fix articles 2361, actions Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : actions


May Day Strikes! (tags)

Wildcat strikes by essential workers coalesce on May Day

Dedication of french yellow vests to the uprisen people in the world (tags)

On the occasion of the first anniversary of our movement on November 16th & 17th, we dedicate our celebration to all the popular risings in the world.

January 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

The January update is up. First up is a call out from Copinh for actions in March, one year on from Bertha's murder, but also, her birth month, and Copinh's birth month. And there's been a report coming out from Global Witness on Honduras, the state reacted furiously to this. And in lawmaking, Honduran state wants to make it law that cops and soldiers kill people in Honduras - it happens but they want to make it law. And, a gunfiring violent eviction against another farmers occupation. Another journalist killed. Melon workers fight for their rights. 17 year old killed by soldier. Read more on the blog.

Require a Citizenship and Constitutionality test for all Lawmaking Bodies – Robert George (tags)

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Thursday signed legislation that will require all Arizona High School students to take and pass the US Citizenship test before they are able to graduate.

Philippines: No context will ever justify murder of journalists - Akbayan (tags)

Press freedom is a baseline principle of good governance, not a moving target that adjusts to the whims and caprices of those in power. It plays a crucial role in fiscalizing and speaking truth to power, and that Constitutionally-guaranteed right must be protected.

Russia Blasts Increased NATO Provocations (tags)


Kiev's Junta Forces Terror Bomb Donbass (tags)


Netanyahu Bluster: Serial Lying Conceals Ugly Truths (tags)


The Goodness of Mankind Is Threatened (tags)

See my report concerning some of the effects of a police state on modern man.

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Leaks TPP Draft!!! (tags)

An ambitious 12-nation trade accord pushed by President Obama would allow foreign corporations to sue the United States government for actions that undermine their investment “expectations” and hurts their business, according to a classified document.

Charles W Freeman Jr Says the US Has Not Cauterized MidEast Problems But Metastasized Them (tags)

US policy toward Israeli leadership can be compared to giving car keys to a drunk.

Organized labor unites in opposition to BDS (tags)

California Teamsters Issue scathing letter in opposition to BDS

The Shortwave Report 09/19/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK Japan.

How to Combat ISIS Without War (tags)

The president yesterday announced his "strategy" for dealing with the threat posed by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. He has given terror networks and the international arms industry cause for great celebration.

Oil Train Week of Action July 6-13, 2014 (tags)

Bakken crude oil trains have exploded at least 8 times since the first a year ago in Canada. Please plan an action during July 6-13, 2014 to protest the continued endangerment of our communities by the oil by rail industry.

State-Sponsore Terror in Ukraine (tags)


Slavyansk Braces for Onslaught (tags)


Ukrainians Resist (tags)


LA Weekly promotes a slanted view of Pacifica/ KPFK (tags)

LA Weekly produced an article about Pacifica, which involves KPFK of course, that was apparently biased and the writer maybe even was a prior student of Cooper whom he liked to quote as if an "expert" but may not at all be so. The letters written to LA Weekly were on line and in print 2 more times to display the local concerns. This Open letter to their Editor is to respond to all 3 of those print-postings.

Spiteful Government Puts Hammond in Slammer 10 Years (tags)

Framed and defamed, anarchist hacker was egged on by an FBI snitch, Sabu, to attack foreign targets.


People gathered here on an unusually hot day-for SF- to rally and march in opposition to US plans to stage military attacks on Syria.

They want capitalism without democracy; we want democracy without capitalism (tags)

The policy of crises and impoverishment disrupts our lives and the lives of millions of people in the world. More than 300 persons were gravely injured through blows, tear gas and pepper spray. Blockupy had an important political success.

Workers Stand Up to Walmart (tags)

When a torrent hits an obstacle that refuses to give, it either flows around or over the obstruction. When workers’ needs for a living wage, fair treatment, and a voice are damned up by an oppressive employer, it is only a matter of time before they find a way of asserting their strength.

ALF Frees Dozens of Pheasants from Oregon Game Farm (tags)

Animal Liberation Front frees birds from farm outside Portland.



Internet, Social Media Upcoming Tools in Civil Unrest (tags)

The use of Internet and Social Media will become the important tools in the immediate future to wage political advocacy, militant activism, organizing and mobilizing protest actions that may lead to civil unrest as to initiate social change.

Filipino workers band together for a stronger labor front (tags)

SENTRO vows to fight for wages, secure jobs and other long-standing issues

World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 23-30 January 2012 (tags)

The next WWAM will take place from 23 to 30 January 2012 and coincides with the World Day for the Abolition of Meat on 28 January 2012.


Occupy Riverside Solidarity Actions with November 2 General Strike (tags)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
RIVERSIDE (CA) - In a day of actions in solidarity with the Oakland general strike, called in response to vicious police violence, Occupy Riverside stepped action up.

Philippines: PALEA holds motorcade on the 30th day of its protest vs. outsourcing (tags)

Also in commemoration of PALEA’s 30th day of protest against contractualization, solidarity actions were held in San Francisco and Los Angeles by US unions and the Filipino-American community. In San Francisco, the groups picketed the Philippine consulate and PAL ticketing office, and submitted a letter of concern to Deputy Consul General Alfonso Ver.

Update from Occupy Riverside Day 12 (tags)

October 25, 2011 RIVERSIDE (California) - Much has happened in the week since the last report filed on Occupy Riverside, including several actions and an incident of police brutality.

Refund California Action Results in 11 Arrests. (tags)

First Major Arrests of Occupy LA Associated Protesters Photo Set 1 of 2

Occupy Demands And Civil Disobedience Guidelines (tags)

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage.

DeChristopher Pre-Sentence Statement (tags)

The future is in good hands with young men like Tim DeChristopher, sentenced to 2 years in prison, a $10,000 fine and probation after continued Bush prosecution by Fascist Obama's Justice Department. His pre-sentencing statement is below.

Protest Planned on Henry Waxman Office Friday July 1st, I NEED PEOPLE (tags)

Planned protest on Henry Waxman's office this Friday, July 1st, 2011 against Obama's unconstitutional and tyrannical kinetic actions in Libya. I need supporters, I cannot battle tyranny alone.

Supreme Court Lets Corporations (tags)


Closing communiqué: World Week for the Abolition of Meat - Jan 2011 Campaign (tags)

The past World Week for the Abolition of Meat from 22 to 29 January 2011 - the very first WWAM of the year - was a success. Varied events (such as street actions, silent demonstrations, "human" meat tray actions, protest marches...) were organized in over 70 towns and cities, mainly in Europe, but also in South Africa, in both Americas, in India as well as in Japan (here's the list). These events were largely covered in the media.

Guns. Violence. Tucson. Mexico. China: The tentacles of capitalism (tags)

The capitalist class desperately try to separate the actions of individuals from society. There is no "system". Capitalism is never to blame, only the crazed and murderous actions of flawed individuals.

Last Chance for Venezuela's Revolution? (tags)

The pulse of the revolution grows faint. Extreme measures are needed, since the extremely poor living conditions of most Venezuelans demand it. They are tired of the government taking half actions. Tired of the same super-rich oligarchy dominating the economy, which creates the horrendous inequality that overshadows Venezuelan society. If the revolution is not quickly pushed to the left, it will be strangled by the right. For all the positive things Chavez has accomplished as President, he is in danger of becoming another Salvador Allende -- a martyr whose death ushered in a right-wing dictatorship.


It is necessary to continue the effort to study and to understand the reality.

A response to the recent actions in the Puget Sound against the police (tags)

This text is written from an anarchist analysis in response to the demo in Seattle, which was for five murders (now six) committed by the police in the general Puget Sound area. The text here is seen as more of a drawing of points for a larger discussion to occur on the very idea of the police, their role, place in society, and a strategy of how to act next:

Jimmy Johns Labor Dispute Bursts onto National Stage with Coast-to-Coast Actions Planned f (tags)

Minimum wage workers fight for justice

The economic journalism as spokesperson of the financial capital (tags)

We approached that crossing variables: when the sense production generated through the economy news section, it naturalizes or chews the lethality of the speculators' in different orders of greatness premeditated actions and the effects that cause in the day by of entire populations.

US Government Interference in Iran: Covert Actions - Roxana Saberi takes a call (tags)

US Government Interference in Iran: Covert Actions - Roxana Saberi takes a call



Defend Public Education- March 4th Follow-up (tags)

Students, Teachers, workers and parents united last October to Strike and for a Day fo Aciton on March 4th. This is the second conference to Defend Public Education

May Day 2010 Call To Action! (tags)

A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement!

