fix articles 235832, reynolds
Sirhan Sirhan: in His Own Words (tags)
Sirhan was framed to be used as a patsie
The "Patriots and 9/11" Trap (tags)
Morgan Reynolds and David Shayler are "former" government officials who say they believe that real planes didn't hit the WTC towers on 9/11 -- need we say anymore? People have tried to email the webmaster of the web site "Patriots Question 9/11," but get no response to the promotion on there of these individuals as Patriots who "Question" the official version of the events of 9/11. But how hard is that to figure out? Not all who describe themselves as "patriots" are really the type of patriots we think they are. The push by some in the so-called 9/11 truth movement to follow and spread the word of "celebs" has only been shown to tank credibility -- celebs and big names have been shown all too often to function as bait for the explicit promotion of "no planes" theories.
See photos of Tan Nguyen mingling with top GOP bigwigs! (tags)
Tan Nguyen, Republican candidate for the 47th Congressional District, is seen in the below photographs mingling with House Speaker Dennis Hastert and National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds. Nguyen is currently under investigation by the California State Attorney General's Office, U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, and other law enforcement agencies for allegedly sending out more than 14,000 letters to mostly-Mexican familes in the 47th Congressional District threatening all "immigrants" with jail or deportation if they voted.
Former Bush Economist Slams Administration On 9/11 (tags)
Former Bush Economist Attacks Bush Administration on 9/11
Former Bush Team Member-WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition (tags)
author: Greg Szymanski Highly recognized former chief economist in Labor Department now doubts official 9/11 story, claiming suspicious facts and evidence cover-up indicate government foul play and possible criminal implications.
Media reporting from Iraq is one-sided and flawed (tags)
The vast majority of correspondents in prewar Iraq played ball with Saddam and downplayed the viciousness of the regime. That would include such notables as CNN's Christiane Amanapour, Pacifica Radio's Amy Goodman, and other left leaning reporters.
Congressman Reynolds [R-NY] backs oil drilling in Arctic (tags)
Reynolds said he plans to co-sponsor legislation asking President-elect George W. Bush to support the proposal to drill on the refuge. Bush, a former Texas oilman, has made giving energy companies drilling access to the refuge's 1.5 million-acre coastal plan a key part of his national energy policy