High Noon in Cyprus (tags)

class war

Obama in Jerusalem (tags)


Lawless NYPD Spying on Muslims (tags)


Grand Theft Cyprus: Part II (tags)

class war

Unbreakable US/Israeli Ties (tags)


Washington Supports Venezuelan Opposition (tags)


New York Times Hypocrisy (tags)


Obama in Israel (tags)


Obama’s Still Shopping for a Grand Bargain (tags)

President Obama’s recent closed-door sessions with Republican congressmen to reach a “grand bargain” has roused suspiciously little attention in the mainstream media. What scant reporting has occurred presents the following narrative: President Obama is a “middle ground” politician attempting to breach political divides with erstwhile Republican opponents. In reality these meetings are not between political opposites, but kindred spirits; perfectly matched ideologies that differ only in implementation, and only by degrees.

America's Genocidal Iraq War (tags)


Grand Theft Cyprus (tags)

class war

Escalating Syria's War (tags)


Remembering Rachel Corrie (tags)


Holding Harvard's Crimson Accountable (tags)

managed news

Washington Post Anti-Bolivarian Propaganda (tags)


UN Human Rights Council: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Obama Heads to Israel (tags)


Detroit Symbolizes America's Decline (tags)

class war

America's Dirty War in Iraq (tags)


Paul Ryan's At It Again (tags)

class war

Israel's Fascist Government (tags)


Obama Killed Chavez (tags)


Gitmo Atrocities Continue (tags)


New York Times v. Hugo Chavez (tags)


Thomas Perez: Obama's Labor Secretary Choice (tags)


Mid-April Venezuelan Presidential Elections Scheduled (tags)


A Nation Mourns (tags)


Israeli Violence on International Women's Day (tags)


Syrian Death Squad Invaders Seize UN Peacekeepers (tags)


Chavez: Visionary Leader Extraordinaire (tags)


Sequester Chicken (tags)


Serial Killer Heads CIA (tags)


Chavez: A Personal Tribute (tags)


Media Scoundrels Pillory Chavez Before He's Buried (tags)


Chavismo Lives! (tags)


AIPAC Conference Day Two (tags)


Whitewashing Israeli Murder by Torture (tags)


Targeting Jeremy Hammond (tags)


Disappearing Prisoners: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Vatican Changing of the Guard (tags)


PA Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Cold War Politics Heats Up (tags)


Scrambling for Africa's Resources (tags)


Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention (tags)

police state

Fiscal Cliff Reality (tags)

class war

California Safe Schools Receives 2012 WebMD Hero Award (tags)

Children's Environmental Health & Environmental Justice Champion Honored for Overcoming a Medical Challenge, and then Giving Back.

Israel Signals Hardline Policy Intentions (tags)


Torturer Lawsuits: Some Good News (tags)


No More Israel in 10 Years (tags)


Cloud-sourcing and Cloud-working: Brave New World of Work (tags)

"Nothing is more absurd than to try to enforce capitalist property relations within the expanse of the World Wide Web.. In the ideal case, the competing persons in the asocial networks should become part of a `cloud' of living workers.."

Bailout Fraud and Unaccountability (tags)


Wisconsin Anti-Worker Law Struck Down (tags)

class war

Right to Rent and Social State as Prosperity Motor (tags)

The Scandinavian countries show that more social equality can be combined with more education and economic growth and less unemployment and poverty. Humanity is rich when wealth is shared.

Qaddafi lies live on after him (tags)

While no one deserves to die in a war, of the estimated 30,000 Libyans to die in the struggle to overthrow Mummar Qaddafi, no one else can be said to have had it coming more than Mummar Qaddafi. Not only did he rule for more than 40 years by using terror, he had tens of thousands murdered, he conducted his 10 month campaign to stay in power with the utmost brutality. Most of those 30,000 souls were Libyan civilians killed by Qaddafi with artillery, tanks, snipers and cluster bombs. He targeted civilian to the end and so made the UN mission to protect them synonymous with ending his rule. So I find it odd that many on the left single out the killing of Mummar Qaddafi to demand investigation and justice for.

Risking Nuclear Armageddon (tags)


Bahrain Imprisons Human Rights Leader (tags)


The geopolitics of the Syrian uprising/insurgency (tags)

The continuing mass uprising against Syria’s Bashar Assad dictatorship on the one hand, and the growing intervention by the reactionary Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with Turkey, on the side of the growing armed insurgency on the other, has led to a situation where many on the left are sharply divided over who to “support”.

Cybersecurity Bills Threaten Freedom (tags)


Preventing More Middle East Wars Tops All Priorities (tags)


Washington's Man in Tripoli (tags)

police state

Pressure Building for More Middle East War (tags)


Commemorating Anti-Torture Day (tags)


Palestinian Footballer Wins Release (tags)


Palestinian Footballer Near Death (tags)


Presidential Medal of Freedom (tags)


Whittemore indicted on conduit contribution charges, lying to FBI (tags)

Nevada mega-developer Harvey Whittemore was indicted Weds. for illegal conduit campaign contributions to Senator Harry Reid from the Wingfield Co. (shared with another mega-developer Albert Seeno). It is understood that these contributions were to allow Wingfield's Coyote Springs housing development to proceed despite violating numerous environmental laws and requiring the contruction of the $15 billion SNWA pipeline from the rural districts 300 miles to the north.

Wisconsin's Recall Election (tags)


Baghdadi Mahmoudi Faces Torture and Death in Libya (tags)


Continuing Palestinian Hunger Strikes (tags)


Heightening Tensions for War on Iran (tags)


Pushing for War on Iran (tags)


Jerusalem Day (tags)


Goshutes battle to save their sacred water from SNWA pipeline (tags)

Elders of the Goshute Nation and many scientists agree that removal of aquifer water from eastern Nevada with the SNWA proposed pipeline for Las Vegas suburban development will destroy the spring fed ecosystems that the goshute have depended upon for their cultural and physical survival. Preparations for spiritual and mental battle to protect sacred Goshute water are beginning.

US/Israeli Special Relationship (tags)


The Left, Labor and Occupy (tags)

Barely half a year after it burst on the scene, the Occupy Wall Street movement is splintering left and right. This was inevitable in a movement that was united only in what it opposed and could never put forward a positive program, whether of reformist "demands" on the capitalist state or of revolutionary action against it. Liberals, who latched onto Occupy hoping it could pressure the Democratic Party in a more populist direction, want to expel "black bloc" anarchists. Reformist social democrats rail against "ultraleftists" in Occupy and cozy up to the labor tops. On the other side, many (but not all) anarchists oppose unions. Some are simply arrogant petty-bourgeois labor haters. Others are grappling with real problems, but with skewed analysis and dead wrong conclusions. Discussion of recent workers' struggles, from Wisconsin to West Coast longshore, underlines that the key question is leadership, but not just replacing one set of bureaucrats with another. Unions have always faced vicious anti-labor laws, but we have the power to defeat them. It is necessary to drive out the pro-capitalist bureaucracy, the labor lieutenants of capital, in order to turn the unions into instruments of revolutionary class struggle.

Activism for Justice (tags)


Guantanamo Show Trial Begins (tags)


Another Foiled False Flag (tags)

false flags

Occupy Wall Street's Act II (tags)

class war

Dying to Live Free (tags)


Archive Of Housing News by Lynda Carson: Struggle for Just Cause / Tenant's Rights (tags)

The battle over rent control, just cause eviction protections, tenant's rights and poverty issues are a never ending struggle.

Land Day: Why It Matters (tags)


NGOs Promote Wars for Profit (tags)


The People of Dabula Drive (tags)

This is a story about the plight of a people trying to preserve their history from the powers that be of Jacksonville Florida who threatens its existence with pending demolition, this story is that truth be known about this small spiritual community of Jacksonville Florida whose foundation goes back to the 1920’s this is the story of place named ADORKAVILLE after a African princess who came to American to redeem African Americans…..

America's Lost War (tags)


Mass Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike (tags)


Israel's Lawless Settlement Project (tags)


Israel Declares War on Gunter Grass (tags)


Justice for Rachel Corrie Delayed (tags)


Draconian Cybersecurity Bills (tags)

police state

The Pain in Spain (tags)

class war

City Council loans Berkeley Housing Authority $300,000 to privatize public housing units (tags)

On April 3, 2012, the Berkeley Housing Authority asked Berkeley's City Council for $400,000 in general funds from Berkeley's Housing Trust Fund (HTF), to cover the costs associated with the privatization and sale of Berkeley's 75 public housing units to some out of state billionaires!

Israel Plans Theft of 10% More West Bank Land (tags)


Republican Paul Ryan's Budget: Cruel and Unusual Punishment (tags)

class war

Venice Homeless Sweep Stopped: A Good Day in Venice for Street People (tags)

Occupy Venice, Venice Locals, Lawyers with the National Lawyers Guild, and a group called Venice Community Unity all came together on 3rd Ave in Venice to stop a homeless sweep from happening on March 29. It was a good day.

Hana Shalabi: Not Quite Free at Last (tags)


The View from Istanbul (tags)


Obama's War on Iran (tags)


Obama Plans Regime Change in Syria (tags)


Bahrain: A Case Study in Despotism (tags)

police state

Imagining the Unthinkable (tags)


Owens Lake Reminders for SNWA Pipeline’s Water Grab from Northern Aquifers (tags)

The recent decision by the NV State Engineer to support the SNWA's proposed pipeline follows the same tactics used by San Fernando Valley developers who removed water from Owens Lake and Valley by using deception and purchasing land and favors from government officials.

Challenging Israeli State Terror (tags)


What's Next in Syria? (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinians Daily (tags)


Legislating Greater Wall Street Theft (tags)

grand theft

Fragging in Afghanistan? (tags)


Lynch Law U.S.A.: State Defends Murderer of Trayvon Martin (tags)

Outrage over the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin compounds daily as the killer remains free, facing no criminal charges for gunning down the unarmed black youth from Miami Gardens, Florida. On February 26, George Zimmerman, a white self-appointed captain of a "neighborhood watch" team in a gated community in the Orlando suburb of Sanford, shot Martin, a black high-school student, who was returning to the home in the development where he and his father were staying. Police and local prosecutors never charged Zimmerman and accepted his cynical claim that he shot the unarmed youth in "self-defense." Thousands have demonstrated around the country, particularly after police tapes of 911 calls by Zimmerman were released, showing that he was stalking Martin. But the main thrust of liberals is to divert the protests into a movement for gun control laws and to get rid of "Stand Your Ground" laws such as Florida's which make it legal to shoot in self-defense. The ruling-class response deliberately tries to obscure the key fact that this was racist murder. Trayvon Martin was killed for the "crime" of "walking while black."

Washington Admits Aiding Syrian Opposition (tags)


The Struggle to Save Adult Education in Los Angeles (tags)

The ongoing struggle to save LAUSD Adult Education continues.

Stand Your Ground Laws Legalize Murder (tags)


Israeli Court Enforces Hana Shalabi Injustice (tags)


Challenging Obamacare (tags)


Israelis and Iranians Against War (tags)


Afghanistan Crimes: Absolving Higher-Ups (tags)


No Letup in Western-Backed Syrian Violence (tags)


Palestinians Denied Essentials to Life (tags)


Worrisome Security Council Presidential Statement on Syria (tags)


Perils of Attacking Iran (tags)


Stepped-Up Pressure on Assad (tags)


Dying for Justice (tags)


US Afghan Detainees Sent to Torture Prisons (tags)


Washington Preparing for More War (tags)


Rape and Murder in Afghanistan (tags)


Condemning Israel's Racist Occupation (tags)


Heading for War on Iran (tags)


Goldman Sachs: Making Money by Stealing It (tags)

grand theft

A Decade of America Ravaging Afghanistan (tags)

war crimes

Israeli-Style Ceasefires (tags)


Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter (tags)


Israel's Rogue Killing Machine (tags)


Washington Plans War on Syria (tags)


New York Times Wages War on Palestine (tags)


Israel Terror Bombs Gaza (tags)


Obama Plans More Middle East Wars (tags)


Resisting Israeli Oppression Courageously (tags)


Filipino Women March against US Military Expansion in the Philippines and the Pacific (tags)

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2012, we, Filipino women declare in strongest terms possible, our opposition not only to increased presence but to U.S. military presence per se on Philippine soil.