May Day 2010 Call To Action! (tags)

National Mobilization for Immigrant Workers Rights!

Call for Solidarity for imprisoned anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis (tags)

In light of the appeal on April 28th 2010, we call out for actions of solidarity everywhere.

UC Berkeley Divestment Vote (tags)

Write to the Student Senate. Time is of the essence.

The Student Movement That Never Was (tags)

This past Fall and during some of the Winter there was a small social uprising along the West Coast primarily concentrated at higher education public universities. (Much information at:

California Co-op rejects BDS (tags)

Another set back for BDS activists

Day of Action Midday Report (tags)

A mid-day report about the protests. Incomplete, with link to the original, at, a great site that has summaries of events across the nation.

The President's Leadership Challenge: A Call to Bold Action (tags)

"Mr. President, there has never been any doubt you are a brilliant orator. And it is also clear that nothing you have said will cause the Republicans in the Senate to break their stranglehold on progress, using threats of filibusters to destroy the majority rule that is the hallmark ..."

Angelides Heads Crime Panel That Protects Criminals (tags)

It's another case of the fox protecting the chicken coop, as Phil Angelides is put in charge of investigating major financial crime, while he was part of SEIU stealing million of dollars for many years.

Students and Workers Resist Privatization at UCLA Regents Meeting (tags)

LOS ANGELES, UCLA Campus - November 19, 2009 – An estimated 2,000+ students and union workers took part in various actions campus-wide this week. Covel Commons where the UC Regents held their last day of meetings was completely surrounded by students and workers with arms locked together. They formed a human chain of solidarity against the regents complicity in the ongoing privatization of the UC system.

BREAKING: Protests on UCLA Campus at Regent Meeting, Reports of arrests (tags)

BREAKING 10:30 am - Reports of an estimated 250 protesters outside a meeting of UC Regents on UCLA campus.

Physician and Six Activists Are Arrested At CIGNA's Glendale, CA Offices (tags)

Public Option Protests Go National Invoking Arrests at Health Care Giants

May God Bless help America; are we winning the Hearts and Minds? (tags)

An important part of the U.S. military action in the Middle East is to try and win the hearts and minds of its people, so when I saw the attached video I was not only shocked and dismayed but was very disappointed in our troops’


Brazilian journalists legitimate the police brutality.

Mobilization for Health Care Provokes Arrests at L.A. Insurance Giant (tags)

National Health Reform Activists Mobilize and Sit In.


the confusions are not added nor they are annulled. They just multiply.

Deshelve Israeli products this week! (tags)

JOIN US AND TAKE ACTION!! The main places locally to buy Israeli products are the Arab markets. They should know better! We are here to support you to ask these stores not to carry Israeli products. If they will not deshelve Israeli products, and voluntarily cleanse their shelves of products that support occupation and apartheid, we are here to provide resources for you to create disencentives for stores to stock Israeli products

The AIPAC’s cell in the Senate -Christopher Dodd, Arlen Specter, Johnny Isakson and John T (tags)

They forced 72 Senators to sign a letter of support for Israel’s theft of the land and ethnic cleansing of The West Bank one day after Obama met with Israel Prime Thief, Netanyahu.


In early October, the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) will carry out direct action at the White House to end the war in Afghanistan and to close Bagram prison and end torture.




To Rebel is Justified! The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) militantly supports the teachers mass actions today May 15 against LAUSD strike –breaking tactics and intimidation against the students who support their teachers.

Obama and torture: Why did he go to CIA Headquarters? (tags)

Last week the Obama administration released more of the “torture memos” written by Department of Justice lawyers during the Bush regime. These and previous memos were written to provide legal cover for the torture of prisoners taken in the war of terror conducted by the Bush regime. After being given this legal cover, President Bush and other top officials of his criminal regime ordered torture and other illegal acts. We now know that there were regular meetings held at the White House where the specifics of torture were discussed by top administration officials.

March 21 Protest: Veterans to Lead Dramatic Actions in LA (tags)

Mass Protest on the 6th Anniversary of the Iraq War This Saturday, 12 noon Hollywood & Vine, Los Angeles

Important info on 2008 RNC lawsuits (tags)

The Community RNC Arrestee Support Structure (CRASS)'s campaign for civil litigation is up and moving! Workshops, actions, and deadlines are rapidly approaching, so look below for important information. Civil litigation is a great way to hold the state accountable for the police violence and repression during the RNC, and has the potential to strengthen our movement through community organizing and political victories.

А callout for common actions against the construction of a new nuclear power plant i (tags)

А callout for common actions against the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Belarus. 26 April – the day of Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Present-day Belarus is a post-soviet country with police state. Current neoliberal regime holds strong positions. For already 14 years the country is run by one and the same person – Alexander Lukashenka, who used to be a populist, but now is openly pursuing antisocial reforms.

RESISTANCE! Day of International Action Against State Murders - Saturday, Dec. 20th (tags)

At this moment, they fear us, and they will keep on fearing us if we are thousands and everywhere. We are calling everyone to actions of solidarity, to fight for the rights of all of us. Let 20 December be the beginning.

AJLPP Commends Dec. 12 People’s Mass Actions Against Charter Change (tags)

Moral corruption and objectivity is the latest victim of the US-Arroyo’ regime’s propaganda in the Philippines. It is really unnerving that even the mass media including the ABS-CBN News, the Inquirer Publishing Inc. and others who cannot get their facts straight. It is but fine for the military and police in the Philippines to diminish the effect of the mass actions in the Philippines by under estimating the people’s turn-out, but for the media to quote police estimates and fail to make its own estimates really makes people sad. To the AJLPP based in the United States, this means they even failed to count the number of people who attends rallies honestly.


Today, in commemoration of International Human Rights Day all over the world the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States and the Filipino American community also strongly and militantly supports the mass actions on December 12th against the charter change in the Philippines. We stand in solidarity with stalwarts of the opposition and all the progressive lawmakers for standing up against tyrant puppet of the US Imperialist Gloria Arroyo and her cohorts who wanted to change the charter by unlawful means.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) National Coordinator Mario Santos vehemently condemns in the highest terms the GMA schemes to change the constitution by a constituent assembly she controlled, Therefore, the AJLPP based in the United States and the Filipino American community also strongly and militantly supports the mass actions on December 12th against the charter change and against the imperial and fascist presidency of Gloria-Macapagal-Arroyo in Manila and the rest of the Philippines.

ELF Press Office Decries FBI Manhunt for EcoDefenders: Calls the Pursuit Hypocritical (tags)

See the top 20 Ecoterrorists in the United States at

Mormon Hate Cult Complains (tags)

Now various Mormon churches are trying to pretend they're being persecuted.

AJLPP Supports JFAV Mass Actions (tags)

Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! The AJLPP urgently calls on the US Congress focused on the Senate to call a conference committee to pass the veterans bill, AJLPP West Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia announced. In this regard the AJLPP supports the Justice for the Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) in its call for nationwide mass actions against blatant racism and struggle for for veteran rights.

AJLPP Support JFAV Mass Actions for the Final Push for Filipino Veterans Rights- (tags)

he AJLPP stands for and supports the final offensive in the US Congress focused on the Senate to call a conference committee to pass the veterans bill, AJLPP West Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia said. The mass actions will be held from October 6 to 10, 2008 U.S wide.

AJLPP Support JFAV Mass Actions for the Final Push for Filipino Veterans Rights- (tags)

“ The demand of Filipino World War II veterans for their benefits and rights is just and reasonable cause and no amount of denial and delay from the US Congress can justify its callous and racist actions of stalling the benefits bill denied from them for 63 years.” The AJLPP stands for and supports the final offensive in the US Congress focused on the Senate to call a conference committee to pass the veterans bill, AJLPP West Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia said. The mass actions will be held from October 3 to 10, 2008 U.S wide.

Please! DO NOT BAIL out for-profiteers with our taxes !!! (tags)

A Letter to All our Government officials, openly sent requesting NO BAILOUTS !

Article on UC Santa Cruz actions (tags)

Article on the illegal actions against vivisectors that happened in Santa Cruz, California this past weekend.

Opinion Post on Santa Cruz Underground Actions (tags)

Opinion piece on the recent illegal actions against two vivisectors in Santa Cruz, Ca.

