fix articles 24344, amy
Helicopter massacre is the Mai Lai of Iraq. (tags)
It must be exposed because the same is going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan every week.
Montcoal, WV; Massey Energy Cited 1,300 Times For Safety Violations (tags)
Following the recent cave in of a coal mine in Montcoal, WV evidence shows that despite over 1,300 safey violations Massey CEO Don Blankenship failed to act as needed to provide workers with a safe work environment. Once again profit placed over human lives by short-sighted CEO of Massey. The current body count of 25 miners with four still missing shows neglecting safety can have tragic consequences.
2/25 - Call Congress; "NO 3X Nuclear Loan Program!" (tags)
Pres. Obama's energy plan includes tripling the loan guarantee program to build several new nuclear reactors to the amount of 54 billion dollars. All that extra money taxpayers have falling out of their pockets can now be used to prop up the nuclear industry instead of researching truly green energy sources like wind, solar, etc..., More of the same, or did someone say change?
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez Issue Letter of Dissatisfaction with WBAI (Pacifica) Changes (tags)
Amy and Juan express dismay at the firing of Bernard White: "Given Bernard's decades of dedication and devotion to 'BAI , the way he was treated lacked basic human consideration." Regarding the change in broadcast time of Democracy Now! on WBAI, they write, "This decision disturbs us deeply and we ask that it be reconsidered." " ..... we urge that the scheduling of Democracy Now (should) not be used as a weapon by the current management of WBAI against its opponents."
amiri baraka on democracy now! (tags)
On 40th Anniversary of Newark Rebellion, a Look Back at Historic Unrest that Changed the Nation
Amy and David Goodman at Scripps College on 9/25 (tags)
Amy and her brother David Goodman speaking at Scripps College at Claremont on 9/25.
amy goodman and her brother david sign books after speaking to an audience of 1800 in los angeles.
Amy Goodman, Sen. Hart, CIA guys to speak to FEMA homeland Sec. group (tags)
Amy Goodman, Sen. Hart, CIA guys to speak to FEMA homeland Sec. group
Amy Goodman speaks to a packed house at a fundraiser for Democracy Now! in Exile Fundraiser - Saturday, Dec. 1st in Los Angeles.
Amy Goodman broadcasting from LA IMC 8/00 (tags)
Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! broadcating from the LA-IMC during the Democratic National Convention.
Amy Goodman broadcasting from LA IMC 8/00 (tags)
Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! broadcating from the LA-IMC during the Democratic National Convention.