Bahraini Kangaroo Court Trials (tags)

police state

NATO Intervening in Syria (tags)


Imperial Rage for War (tags)


Putin Wins (tags)


Palestinian Oppression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies and Major Media Scoundrel Journalism (tags)


Justice on Trial: Lynne Stewart's Appeal (tags)

police state

Hana Shalabi: Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


America's Racist Drug Laws (tags)


Cruel and Unusual Punishment (tags)

police state

Saudi Arabian State Terror (tags)

police state

Russia Bashing (tags)


Rage for Change in Egypt (tags)


America v. Paul Bergrin in Court (tags)


Hazardous Hydrofracking in America (tags)


Georgia Board of Pardons Affirms State-Sponsored Murder (tags)

Troy Anthony Davis

Filling Prison Beds for Profit (tags)


Possible Israeli Connection to Oslo Attacks (tags)

Oslo attacks

Bahraini Unrest Stirs Unease in Washington (tags)

state terror

America's Dirty War on Islam (tags)


NATO Using Nuclear Weapons in Libya (tags)


Pack Journalism Anti-Gaddafi Propaganda (tags)

media lies

Lies, Damn Lies, and Safe Nuclear Power (tags)

nuclear terrorism

Bahrain Sues to Suppress Police State Terror Truths (tags)

state terrorism

Wrongfully Banishing Professor David Protess (tags)


2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Bahrain (tags)

state terrorism

Remote Control Killing Like Sport (tags)


The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (tags)


Continuing Bahraini State Terror (tags)

state terrorism

Wisconsin Judge Strikes Down Anti-Union Law (tags)


In Saakashvili's Georgia, the Bloom Is Off the Rose (tags)


On the Chopping Block: Federal Worker Pensions (tags)


America's Student Loan Racket: Soaring Default Rates (tags)

student loans

Libyan Rebels Killing Civilians in Benghazi (tags)


Human Trafficking in Israel (tags)


Troy Anthony Davis: Unjustly Sentenced to Death (tags)


US Intervention in Syria (tags)


Professor Hassan Diab: Unjustly Victimized (tags)


Systemic Injustice Against Sundiata Acoli (tags)


Poisoning Mother Earth: Fukushima and America's Gulf (tags)


Harvard Law Prof Benkler is asked to review computer fraud in US courts (tags)

Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler has been asked to review the evidence of large-scale computer fraud in the courts ____ Computer systems enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in both the state and US courts. The key systems are Sustain and eCourt in the state courts, and PACER and CM/ECF in the US courts. Prof Yochai Benkler of Harvard Law School, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to provide an opinion. ____ View a PDF version of this press release at:

Police State Terror in Bahrain (tags)

police state

Border and Community Vigilantism (tags)

state terrorism

Fukushima Elevated to Level 7 (tags)

nuclear disaster

Fullerton College Walks Out (tags)

A group of Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) to demand a special election on tax extensions that would help close a $25 billion dollar state budget deficit.

Fullerton College Students Walk Out (tags)

Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) demanding a special election to decide on the state budget.

.S.: Decline Monies from Japan's "Sympathy Budget" and End Military Dependence Now (tags)

The International Women's Network Against Militarism (IWNAM) demands that the U.S. and Japanese governments stop spending U.S. and Japanese taxpayer monies for the upkeep of U.S. military facilities in Japan and other territories. During these times of natural disasters, funds should directly help the needs of victims of the earthquake, tsunami, and radiation poisoning from damaged nuclear power plants in Japan, and also create alternatives for employment world wide that do not rely on militarism, or further interpersonal and ecological violence. (updated version).

Police Brutality in Honduras (tags)


Loopholes for Criminality in the State and US Courts – False Appearances by Attorneys (tags)

Regular citizens are not the beneficiaries of such loopholes. The privilege is reserved for large corporations (particularly banks) and government officials.

Israel: Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)


Fukushima Meltdown Confirmed (tags)

nuclear disaster

California Judge Meeka is asked to declare benefits from BofA (tags)

Lomas v BofA (KC059379) – California Judge Peter Meeka is Requested to Restore Due Process, Declare Any Financial Benefits to Him by BofA ____ The case is opined as Fraud on the Court through collusion of BofA, California Judge Peter Meeka, and Clerk of the Court John A Clarke.

Japan's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Palm Sunday Peace Parade: The Call for the End to War and Oppression is Louder than Ever (tags)

Join Christian Peacemaker Teams member and author James Loney and show your solidarity with those who march for an end to war and oppression around the globe.

Obama on Libya: Defending the Indefensible (tags)

naked aggression

Japan's Leaking Water Radiation 100,000 Times Above Normal (tags)

nuclear disaster

March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)

Photo copyright 2011 David Sachs / SEIU. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution, Noncommercial, Share Alike.

March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)

Photos by Chris Valle.

March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)

Photos by joiseyboyy on flickr.

March 26 Labor Solidarity March Photos (tags)

Photos by Slobodan Dimitrov.

Planned Regime Change in Libya (tags)

naked aggression

BBC: US and UK Imperial Tool (tags)


US-Led Libyan Ground Assault Planned (tags)

naked aggression

Updating Japan's Nuclear Disaster (tags)

nuclear disaster

Target Israel, Not Libya (tags)

naked aggression

Cheerleading for War (tags)

naked aggression

Western Aggression on Libya (tags)

naked aggression

Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! No Intervention! (tags)

No to imperialist intervention in the Libya! Saudi, UAE troops out of Bahrain! Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! End imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan!

Lies, Damn Lies and Humanitarian Intervention (tags)

naked aggression


On March 17, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee approved House Concurrent Resolution 13, a measure that would unnecessarily reaffirm the divisive phrase “In God We Trust” as our national motto and encourage its display in all public andgovernment buildings

Imperial War on Libya (tags)

naked aggression

Bad to Worse in Japan (tags)

nuclear disaster

Multiples Worse than Chernobyl (tags)

nuclear disaster

Washington's UN War Resolution on Libya (tags)


Aristide Heading Home (tags)


Anti-Nuclear Peace Marches on March 19 (tags)

On this 8th anniversary of the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq in its agenda of blood for oil wars to maximize profits, we are also witnessing another profiteering horror, that of a nuclear holocaust caused by the breakdown of nuclear power in the face of earthquakes and tsunamis. Go to the nearest peace march on March 19 to support solar, wind and tidal power for clean, safe, renewable energy, for an end to blood for oil wars and an end to the whole deadly private profit system.

Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Torturing Bradley Manning (tags)


Armageddon Scenario in Japan (tags)

nuclear disaster

Red Alert in Japan: An Unfolding Nuclear Catastrophe (tags)

nuclear disaster

Coverup and Denial in Japan (tags)

nuclear catastrophe

Our Man in Havana (tags)


Nuclear Meltdown in Japan (tags)


Battleground Wisconsin: Corporate Power v. Worker Rights (tags)

worker struggles

Corporate Coup D'Etat in Wisconsin (tags)

worker struggles

Pack Journalism Promotes War on Libya (tags)


Wisconsin Democrats Plan Capitulation (tags)

worker struggles

America's War on Libya (tags)


Reactionary Extremism in Wisconsin and Ohio (tags)

worker struggles

Our Man in Pakistan (tags)


Major Media Promote War on Libya (tags)


Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services (tags)

Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services and Push The CA Dream Act"

CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human R (tags)

CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human Rights violations

Important New Information on Aafia Siddiqui's Case (tags)


George Bush: Preliminary Indictment for Torture (tags)


Salah Hamouri: One of Thousands of Israeli Political Prisoners (tags)


Let Aristide Return! (tags)

justice for Aristide

Obama Challenges China on Human Rights (tags)

gross hypocrisy

The End of the "Golden Age" of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism (tags)

"The central point is that the financial sphere has the potential of developing into an autonomous subsystem of the whole economy with an enormous capacity of self-expansion..Like cancer, it has no internal control mechanism. It can only be brought under control by external interventions"

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Another Pretense Litigation by US Judge Virginia Phillips (tags)

US Judge Virginia Phillips appeared in the case with no due Assignment Order. Her "Judgment" was not recorded by the Court. Instead, the opposite Judgment was recorded - in favor of the United States. The Court continues to deny access to the authentication records...

WikiLeaks Reveals Diplomatic Cables on Aafia Siddiqui (tags)

No smoking guns

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (tags)

a day to observe and honor

Israel Shooting and Electric-Shocking Palestinian Children (tags)

Israel torturing Palestinian children

New Hearing Set for Sami Al-Arian (tags)

prosecutorial lawlessness

Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist Extremism (tags)

a rogue Israeli politician

Congressional Food Fascism Legislation (tags)

vital to defeat these bills

Continuity of Government: Coup d'Etat Authority in America (tags)

America on a fast track toward despotism

Legislation for Greater Agribusiness Empowerment (tags)

food safety off the table in these bills

Ramsey Muniz: Guilty of Being Latino and Activist in America (tags)

targeting the innocent unfairly

The Repressive Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (tags)

more evidence of Israeli lawlessness

Honduran Junta Murdering Journalists (tags)

Honduran fascism

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)

"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."

Judaizing Jerusalem (tags)

Israel's aim - make all Jerusalem exclusively Jewish

Ahmad Sa'adat: A Palestinian Prisoner of Conscience (tags)

one of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners

Homeless Veteran Activist Shares Horror Stories at First U-U Church (tags)

Anti-war homeless veteran and activist Maurice Martin delivered a chilling but moving presentation Friday, June 11 at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest. He talked about war crimes he witnessed or was involved in during his 18-month combat tour in El Salvador in 1974-75 and how his experiences there have haunted his life ever since. Martin also discussed the growing numbers of homeless veterans on our streets and what he and others are doing to help them.

Child Homelessness in America (tags)

worsening because Washington ignores it

Attorney Richard Fine's Self-Inflicted Wounds (tags)

A great deal of local fanfare has been made of the 15 month-and-running incarceration of Richard Fine by Los Angeles Superior Judge David Yaffe, especially by Leslie Dutton of "Full Disclosure Network." A close examination of the facts and the law suggest that Mr. Fine challenged the Court on the weakest grounds imaginable, and has been wrong on both the law and the facts from the start.

Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mohamed Harkat (tags)

attacking innocent victims for political advantage

Israel's Permanent War on Palestine (tags)

decades of Israeli war crimes

California Prison Erupts, Rapper "x-Rated" nearly killed during riot. (tags)

On March 19th 2010, a riot erupted on the Pleasant Valley State Prison yard between Northern Hispanic Inmates and Blacks. Notorious rapper Anerae, "X-Rated" Brown (Sacramento, CA) airlifted to hospital while nearly dying as result of his injuries

Ahmed Abu Ali: Guilty of Being Muslim in America at the Wrong Time (tags)

Muslims are target one in America for their faith and ethnicity

The Angola Three: 38 Years in Prison Hell (tags)

focusing on America's gulag

What Real Financial Reform Looks Like (tags)

Washington financial reform assures business as usual

Growing Public Anger in America (tags)

Washington blamed for nation's woes

Feds Ask Questions about GEO Group, Formally Known as Wackenhut Prison Deal (tags)

According to our source the feds may be searching to see if Sansom received any kickbacks from the company. GEO Group, formally known as Wackenhut, gave Sansom’s campaign 500 hundred dollars for his 2007 campaign.

Defend Public Education- March 4th Follow-up (tags)

Students, Teachers, workers and parents united last October to Strike and for a Day fo Aciton on March 4th. This is the second conference to Defend Public Education

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution (tags)

"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."

Taking on a charter school closing (tags)

This is a repost of an article in SW about the closing of Animo Justice school in South Central. The school was operated by Green Dot charter schools.

Iraq War Vet denounces war crimes: "We fired on buses full of civilians" (tags)

IVAW Veterans came out in force in Los Angeles antiwar march to denounce massacres against Iraqis under orders from the Pentagon. Vets told about crimes in Iraq invasion in 2003 and in Fallujah in 2004. Listen to 3 min. Audio of interview, aired on 90.7 KPFK-FM.

New Acting UGSOA President Tammy Bowie ? Answers Why A Member Should Change Unions! (tags)

On March 26th 2010 UGSOA President James Carney Jumped off his Sinking Ship James Carneys Legacy Will Know Doubt go Down in UGSOA History as A FAILURE, A QUITTER , A Management RAT and Traitor Who Turned his Back on His Union Brothers & Sisters while His Ship Was Sinking!

US-Committed Atrocities in Afghanistan (tags)

Afghan atrocities greater than ever

China's Documentation of US Human Rights Abuses (tags)

China's account is accurate and revealing

Bogus Washington-Proposed Financial Reform (tags)

banker, not people reform

Preparations for a Hit against Iran: Stopping Israel’s Next War (tags)

"Subjectively, the time could not be more propitious for a concerted international drive to force a transformation in Tel Aviv. Israel’s standing in the world has been vanishing like snow under a hot spring sun, as even President Peres was forced to recognize. Israeli diplomats no longer feel free to travel abroad, fearing that international arrest warrants might be slapped on them as perpetrators of war crimes committed during the Gaza war. As reported in the March 15 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Israeli government has launched a desperate public relations campaign, through a website for “Public Diplomacy and the Diaspora,” aimed at preparing Israelis to project a positive image of their country while travelling abroad. If citizens have to study government-issued brochures handed out at the airport, to learn how to defend the reputation of Israel, then the moral crisis the country has entered is quicksand."

Expected Obama Administration Backing for Indonesia State Terror (tags)

Obama to back Indonesia state terror


The Los Angeles PESANTE NEWS learned today from media sources in the Philippines that Jorge Madlos, NDF Spokesperson for Mindanao said: " We give the highest salute to the New People's Army on its 41st anniversary of its foundation on March 29, 1969 in the second district of Tarlac. In 1972, the NPA also established guerilla fronts in Mindanao and spread swiftly throughout the archipelago. The red fighters of the NPA and the revolutionary masses who have offered their very lives in the service of the people deserve no less than our highest regard and praise.

Haiti Post-Quake: Devastation, Depravation, Exploitation and Oppression (tags)

Haitians keep suffering under America's boot

Is Palin Marginalized—supporting McCain’s Campaign? See McCain’s Indefinite Detention Bill (tags)

Sen. McCain’s bill will drive lawful political activists underground, perhaps creating the domestic terrorists McCain said we needed to be protected from.

Obama's War Crimes Same as Nazi War Crimes (tags)

On March 23, 2010, at age 88, a former Nazi iwas convicted of war crimes perpetrated over 65 years ago which the perpetrator, Henrich Boere, called justifiable under international law as a response to violent acts of resistance against the German occupiers as he was told the victims were partisans, terrorists.

Venezuela in Washington's Crosshairs (tags)

trying to undermine Hugo Chavez

The Death of Populism in America (tags)

Obama's destructive health care legislation

Chinese report documents human rights disaster in the United States (tags)

The United States is the only country in the world that claims to be superior in every aspect, especially in human rights, and that lie is again exposed, this time by a report from China on the United States, all from US sources. The US is in fact a backward cesspool, the most backward country in the industrialized world.