Call For Anarchist Solidarity Actions With Immigrants July 21st (tags)

Take Nationally-Coordinated Action To Show Solidarity And Fight ICE on July 21st! We have begun the attack by spraypainting an ICE van with many anti-Migra(ICE) slogans. May our spark spread into a wildfire.

Salmon Closure 2008 - NEVER AGAIN: Ten Actions We Need to Take Now! (tags)

This is the final copy of the "Salmon Closure 2008 - Never Again" action alert from the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. This alert provides you with 10 concrete actions that you take NOW to restore Central Valley salmon, now in an unprecedented state of collapse, and other imperiled salmon runs on the West Coast.


The Executive Board of the Vermont AFL-CIO, representing thousands of workers in countless sectors across Vermont, have unanimously passed an historic resolution expressing their “unequivocal” support for the first US labor strike against the war in Iraq.

RP human rights measures 'window-dressing'--HRW (tags)

Measures introduced by the Philippine government to curb human rights abuses are mere "window-dressing," an official from Human Rights Watch said Thursday. "The list of actions touted by the Philippine government as progress unfortunately seem little more than window-dressing," said Elaine Pearson, Asia deputy director for the New York-based rights group.

Anti-Authoritarian Call to Action for March 19th (tags)

We are calling on West Coast anti-authoritarians and anti-capitalists to join us on March 19th, and help us bring the operations of these war profiteers to a standstill. We will be meeting on March 19th at Market and Sansome in San Francisco, beginning at 7:30 AM. Actions will be ongoing throughout the day.


We are calling on West Coast anti-authoritarians and anti-capitalists to join us on March 19th, and help us bring the operations of these war profiteers to a standstill. We will be meeting on March 19th at Market and Sansome in San Francisco, beginning at 7:30 AM. Actions will be ongoing throughout the day.

Stop-Loss Congress (tags)

Does Congress want to go on vacation, while wars rage in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Iraq Moratorium: Calling out the dogs (tags)

Iraq Moratorium #6 on Friday, Feb. 15, prompts scores of actions , including manyt in LA area, calling for an end to the war.




Operation "Pliers" intercept shows CIA set to stage coup in Argentina.

CIA Operation "Pliers" Uncovered in Venezuela (tags)

Last night CNN en Español aired the above image, which captions at the bottom "Who Killed him?" by "accident". The image of President Chavez with the caption about killing him below, which some could say subliminally incites to assassination, was a "production error" mistakenly made in the CNN en Español newsroom. The news anchor had been narrarating a story about the situation between Colombia and Venezuela and then switched to a story about an unsolved homicide but - oops - someone forgot to change the screen image and President Chavez was left with the killing statement below. Today they apologized and admitted it was a rather "unfortunate" and "regrettable" mistake. Yes, it was. On a scarier note, an internal CIA memorandum has been obtained by Venezuelan counterintelligence from the US Embassy in Caracas that reveals a very sinister - almost fantastical, were it not true - plan to destabilize Venezuela during the coming days. The plan, titled "OPERATION PLIERS" was authored by CIA Officer Michael Middleton Steere and was addressed to CIA Director General Michael Hayden in Washington. Steere is stationed at the US Embassy in Caracas under the guise of a Regional Affairs Officer. The internal memorandum, dated November 20, 2007, references the "Advances of the Final Stage of Operation Pliers", and confirms that the operation is coordinated by the team of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) in Venezuela. The memo summarizes the different scenarios that the CIA has been working on in Venezuela for the upcoming referendum vote on December 2nd. The Electoral Scenario, as it's phrased, confirms that the voting tendencies will not change substantially before Sunday, December 2nd, and that the SI (YES) vote in favor of the constitutional reform has an advantage of about 10-13 points over the NO vote. The CIA estimates abstention around 60% and states in the memo that this voting tendency is irreversible before the elections.

October 19-21 mobilization update #2 (tags)

This update provides a quick glimpse into how the organizing for the October 19-21 mobilization against the IMF/World Bank annual meetings is going. Read it to find out about action plans, new endorsers of the mobilization, how to plug in, and more.

Update #1 for Oct. IMF/WB mobilization (tags)

This update provides a quick glimpse into how the organizing for the October 19-21 mobilization against the IMF/World Bank annual meetings is going. Read it to find out about action plans, who has endorsed the mobilization till date, housing and convergence space, and more.

Update on Elvira actions (tags)

Planning around Elvira Arellano response, and demands.

Sun. 8/19 conf. call for Oct. IMF/WB actions (tags)

Conference call at 7 pm ET, Sun. 8/19, to plan national outreach for October 19-21 mobilization against IMF and World Bank annual meeting in Washington DC.


To the national and international media. To the people of Oaxaca and the peoples of the world. to all our comrades, both in the country and internationally, we ask you to organise urgent actions to oppose fascism in the state of Oaxaca.

AJLPP Mass Actions Against PGMA SONA Held in U.S Major Cities (tags)

Progressive forces in the United States demonstrated their militant solidarity with the Filipino people by conducting coordinated mass actions against Philippine President Macapagal-Arroyo’s state of the nation address in three major cities of the United States from July 22- 30, 2007. - July 23 from 6;30 to 8;00 PM, scores of Filipino Americans and their allies led by the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP)-USA held a vigil rally in front of the Philippine Consulate located in 3600 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles. The rally ended with a solemn candle lighting ceremony as a tribute to more than 890 victims of fascism.. During the in one and half hour mass action against US –GMA, AJLPP activists and allies shouted slogans, OUST GMA, RESUME PEACE TALKS, the group displayed banners and signs and lined-up the streets in front of the consulate. AJLPP groups like KmB (Pro People Youth) and Pesante-USA with allies like the ANSWER-LA PWC, YOUTH UNITE and AFW participated AJLPP Mass Actions Against PGMA SONA Held in U.S Major Cities

AFP chief gives green light for Basilan offensive (tags)

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. issued an order yesterday to the troops currently on standby in Basilan to commence military operations in the island province. “It’s all systems go. The units can now start punitive actions against the perpetrators. The orders have been given,” said AFP Public Information Office (PIO) chief Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro, referring to military actions against those behind the beheading of the 10 Marines during the July 10 ambush in Tipo-Tipo. Brig. Gen. Juancho Sabban, deputy chief of the Western Mindanao Command (Wesmincom), was designated to head the newly formed Task Force Meteor aimed at capturing the group responsible for the ambush.

!Anti-Canada Day 2007! (tags)

On July 1st 2007, the third annual Indigenous anti-canada day event was held in Coast Salish Territories (vancouver, B.C.). A rail line in the native neighbourhood of Commercial Drive was blockaded as part of Indigenous People's ongoing resistance to the occupation of our territories by the state of Canada and capitalist corporations. This was one of many actions across the continent.

The killing machine... (tags)

It was announced that the CIA would be declassifying hundreds of pages on illegal actions that included plans to eliminate the leaders of foreign governments. Suddenly the publication is halted and it is delayed one day. No coherent explanation was given. Perhaps someone in the White House looked over the material...

pin the tale on the donkey (tags)

re: bratton/durazo mayday set-up


Filipino World War II veterans, youth and students and their community supporters led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ACFV in four major U.S. cities held mass actions and rallied at the VA offices in Seattle, San Francisco ( May 7), Los Angeles ( May 8) and San Diego ( May 9) and called on Veterans Affair Secretary Jim Nicholson to resign. Last May 6, during a nationwide teleconference held in Arlington Virginia on the 65 year anniversary of the fall of Corregidor Day. Key ACFV and JFAV leaders decided on a unanimous vote to call for Nicholson resignation.

Silence the Democrats (tags)


International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8 Friday 8th June 2007 (tags)

We all know the terrifying statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines … the G8 have had over 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying our planet and our future.

USC Student Activists Step up Pressure, Administration Responds In-Kind (tags)

Harsh response to anti-sweatshop sit-in threatens to obscure campaign details at a critical time: Breaking with a norm of accommodation of student protesters, the University of Southern California last week dramatized their willingness to evade responsibility for the repercussions of their business practices.

Hicks, Howard and Rogue USA (tags)

Anyone familiar with the criminal tactics of thoroughly corrupt State Institutions would not be surprised to learn of the plea bargain offered Guantanamo Bay detainee, David Hicks. After five years of torture and various other forms of physical and psychological abuse, the U.S. has offered a deal that would see Hicks released from Guantanamo but not necessarily from continued incarceration.

