fix articles 241721, jose gomez
Tepeyac Leadership Announces TLI’s Inaugural Program for Los Angeles (tags)
Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. (TLI) is pleased to announce its inaugural program for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For its first cohort, TLI is looking for Catholic lay professionals representing a wide range of fields, including corporate, nonprofit, education, health, finance, and legal.
April 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)
April 2019 in Honduras. During the month already there had been some very ferocious evictions that involved gunshots, and when people protested a bill to privatise education and health blocking highways and occupying schools, health centres, and workers went on strike, the repression we as heavy, several people had been assassinated by state security forces in this context this month
Is the Next Archbishop a Fascist Sympathizer (tags)
Archbishon Jose Gomez is from Mexico, but his roots are also in Opus Dei, an organization that flourished under Franco's Spain.