Why Teachers Unions Matter (tags)

Nowadays a newspaper cannot be opened — or a TV turned on — without one being subjected to anti-teacher misinformation. The anti-teacher hysteria looks diverse on the surface, but underneath, this public controversy seeks to dislodge teachers unions: the right-wing trashes teachers’ unions outright, while the “liberal” media takes a more subtle, sophisticated approach, blaming the state of public education on “bad teachers” who must be fired and replaced. Both styles are the same in essence.

Are You Scheduled For Government Interrogation If Senate bill 3081 Is Passed? (tags)

S.3081 is so broadly written, it appears any “individual” who writes on the Internet or verbally express an opinion against U.S. Government or its coalition partners, might potentially be detained on the basis he or she is an “unprivileged enemy belligerent”, “supporting hostilities against U.S. Government.


“ The test of the pudding is in the eating” The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) and the Coalition for the Defense of immigrant Rights (CDIR) learned that leaders of the National Immigration Forum and Chair of the Reform Immigration for America Campaign met with President Obama and was joined by other immigrant rights leaders from grassroots, labor, and faith organizations for a meeting at the White House on next steps for comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Brutalizing Palestinian Children (tags)

state-sponsored terrorism against children

The Way Forward for the Movement in Defense of Public Education (tags)

On March 4, students, staff, teachers, faculty and their unions on all levels of public education created history by uniting and pouring out onto the streets to engage in what were overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations to defend public education. The movement swept through small towns and large cities with demonstrators, including young elementary school students, carrying picket signs while yelling chants expressing their determination to fight back

Shut down LA March 4th! Mtgs (tags)

On March 4th cities across California and thorughout the nation will engage in strikes, work stoppages, occupations, and rallies for public education

Targeting Lawyers - The Case of Paul Bergrin (tags)

police state targeting of lawyers

Is this America? A place where 'Men' live? (tags)

a "U.S." soldier was recently asked, why would it support Bush without any evidence to form a conclusion, as irrational, to rob and murder us People indiscriminately, escaping the actual 911 culprits, and the bushite grunted, "I don't care",

Will Congress Criminalize Anti-Semitism and Israeli Criticism (tags)

criminalizing dissent

Abolish the Fed and Return Money Creation Power to Congress (tags)

Only Congress empowered to create money





House Resolution Designates Venezuela a State Sponsor of Terrorism (tags)

Chavez bashing continues



AARP's Tradition of Betrayal (tags)

they choose profits over member interests

The Gaza War's Effect on Women (tags)

they suffered terribly

Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories (tags)

Project Censored's fabulous new book.


Deeply inspired by your promise of “Change We Could Believe In” during the last presidential campaign we would like to reiterate our support to your administration. We believed you would put a stop to the bankrupt policies espoused by your opponent, Senator John McCain and his fellow Republicans. With regard to the Philippines, our country of ancestry, we hoped that the “Change” you were talking about would mean a re-thinking of U.S. support for the administration of incumbent President Gloria Arroyo, whose record of corruption and violation of human rights has now surpassed that of the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos.

A UN Special Focus on Gaza Under Siege (tags)

Israel's slow motion genocide

Early and Current Fears about Vaccine Dangers (tags)

All vaccines are hazardous

Real Health Care Reform - Universal Single Payer (tags)

real health care reform

Vaccination Myths and Truths (tags)

vaccine dangers

Veronza Bowers - A Victim of America's Criminal Justice System (tags)

for 35 years a political prisoner

Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fr (tags)

plunder and pollution if passed

Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic (tags)

dangerous mandated vaccines must be avoided

Color Revolutions, Old and New (tags)

Imperial America's ugly agenda

Afghanistan's Operation Phoenix (tags)

America's dirty war

Mexican Drug Cartels dominate drug trafficking in more than 230 U.S. cities (tags)

Drug trafficking and terror has become a way of life in Mexico. U.S. Mexican border cities from Brownsville Texas to San Diego California continue to be most affected by cartel-related violence; other U.S. cities are also being targeted with drug trafficking violence and related terror including kidnappings of Americans.

Filipino peasant leader ambushed! (tags)

Renato Peñas, Vice-President of PAKISAMA (National Movement of Peasant Organizations), was ambushed dead by unidentified gunmen at 11:00 PM Friday, 5 June 2009, on the way to his farm in Sumilao, Bukidnon.

The Angola Three: Torture in Our Own Backyard (in Spanish and English) (tags)

They were framed for murder after organizing a Black Panther Party prison chapter at the infamous Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. Together, Herman Wallace, Robert King, and Albert Woodfox have spent more than 100 years in solitary confinement.

FDR's New Deal v. Obamanomics in Their First 100 Days (tags)

stark mirror opposites

Electoral Sham in Haiti (tags)

Haiti's democracy is an illusion

Investigating Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (tags)

evidence of Israeli war crimes

ICRC's Damning Expose of US Torture (tags)

torture remains policy

Cuba: The hurt of no longer being (tags)

* Fragment from a work by Daniel Barret about the evolution of Cuba’s political regime since November 17 2005 till today. This piece attempts to place the role of Fidel Castro these past months.

Obama's War on Labor (tags)

targeting labor rights



Obama to send even more troops to Afghanistan while he threatens to expand war more deeply (tags)

Using the “terrorist” excuse to justify escalation and the spreading of the war President Barack Obama continued with his latest escalation of the war in Afghanistan by announcing his plans to send an additional 4,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan to train Afghan government puppet forces. He also announced plans to send hundreds of additional civilians to the country. Like his predecessor George W. Bush, he raised the specter of “terrorism” to justify his actions.

Obama's Latest No Banker Left Behind Scheme (tags)

the looting of America

Global Day of Action: We Will Not Pay for Your Crisis March 28 Berlin (tags)

Dominance of the profit logic and economization of all areas of life must be ended. Capitalism cannot solve global problems like poverty, insecurity, climate change, destruction of the environment, wars and dismantling democracy-it causes them!

BAYAN-USA Holds 3rd Congress in Los Angeles Amidst VFA Protests (tags)

Information about BAYAN-USA congress scheduled for March 27-29, 2009. Progressive members of the Filipino community representing labor, youth, church groups, academia, and cultural workers will gather in Los Angeles.

Incriminating Evidence of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (tags)

Israeli war crimes

Carpinteria to Retain Plains Indian Mascot (tags)

Last year, Elias Cordero, a Native American student of Carpinteria High School, began a campaign to have the school mascot changed. The image depicts a plains Indian with facial features that offend many Native Americans. On March 17, 2009, the school board voted to keep the mascot, but two items will be removed from the campus.

The Cold-Blooded Murder of Oscar Grant: What Happened the Morning of January 1, 2009 (tags)

Early New Year’s morning phones in Hayward and Oakland were ringing: “Wake up, wake up. Something’s happened to the boys.” Calls were going back and forth between the families of 22-year-old Oscar Grant and his friends—families so close all the women were called “aunties.” The youth had gone to San Francisco to celebrate. “What the hell had happened?”

LA Welcomes Obama! STOP the RAIDS NOW!! (tags)

On March 19, 2009, President Barack Obama visited the Mexican/Central American community where Miguel Contreras Learning Complex is located. The community came out to demand 1. STOP the ICE RAIDS and 2. FULL LEGALIZATION for ALL PEOPLE NOW!

LA Welcomes Obama! STOP the RAIDS NOW!! (tags)

On March 19, 2009, President Barack Obama visited the Mexican/Central American community where Miguel Contreras Learning Complex is located. The community came out to demand 1. STOP the ICE RAIDS and 2. FULL LEGALIZATION for ALL PEOPLE NOW!

Hopeful Change in El Salvador? (tags)

Salvadorans are being fooled again.

Monetary and Fiscal Failure, Fraud, and Fear of What's Next (tags)

looting the treasury continues with militarism ready to confront dissent

Employee Free Choice Act: (EFCA) Counting The Votes - Which Side Are YOU On Boys EFCA? (tags)

Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) The cloture vote (which requires 60 votes) and the vote on the final legislation (which requires 50 votes) are two completely separate things, and they should be treated separately

Lawyer of Crooked Downey Toxic Site Developer Stuart Lichter Denies Threatening Injured IA (tags)

Los Angeles attorney David S. White has denied that he threatened Downey IATSE Local 44 injured worker Leonard Martin. Martin is suing Stuart Licher for harming the health and safety of himself and other who worked on the former military industrial toxic site in Southern California.

“Women Hold Up Half The Sky – Only Communist Revolution Can Emancipate Women!” (tags)

On March 8, 2:00 p.m. at the Student Union Theatre at California State University, Los Angeles, the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA will make a presentation: “Women Hold Up Half The Sky – Only Communist Revolution Can Emancipate Women!”

Real ID Implementation Delayed Until 2010 By DHS (tags)

Local Coalition for Safe Roads wants state to issue driving certificates to undocumented immigrants

Celebrate International Women's Day with the Women of Iran and Afghanistan! (tags)

Join women of Iran & Afghanistan in their struggle against the women-hating Islamic Republic of Iran and the imperialist U.S. empire. We will march and rally in solidarity with them in the streets of Los Angeles!

Alexander: California Budget Needs More for Education, Less for Prisons (tags)

On March 16, 2009, thousands of students will gather in Sacramento at the Capitol Building for a march and rally to protest the budget cuts to education and cuts to community colleges. Stewart Alexander is encouraging students to join the march and rally to keep the community colleges open. For more information regarding the time, location and date for the Mass Community College March/Rally in Sacramento, call (415) 585-2121.

Employee Free Choice Act NOW! (tags)

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is legislation in the United States which aims to "amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes."Under current labor law.

From Real Estate Speculation to Collapse of Global Deficit Economy (tags)

Joy to the world, the world of fallen idols and bubble transfer. The truth will set us free but the truth is a process, not a cudgel or stimulus. After the dot-com bubble, trillions were "invested" in real estate speculation. The crisis of the work society is the background for low interests.

Mumia Abu-Jamal faces US Supreme Court, as supporters mobilize globally (tags)

On Friday, Dec. 19, 2008, death-row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal filed his appeal to the US Supreme Court, asking it to consider his case for a new guilt-phase trial. One month before, the Philadelphia DA filed its separate appeal to the court asking to have Abu-Jamal executed without a new sentencing-phase trial. Both are appealing the March 27, 2008 rulings by the US Third Circuit Court. At this critical stage in Abu-Jamal’s case, supporters organized a week of global solidarity actions that began on December 6, the day of the main protest in Philadelphia. interview about Journalists for Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Those advocating this radical journalist's execution show a disturbing lack of concern about the undeniable problems of racism (and all documented police/DA/judicial misconduct) throughout this case. At the most fundamental level, the FOP-led 'Fry Mumia' campaign's lack of concern is racist....The FOP appeals to a racist lynch-mob mentality that has long infected the US, so calling this a 'legal lynching' is no exaggeration.

Corruption is common on both sides of the border where cash is king (tags)

A high ranking member of the Caldron administration who want to remain unknown says, “there is corruption in regards to Narco trafficking in both governments and when there is unlimited cash available that cash finds its way to the powers to be and has no borders when it comes to influence.”

Justice for Yemeni Sheik (tags)

Important Appeals Court decision.

Hugo Chavez Spearheads the South American Revolution (tags)

How Venezuela is leading the revolutionary integration of South America

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.

Sami Al-Arian: From Exoneration to Criminal Indictment (tags)

His long ordeal continues

Updating Yassin Aref's Struggle for Justice (tags)

Yassin Aref struggles for justice.

Spinning the News - the FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol (tags)

Interpol report suggests FARC-EP files are fake.

Socialists strongly criticize McCain’s Iraq War timetable (tags)

On March 19, 2008, the U.S. occupation of Iraq entered into the sixth year; now Republican presidential contender, Senator John McCain is saying that “he believes the Iraq War can be won by 2013,” according to the Associated Press. Socialists, nationwide are sharply critical of John McCain’s irresponsible statement to suggest that U.S. forces will remain in Iraq and Afghanistan for another five years.

Disturbing Stirrings - Ratcheting Up For War On Iran (tags)

Worrisome signs resurfacing.

Sixty Years of Palestinian Displacement, Occupation and Suffering (tags)

On May 14, remember the Nakba.

New video from Nahr al-Bared Camp (tags)

The anarchist video collective "a-films" announces its latest short film (10 min.) from the destroyed Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in Lebanon called "Traces of Collective Dispossession".

Dangerous Mexican/U.S. Criminal Enterprises Operating Along the (tags)

Many were beheaded with or without written messages on bodies or in vehicles. The cartels’ methods of torture and killing are particularly brutal. On September 6, 2006, masked gunmen entered a nightclub in the Michoacan, fired guns in the air and rolled five severed human heads onto the dance floor

U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 (tags)

Interesting that this author desperately tries to make us hate this man, while veering away from any and all discussion of the actual facts involved in 911.

CUBA: Repugnant lies and manipulation (tags)

ANSA on April 22. "La Paz, April 22.— A commission of deputies are to investigate the case of Bolivian scholarship student who died in Cuba, and whose body was repatriated without several vital organs, including the brain."

Protect Sacred Sites: Stop Toxic Dumping on O'odham Land (tags)

On March 29, 2008 Traditional O’odham leaders and International Supporters arrived in the small village of Quitovac in the Northern Sonoran State of Mexico to honor the land, the sky, the water, and all life, and to continue organizing to stop the building of a toxic waste dump that’s planned to be placed just a few miles from one of the most sacred ceremony sites of the O’odham.

Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)

Targeting environmental and animal rights activists.