Organizing against police suppression of political activities (tags)

Jim DeMaegt was visited by the Secret Service at his apartment building on January 3 of this year at about 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.

RNC 2008 Call to Action (tags)

a call to action against the 2008 RNC in Minnesota

Massive demonstrations in Haiti catch UN by surprise (tags)

Well over 100,000 took to the streets of seven major cities throughout Haiti on February 7 to demand an end to the UN occupation, freedom for political prisoners and the return of exiled president Aristide.

Feb 2-4: Gathering for "Barricade the War Machine" Actions (tags)

From Feb 2-4 Pittsburgh anti-war activists will host a weekend-long gathering to provide information and a forum for dialogue about direct action protests taking place in Pittsburgh on March 2. It is also intended to include social time for movement building and creating personal and organizational relationships.

Feb 2-4: Gathering for "Barricade the War Machine" Actions (tags)

From Feb 2-4 Pittsburgh anti-war activists will host a weekend-long gathering to provide information and a forum for dialogue about direct action protests taking place in Pittsburgh on March 2. It is also intended to include social time for movement building and creating personal and organizational relationships.

Barricade the War Machine in Pittsburgh (tags)

Friday, March 2, will be a day of civil disobedience and direct action against the war machine in Pittsburgh. The main action will be an attempt to barricade the National Robotics Engineering Center, a branch of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) that develops robotic vehicles and weapons delivery systems for the U.S. Army and Marines.

Criminal Empire (tags)

Move over Mafia, Cocaine cartels, Russian, Balkan, Cuban groups, Triads and numerous other criminal organisations – the U.S. State is taking over! Today, the methodologies of the American State cannot be distinguished from the methods of organised crime. The latest executions of Saddam’s cronies and the newly signed deal to allow American Oil Companies unprecedented access and open slather exploitation of Iraqi Oil reserves leave little doubt regarding the real intentions of the illegal invasion. The Washington line of spreading ‘liberty’ and ‘democracy’ will go down in history as a feeble and transparent charade. Nevertheless, America has proven that caveman tactics of brute force and mindless violence (over 655,000 dead) succeed in satisfying immediate needs. It has also become apparent that the USA is unable to see the untenability of its actions in the long term – America has failed to assess the real costs of its morally bankrupt actions!

The AJLPP-USA Year End Report, 2006 (tags)

The SolCom was able to gather more than 5,000 petitions, sent more than 2,000 signed postcards to the Europe, sold more than 500 books, issued thousands of postcards, hundreds of posters and buttons in its three years of action until AJLPP came into existence. It is worthwhile to look back and retrace the steps the AJLPP has taken during the last year 2006 so it can look forward in this current year 2007. It is but fitting to move forward with greater zeal and determination to serve the Filipino people and the Filipino American community in the United States.

Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on Friday, December 22nd (tags)

Einstein says.. (tags)

That this lot are a bunch of dangerous fascists.

KPFK interviews FIOB re: Oaxaca (tags)

Thenmori interviews Odilia of FIOB ( about the situation in Oaxaca and LA solidarity actions.

Chicago: Arrests Fail to Deter Protest-Vigil for Oaxaca at Mexican Consulate (tags)

Seventy-five people gathered in front of the Mexican Consulate in Chicago Monday for a solidarity protest to oppose the state repression and violence being carried out against the people of 0axaca, followed by a memorial vigil for murdered New York City IMC journalist Brad Will.

Student/Farmworker Alliance Days of Action! (tags)

1-2 Punch! Nationwide McDonald's actions Oct. 27-28th From 'sweet spot' to sore spot!... This October 27-28th, join students and young people across the country in standing with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to end sweatshops and modern-day slavery in the fields!

Christian Political Leadership, Hypocrisy, Duplicity, and Purposeful Evil (tags)

If Christian leaders are going to go around attacking others for not living up to their professed values, it's a damn good idea to be truthful and actually walk the walk. Logs and motes in the eye, camels through the eye of a needle, glass houses, kettles and pots, and what goes around comes around, et al. Karma's a bitch when She finally decides enough is enough! This wouldn't have been so bad on Republicans if they hadn't been such arrogant hypocrites in order to corner the so-called values voters!



National boycott action targets Irish stores selling Israeli goods (tags)

Shops and supermarkets across Ireland were picketed on Saturday as the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) commemorated the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres with a National Boycott Israel Day.

Sisters Carol Gilbert, Jackie Hudson, and Ardeth Platte Inspire Nonviolent Action in Washi (tags)

Sisters Carol Gilbert, Jackie Hudson, and Ardeth Platte, Plowshares Nuns, inspire us to take action and participate in nonviolent civil resistance against the illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq. Nonviolent actions will take place in Washington, DC, on September 26 and 27, as part of the Declaration of Peace campaign, and planned by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance.

Protests Increase in August (tags)

From: Protest News Website

Civil society groups denounce Singapore government, IMF-WB for barring activists (tags)

Jubilee South and the Freedom from Debt Coalition of the Philippines, two of the proponents and lead organizers of the International Peoples Forum vs the IMF and World Bank, denounce the latest move of the Singapore government to prevent the exercise of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.


Diffferent Immigrant rights groups and coalitions stepped up their mass actions nationwide in more than 6 major cities to force the US Congress to enact laws that will give amnesty and full rights to more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. More mass actions is slated from September 7 to September 9 in protest of the much delayed congressional action on the immigration reform law that will legalize at least 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants and at least 7 million workers as “guest workers” in the SB 2611 or the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill that all immigrant rights groups and advocate rejects as “modified HR 4437”.


Different Immigrant rights groups and coalitions stepped up their mass actions to force the US Congress to enact laws that will give amnesty and full rights to more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. From September 2, 2005 different mass actions were held all over California and other parts of the United States like Seattle, Phoenix, Arizona, Chicago and other states during the long Labor Day weekend. Labor groups, anti wart and other progressive groups together with the immigrant rights advocates banded together to push the people’s agenda.

Mass Civil Nonviolent Resistance to Confront Lawmakers at U.S. Capitol (tags)

Invitation to join nonviolent direct actions with the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance on Tuesday, September 26th, or Declaration of Peace on Wednesday, September 27.

Nonviolent People Power on the Move in September 2006 (tags)

Direct Action Planned for September 26th & 27th at the U.S. Congress. Peace-loving people are moving to make nonviolent history in September 2006.

Occupation, not democracy! (tags)

This leaflet was distributed during the second week of the occupations and in the 10000 people demonstration in Thessaloniki. Its content was determined by what we saw then as the major weaknesses of the movement, i.e. the adherence to democratic procedures and generally to a democratist ideology along with the absence of any critique of schoolwork and of the media’s mediating role.

All Out for Aug. 12 Mass March in LA to Stop the U.S.-Israeli War (tags)

Come out to defend the people of Lebanon and Palestine for a mass march and rally in LA. The march is coordinated with national and international actions on Aug. 12.

Young Jews stage "Die-in" (tags)

A group of young American Jews staged a "Die In" on Tuesday August 1, 2006 at South Station in downtown Boston to demonstrate their opposition to recent actions by the Israeli government in Lebanon and Gaza.

Professor of Propaganda The Lies of Alan Dershowitz (tags)

In a characteristic op-ed, titled "Arithmetic of Pain", that would surprise neither his supporters nor his critics, published by the Wall Street Journal on 19 July 2006, Alan Dershowitz sinks to new lows of depravity and inhumanity in his long-standing hate-mongering and truth-twisting anti-Arab, pro-Israel crusade.

Lebanon crisis reveals an Anti-Jewish Israeli State (tags)

"The Jewish people are commanded by Almighty G-d to live in peace with all peoples and nations on the face of the globe."

U.K. minister warns Israel of consequences of IDF assault (tags)

"Children are being killed, families torn apart, towns are being destroyed and the infrastructure of a country razed," she wrote. "It's the civilian population that is being attacked in both countries - Lebanon and Israel."

Israeli crimes against humanity (tags)

Gruesome images of charred and mutilated bodies following Israeli air strikes We bring to the attention of Global Research readers photographic evidence of Israeli sponsored atrocities. ( caution : very graffic and disturbing content.)

