fix articles 237166, international business
Th 11/13 Who Owns the Media w Matt Gonzalez @ Cal Poly (tags)
6-9pm w dinner provided Cal Poly Pomona Bronco Student Cetner, Ursa Major Bldgt 35-2611 Free Parking in B Lot
A Generalized Meltdown of Financial Institutions (tags)
By Mike Whitney 11/24/07 "ICH" -- - Reality has finally caught up to the stock market. The American consumer is underwater, the banks are buried in dept, and the housing market is in terminal distress. The Dow is now below its 200-Day Moving Average -- the first big "sell" signal. Anything below 12,500 could trigger program-trading and crash the market. The increased volatility suggests that we are watching a "real time" meltdown.
Imperial wars and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown of financial world (tags)
Imperial wars, crimes and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown of financial world order. Articles, analysis and video documentary
Global Action Day against Exxon Mobil ! (tags)
Soon there will be a Global Action day against Exxon Mobil because of their Evironment-politics.. It will be a day of actions in several cities all over the world and there will be Cyberactions aswell !