4/25: Con. Protests New Blackwater Development Near Cal-Mex Border (tags)

“Residents of San Diego County rejected Blackwater’s proposed mercenary training facility in Potrero, and I cannot imagine that San Diegans will feel any differently about Otay Mesa,” said Congressman Filner. “The use of civilian-defense contractors is irresponsible, and should be stopped immediately. Not only are they unaccountable to the Military, the State Department and Congress; they are civilians serving in combat and combat-training. Many have been wounded or have wounded others, and yet, they are not veterans; there is no safety net when they come home. It is criminal to ask civilian men and women to perform the role of the military when they lack the support necessary to return to their civilian lives. The paramilitary-style training conducted at these facilities has no place in our backyards!”

SEIU CA Workers Speak Out On Crisis In SEIU: Part 1 & Part 2 (tags)

A crisis is growing within the SEIU which is the largest union in California with 650,000 members. This video is of a forum of SEIU members from throughout California who discuss some of the issues the members face with mega-mergers of locals and labor management partnerships that threaten the conditions and benefits of California SEIU members

Updating Sami Al-Arian - His Ordeal Continues (tags)

His false imprisonment and torture.

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home (tags)

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home defense drill

Like Dubya: Pelosi, Clinton and Mikulski Deserve Boos, Too! (tags)

In Washington, D.C., President George W. Bush was loudly booed on opening day, March 30, 2008. He tossed out the ceremonial first pitch and the huge baseball crowd gave him an earful. Too bad, the “Gang of Three,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, weren’t with him on the mound. They have enabled the Iraq conflict by voting to fund it, despite their promise to “end the war.” They deserve boos, too!

TODAY: Internet Forum by Cuban Students about the Cuban Five (tags)

The main purpose of the forum will be to discuss what Cuban university students and those in the rest of the world could do to help the release of the Five Cuban men, who were arrested for having infiltrated Miami- based anti-Cuba groups and trying to prevent criminal actions against the island.

The Story of the Holy Name 6: Fracturing the Peace to End the War (tags)

Don't fracture the peace.

3rd American War Crime in the Making (tags)

Note that Obama has told AIPAC that he supports an attack on Iran ...

Embarrassed US Starts to Disown Basra Operation (tags)

As it became clear last week that the Operation Knights Assault in Basra was in serious trouble, the George W. Bush administration began to claim in off-the-record statements to journalists that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had launched the operation without consulting Washington.

Anti-Arab Racism and Incitement in Israel (tags)

For more on this subject, the excellent documentary "Lessons In Hate" is required viewing. I thought it would find Palestinian schools disseminating hateful material, as the Israeli line goes. However, the producers found that, whereas Palestinian schools teach the reality of the conflict (what the Zionists refer to as 'spreading hate'), Israeli curriculum disseminates Revisionism to Israel's children, breeding misunderstanding and perpetuating hatred. This is designed, of course, to allow the Extremists who design this curriculum, to fool its population into allowing it to perpetuate its war to eliminate Palestine.

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making? (tags)

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making?

Human Rights Violations in Israel and Palestine (tags)

Violations in Israel and Palestine

Ruling Against Mumia Shows: No Justice in the Capitalist Courts (tags)

On March 27, the U.S. appeals court in Philadelphia reaffirmed the frame-up conviction of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former Black Panther Party spokesman and world-renowned radical journalist who has been locked up on Pennsylvania’s death row for more than a quarter century. After previously rejecting Mumia’s request to present evidence of his innocence, as well as a host of issues showing that he was railroaded by a racist court, the Court turned down Mumia’s request for a new trial. It upheld the 2001 ruling by a federal district judge that ordered a new hearing on the sentence, but limited the “choice” to the living hell of life imprisonment without parole ... or execution. Mumia is innocent. He was declared guilty and sentenced to die because of his revolutionary politics and because for years he had been a thorn in the side of the racist rulers of the misnamed “city of brotherly love.” Around the world, millions have come out in defense of Jamal. This latest ruling, like all those that preceded it, shows that the exploited and oppressed must have no faith in the racist injustice system. We call on the workers movement to mobilize its power to free Mumia now!

Tent City Residents Evicted, Dwellings Bulldozed (tags)

Residents of the Ontario encampment who couldn't prove any affiliation with the city were evicted; those allowed to stay were moved and the site was bulldozed

Sami Al-Arian's Long Ordeal (tags)

police state America persecution

U.S. Command Denies Military Task Force Exists (tags)

NORTHCOM was established following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to provide for the defense of the United States and to provide military support to civil authorities when requested by the president or secretary of defense. NORTHCOM also is responsible for overseeing military responses to natural and man-made disasters,such as hurricanes and incidents involving weapons of mass destruction within the United States borders.

Bush v. Chavez - An Update (tags)

Continued Bush administration efforts to destabilize Venezuela.

Tibetan Protest in Los Angeles against Chinese Regime (tags)

Southern California Tibetan Community and Supporter groups condemn recent killing and brutal crackdown of peaceful tibetan demonstrators in Tibet.

Bush and Uribe v. Chavez and Correa (tags)

The latest made in USA regional mischief.

Building Works at Rath Lugh National Monument near Hill of Tara stopped by Protesters (tags)

From the Tara Foundation: These are two statements released by the Save Tara Campaign on behalf of the Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp outlining the emergency situation at the Rath Lugh National Monument near the Hill of Tara:

Lindy Greene (tags)

News about an event where Lindy Greene will be speaking

Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing Climax (tags)

Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing Climax

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)

Israeli crimes of genocide

International Women's Day March Against the War! (tags)

The first International Women's Day was observed on 28 February 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. Among other relevant historic events, it commemorates the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (New York, 1911), where over 140 women lost their lives. March 8th Against the war is the call for this year’s International Women’s Day. The action is organized and coordinated by GABRIELA Network along with the initiating committee of the MA-AL. Dr. Enrile, National Chairperson of GABNet stated, “For too long the liberation of women has been used to legitimize the war. On March 9th, we stand together to declare that NO MORE will our just causes be used for such unjust actions.”

International Women's Day March Against the War! (tags)

The first International Women's Day was observed on 28 February 1909 in the United States following a declaration by the Socialist Party of America. Among other relevant historic events, it commemorates the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (New York, 1911), where over 140 women lost their lives. March 8th Against the war is the call for this year’s International Women’s Day. The action is organized and coordinated by GABRIELA Network along with the initiating committee of the MA-AL. Dr. Enrile, National Chairperson of GABNet stated, “For too long the liberation of women has been used to legitimize the war. On March 9th, we stand together to declare that NO MORE will our just causes be used for such unjust actions.”

9/11,Mohamed Atta:Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution (tags)

I have never heard Mr.Chams version of events in Venice,Florida and his association with Mohamed Atta there and of how he came to be the owner of the Kwik-Check that cashed Mohamed Atta's $70,000 check from Dubai.

A Bushite is an enemy of America (tags)

TO THE UNBELIEVERS : 40,000 pounds of bombs dropped by ANTICHRIST FORCES OF EVIL on a populated City THEY OCCUPY - American Women are Raped by Bushite and American men are too cowardly to call pro-child killer happy George Norry - Corporate News Whores are Evil to All Humans Being - Pentagon Won't Probe KBR [GANG] Rape Charges - "Heaven Won't Take Marines" - American corporations actively attempt to MURDER American women, and American "Men" refuse to phone someone who cares... - I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment - Catholic Bishop: 9-11 was inside job - TO CON AMERICA TO DIE AS TRAITORS - Evidence is Everything - Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad - WOW! - 'How Bush misled the world' - WOW!

Heaven Won't Take Marines (tags)

LOOK! The lawless bushite is warring Humanity to bring about near what was there prior to them attacking.. THINK: they are trying to bring about the stability that their continuing conduct decreases through further LAWLESS rape, theft, and murder. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do it to save the atheists for Heaven as all included? Bushites are evil enemies of US all my friend, enemies of US all.

Watch Hillary Clinton Vehemently Vow to Raise Taxes and Vote for War (tags)

A leopard doesn’t change its spots.

Coming to Town for Bushite Nasties (tags)

God is coming to town for bushite nasties on his sled of make believe. A halted bushite, is a mercy on our souls, in defense of ourselves the innocent. The innocent that a 'lawless' bushite holds for ransom in pain dying.

Police State America - A Look Back and Ahead (tags)

An analysis of how post-9/11 the republic was destroyed.

Demand open line communications to defend Freedom through Justice (tags)

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio hosts allow free communications, absent their personal contempt for preserving freedom to be our America.

Demand America take our calls for Justice as all (tags)

Did You Know: the bushite is warring Humanity to bring about what was there prior to them criminally invading?

Look, CNN and FOXNEWS Forbid Americans to Know (tags)

Look, CNN and FOXNEWS forbid Americans to know, families are threatened with arrest for not agreeing to cause neurological damage to their children. Will YOU make same demands by refusing US to discuss these matters openly?, or will you side to remain silent while my America dies undefended?

Tribes and Environmental Groups Join in Legal Defense of Sacred Mountains (tags)

Tribes and Environmental Groups Join in Legal Defense of Sacred Mountains Save the Peaks Coalition Caravan and Vigil in Pasadena, California

The Whole Truth - Christ Claims Torture Illegal - Get The Enemies of Man (tags)

Torture IS illegal, yet, the TV threat is trying to teach America that We, The People, haven't spoken on this issue since Law came to be. Please, I beg, please fight back for Humanity by not excepting a zionist's betrayal to G-D on this subject.

The Reason's Why - Look, Torture is Criminal (tags)

Look, torture is criminal. Do you physically slap your neighbors, to find out if they did the criminal's crime? Should we slap Rivkin to ask him if he plans to commit crimes against the innocent, and if he then says no, again repeat till he's rightly dead from hearing a liar's denial?

Campesino Activist Assassinated in Brazil by Syngenta's Hired Thugs (tags)

Brazil's Movement of Landless Workers & La Via Campesinos activist camp attacked by hired assassins after protesting Syngenta's GMO/GE biotech crop monopolies..

So.CA MWD Directors voted to add Silicofluoride to Drinking Water --18 Million At RISK (tags)

Greater Los Angeles and San Diego get ‘SilicoFLUORIDE’ in their drinking/tap waters as of October 1, 2007. Please SIGN PETITION to Congress to End 12 So.CA Municipal Water District Directors 'fluoridation' Agenda at: hhtp://

The Myth of American Patriotism - The Truth Revealed! (tags)

What evidence does a bushite need, when it thoughtlessly murders America for demon bush as it's "G-D"?, the thing that does all it's opinioning for it?, on who is guilty of evil doing in complete blind faith puppeting LIES?

PalCo Bankruptcy Plan; Maxxam Sells Redwoods to Developers (tags)

At Pacific Lumber's Chapter 11 bankruptcy hearings, parent corporation Maxxam (Houston, TX headquarters) submits plan in Corpus Christi court to sell land for development to pay off their debt to creditors and continue logging with even less restrictions on their remaining land. CA residents are excluded from any decision making process in the bankruptcy proceedings.

mercenaries without borders (tags)

privatisation of armies and security are a utter defeat of freedom and democracy. Read why.

Criminal Trial for Costa Mesa Activist (tags)

The charges of “disrupting” a city council proceeding stem from a free-for-all that broke out during a public comments session of the Jan. 3, 2006, Costa Mesa city council meeting after police, acting on Mayor Allan Mansoor’s orders to take an early recess, pulled Acosta away from the speaker’s podium and pushed him outside the council chambers before his three minute speaking limit had expired.

9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud (tags)

And it was probably not fear of right wing El Salvador death squads that led the parents of Markos Moulitsas Zúniga to the U.S. at the time of his birth,as was the case of most poor Salvadorans fleeing for their lives from the right wing death squads of the regimes the U.S. and Ollie North and Kos' future employer the CIA were backing.They probably just wished to give him U.S. citizenship and a chance to join this right wing 'elite'.

The War on Working Americans - Part I (tags)

Working Americans are losing out in the war waged against them.

Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban (tags)

The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997.

Rumors of Israeli Involvement in 9/11 (tags)

Was 911 a false flag attack? My friends in the Irish Republican Army think it just might have been.

Anti-war activists blocking military shipments to Iraq (tags)

It is time to move beyond marches and rallies if we are to stop the war

Chrysler, Globalization, and Labor's response (tags)

The UAW will confront Detroit auto makers at the bargaining table in July for a new national contract. In what will prove to be one of the UAW’s biggest challenges since the union’s birth, this contract will bear the imprint of the wholesale restructuring of the American auto industry. When Cerberus Capital Management paid $7.4 billion to take control of Chrysler on May 13, 2007, the challenge to the Union was official: “Are you ready to negotiate with a private equity firm which specializes in gutting troubled companies?” The UAW’s position on Chrysler will undoubtedly influence negotiations with General Motors and Ford. Cerberus wants to cut costs to make money off its investment. Contract talks open up a golden opportunity for the bosses to cut costs at the expense of the workers on the assembly lines. Cutting benefits which previous generations sacrificed, fought for and in some instances, died for, is what is at risk for auto workers in 2007.

A Congressman of the People: Parren J. Mitchell (RIP) (tags)

Rep. Parren J. Mitchell, age 85, died on May 28, 2007. He served the people of Baltimore, MD, for eight terms in the U.S. Congress (1971-87). He was fighter for Civil Rights, who opposed the Vietnam War and pushed for the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon. Today, by contrast, Maryland is stuck with U.S. Sen., Barbara A. Mikulski. She supports funding for the Iraqi War, with no conditions, and condones the wrongdoings of President George W. Bush.

Nobody wants to take the bull by the horns... (tags)

On March 28, less than two months ago, when Bush proclaimed his diabolical idea of producing fuel from food, after a meeting with the most important U.S. automobile manufacturers, I wrote my first reflection...