STOP the War Coalition (Philippines) call on Philippine Government (tags)


'Order of The Day' (tags)

Gone are the days of a fair fight and a ‘just’ war – whatever that insane expression is supposed to mean – today we have the actions of the ‘might is right’ ideology of barbarism. This ‘new’ primitivism is evident in the actions of Zionist Israel and the Zionist influenced USA. Today’s wars are the most inglorious wars in human history. How proud we should be of our achievements when we allow idiotic differences and greed to escalate into bloodshed. What a ‘noble’ race of ‘civilised’ humans we are! View this planet as a visitor and be thoroughly appalled.


Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ) has endorsed the following call, written and distributed by Jubilee South, a coalition of social movements throughout the Global South who are resisting illegitimate debts and IMF/World Bank policies. The statement calls on people worldwide to take action in their own communities against the IMF/World Bank the week of September 14-20, while the institutions meet in Singapore.

PHILIPPINES: Citizens' impeachment complaint against President Gloria Arroyo (tags)

AKBAYAN (Citizens' Action Party) solons today formally endorsed the second impeachment complaint against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) as more citizens and groups filed their complaints against the president.

Action Alert - US Intervention in Nicaraguan Elections (tags)

For twenty-five years United States policy toward Nicaragua has been directed by two goals: working against Sandinista efforts to hold or retain power, and forcing free market ideology on the country in the form of trade agreements and harsh loan conditions from USAID, the World Bank, IMF and other institutions. This is not the policy of the people of the United States, and we need to make that clear.

A personal note hand delivered to the LA Times (tags)

Regarding 2000 Election Evidence and the conspiracy behind it. NOT CONSPIRACY THEORY. Theory proven and in my case there never existed a theory since I was an actual witness to the evidentiary materials.


This year, as we prepare to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6 and 9), it is imperative that the global peace movement show the links between that genocide and the slaughter of innocent civilians carried out by the U.S. military in its "conventional" war in Haditha, Fallujah and throughout Iraq.

Bush Regime Launches Attacks on Congress and Media to Silence Critics (tags)

Attorney General Gonzales is using the Justice Department as a political tool to silence and intimidate Bush regime critics, but his actions may have backfired.

Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing (tags)

The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.

S. Central Farmers' Actions this Week (tags)

The South Central Farmers and their supporters are gearing up for busy week of actions to 'save the farm' . The South Central Farm, at 14-acres, is believed to be the largest urban farm in the U.S., and thrives in one of the poorest areas of the country.


Stop repression against members of the Other Campaign. In Mexico, members of the Other Campaign of the Zapatist Army of National Liberation (i.e. EZLN) have been severely repressed by the police. We must make strong actions to denounce such repression.

Populist #26 (tags)

Responsibility and War Powers

March 25-28 Nationwide Weekend of Actions to Support Immigrant Solidarity! (tags)

March 25-28 Nationwide Weekend of Actions to Support Immigrant Solidarity!

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: Update on Anti-War Protests (tags)

Tens of thousands will protest in hundreds of local and regional actions on the third anniversary of the Iraq war

Update on the current situation of the South Central Farm (tags)

Update on the current situation of the South Central Farm

Al Gore speech on Threats to Constitution by actions by the Executive Branch (tags)

On January 16, 2006, Al Gore spoke for about an hour at Constitution Hall (Washington, DC) as part an event on Martin Luther King Day. See the link to an MP3 file of the audio of the speech. There are links to additional speech's by Al Gore at the link

A Call to Conscience for the U.S. Congress (tags)

A campaign of nonviolent action to compel our elected representatives in Congress to meet the demands of justice and peace:

SOS is Opposed in Glendale, Again. (tags)

On Saturday, January 7, members of Save Our State participated in the National Day of Action for “Immigration Reform” by sending a contingent of their top thugs to the Glendale day labor hiring center/Home Depot location. Several other actions took place including but not limited to locations in Santa Monica, Rancho Cucamonga and Lake Forest.

Day Lborers 2 Counter Minutemen Nationally (tags)

Day workers across the country will peacefully respond to coordinated vigilante actions organized by Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control and local cells of the so-called “Minutemen.”

Populist #17 (tags)

On the Judicial Branch

World Can't Wait organizers put out call for documentation, stories of Nov. 2 protests (tags)

Call by WCW organizers for documentation and stories from participants in the November 2, 2005 demonstrations in Los Angeles.

WED. 10/26: Events Marking 2,000 US Deaths in Iraq - LA and Orange County List (tags)

Call to Action: 2,000 Deaths Too Many! Community actions on Wednesday, October 26th U.S. 2,000 Deaths in Iraq! Called by: Peace No War Network, American Friends Service Committee, Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out Nation-wide actions to mark the 2,000th U.S. soldier's death in Iraq by organizing actions on Wednesday, October 26th, that make visible their deaths and those of Iraqis who have died in this senseless war.

2,000 Deaths Too Many! Community actions at the Day U.S. 2,000 Deaths in Iraq! (tags)

Call to Action: 2,000 Deaths Too Many! Community actions at the Day After U.S. 2,000 Deaths in Iraq!

World Can't Wait, Drive Out The Bush Regime - Nov 2nd (tags)

We believe that as people living in the United States it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government in our names. Let’s unite to drive out the Bush Regime! We are ogranizing actions in Los Angeles as part of the resistance called for by The World Can't Wait & Not in Our Name.

Calling the United Resistance (tags)

Mobilize to San Diego for a Movement Against All Borders / Accion en SD para un Movimiento en Contra de Todas Las Fronteras

Populist #10 (tags)

Constitutional Democracy as a Defense against Centralized Power, continued

Say a BIG Farewell to California Minuteman at CAMPO on Aug 6 & 7 (tags)

Minutemen Are Leaving? Good Riddance! No Human Is Illegal! Unite for the Rights of All!

Whoever Doesn't Really Try, Consents. (tags)

Mass symbolic, sanctioned marches that do nothing to actually change the status quo serve as painless absolution rituals, that allow the participants to “bear witness”, to “speak truth to power” and to “wash their hands of the blood of empire.” Marches, with their biting satire and snazzy costumes, do not provide a real means for stopping the carnage they deplore. A “functioning” democracy needs some form of sanctioned, orderly protest to stimulate discussion, and if the current regime were really “that bad” they wouldn’t allow big demonstrations, right? Ineffective activism, like regulated marches, actually provides a façade of healthy interchange and is welcomed by the status quo. The majority of demonstrators are aware well in advance that their actions will likely have no tangible effect on the negative of the empire, but they go to a huge rally and can sleep better at night having chanted out their guilt. Just as it can be said qui tacet consentive videtu (whoever is silent consents) it can also be said “whoever doesn’t really try, consents.”

Greenspan Foreknowledge of London Bombings ??? (tags)

"Two days before the London subway bombings, Fed-Master Alan Greenspan flushed nearly $40 billion in liquidity into financial markets. The sudden activity was an astonishing departure from the current policy of tightening interest rates to stifle inflation. The Chairman has not explained his erratic behavior, but there’s growing speculation that Greenspan may have had information about the likelihood of terrorist attacks and decided to “preemptively” head-off a run on the markets."

G-8 SF Riot, Anarchist betrayed by the local IMC (tags)

let the sacrifice of our brothers in arms serve as a warning

Payback: The Horrors Done in Our Name Have a Price (tags)

When our own country shows utter contempt and disregard for the massive slaughter of civilians by its military, we have to expect the same thing to happen to us. It’s not right, but it’s predictable. -------------

G8 International Day of Action on Climate Change - U.S. Public Enemy #1 (tags)

The facts are in: we suck. Your grandchildren will curse your existence. Change it or die.

Get ready to support anti-G8 prisoners in Scotland (tags)

Get ready to support anti-G8 prisoners in Scotland (Please distribute widely!)

Chiapas en Alerta Roja (tags)

To the People of Mexico / To the Peoples of the World June 19, 2005 / Brothers and Sisters: As of today, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation has declared, throughout all rebel territory, a GENERAL RED ALERT Based on this, we are informing you:

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 (tags)

Freedom Summer Palestine 2005 is a Palestinian non violent campaign against Israeli occupation — This summer, With the participation of international supporters, Palestinians will continue their long-standing mobilization for nonviolent direct action against the occupation and draw the world's attention to what is really happening in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Posters for May Day (tags)

Protest posters ready to be printed out for upcoming May Day actions.

Global Women's Strike/LA Action (tags)

On Thursday afternoon, March 10, a Global Women’s Strike action in Los Angeles brought together over 300 women and men, mostly young and mostly people of color demanding an "End to the Twin Terrors of Poverty and War."

