fix articles 235626, right on
John Dingler's Report: Occupy Riverside. Mission Inn Security Squad Harasses Photographer (tags)
Mission Inn Security Squad of four hyperactive individuals, two of whose names may be A. Appello and Peter Demian, threatened photographer John Dingler with confiscation of personal property, arrest, and incarceration for photographing them without permission on a public sidewalk.
6th Annual Indigenous People Panel Discussion (tags)
Theme: Impact of National and Geopolitical Events and Trends on Indigenous People (In the area of Education, Medicine, Social, Human Rights and Rights for Self determination)
9th Annual Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day Prayer Vigil (tags)
The Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day: Mobilizaing Communities for the Elimination of design, manufacture, use and proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction
ALL OUT! Sat. A.M.--Stop Minutemen Attacks on Day Laborers (tags)
Anti-minutemen counterprotestors needed at all locations.
SATURDAY: Last Day of Feral Visions in Southern California (tags)
Political parties & capitalism are just a root of the problem!! We MUST bring down civilization.
2nd Evening of Feral Visions Continues TONIGHT!!! (tags)
Only 3 events left in Southern California...
Feral Visions Weekend Starts TODAY!!! (tags)
The root of the problem is not republicans or capitalism- it's civilization!
4 Events of Feral Visions Weekend in Southern California (tags)
Nothing man-made lasts forever.... ....and this civilization will also fall
Extremism and Terrorism - Caltech Lecture, Sat 2nd March (tags)
The Skeptics society have organized this lecture, might be worth a visit.