Filipinos in the U.S. today comprise the largest community of Asians in the U.S. But knowledge about Filipinos is scarce; instead, trivialities, cliches, and stereotypes are disseminated by Filipino historical associations. This review calls attention to one serious effort to approach Filipinos from a historical-materialist point of view.

"Worthy and Unworthy Victims" (tags)

Bush administration police state tactics targeting innocent victims

From L.A.’s Guantanamo for the Homeless--Two Skid Row Stories (tags)

In the face of recent news reports that homeless numbers are now increasing downtown, two first-hand accounts of abuses of homeless people on L.A.'s Skid Row --and this as LAPD continues business' unprecidented eight-month attack on L.A's downtown blacks.

The Long Ordeal of Sami Al-Arian - Civil and Human Rights Advocate and Political Prisoner (tags)

Sami Al-Arian's long struggle for justice



Dennis Kucinich Visits City of Orange (tags)

On March 24, Dennis Kucinich attended a fundraiser at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers hosted by the Patric Henry Democratic Club of Orange County and the North Orange County Democrats

“Has Sen. Barbara Mikulski Lost Her Soul?” (tags)

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) voted against the Iraqi War. But, since then, she has acted like an agent of the Bush-Cheney Gang by consistently voting to fund it to the tune of $411.3 billion. Mikulski says she “cares about the troops,” but Peace advocates in Maryland think that she has “lost her soul.” They wonder when Mikulski is going to say: “Stop this war!” She has ignored the mandate of the Nov. 7, 2006 election. Iraq is now Sen. Mikulski’s War!

M20: Chicago Mobilizes Against the War (tags)

In January, representatives of over 90 antiwar and community organizations gathered to begin organizing the Chicago area's response to the 4th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq - a mass march on Michigan Ave. As the scene of the largest mass false arrest in Chicago history and an on-going free speech battle with the city, organizing for the right to march on Michigan Avenue was seen as a symbol of the ongoing battle to defend civil liberties in Chicago, and in the nation at large. This year's march will be preceded by walkouts and feeder marches from area high school and college campuses.

Fake Congressional Opposition to War (tags)

Congress again betrays the electorate


In addition to the crimes of Ghouliani listed by 9/11 firefighters below, Ghouliani is best remembered by Muslims for his racial scapegoating and as the defender of the 1999 police martyrdom of Amadou Diallo on his doorstep in a hail of 41 bullets.

AIPAC’s Gabfest: Israel Lobby Shows Off Its Power (tags)

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was in Washington, DC, for a three-day gabfest. Leaders of both the Democratic and Republican Parties were slated to make appearances at the event held at the Washington Convention Center. The Israel First Lobbying group is known for its dominating influence over the U.S. Congress and the presidency. Outside the Center, on March 12, 2007, activists made their voices of protest heard.

Join the Cuban Five contingents the 17th... (tags)

Join Cuban 5 contingents in the March 17 & 18 anti-war marches...

March 17 Mass Anti-War Protest in Los Angeles (tags)

On the 4th Anniversary of the Iraq War - Stop the War! Mass March and Rally - Regional Action in LA Live Concert by Ozomatli & Performance by Jackson Browne

The Sacco and Vanzetti Case Revisited (tags)

On August 23, 1927, the State of Massachusetts executed two-Italian born immigrants for their alleged roles in the murders and robbery of a payroll clerk and his security guard on April 15, 1920. The condemned, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, were militant anarchists. A mockery of a fair trial led to their ultimate fate. Professor Deborah Contrada revisits their case and concludes that there was “reasonable doubt, easily” as to their guilt.

AJLPP-USA Nationwide Mobilization for March 17 -18 Protests in Four Major US Cities (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP), an alliance of Filipino American and allied solidarity organizations working for peace and justice, anti-war and racism in the United States and a member of the ANSWER Coalition will mobilize for the nationwide mass protests against the 4th year of the U.S Invasion and Occupation of Iraq and the 40th anniversary of the people’s march in Pentagon. March 1967 at the height of the US War in Vietnam. Los Angeles and Washington DC will be the focus of the anti-war mobilizations on March 17 while Seattle and San Francisco will mobilize tens of thousands of the anti-war protestors on March 18. AJLPP will be present on the four major cities mobilization against the war and racism both in the east and the west coast.

Stock market collapse (tags)

as traders jump

California Doesn't Need More Cages (tags)

Help us stop THE BIGGEST PRISON SYSTEM IN THE WORLD from getting bigger.

General Dynamics, Crown Dynasty & Obama (tags)

Chicago Indymedia has a good article connecting the dots between war profiteer General Dynamics, the Crown family and Obama, a US Senator from Illinois.

A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)

An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.

Local Soldier, Cornell C. Chao, Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Army pilot Cornell Chao, 36, formerly of Fullerton, died Sunday when his Apache helicopter crashed in Najaf, Iraq.

Feb 2-4: Gathering for "Barricade the War Machine" Actions (tags)

From Feb 2-4 Pittsburgh anti-war activists will host a weekend-long gathering to provide information and a forum for dialogue about direct action protests taking place in Pittsburgh on March 2. It is also intended to include social time for movement building and creating personal and organizational relationships.

Feb 2-4: Gathering for "Barricade the War Machine" Actions (tags)

From Feb 2-4 Pittsburgh anti-war activists will host a weekend-long gathering to provide information and a forum for dialogue about direct action protests taking place in Pittsburgh on March 2. It is also intended to include social time for movement building and creating personal and organizational relationships.

Demcrat Agenda Omissions (tags)

Democrats in Congress again betraying the public trust.

Barricade the War Machine in Pittsburgh (tags)

Friday, March 2, will be a day of civil disobedience and direct action against the war machine in Pittsburgh. The main action will be an attempt to barricade the National Robotics Engineering Center, a branch of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) that develops robotic vehicles and weapons delivery systems for the U.S. Army and Marines.

OJ and Dubya: Both in Denial, Both Unrepentant (tags)

O.J. Simpson and George W. Bush have a lot in common. They are both unrepentant wrongdoers, who are in denial about their outrageous conduct. Thankfully, OJ’s book escapade was foiled by outraged public opinion. Bush, and his cohort, VP Dick Cheney, however, intend to “stay the course” in Iraq and maybe attack Iran. Only the U.S. Congress can stopped the duo. Impeachment is Constitutionally mandated. Will Congress do its duty?



Makram Chams of Titan Corp & 9/11 fame sues Daniel Hopsicker (tags)

Makram Majid Chams of Lebanon,Saudi Arabia,Titan Corporation,San Diego,and Venice,Florida during events leading up to 9/11,and last known to be with W Bush's allies in Saudi Arabia,is suing Daniel Hopsicker of !

History of a Struggle for Survival (tags)

This is not a book for those who want surface, sanitized, accounts of the Palestinian Diaspora. Ramzy Baroud is committed to truth telling, and his new book will undoubtedly disturb, shock, and outrage his readers. One can only hope that those who claim to love and support the state of Israel will not only read, but study, this important book. Not to make anyone feel ashamed, but so that even Israel's most ardent supporters will understand that no nation can brutalize, indeed terrorize, an innocent people forever.

Brief history of Palestine (tags)

Brief history of Palestine

Article on CIA Child Trafficing (tags)

They count on the fact that the more bizarre and perverted they act the safer they are because the average joe cannot even fathom the depths of evil that this agency perpetrates.


Media sources reported that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) said yesterday that it was prepared to return to war should negotiations on territory, the thorniest of issues in ongoing peace talks with the government, lead to results not to its liking. Negotiations on territory, which documents on the peace talks describe as issues of ancestral domain, bogged down in Kuala Lumpur. More than 50,000 people died at the height of the Mindanao War just after Marcos declared martial law in 1972. In 2000, more than a million people were displaced when then President Joseph Estrada declared an “all-out war” policy aimed at dismantling MILF camps in Mindanao.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Iran: The Next War (tags)

Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.

Barnum and Bailey Circus Protest (tags)

Protest one of the largest traveling torture acts Barnum and Bailey!

Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP (tags)

The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Flattened (tags)

A nation under fire and its rights, press and lives flattened

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Attacked (tags)

Attacks on free speech continue with increasing brazenness

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Targeted (tags)

targeting the media under "self-defense" and with holocaust immunity

Circus Protest (tags)

Barnum and Bailey Circus Protest!!!

Total TIA Data Theft (tags)

level 7

data theft huge and wholesale, and oth crimes ... - and - ... waves ... (tags)

the unprecedented physical theft of personal data by a U.S. intelligence operation to populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance databases ...

True Nature of Obscenity (tags)

We are daily surrounded by capitalist obscenities such as poverty, war, injustice and inequality. Insult is added to injury when bourgeois spokespersons such as Billy Graham blame God and human beings. It is enough to make a person swear.

Christopher Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc. (tags)

Makram Chams,although Lebanese,is more connected to the U.S. military - industrial complex as well as to elite Saudis and to Titan Corp whose employees raped and tortured innocent Iraqis than anything.In other words he is a George W Bush kind of guy first and a Lebanese last,he just happened to be born in Lebanon. While he owned a convenience store in Venice,Florida and was a friend to Mohamed Atta he disappeared immediately after 9/11 or so we thought.As it turned out he did NOT seek refuge in the enemy states of Afghanistan under the Taliban or in Saddam's Iraq.No.Although of Lebanese birth,he took refuge with W Bush's allies in Saudi Arabia where he was and presumeably is protected and was employed by the U.S. military-industrial corp whore Titan, presumably using his 'good works' in Venice,Florida with Mohamed Atta,as part of his resume..

Code Pink Challenges White House (tags)

Code Pink activists showed up on Mother’s Day to challenge the War Party. They took their case directly to the White House. In a rally that included a mini-parade, speeches, a sing along and the waving of plenty of roses, the Ladies in Pink were in great form. Cindy Sheehan said they are “making a difference.” And, Actress Susan Sarandon read an open letter to Laura Bush, in which she mocked Laura’s husband, “The Decider,” as a warmonger.

"Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" (tags)

For May 1, 2006, "A Day Without An Immigrant", Women Say "Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" A massive movement of grassroots women and men, workers and students, on the streets in the US is demanding that their work be counted and that this be reflected in what they are entitled to.

Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God (tags)

The Greatest Audio Recording Ever in the History of Our Humanity. So, don't miss it!

Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error (tags)

Truly amazing audio performance called "Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error"

WEAPONS TO DIE FOR: Leuren Moret (tags)


Frank Gehry and LA’s New Downtown (tags)

Photo by Frank Gehry Partners. The future of downtown Los Angeles? Billionaire real estate developers have unveiled a plan to "remake" downtown Los Angeles. Artist Mark Vallen gives us the details. Reprinted from Vallen's weblog: (Tuesday, April 25, 2006).

Macho Men and State Capitalism - Is Another World Possible? (tags)

* Latin America is boiling with revolutionary potential these days that could redefine economics, politics and social relations. But sometimos things aren't always as they seem. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is widely seen to be at the center of Latin America's transformation by building a regional trade bloc through the creation of ALBA and Venezuela's membership in Mercosur to oppose U.S. dominance and its constant push for free trade agreements with Latin American governments.

No Nuclear Attack on Iran! (tags)

Wars are waged against people and not for social justice..There are more than two alter-natives: friend or enemy, victim or murderer.. All member states are obliged to a strict pro-hibition of force.

Lucerne, Switzerland Becomes GATS-Free (tags)

Over 80 communities in Switzerland have insisted on stopping GATS-liberalization for social, ecological and democratic reasons.. In Europe, over 1000 communities have declared themselves GATS-free zones.


On March 27, 2006, after the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved its version of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation it was delivered to the full U.S.

The Iraq war and the eruption of American imperialism (tags)

In the field of politics, there are events which mark a fundamental turning point in the historical process. There is no doubt that the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which began three years ago, was one of these. In September 2002, with the decision to invade Iraq having already been made, the Bush administration published its National Security Strategy (NSS). This document set out clearly and unambiguously that the United States was now reserving to itself the right to use military force pre-emptively in pursuit of its national interests and objectives on a global scale.



3/27-31: Nationwide Week of Massive Student Walkouts for Immigrant Rights! (tags)

Student walkouts reports from across the country

Tell the Sentate: Get some Ovaries, Censure Bush! (tags)

Amazingly, over 15 Senate Democrats voted to censure Clinton for a blow job, but now can't muster the indignation to tell Bush he was wrong for boldly defying U.S. law and ILLEGALLY spying on Americans! Right now there are only three sponsors of Russ Feingold's bill to censure Bush and it is set to be introduced on the Senate floor this Friday. Tell the cowering Senators: "GET some OVARIES or we will GET YOU OUT!!"

Women’s Rights Under Assault, Abortion Outlawed In South Dakota (tags)

The right to abortion was won in the United States in 1973 through a mass struggle in the streets that culminated in the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.



Transgender Woman Assaulted by Police (tags)

A transgender woman who has been a leader in social services for the Latina transgender community in Los Angeles was assaulted and molested by security guards and police in Miami 03/10/06

Going Undercover to Become Donald Trump’s Apprentice (tags)

Casting for next season's "The Apprentice" is underway in New York, Tampa, Denver, Memphis, Sacramento, Chicago, Hartford, Honolulu, San Diego, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Phoenix. I went undercover at the Los Angeles auditions to bring you details about how the process works.

Orange County Anti-war Demo (tags)

On March 18th, protesters gathered at Hart Park in Orange County to demand the Bush administration bring the troops home from Iraq.

On March 18, Stop the “war on terrorism” by exposing the 911 Inside Job. (tags)

Do we really want to stop the slaughter that is taking place in Iraq? Do we really want to stop future wars in Syria, Iran and wherever else the globalists have set their sites to? Then we must expose the real perpetrators of 911 – elements within our own government who needed to fabricate a war for their global agenda.