Portland IMC responds to SF Indymedia Conflict (tags)

Portlands response, on SF IMC

I Cannot Support the Troops. (tags)

An open letter to all active duty U.S. Military personal.

Call for Direct Actions A16 (tags)

Come to DC for a week of Direct Action and prevention of "Business as Usual" and the Spring World Bank and IMF meetings

Ending State Terrorism (tags)

Since 1945 the US has intervened 67 times in foreign countries and caused twelve million dead, half through public overt actions (Pentagon) and the other half through secret covert actions (CIA). This is practically unknown to most Americans..




A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, China, Cuba, and Russia.

130+ PROTESTS SINCE NOV. 2 -also- DC Police Found "Guilty" (tags)

Over 130 separate protest actions have taken place in the US since Nov. 2. In January alone, there have been nearly 60 demonstrations and marches protesting against the Bush Administration and the Iraq war. Inauguration day saw 43 separate actions in as many cities from coast to coast.

Dispatch from Jeffrey 'Free' Luers about the release of 'Critter' (tags)

The Importance of Political Prisoner Support.

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq (tags)

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq Global WALKOUT for Peace, Freedom & Justice for All WALKOUT Thursday January 20 and Friday, March 18, 2005 1-800-884-1136

January 20 Call to Action: RISE Against Bush/SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow (tags)

RISE Against Bush
SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow

A Call for Anti-War Actions in Washington, DC, January 20, 2005

9/16: DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 4) (tags)

Fasters hold "General Supporter Day"

Fast for the DREAM Act - part of the week of Immigrant Rights Action Sep 20-26 (tags)

From: Terry Burke National Immigrant Solidarity Network Tel: (213)403-0131

As conservatives say, actions have consequences... (tags)

"We're seeing lake after lake where there aren't any fish. It seems to be a plague that has escalated."

Continued resistance to illegal arrests of Guadalajara protestors; help needed! (tags)

Monday, June 28th, social justice organizations in te mexican state of Jalisco organized another march to protest the continued imprisonment of Guadalajara activists. This report discusses the outcome of Monday´s march and the current situation for the imprisoned. While some results have been gained, the organizations have put out a call to all solidarity groups for economic aid. That have recieved no response so far.

occupied territory report back/police harassment (tags)


Anarchist anti-olympic demo in Athens (tags)

more fotos:

Heroes and Ghosts (The Reagan Years) (tags)

This Article examines the historical character of Ronald Reagan verses his recent posthumous herofication

The Spirit of The IDF: The Ethical Code of the Israel Defense Forces (tags)

Purity of Arms The IDF serviceman will use force of arms only for the purpose of subduing the enemy to the necessary extent and will limit his use of force so as to prevent unnecessary harm to human life and limb, dignity and property. Human Life The IDF serviceman will, above all, preserve human life, in the recognition of its supreme value and will place himself or others at risk solely to the extent required to carry out his mission. The sanctity of life in the eyes of the IDF servicemen will find expression in all of their actions, in deliberate and meticulous planning, in safe and intelligent training and in proper execution of their mission.

US Use of Warplanes Adds Dangerous Element to Cuba Relations (tags)


Call for Nonviolent Direct Action as part of the May 19 Halliburton Shareholder's meeting (tags)

Call for Nonviolent Direct Action as part of the May 19 Halliburton Shareholder's meeting Mobilization in Houston TX Form your affinity groups for creative autonomous action now!!!

5/2, San Francisco: Reclaim the Commons Spokescouncil (tags)

SHUT DOWN CORPORATE POWER! SHUT-DOWN THE CORPORATE/POLITICAL MACHINE on June 8! First Spokescouncil May 2nd 4-6 pm San Francisco St. Boniface Church, 133 Golden Gate Drive

Death toll mounts in Iraq quagmire (tags)

A series of confrontational actions by the U.S. occupation triggered armed uprisings throughout Iraq in the last week, costing the lives of dozens of Americans and well over 100 Iraqis.

9/11 Commission Hearings: The Logic of War and Empire (tags)

Countless eyes were glued to the days of public testimony on March 23 and 24 before the "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States." The ten-member panel grilled policymakers from the Bush team and the previous Clinton administration. There were angry outbursts and finger-pointing. For days, charges and countercharges echoed back and forth outside the commission hearing--through the power structure and the intensifying electoral arena.

911 Commission Hearings--The Logic of War and Empire (tags)

The recent 911 Commission hearings reveal the grim truth--the rulers--both Republicans and Democratcs--actually plan to, if anything, more aggressively pursue their war against the people of the world in the name of their "war against terrorism"

March 20: Planetwide Demos Against U.S. Occupation of Iraq (tags)

One year ago, Iraq was being pounded by the "shock and awe" of U.S. attack. Iraq's people have now lived a year under brutal occupation--as U.S. invaders seek to impose a new pro-U.S. government at the point of a gun. On March 20, 2004, hundreds of thousands of people around the world took to the streets, in over 300 actions in dozens of countries. Powerful outpourings of protest and resistance denounced the U.S. occupation of Iraq and demanded an end to U.S. attempts to dominate the world through threats and war

Terrorist Atrocity in Madrid (tags)


The World a Safer Place? Yeah Right! (tags)

Call for International Aid: Bring the Rule of Law to the US (tags)

Call for International Aid; Bring the Rule of Law to the US

Reportback from Boston no-DNC consulta (tags)

An Austin activist provides a reportback to the DNC resistance consulta, held in Boston Feb 13-16.

Civil Disobedience, Ten arrests in SMC (tags)

In Santa Monica, California, today Thursday, February 19th, six women and four men got arrested in an organized civil disobedience action in support of the grocery striking workers. Other similar actions were taking place at the same time at different locations in Los Angeles. Public figures showed up to support the strikers. The former mayor of Santa Monica was among the people arrested. Also the actress Jamie Lee Curtis joined the march from 3rd Street Promenade to the Vons on Lincoln and Broadway where the civil disobedience action took place.

Activists Hit Hummers in Arkansas (tags)

In recent months, Hummers and other SUVs have become frequent targets of the group?s activities because of their extremely poor fuel efficiency. Additionally, the environmental advocacy group, Sierra Club says Hummers produce at least twice the amount of pollutants as most smaller vehicles and get half the gas mileage.

Parenting Versus Protesting? (tags)

Is it irresponsible to take kids to political protests? Are some protests safe and others not? How do you tell the difference? I interviewed 12 activists, 10 of whom are parents, 7 of whom are street medics on this topic.

Upcoming grocery strike actions from UFCW local 770 (tags)

Upcoming grocery strike actions. These actions are organized or sanctioned by UFCW Local 770. Distribute widely.


please check out the following link for a better version of the text below




we need help with finding presenters and with promotion. see below for details.

Burning the US Constitution (tags)

The US Constitution is a remarkable piece of literature. Our founding fathers penned a work of prose with no equal. They laid out a blueprint for a nation that transcends the passage of time and is as relevant today as it was on the day it was brought forth. The constitution ensured that relevance by incorporating the mechanism of amendments that would allow it to stay forever current in the quest to create a more perfect union. Of the 27 amendments made to this remarkable document, none are more important than the first ten amendments, collectively known as the Bill of Rights that were ratified on December 15, 1791.

Filtering The Smog (tags)

Clinton's EPA filed suits and brought against dozens of industrial plants, including ExxonMobil and Southern Company. But Bush's EPA re-writes the rules and permits companies to keep secret information about their deadly emissions.

Padded Bloc FAQ for Miami (tags)

Basic information on the planned Padded Bloc in Miami, including frequently asked questions.

Report from Chicago FTAA Consulta (tags)

*** Report from the Chicago Consulta on the FTAA *** On October 11 and 12 over 75 people representing 18 geographic locations came together to help form a strategy to shut down the FTAA Ministerial meetings taking place this November in Miami.

West Coast FTAA Consulta in SF Bay Area, Oct 18 (tags)

Activists around the west coast are converging on Oakland, California the weekend of Oct 18th for the West Coast FTAA Consulta. Full details below.

Press gives Arnold a cakewalk re trashing women publicly (tags)

Arnie's dirty details not repeated in corporate wash.

