fix articles 240712, quentin
Former San Quentin prison warden opposes the execution (on 1/17) of Clarence Ray Allen (tags)
Allen's capital crimes were repugnant, but they bear little on the assessment of the threat he poses. They occurred long ago and under very different circumstances.... It will be particularly difficult for the execution of Allen to be accomplished in a dignified way.... Must we insist on dragging a dying man out of the hospital just so we can inject the chemicals that will kill him a little bit sooner? ...sparing Allen from execution would be an act of decency, compassion and justice.
Pending Actions & 9th Circuit Page on Beardslee Possible Execution 1/19/05 (tags)
On Jan 19, 2005 at 12:01 a.m., the State of California will murder a human being, Donald Beardslee, with our tax dollars, unless we do everything we can to stop this barbarism, the death penalty, which has been abolished in Europe, and is rarely used except in the most backward countries, like the USA.
Live From Death Row this Friday! Stanley "Tookie" Williams (tags)
An inmate on death row for 22 years, Williams was recently nominated for a Nobel Prize for his anti-violence children's books, and is the subject of a new movie, Redemption. Williams will address the audience via speakerphone from San Quentin prison at the start of the meeting, this Friday April 23, 6pm SHARP! at Holman United Methodist Church, 3320 W. Adams Blvd, L.A.
Stay could be lifted at any moment in the next 38 hours (tags)
We need to let the governor and the courts know that thousands will be marching on San Quentin if they don't stop this legal lynching!