Iraq "Rendezvous": Cheney, "Bubble-boy" and Ahmadinejad Up the Ante (tags)

Listening to Vice President Cheney and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad exchange threats of war while both nations hover, like vultures, over the moribund carcass of Iraq's insurgency-racked shotgun democracy, I was reminded of David Low's famous 1939 cartoon, "Rendezvous." Mr. Low, you'll recall, depicted Hitler and Stalin as bloodthirsty tyrants, tipping their hats in salutation while standing over Poland's corpse. Thus, Hitler saluted Stalin: "The scum of the earth I believe?" Stalin replied: "The bloody assassin of the workers, I presume?"

Nature of Good and Evil - Christ vs Antichrist (tags)

An actual audio recording of the Son of Man outlining the very real war senario of Christ vs. Antichrist.

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice (tags)

According to a quote by Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.

Diebold Whistleblower Facing Charges (tags)

An open letter to Bruce McPherson and the citizens of the United States

International Women's Day Event (tags)

On Sunday, March 5th, Their will be a International Women's Day Celebration in downtown Los Angeles with speakers, poets, performers, live feminist music: Punk Rock, Hip Hop, Electro.. + Vegan Food and much more..

An open letter to the peace and antiwar movement (tags)

Marking the third year of war and occupation an activist sends an open letter to the peace and antiwar movement

Nobel Laureates and Religious Leaders Call on World to Resist Iraq Occupation (tags)

As the third anniversary of the United States-led invasion of Iraq approaches, Nobel Peace and Literature Laureates are joined by religious leaders, writers, human rights activists, former government officials, peace activists and others in calling for ongoing campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance to end the U.S. led occupation of Iraq. On March 20, 2006, the first of five days of action throughout 2006, there will be nonviolent civil resistance actions at US and British diplomatic missions, military bases, recruitment offices and war profiteers in at least three continents.


Just as we feared, most of those evicted on the 13th did not have alternative housing. Some were arrested for trespassing as they sought shelter in abandoned buildings, and many dispersed throughout the country, refugees once again. This cannot be allowed to happen again. March 1st will be the final battle for thousands of NOLA families facing homelessness.

LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow (tags)

Let it be known, that the senior management national news reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, and Myers.

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict (tags)

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict

A Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity - Last Call (tags)

These are the only motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity. A man arrested for threatening the continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jnr.

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything! (tags)

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything!

The Makhno anarchists, Kronstadt and the position of the Russian peasants (tags)

In September of 1920, Ivanov V. (representative of the Southern Front Revolutionary Soviet) visited Makhno. He later wrote this description of Makhno’s camp: “The regime is brutal, the discipline is hard as steel, rebels are beaten on the face for any small breach, no elections to the general command staff, all commanders up to company commander are appointed by Makhno and the Anarchist Revolutionary War Council, Revolutionary Military Soviet (Revvoensovet) became an irreplaceable, uncontrollable and non-elected institution. Under the revolutionary military council there is a ‘special section’ that deals with disobediences secretly and without mercy.”

Christ's Recorded Statement to America (tags)

"Holy Christ.."

The Best Housing & Poverty Review of 2005 (tags)

The Nation's Housing Policies Are A Complete Disaster!

Canada's Johnny Wizard VS. the demon antiChrist Our Mr. bush Jr. (tags)

Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush Administration, when, the Secret Service top secretly requested I be arrested quietly for threatening the life of George W. Bush.

Canada v. George W. Bush - Trial of the Millennium (tags)

I again, near the end of your free time here, am asking for Americans to help me protect our freedom as it pertains to the false allegations that have been leveled against myself as a true living god by your seriously criminal demon leader dictator, the truly evil, Mr. bush Jr.

Read Governor Schwarzenegger's Statement (tags)

The dedication of Williams’ book “Life in Prison” casts significant doubt on his personal redemption. This book was published in 1998, several years after Williams’ claimed redemptive experience. Specifically, the book is dedicated to “Nelson Mandela, Angela Davis, Malcolm X, Assata Shakur, Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt, Ramona Africa, John Africa, Leonard Peltier, Dhoruba Al-Mujahid, George Jackson, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the countless other men, women, and youths who have to endure the hellish oppression of living behind bars.” The mix of individuals on this list is curious. Most have violent pasts and some have been convicted of committing heinous murders, including the killing of law enforcement.

“From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” (tags)

UPdated RePort: ....! increasing art-threat level to... *Educationally EnChanTinG*....... ........greetings,.... a lengthy labor of love, sharing a salient, timely,..'associative' Composition on the story of NOW...___________- **** “From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” ****..........It appears some Senate Republicans are suspiciously reluctant to investigate this 21st century war. They would relinquish any oversight role, -reviewing the commitment of money, resources and lives, to a foreign entanglement of highly dubious merit, justness, legality and beyond the determination of 'correctness', Illegality- because we are talking about right and wrong , Good OR Bad HERE....Morality.......... .........I believe seperation of powers, checks & balances assign this OverSight function to the Senate, so they become duty-bound by their oath of office to proceed, to simply respect, carry out and honor the law. ...........Besides are they not 'elected' public servants?... and right now almost 2/3rds of America believe the country was misled, deceived, manipulated and spooked with a calculated slick PR campaign to embroil the US into death and destruction, a fiasco and a wrong, the public wants no part of. ...........We say this government is not serving or respecting the People's wishes, and CALLS to demand and an about-face correction should begin to be set in motion !...forthrightly............ ........*arguments, actions, 'positions' a result and concern for narrow self or factional interests? OR a responsibilty to act out of a need to be concerned for the broad National Interest, what is just? and best for the 'whole' ?.............. .........When will we proceed with the creation of the Better World?......... ____________________________ ..things fall apart..the center cannot hold...mere anarchy is.. l o o s e d upON The Word,...The WORLD. The Blood-Dimmed Tide is L O O S E D! ...and Everywhere...the CEREMONY OF DR O w n e d.

A Patriot's Letter (tags)

A call to action to Americans from an American. Please distribute as much as possible by any means.

Shays Fought the Revolution's Final Battle (tags)

Shays Fought the Revolution's Final Battle, and We Lost

PART 2: The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)

". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio

George W. Bush & Raffy Palmeiro: Birds of a Feather! (tags)

George W. Bush lied us into the Iraqi War, but remains unpunished for his wrongdoing. Meanwhile, on the sports front, Raffy Palmeiro of the Baltimore Orioles has tested positive for steroids and been suspended for ten days. Yet, he told Congress he had never used steroids. Rep. Chris Shays said he was “extremely disappointed” about Palmeiro. If so, what should the response of Congress be to all of Bush’s treachery? Think: Impeachment!

Free Speach? Not on Conyors' blog this week. (tags)

I got suspened for a week writingabout historical facts that affect National Security. I think its only fair to let me reply!


These things can be done, but there has to be support, and a belief that reason will ultimately win this war.

A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all (tags)

A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all

Hacker Activist Raided by FBI re:, publishes Hacktivist zine (tags)

Chicago FBI agents raided and seized all electronic equipment in Jeremy Hammond's apartment in an investigation regarding the hacking of has published a hacktivist magazine describing their experiences and what they've learned over the past year regarding online security culture.

God Begs (tags)

I beg you on behalf of myself and God, please!

Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)

Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.

Two Families’ Dreams Were Not Demolished (tags)

When the Israeli government forced out the Nasrallahs from their home in Rafah, at Gaza’s southern edge, the Nasrallahs didn’t get a shekel. Their house was among more than 3,000 that stood in the way of a security cordon that Israel established along the border between Gaza and Egypt. The border district stood above tunnels that were, according to the Israeli government, used to transport weapons and bomb-making materials.

Ann Wright on the Follies of Bush’s War (tags)

One of the unsung heroes of the opposition to the Iraqi War is Ann Wright. Rather than support the war, she resigned her position with the State Dept. on March 19, 2003. Ms. Wright, a career diplomat for over 16 years, who had also served in the military, believes the Downing Street Memos have plenty of ammunition in them to support impeachment proceeding against President George W. Bush and criminal charges against others in his administration.

Rep. Conyers’ Spotlights Bush’s Pack of Lies (tags)

The Downing St. Memo was center stage on Capitol Hill, in Washington, DC, on June 16, 2005. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) called a hearing to focus on that leaked document, which shows that President George W. Bush, Jr., and his cohorts, were looking to “cook the intelligence” on the Iraqi War. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Bush is “a liar” and it’s time to bring the troops home!

"All You Need Is Hate" (tags)

The third in a series concerning targetting of the homeless.

Exodus from the System (tags)

Other causes contribte to the economic misery besides the distribution problems. There are two developmental problems. There is the shift of profit from labor to capital. There is the worldwide opening of markets causing wage pressure.

‘Don’t pick our pockets to line your own’ (tags)

“Privatizing Social Security may be good business for Charles Schwab, but it’s a bad deal for working Americans,” Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon told the multiracial and multigenerational crowd of 300 that overflowed the sidewalk in front of the giant investment firm’s office here. “The stock market is a gamble,” Gannon continued, “I’ve got a mother who is 83, a daughter who is 22 and I’m 52. Privatization puts us all in jeopardy.”

Veterans for Peace Joins 'Impeach Bush & Dick' Campaign (tags)

This article is from the Binghamton IMC: by Bing IMC ST. LOUIS--On March 30, a national veterans’ organization called for the removal of President George W. Bush and Vice-President Richard Cheney for crimes the group charges were committed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

The War Against the People: US Scholars Denounce Killings and Calls for a World-Wide Actio (tags)

Northampton, MA - The Critical Filipina and Filipino Studies Collective (CFFSC) condemns the growing spate of killings and human rights violations of political activists, peasant rights advocates and sympathizers, lawyers and priests in the Philippines. The Philippine military is targeting and murdering leftist activists and civilians under the pretense of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo regime’s “War on Terror.” The U.S.-backed Arroyo regime’s campaign of surveillance, abduction, torture, and execution is a campaign of terror against the Filipino people.


Threats against the Philippines’ premier human rights lawyer linked to Hacienda Luisita massacre, derailment of peace talks and U.S. “war on terror”

Clergy and laity say: Feed the hungry, end the war (tags)

WASHINGTON — Peace and religious groups converged on the Capitol March 14 to demand that Congress vote down President Bush’s war budget and restore funds to health care, education, housing and other human needs programs.

GOP Agenda Shreds Disabled Housing (tags)

The GOP Is About To Shred The Nation's Housing Assistance Programs!

Remembering Rachel, Recognizing Oppression (tags)

SUMMARY:The West Coastrecently hosted a visit by Amy Goodman, spurring some debate but widespread admiration. On Wednesday March 16, Democracy now spotlights the Corrie killing, also hotly debated in these parts. Stein asks if we recognize "sowing of bitterness, suspicion and intolerance as crimes in themselves".

Stop Mountaintop Removal! A call to action March 31st! (tags)

Down with King Coal! Save Appalachia - Stop Mountaintop Removal! Take Action on March 31! Our demand is simple – stop mountaintop removal and all forms of surface mining for coal. Groups and individuals across Appalachia are rising in united nonviolent protest against the increasing cultural and environmental devastation caused by this most destructive form of mining. Mountaintop removal results in loss of life, loss of employment, destruction of homes, and elimination of communities throughout the coalfields.

‘That’s me, a marine, a murderer of civilians’ (tags)

Italian reporter shot by US military writes for newspaper that tells raw truth about US role in Iraq.

March 10th Tibetan Uprising Day (tags)

UC Santa Barbara's chapter of Students for a Free Tibet will be joining SoCal's Tibetan community in outraged protest against China's illegal occupation of Tibet.

March 10th Tibetan Uprising Day (tags)

Tibetans and supporters vehemently protest China's acts of genocide and illegal occupation of Tibet.

Immigration Detainees Abused in San Pedro (tags)

On March 5 at the San Pedro detention center, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent M. Lopez attacked Iranian immigration detainee Mohammed Mirmehdi, dragged him into a storage room and repeatedly punched and choked him.

Vigilant Resolve (tags)

Remembering The First Siege Of Fallujah: Excerpts From Testimony Submitted To The World Tribunal On Iraq, University of Rome (III), February 10-13, 2005

Witnesses Say U.S. Marines Fatally Shot Spanish Journalist in Haiti (tags)

We speak with Spanish journalist Jesus Martin who traveled to Haiti earlier this year to pay tribute to his slain friend and colleague, Ricardo Ortega, who was fatally shot in the chest while he was covering a street protest.

Fluid Genome: Collapse of the Biotech Empire (tags)

Mae-Wan Ho's book "Living With the Fluid Genome" exposes the biotech corporation's faulty science of genetic determinism and other outdated neo-Darwinian eugenics theory..

An act of conscience (tags)

"Your Honor," Rosemarie Jackowski addressed the court at her sentencing hearing, "How can it be that a Nation, that is itself in violation of the law, can then hope to impose the Rule of Law on its citizens?"

Remember Operation Urban Warrior (tags)

Just looking out for you revolutionaries

The Daily Poetry Movement (tags)

The fine was levied. But such a fine can not undo the actions taken, can not end the misery, can not prevent the US having paid over $1.5 million dollars a day for the massacres. I worked hard, I barely paid my bills, everywhere I went they took extra, a percentage for their corporations to kill, and my water turned off. upRising!

Californians Support Sustainable Agriculture! (tags)

On March 6, 2004 residents of Mendocino county passed a measure banning the cultivation of Genetically Engineered (GE) crops -- also known as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) -- within their county. Mendocino county’s Measure H is being used as a model for at least seven other counties in California where local residents are well on their way to passing similar measures. Californians feel that local measures seeking to ban the cultivation of GE crops are critical steps to take in the promotion of economically and ecologically sustainable agriculture.