LA's Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Issue 2 out (tags)

"If our words were called human, heavy, anarchic, beatific, right on, poetic, it would all just feel so right. Of what use are ideas and actions that avoid market rationality? Of what use are ideas that disallow their own institutionalization? Of what use are words that avoid capitalist functionalization? Of what use are ideas that are dangerous? The flippant rumor circulated by the Right that the Clinton staff stole, upon vacating the White House, all the G's and W's from the computers clearly reveals the link between the written word and power." - From the editors Forward, issue #2

Miami Farce: Rebelde Articulado (tags)

Another Future is Necessary! Let us take the Cancun victory forward and win battle to end 4WW before hegemonic policies of the US-EU Empire kill more millions everywhere. WTO, FTAA-ALCA-NAFTA disbanded, replaced with open forum to address many problems faced everyday by most people:

Pittsburgh FTAA consulta report for Miami (tags)

report on the ftaa consulta in Pittsburgh. With discussion about general disruption and padded bloc actions.

Warning: Police After Oregon AR Activists (tags)

Police are after two Oregonians for the investigation of the ALF bombing of Chiron.

Socialism:the only way out of the bloodshed in Israel-Palestine (tags)


Event tonight and tomarrow only:Chicagos Counter Productive Industries presents ShowNtell (tags)


John Kerry's war record (tags)

MICHAEL BENGE Foreign Service officer and former Vietnam POW (1968) remembers John Kerry in Vietnam

WTO CANCUN - latest updates (tags)

The next ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization will take place in Cancun, Mexico on September 10-15. From the 8th on, a huge mobilization will greet the meeting with creative protest and visions of alternatives. Below is our report on some of the preliminary organizing we did last week in Cancun and Mexico City.

Can't make to cancun,protest at the sd/TJ border! (tags)

Cross border protest against free trade! Call to action!

Counter Productive Industries Coming to LA august 20-21 (tags)


Call for Regional Anti-G8 Protests (tags)

From June 8-10 of 2004, a G-8 summit will be held in Sea Island, Georgia, a remote, gated island of resorts and million-dollar houses with two military bases nearby. Maybe we should start thinking about changing our tactics to local or regional convergences?

Warning! The USA Patriot Act and Other Dangerous Things (tags)


Letter from Inside the Black Bloc (tags)

Communique from the Black Bloc. July 4, 2003 Happy Independence Day America. When will we be free?

WELCOME TO THE 1930'S (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein's chilling commentary upon the growth of contemporary fascism. While versions of the piece have been printed in Europe, this is the first time it has appeared in English, this version created for Goldstein's fellow Americans.

Belgian 'Boycott Bush' actions close Esso and Texaco petrol stations (tags)

Brussels, June 14th 2003 – At noon simultaneous boycott actions closed Esso and Texaco petrol stations in most Belgian provinces. At an Esso petrol station in Gent a carpet of dead bodies, armed US marines, and George W. Bush, illustrated the link between thousands of innocent victims, the important Iraqi oilfields and the gasoline sold by US oil-multinationals Esso and Texaco.

The Devil in New England (tags)

Opponents to Act 60, which redistributes property taxes from wealthy to poor school districts, are funded by a who's who of Vermont's right wing--many libertarian in nature. They are also behind an effort to silence a pacifist high school teacher.

Planning Anarchist Self Defense and Survival (tags)

Bla bla bla with theories, fascism is here. (Some ideas for anarchists in the US

Change the Game PSA Filming in LA SATURDAY APR 19th (tags)

Change the Game invites LA organizers to PSA filming SATURDAY APRIL 19th... Change the Game is the vehicle through which today’s youth will foster change in response to the social injustices that plague our global community. Utilizing a network of inter-activists, this organization will execute cutting edge actions and create a guerilla media campaign that will generate awareness by targeting all media outlets. Change the Game’s mission is to affect public opinion and to redefine activism as cool, current, and essential to the lives of today's youth.

Take the Next Step: Join the Global Boycott for Peace* (tags)

Don't let your money flow freely and ignorantly into the pockets of those whose actions you oppose. Disobey with your Dollars!

The Winning of a Just War (tags)

The Europeans, and our own left, have put forth arguments that seem so manifestly false.

Politicians attempts to liquidate anti-war movements (tags)

Their opposition to anger is a reflection of the bourgeois fear that anger is contagious and will lead to the awakening of a class that has, it must be said, a good deal to be angry about.

Driver Runs Down Protestors in Vancouver (tags)

Direct Action Goes Ahead Despite Road Rage Attack on Protest

KCNA Warns of Possible Nuclear War on Korean Peninsula (tags)

The Critical News being kept from us all as the U.S. invades Iraq. The end of humanity could be near as U.S. continues to threaten world peace: KCNA Warns of Possible Nuclear War on Korean Peninsula.

Plan B for the Peace Movement (tags)

Persistent protesters need to prepare for some unsettling possibilities

Judaism And Zionism Are (tags)

The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night.

The Fifth Column Left Declares War (tags)

The peace movement is not about peace, that it is a fifth column communist movement to destroy America and give victory to our totalitarian enemies.

8 AM Wednesday CodePink Action at VA Cemetery (tags)

CodePink and Peace Activists to Stage Simultaneous Actions in Los Angeles and Washington, DC Dramatic Funeral Procession Wednesday With Children’s Coffins And Body Bags Will Mark Peaceful Prayer Vigil To Los Angeles Resting Place For US Veterans Of War

CAN Day X plan (tags)

On Day X: wak out...speak out...march...take action against Bush's bloody war!

Actiondays "No to the war on iraq" (tags)

Woldwide actiondays against war will be at 14. 15. and 16. march 2003. The organisations of peace hope that the war against Iraq will never be reality, but they take precontions for a day X – the day of a possible attac against iraq. Then there will be actions against the war all over the world from 17 to 19 a clock.

March 5: Coast to Coast Walkout Against the War (tags)

There were walkouts and other antiwar actions at over 70 L.A.-area high schools, middle schools, colleges and universities. The actions were wild and beautiful, cool, determined and defiant.

Ventura County Students Walkout and Demonstrate Against War (tags)

Students from throughout Ventura County, CA walked out of classes, held demonstrations, and rallied for peace.

More updates from OC! (tags)


BTL:March 5 Antiwar Moratorium Calls for... (tags)

...No School, No Work, No Business as Usual. Interview with the Rev. Peter Laarman, March 5th Anti-War Moratorium organizer conducted by Between the Lines'Scott Harris

Pasadena/west side protest of the state of the union (tags)

Friends, Critical events are unfolding quickly, as per today's headlines. The State of the Union address on Tuesday is an all-important watershed moment in our history as a nation and world... today's LA Times makes it clear that the possibility of a nuclear war being unleashed soon is very real.

The Animal and Earth Liberation Front - MORE! UPDATES FROM THE FRONTLINES! (tags)

The Relentless Determination of those Volunteers from the Animal and Earth Liberation Fronts Continue into the New Year!!! What follows are some highlights of actions and information taken from various websites.

Animal Liberation Front: UPDATES FROM THE FRONTLINES! (tags)

Some recent information gathered from the web (mainly from on various actions carried out by the A.L.F. on behalf of the earth and animals. Thought I'd share this with others who may not have heard of or are familiar with the tactics of the Animal Liberation Front. Interesting to see what the FBI had to say in a meeting on Sept.10 2001 (info. near bottom of post. Re:. Homeland Security)

Faith-based revolt rises against Iraq war (tags)

Local actions set for Dec. 10 NEW YORK – In a full-page ad in The New York Times Dec. 4, Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders urged President Bush to stop the rush to war against Iraq. “Your church leaders have sought private hearings with you to express their passionate objections: they’ve been denied,” said the text of the ad. “A strong faith-based revolt against war on Iraq is coming together in the first weeks of December.” They were referring to local actions set for Tuesday, Dec. 10 across the nation.


Call to action for countrywide shopping mall protests on Winter Solstice, December 21, the last Saturday before Christmas

New anti-war/peace campaign.... (tags)

This is a revitalized campaign designed to make the anti-war movement more visible.

Oct. 26 Protest in Los Angeles (tags)

Will there be any protest actions in Los Angeles on October 26th?

Washington: People's Strike Update (tags)

All the information on the People's Strike activities which will cause a shutdown of the government and downtown businesses of DC on Fri. morn. Sep. 27 and related activites...

ACTION ALERT: Bush trying to smash ILWU, the most powerful radical union in America (tags)

Bush is attempting to bust the most powerful radical union in America, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU). They've done numerous solidarity actions for environmental, labor & human rights groups & they need our support on the West Coast.