‘You'll Need A Cold Shower After You See It’: Sensual & Erotic Art Exhibit at Erotica LA (tags)

Promising that you'll need a cold shower after you see it, a 3,000 square foot sensual and erotic art exhibition, Inside/Out: Censored and Self-Censored Art, will feature at Erotica Los Angeles June 18-20.

Acting on principle: John Randolph’s life and legacy (tags)

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – John Randolph, a great light of stage and screen, was laid to rest here Feb. 24 at age 88. Actor and activist, Randolph shined his light through the anti-Communist hysteria of the McCarthyite 1950s.


As the June 5th peace march approaches, will you be prepared for the "Brownshirts in White"--the pro-war, pro-Bush "Protest Warriors" who tagged along in the March 20 peace marches? On March 20, they carried signs reading "Leave Saddam alone; he only kills his own people" and "Give communism another chance; it's only killed 100 million people so far." What will you do on June 5? Will you talk with these guys? Will you ignore them? (And have you read Thom Hartmann's excellent article about Hitler's reign, entitled "When Democracy Failed"? If not, check out the Common Dreams web page listed at the bottom of this article.) Let's make June 5 a day for peace and a day of peace. contacts Free Republic poster over role in murder of Nick Berg (tags)

Apparently, I am in the middle of a controversy regarding the brutal murder of Nick Berg by the Islamofascist terrorist b*st*rds. I received the following FReepmail today from a reporter and spoke to him off the record. I will either call him back on the record or he can use my comments here on the record.

Forget The Trial Get The Rope: Bush Approved The Torture!!! (tags)

While the shutter captured the gruesome horror in graphic detail, it missed capturing the full scope of the incident, as did CBS. This was not an isolated incident. It was not the result of a few rogues. Rather this incident was the result of careful long-term planning. In fact Bush and every other high official of this administration approved of the torture and we have their own words on that

Venezuela Week in Review- May 8th- HOV (tags)

Solidarity with venezuela

Stroke the rich (tags)

IRS has become a subsidy system for super-wealthy Americans IRS winks at rich deadbeats

Looking very bad for the "coalition" (tags)

BAGHDAD, April 10 -- A battalion of the new Iraqi army refused to go to Fallujah earlier this week to support U.S. Marines battling for control of the city, senior U.S. Army officers here said, disclosing an incident that is casting new doubt on U.S. plans to transfer security matters to Iraqi forces. Anti-U.S. Outrage Unites a Growing Iraqi Resistance

Don’t rely on the politicians (tags)

To end US military aggression, we need to rely on the power of mass, grass-roots organisation, not saviours from corporate parties.

Clashes in oilfields kill 17 soldiers and guerrillas (tags)

15 government troops dead in fresh fighting in Colombia’s southern oil region. President Uribe seeks foreign help to beef up military muscle. US lawmakers promise more soldiers and mercenaries.

Resident Bu$h, jokes about WMDs. (tags)

In this photo taken from video, resident bu$hco pretends to search the Oval Office for weapons of mass destruction in a frat boy spoof shown to a dinner for White House radio and television correspondents in Washington Wednesday night March 24, 2004. Nearly 600 American troops and over 10,000 Iraqi civilians have DIED because of bu$hco's lies concerning Iraq possessing WMDs. Now the resident makes it into a comedy routine. Well guess what America... THE JOKES ON YOU! (AP Photo/ APTN Pool)

March 20: Planetwide Demos Against U.S. Occupation of Iraq (tags)

One year ago, Iraq was being pounded by the "shock and awe" of U.S. attack. Iraq's people have now lived a year under brutal occupation--as U.S. invaders seek to impose a new pro-U.S. government at the point of a gun. On March 20, 2004, hundreds of thousands of people around the world took to the streets, in over 300 actions in dozens of countries. Powerful outpourings of protest and resistance denounced the U.S. occupation of Iraq and demanded an end to U.S. attempts to dominate the world through threats and war

Grocery Strikers’ Heroic Fight for Healthcare (tags)

In the end, workers who had fought so hard for five months were forced to accept a raw deal. They were unable to prevail against a bold united front of employers when their own leaders were not willing to organize an equally bold united front of labor.

debunking the media lies about president Aristide (tags)

by Justin Felux the necklacing lie is going the round again in the New York Times and American Spectator

March 20: Millions Demonstrate Against Occupation of Iraq (tags)

Millions of people in cities around the world hit the streets today, March 20, to protest the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. Massive demonstrations took place in London, Brussels, Seoul, Tokyo, and thousands of other cities and towns in 45 countries. Demonstrations took place in more that 250 cities across the Untied States. Many of these demonstrations also demanded an end to the U.S./Israeli occupation of Palestine and an end to the occupation of Afghanistan.

March 20 Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)

12 noon, Hollywood & Vine: Look for Black Flags and Banners 2:30: Anarcho-Communist meeting after march at park at Franklin and La Brea.

Iraq: Washington spinning out of control (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein reveals the Bush administration's glaring use of "spin" to substitute for facts. Some both recent and outrageous manipulations of "official information" make the story.

Defend the Anti-Imperialist Camp! (tags)


Lebanese student protesters clash with police over Syrian army presence (tags)

BEIRUT - Lebanese students clashed Friday with security forces during protests against Syria's military presence in their country which their hero, exiled general Michel Aoun, tried but failed to end 15 years ago.

Join the March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)

To Abolish War, We must Abolish Capitalism!

Anti-Capitalist/Anti-Authoritarian Call for the "March in March" Sacto (tags)


Greetings, We now have 30 cities and towns listed on the CPA website for M20. Please chech that all the details are there and let me know about any changes. Peace Sid Lacombe CPA

BTL:Peace Groups Plan March 20 Worldwide Protests to Observe... (tags)

...1-Year Anniversary of Iraq War. Interview with Leslie Cagan, national coordinator of United for Peace and Justice, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Call for a March 20th Anti-Capitalist Contingent (tags)

On March 20th, retake activism in LA! Prove that our rage over this unjust war and occupation will not be confined to permitted marches facilitated by bureaucracies that stifle real efforts towards building another world.

Iraqi sovereignty - outsourced to North Carolina (tags)

Naomi Klein: "....The appetite for democracy among Iraqis keeps racing ahead of the plodding plans for "capacity building" [Research Triangle Institute] drew up before the invasion. In November the Washington Post reported that when RTI arrived in the province of Taji, armed with flowcharts and ready to set up local councils, it discovered that "the Iraqi people formed their own representative councils in this region months ago, and many of those were elected, not selected, as the occupation is proposing." The Post quoted one man telling a RTI contractor, "We feel we are going backwards"....

An Open Letter from the Arab-American and Muslim Community to the US Anti-War Movement (tags)

On March 20, 2004, the world will mobilize against war and colonial occupations. The significance of this historic day is evident to all and requires no further elaboration. The political clarity and character of this mobilization in the US, however, remains illusive.

Dreamers & Idiots (tags)

Britain And The US Did Everything To Avoid A Peaceful Solution In Iraq And Afghanistan

G.W.Bush. a Satanic mind. (tags)

Assassination is big business. It is the business of the CIA and any other power that can pay for the "hit" and control the assured getaway. The CIA brags that its operations in Iran in 1953 led to the pro-Western attitude of that important country. The CIA also takes credit for what it calls the "perfect job" in Guatemala. Both successes were achieved by assassination. What is this assassination business and how does it work? Col. L. Fletcher Prouty . Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Rumsfeld retreats, disclaims earlier rhetoric (Rumsfeld does a Clinton) (tags)

Rummy is getting Rummy. The Bush Machine having been caught in so many lies, and with the public beginning to wake up, does a Clinton and denies saying things which are ON THE PUBLIC RECORD. Chutzpah.

Info War on USA Public (tags)

Info War on USA Public

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel) (tags)

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel)


Anti-Zionists collaborated with German Nazis - because nazis and anti-zionists are siamese twins

Whirl-Mart! (tags)

Whirl-Mart is a performance! It is art! It is a ritual! It is a “collective reclamation of space that is otherwise only used for shopping and buying...”

America's Camp Delta, Guantanamo: 660 Prisoners, 42 Countries, No Rights, No Cha (tags)


Labor and Patriot Acts I and II: (tags)

A case for political action President George W. Bush heads the most viciously anti-worker, anti-labor administration we have seen in a long time. He and his corporate backers are hell-bent on blocking any new advances for labor and on rolling back existing labor rights.

Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections To The Nazis (tags)

The Bush family has willingly and knowingly associated themselves with Nazis for over 80 years spanning three generations of Bushes. Prescott Bush was Hitler’s banker in America and was referred to by the New York Tribune as Hitler’s angel.

Peacekeepers not Informed about Depleted Uranium in South Iraq (tags)

As the UN-backed ‘stabilisation force’ in Iraq (SFIR) is taking shape, peacekeepers are not well informed about the risks of DU contamination, since the US government refuses to disclose information on DU firing locations. Dutch troops arriving in the southern province of Al Muthanna are particularly ill-informed, as the Dutch government has unduly asserted that "no DU ammunition was used in the area during the recent conflict". If this information comes from US officials, as the government claims, it has been deceived--as much as it has misinformed parliament.

Officials Say Forgeries on Iraqi Efforts Reached State Dept. Before Speech (tags)

The administration, facing increased criticism over the claims it made about Iraq's attempts to buy uranium, had said until now that it did not have the documents before the State of the Union speech.

Bush Faced Dwindling Data on Iraq Nuclear Bid (tags)

A review of speeches and reports, plus interviews with present and former administration officials and intelligence analysts, suggests that between Oct. 7, when President Bush made a speech laying out the case for military action against Hussein, and Jan. 28, when he gave his State of the Union address, almost all the other evidence had either been undercut or disproved by U.N. inspectors in Iraq.

Spoon-Feeding Poison: EPA Opens the Door to Testing Bug Killers on People (tags)

The Bush administration is now moving to endorse the testing of noxious and lethal chemicals on human beings.

Trading on fear (tags)

Trading on fear From the start, the invasion of Iraq was seen in the US as a marketing project. Selling 'Brand America' abroad was an abject failure; but at home, it worked. Manufacturers of 4x4s, oil prospectors, the nuclear power industry, politicians keen to roll back civil liberties - all seized the moment to capitalise on the war. PR analysts Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber explain how it worked.

US nukes its own troops (tags)

death by slow burn

BEYOND BUSH - Part I ( By Michael C. Ruppert ) (tags)

Michael C. Ruppert looks into the future and shares his thoughts (repost)

Eliminating the right to overtime pay! (tags)

More Bushit Plans to Screw Us All!

Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances (tags)

President Bush can count on Will Farish not to betray the violent secrets surrounding the Bush family money. For Farish's own family fortune was made in the same Hitler project, in a nightmarish partnership with George Bush's father.

Media walk on Ashcroft's leash (tags)

On March 1, give or take a day, in Columbus, Ohio, the FBI arrested an American citizen it says is Iyman Faris. There wasn't a word uttered. He vanished. No lawyer was notified. He made no phone calls and wrote no letters. He was a U.S. citizen who disappeared without a trace into a secret metal world.

Byrd Shreds Bush Over Iraq Lies, Coverups (tags)

The business of intelligence is secretive by necessity, but our government is open by design. We must be straight with the American people. Congress has the obligation to investigate the use of intelligence information by the Administration, in the open, so that the American people can see that those who exercise power, especially the awesome power of preemptive war, must be held accountable. We must not go down the road of cover-up. That is the road to ruin.

The Road to Coverup Is the Road to Ruin (tags)

US Senate Floor Remarks - June 24, 2003 Mr. President, last fall, the White House released a national security strategy that called for an end to the doctrines of deterrence and containment that have been a hallmark of American foreign policy for more than half a century....

Lies the Government Told Us Part 3 (tags)


NYC: The Political Persecution of Juanita Young (tags)


The Dog Ate My WMDs (tags)

After several years teaching high school, I've heard all the excuses. I didn't get my homework done because my computer crashed, because my project partner didn't do their part, because I feel sick, because I left it on the bus, because I had a dance recital, because I was abducted by aliens and viciously probed.

Pattern of Megalomania: The Bush Record (tags)

"There exists a chilling pattern of events surrounding the Bush regime’s rise to power and the emergence of Napoleon and Hitler."

Anti-War Artwork Removed from West L.A. Bookstore Window by Demand of Fearful Landlord (tags)

Anti-War Artwork Removed from West L.A. Bookstore Window by Demand of Fearful Landlord

Wolves and Sheep (tags)

The truth is blowing on the winds of change, and the dust of another adminastration will be rubbed from between the toes of the children...

The Many Contracts of Halliburton (tags)

If you have been confused by the constant flow of news stories on the Halliburton contracts for post-war Iraq, you have good reason to be.

Recent Developments Concerning the International Solidarity Movement (tags)

New Profile, a Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli society, hopes to continue to circulate the following ISM information in order to bring awareness and attention to what is taking place in Israel and in the Occupied Territories.


The Orwellian aspect, of course, was an American press that can no longer lay even the scarcest claim to being journalists, and its complete merger with the Department of Defense, specifically Central Command (CENTCOM).

Rebuilding Iraq: Political Contributions of Corporate Winners (tags)

It's not what you's who you know! That old adage couldn't be more true, as contractors jockey for position for the US. Government's "Corporate Dash For Cash" being held in Washington . Not coincidentally, many of these contractors just happened to contribute rather generously to the Bush Presidential campaign. Open Secrets has all the juicy details on their web site:

Will Pre-emptive War Make America Safer? (tags)

Another aspect of U.S. safety is threatened by pre-emptive war. The Founding Fathers realized that not all enemies are foreign. What keeps U.S. citizens safe is adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Losing any part of the Constitution is precedent for losing other parts. Congress - the American people's representative - now has lost the constitutional right to declare war.

Don't F with the motha' f--kin' GW DYNASTY baby... (tags)

If most Americans knew this would they vote Bush in 04?

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops (tags)

DU munitions are classified by a United Nations resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction. Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.

Reflections on why the United States and Israel are threatening Syria (tags)

As if to underline this warning, the US bombed the Syrian Trade Center in Baghdad and closed the oil pipeline from Iraq to Syria. Syria’s valuable trade with Iraq ú which totaled about $5 billion in the period 1998-2002 ú has been cut off. This is a serious blow to the Syrian economy since Iraq had in recent years become Syria’s main trading partner.

Deaths connected to Bush Crime Family (tags)

How many more have to die before something is done to put these criminals where they belong??

What did the war accomplish? (tags)

"What "threat"? When did Saddam ever utter any such threat? And what weapons? This weekend, Iraqi general and chief scientist Amir Saadi said after surrendering that Iraq has no such weapons, which is what he said before the war. Maybe there are some even he doesn't know about, but there's no trace of them so far,..."


CNN Subtly Alters POW Coverage; Seven Stray Missiles Two Unhappy Allies; Murder At 160 K; "Simon-Says" Reporting; "Their Liberation Is Now In The Hands Of God"; POW Coverage Shows Bias In Favor Of Beauty; U.S. Directly And Indirectly Targets Civilians; The Shu'ale Market Bombing: Case Closed; Checkpoint Shooting Galleries; A Besieged Basra; Kurdish Victims Of Liberation; Dissent In The Ranks; Cluster Bombs In Iraq; Pentagon's Version Of "Stop The Press"; Welcome To The Liberation

The Criminal Justice System Is Just That-Criminal! (tags)

The criminal justice system in this country is set up to come down on a defendant (whether he is guilty or not) like a ton of bricks in order to intimidate him into pleading guilty.

Gulf War Syndrome II (tags)

Soldiers now fighting in Iraq are being exposed to battlefield hazards that have been associated with the 'Gulf War Syndrome' that afflicts a quarter-million veterans of the 1991 war, said a former Central Command Army officer in Operation Desert Storm.

Messages to CNN (tags)

On March 22, at the anti-war, anti-CNN march in Hollywood, I asked a variety of people in the crowd one question: "If you could send a message to the producers of CNN right now, what would you like to tell them?" Listen to some of their answers.

News Articles from the First 10 Days of War (tags)

Growing Crisis in Basra; CBS Reports Truth By Mistake; Public Might Put Two and Two Together; U.S. Strikes Iran"; Collateral Damage; War Crimes Aren't War Crimes When The U.S. Commits Them; Public Acknowledgment Of E.M.P.; Food and Politics At Safwan; "Even In Civilian Areas, They Will Be Hit; Flint-locks and Sedans; Signs Of An Expanding War Killing and Burying the Innocent; Iraqi Artillery Targets…Whom?

Memphis 1968: We remember (tags)

An assassin’s bullet felled the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. King had come to Memphis to support a strike by the city’s sanitation workers.

Shedding No Tears for Iraqi Civilians (tags)

On April 2nd, Al Jazeera news network reported that Bartallah, a predominantly Iraqi Christian town north of Mosul, suffered heavy civilian casualties after a night of intense coalition bombing. The local chief surgeon at the hospital reported that there were 120 dead and wounded civilians brought into the hospital within the past week.

Total war: resistance, humanitarian aid and the media (tags)

2003 is a year to live dangerously: of crimes against humanity and of heroic resistance; it is a time to reject the war and to extend our solidarity with the Iraqi people in this their moment of truth.

'I saw the heads of my two little girls come off' (tags)

From April 2, 2003 Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney Australia



Part 2 of 2: Can George Bush II say “steal oil” in Spanish? Yes, he can. (tags)

The warmongers in the Pentagon, including Bush, Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle, are having a field day since Uribe’s election by routing the U.S. “foreign aid” money to U.S. “defense” contractors who in turn ship their arms to Uribe, so he can continue to kill thousands of Colombian political dissidents annually.

Big Brother Hits UN (tags)

Not sure if this is true but reads like it.

Report from Wash DC: Attempted murder of a peace protester (tags)

We saw what happened yesterday at the Oscars. The police are stepping it up all over the country, especially at the White House, where fortifications and police actions make it look like a third world dictator's palace.





Israel's "Humanity" (tags)

For you Apologists - this article comes straight out of Haaretz. "On March 4, in the early morning hours, two crop-dusting planes flew over the Negev Hills, spraying field crops with a toxin that caused them to wither and die. Ten people, most of them children, inhaled the substance and required medical treatment. "

Millions condemn Iraq war (tags)

WASHINGTON – With U.S. war planes and troops poised for combat with Iraq, peace forces vowed to continue the fight against war.



Photos Shows Rachel Corey Was Murdered! (tags)

Photos show Rachel Corey was Murdered! Associated Press & Haaretz Reports Available Now.


With allegations of ``conflict of interest,'' and possible ``blackmail'' of U.S. allies in Saudi Arabia hitting Richard Perle, the head of the chickenhawk-loaded Defense Policy Board, the neo-conservative hatchetmen in the press are trying to stop the exposes about ``Clean Break,'' the 1996 policy paper that Perle wrote for Benjamin Netanyahu, that mapped out war against Iraq, Syria, and Iran, and abrogating the Oslo Accords.

John Pilger: "Blair is a Coward" (tags)

William Russell, the great correspondent who reported the carnage of imperial wars, may have first used the expression "blood on his hands" to describe impeccable politicians who, at a safe distance, order the mass killing of ordinary people.

Ingrid Betancourt is alive and may be released soon (tags)

FARC says Ingrid is healthy, awaits prisoner exchange On March 13, 2003 a leader of FARC reported that Ingrid Betancourt is alive and well, and that she may be released as soon as the Colombian government negotiates seriously for the exchange of hostages held by FARC, for FARC guerrillas being held prisoner by the government.

Families of military personnel and veterans speak out against war (tags)

The world has been galvanized into action against the Bush administration’s drive to war with Iraq. This is no less true in the United States. In all sectors of the U.S. population you will find anti-war sentiment – including in the armed forces and their families.

ANTI WAR (tags)

Anti - War Article and link to related site

Global Women's Strike Organizers to Confront LA Times Editors (tags)

Reprint of a PRESS ADVISORY from March 10, 2003

Wildcat General Strike Monday March 17: Make It A 3-Day Weekend (tags)

On March 5, Our Kids Went on Strike with Books, Not Bombs. They Got Up and Walked Out of Their Classroom "Jobs". All Across america - Close Bush Down! Declare a 3-Day Weekend

Colombia: U'wa people reject oil explotation in Kera Chikara (tags)


MARCH 8: Thousands of Women Stream into DC for Anti-War March & Rally Int'l Women's Day (tags)

Women from Kansas, Vermont, Oregon, Texas and dozens of other states have begun arriving in Washington, DC--dressed in pink--to participate in the women-led rally and march that will be held on Saturday, March 8, International Women's Day.

Raelian Women to humbly disrobe publicly in LOS ANGELES on March 8th (tags)

Raelian women To humbly disrobe publicly At US peace rallies in DC and LA

Taking a stand on March 5 has a long history; once again, the young lead the way (tags)

Editorial on March 5th student strike.


On Wed. March 5… You could call in sick. (sick of war, sick of militarism…)

MARCH 5: BOOKS NOT BOMBS! - National Student Strike (tags)

The National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs, will take place March 5th on campuses across the US and the world.  The strike is building a wave of campus sentiment against the Bush Administration’s war plans in Iraq.  The event was originally called for and is being coordinated by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC), a collection of 15 student and youth organizations whose members organizations represent large and diverse constituencies stretching across the US.

Public Readings of Lysistrata World-wide Condemn War (tags)

- On March 3, 2003, the Lysistrata Project will present worldwide readings of Aristophanes’ bawdy ancient Greek antiwar comedy Lysistrata. To date, 817 play readings are scheduled in 49 countries and in all 50 U.S. states to voice opposition to the war on Iraq

Shut Down Your City March 5 National Moratorium (tags)

endorse and mobilize for March 5th national moratorium and student strike

Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

According to Article 147, to "willfully caus[e civilians] great suffering or serious injury to body or health" is a "grave breach" of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the most serious type of war crime. There appears to be prima facie evidence that "great suffering" and "serious injury to body and health" were "willfully" inflicted on Palestinian civilians during the gas attacks conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces.(62)

The Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

After a few minutes, the gas started to smell. "Like mint," several people said. One resident later recalled that, "the smell was good. You want to breathe more. You feel good when you inhale it." A girl reported that "its taste was like sugar. The smell was sweet."(4)

Forgeries, Denials and the Facts in-between (tags)

Confronting false charges made against Anne Frank's diary and the "infiltration" of Indymedia

Stop funding Israeli war crimes: Divest NOW! (by Latuff) (tags)

Support Virginia Commonwealth University Divestment Campaign.

Tyranny in Tekirdag Prison, Turkey (tags)

This is a report by the TAYAD prisoners' support organisation in Turkey. It is based on an account by a prisoner held in Tekirdag F-Type (Isolation) Prison and describes both major and petty abuse of prisoners by guards and officials.

Iraq under U.S. Occupation? (tags)

From the White House, reports leak out about plans for an Iraq after the Ba’th (the ruling party of Iraq). The main scenarios do not allow for the development of democracy in Iraq. Each of them is built on a racist assumption: that the Iraqis either need a military dictator or else a monarch – any form of democracy is impossible to imagine.

National security, or war on workers? (tags)

OAKLAND, Calif. – Like many Filipinos living in the San Francisco Bay Area, Erlinda Valencia found a job at the airport, screening carry-on bags for passengers. She worked for Argenbright Security for 14 years, most of that time at a minimum-wage job, barely able to support her family.

Who Killed Dallas? (tags)

The following theory is about a police cover-up. The murder and mayhem described is true. The knife you see may have been one of the murder weapons.

The Ugly Truth: A Theory Into a Possible Police Cover-up (tags)

Did the Vallejo Police Department supply a suspected mass murderer with the knife used to kill a 5-year old child and was there a subsequent police cover-up?

Red Targets in the ''War on Terrorism'' (tags)

Think about that. Hundreds of al-Qaeda, demanding principally that the U.S. get its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of communist-led guerrillas---and many millions who identify with the legacy of the historical left---demanding an end to exploitation and inequality on the planet.

Big Mountain Urgent Call For Support (tags)

Big Mountain residents experience more harassment; ask for support

Human Rights Abuses in San Diego Ca. (tags)

On March 25th the Border Patrol in San Diego attacked and jailed without charges a human rights observer. See the interview with him and a companero who was also there.

Palestine Land Day Demo #3 (L.A.) (tags)

On March 30th, several thousand demonstrators held a protest march at the Westwood Federal Building in solidarity with the Palestinian People

Palestine Land Day Demo #2 (L.A.) (tags)

On March 30th, several thousand demonstrators held a protest march at the Westwood Federal Building in solidarity with the Palestinian People

Palestine Land Day Demo #1 (L.A.) (tags)

On March 30th, several thousand demonstrators held a protest march at the Westwood Federal Building in solidarity with the Palestinian People.

FACTS Protest Against CA Three Strikes @ Westwood, CA (tags)

On March 9th, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (F.A.C.T.S.) held a protest in Westwood, CA. Protesters marched through Westwood Village to the Federal Building on Wilshire Blvd where speakers and performers took the stage.

FACTS Protest Against CA Three Strikes @ Westwood, CA (tags)

On March 9th, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (F.A.C.T.S.) held a protest in Westwood, CA. Protesters marched through Westwood Village to the Federal Building on Wilshire Blvd where speakers and performers took the stage.

FACTS Protest Against CA Three Strikes @ Westwood, CA (tags)

On March 9th, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (F.A.C.T.S.) held a protest in Westwood, CA. Protesters marched through Westwood Village to the Federal Building on Wilshire Blvd where speakers and performers took the stage.

FACTS Protest Against CA Three Strikes @ Westwood, CA (tags)

On March 9th, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (F.A.C.T.S.) held a protest in Westwood, CA. Protesters marched through Westwood Village to the Federal Building on Wilshire Blvd where speakers and performers took the stage.

FACTS Protest Against CA Three Strikes @ Westwood, CA (tags)

On March 9th, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (F.A.C.T.S.) held a protest in Westwood, CA. Protesters marched through Westwood Village to the Federal Building on Wilshire Blvd where speakers and performers took the stage.

Mexican Workers Want Independent Union at Nike/Reebok Contractor (tags)

The January walkout sparked an international solidarity campaign

Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade! (tags)

Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade!

American University Severs Food Contract Citing Social Responsibility (tags)


Highland woman shot by police had much to live for, friends say (tags)

18 year old Ginenne Stover was full of talent, and had her whole life ahead of her, so why was she shot to death by a police officer within several minutes of his arrival at her house?

Highland Police officer kills 18 year old woman inside house (tags)

Last week, an 18 year old woman, was shot to death by a Highland Police Department officer, leading people in the Inland Empire to ask, what the hell is going on in our police agencies?

The Lieberman Record: Worse than Gore's (tags)

Joe Lieberman? You've got to be kidding me! This is identity politics at its worst. So Lieberman is the first Jew to be nominated for Vice President. That's not chopped liver, but it's not everything, either. And what about the separation of church and state?

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