ILWU faces historic moment for Union and Nation (tags)

ILWU faces historic moment for Union and Nation. story from portland indymedia.

Newsletter of the Salzburg-antiwef-coordination (tags)

This newsletter summerises the International meeting from activists to prepare the activities against the WEF in Salzburg (12th to 19th september). The meeting took place from the first to the second of July in Vienna The people who came to the meeting came as well from eastern european countries as from EU-countries. The next international meeting should be in early August in Salzburg. Invitations will be spread through the mailinglists (look for point 6 Communication).

Coping with disruptions in indymedia and other networked organizations (tags)

The history of a persistent and difficult person who nearly destroyed Indymedia



Auntie Racist on Hogs and Tactics (tags)

On McVeigh, Bin Laden and the plump end of a hog.

FBI Calls Non-Lethal Vandalism Eco-Terrorism (tags)

the FBI is coining the term eco-terrorism for non lethal direct action on behalf of the environmental and animal liberation.

Call for Global Green Solidarity in Opposition to the War. (tags)

In recognition of the multiple violations of international law in the ongoing illegal war in Afghanistan and of the ever-louder drumbeat for the expansion of war to the peoples of other nations, the Green Party of the United States call for international solidarity to oppose this so-called war on terrorism.

Tired of the Sectarians? check out 2nd progressive Radcials Against War Meeting (tags)

come join us

Come to our 2nd Progressive Radicals Against War meeting this MONDAY! (tags)

Come join us

International Solidarity Movement in Palestine - D15-J1 2001/2 (tags)

The International Solidarity Movement is converging again in Palestine from D15 to J1 2001/2 to bring the world's attention to the Israeli occupation and demostrate solidarity with the Palestinian people.

American Hardcore Sex.. (tags)

Warning I do not find images of nude adults, engaging in sexual acts, or other sexual materials to be offensive or objectionable. I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal right to process adult material in my community.

American Hardcore Sex. (tags)

Warning I do not find images of nude adults, engaging in sexual acts, or other sexual materials to be offensive or objectionable. I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal right to process adult material in my community.

American Hardcore Sex (tags)

Warning I do not find images of nude adults, engaging in sexual acts, or other sexual materials to be offensive or objectionable. I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal right to process adult material in my community.

American Hardcore Sex (tags)

Warning I do not find images of nude adults, engaging in sexual acts, or other sexual materials to be offensive or objectionable. I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal right to process adult material in my community.

NATIONAL DAYS OF ACTION: Taco Bell Boycott, Nov. 29 - Dec.1 (tags)

From Thursday, November 29, to Saturday, December 1, universities and communities across the country will be participating in a campaign of three days of action at Taco Bell restaurants.

A Call To Action....demand an end to the war.... (tags)

A campaign to make the anti-war/peace movement more visible and allow those who are currently afraid to speak out know that they are not alone.

Coming Saturday's 1pm Westwood Rally (tags)

1pm rally at the fed building

IPPN Executive Committee Statement (tags)

"The progressive movement must stand firm at this dangerous time in opposition to the scapegoating of Arab and Islamic people, in support of basic civil and democratic rights, and for a U.S. foreign policy which is about justice, fair trade, environmental sustainability and a raising of the living standards of all people, especially those in the countries of the Global South."



Protest Actions Planned for Vieques as Navy Prepares for... (tags)

Robert Rabin is with the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques. He spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about his group's determination and strategy to end the 60-year U.S. military presence on Vieques(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

7s01: international day against video surveillance (tags)

Friday 7 Sept 2001: an international day against the video surveillance of public places by the police and private authorities

After Genoa: Diversity and Solidarity (tags)

Why We Need to Stay in the Streets: "Our large scale actions have been extraordinarily effective. In fact they have, they have significantly changed the agendas and the propaganda issuing forth. In any case, the actual policies of these institutions will be the last thing to change…. Our purpose is to undercut their legitimacy, to point a spotlight at their programs and policies, and to raise the social costs of their existence until they become insupportable. Contesting the summits has delegitimized these institutions in a way no local organizing possibly can."

Possible IMF/World Bank meeting changes (tags)

Local D.C. news: Secuity concerns lead to possible venue/date change for upcoming IMF/World Bank meetings.

Greenpeace global actions against Star Wars (tags)

As part of the ongoing campaign to stop Star Wars and the nuclear threat Greenpeace launch a series of direct actions.

Action boycott Italy worldwide (tags)

Italy is hosting the G-8 Summit next weekend (july 20-22) in the city of Genoa. In solidarity with all protesters let's boycott Italy !!!

International day against video surveillance (tags)

Proposals for an international day against video surveillance and the destruction of the right to privacy.

Riverside City Council decides to appeal arbitrator's ruling on Gregory Preece (tags)

After keeping the populace in Riverside in suspense for a week, the City Council voted unamiously in closed session last Tuesday to appeal the arbitrator's ruling regarding the firing of former Riverside Police Department sergeant Gregory Preece, in superior court.

Support Biojustice Arestees (tags)

The BioJustice Legal Support Team needs your help in supporting those arrested during Biojustice, and in holding the city and police accountable for their actions through the Biojustice gathering.

Former Riverside Police sergeant contests arbitration (tags)

Several days after an arbitrator reversed his firing, Preece's lawyer announced that his client will not settle for a demotion and 30 day suspension, but only full exoneration. The ball is now in the court of the City Council, which will meet on Tuesday in closed session to determine what position it will take, as an upset community watches.

A6-S14: A Call to Action (tags)

a call to direct action against the US war in Iraq

open letter to SKAA (tags)

(open letter to the southern kalifornia anarchist alliance)

Community agreements for Biojustice/Biodevistation 2001 (tags)

Community agreements for Biojustice/Biodevistation 2001

The Barcelona Campain's NEW Calender (tags)

The Barcelona Campain's oficial calendar for June

Biojustice! Call to Action (tags)

International Call to Action! Join anti-biotech activists in San Diego in staging a five day counter-conference to the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) annual meeting, June 22 - 27. If you can't attend the demonstration in San Diego, we call for solidarity actions around the world. Stage a demonstration in your community to protest BIO's control over our food supply and genetic heritage. Demand BIOJUSTICE!

Keep track of the growing repression against indymedia (tags)

A link to the indymedia info page on state repression against imcs :

Global Action Day against Exxon Mobil ! (tags)

Soon there will be a Global Action day against Exxon Mobil because of their Evironment-politics.. It will be a day of actions in several cities all over the world and there will be Cyberactions aswell !

Indymedia May Day publication (tags)

Issue #4 of weekly PDF: May Day actions around the world, other stories.

Dear Friends - co-operation of actions underway (tags)

Dear Friends - co-operation of actions underway. Hello everyone. Now it is time for all of us to put up a plan on future actions. What does it mean?

The 7 Sins of the Urban Guerrilla (tags)

No sense in getting all riled up in the little things. Norton, Ashcroft, Chenney, etc; its all just part of the system working well against us. Focus your attention on the master plan:

1st Anniversary of Victory in Seattle Commerated By NJ Anarchists (tags)

NJ anarchists hung black banners of negation across the city of New Brunswick, New Jersey to commerate the victory in Seattle one year ago.

Documenting the Police State (tags)

This article presents a chronology of DNC 2000 legal actions by protesters, and actions by police and state against protesters, as sets of links to articles. Includes excellent background information on U.S. Federal plans for handling non-violent protesters, as well as thorough analysis of police tactics.

Victory in Philly and Onward to LA! (tags)

On aug. 1 thousand took to the streets to protest the criminal injustice system, and in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal. These actions were victorious. We pledge to continue the struggles at the Democratic National Convention in LA and beyond!

Judge Restricts Anti-Democratic Actions of the Police (tags)

[english] report on court restrictions of police activity, including confiscation of puppets. Also touches on actions of latino groups on Sunday (8/12/2000).

Arizona-Sonora Justice Alliance Takes On Republicrats; Turns Up the Heat On Gore (tags)

Arizona activist alliance news release for 8.14-15

ACLU Bites Into Philly Police Mess (tags)

PHILADELPHIA, PA -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania is extremely critical of how Police Commissioner John Timoney and District Attorney Lynne Abraham are overreacting to the disruptions and vandalism that occurred in Philadelphia on August 1, 2000.

thoughts from DC (tags)

is a change in tactics necessary?



I was in Philly too (tags)

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